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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet"

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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/14/2008 3:00:08 PM   

Posts: 10931
Joined: 6/30/2006
From: Stourport-England
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Depends if youre ever a grockle, Subtee.....



In a test against the leading brand, 9 out of 10 participants couldnt tell the difference. Dumbasses.

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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/14/2008 3:02:00 PM   

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ORIGINAL: missturbation

Sausage and mash usually served with onion gravy

It does sound good; do you serve it at the pub? I'd love to come to your pub....

How come it's a "pub?" Where'd that come from?


Don't believe everything you think...

(in reply to missturbation)
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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/14/2008 3:04:00 PM   

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Depends if youre ever a grockle, Subtee.....


Well, I was once, but then there was the whole "intervention"...the twelve steps, which stretched on and on into, like, 64 steps (Lindsay, I feel ya, babe.)...

All better now, though!


Don't believe everything you think...

(in reply to LadyEllen)
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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/14/2008 3:15:26 PM   

Posts: 10931
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From: Stourport-England
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Bangers and mash is easy to make Subtee - Bratwurst, mashed potato (a bit of butter), and onion gravy. For added delight, put some mashed swede into the mashed spud



In a test against the leading brand, 9 out of 10 participants couldnt tell the difference. Dumbasses.

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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/14/2008 3:22:29 PM   

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i did a google search on publican. was interesting, lol

By the time of the Renaissance, the word "publican" meant a tavernkeeper (the licensed landlord of a public house), and by extension a slang term for a pimp.

In England in the late 12th century there existed a religious sect called the publicani. Among their beliefs was the view that procreation was a sin.


20 fluffy points!

flightless cherub

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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/15/2008 3:24:23 PM   

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Bangers and mash is easy to make Subtee - Bratwurst, mashed potato (a bit of butter), and onion gravy. For added delight, put some mashed swede into the mashed spud

[emphasis added]

So...some powdered Ingmar Bergman? A ground up ABBA CD?


Don't believe everything you think...

(in reply to LadyEllen)
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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/15/2008 3:26:34 PM   

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i did a google search on publican. was interesting, lol

By the time of the Renaissance, the word "publican" meant a tavernkeeper (the licensed landlord of a public house), and by extension a slang term for a pimp.

In England in the late 12th century there existed a religious sect called the publicani. Among their beliefs was the view that procreation was a sin.

That is interesting...(Missturbation, are you a British pimp? tee hee)

I'm guessing the 12th century publicani uh, became extinct?


Don't believe everything you think...

(in reply to KMsAngel)
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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/15/2008 3:32:19 PM   

Posts: 5307
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From: St George Utah
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Aye,so's I took me 6 pence to the Mouser and got me a bird right for Plucken and I was right randy as I danced with her Midge. Right fine it was, I tell you now since you as close as me china, you are. Then she squirles two Fags from me and I never see her again. A Proper tossing for the cost of a couple fags. Best day of me life David best day of me life.

There you go have fun with that one. I can make up more if you want.



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Thanks for the Grammatical support : ) ~ Term

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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/15/2008 3:35:23 PM   

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what's really scary is i actually understand that. i may have been over here too long


20 fluffy points!

flightless cherub

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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/15/2008 3:59:41 PM   

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Feelin' a bit peckish?

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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/15/2008 4:23:54 PM   

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ORIGINAL: subtee


ORIGINAL: beargonewild

Then you got, bangers and mash!

Not it good?

Mmm I had these in an Irish pub in New York, served by a handsome young Irish man in a kilt, and it was divine....(the bangers and mash, that is).    I was hesitant to try them but he convinced me (must've been the accent).


Good is the enemy of great.

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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/15/2008 8:08:02 PM   

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Me bessie girlie is from Liverpool. She kept us girls quite entertained with her "foreign language."

Garden = yard
Cooker (pronounced kooka) = oven
She rhymed garage with "carriage" (like garriage)
Gobsmacked (love that one) = taken aback
wooly jumper = sweater
dummy = paci (she was suckin' on 'er dummy)

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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/15/2008 11:32:33 PM   

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I love gobsmacked!


Good is the enemy of great.

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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/15/2008 11:52:35 PM   

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As a young mum worked in a pub, here in australia, we had many from OS working there.  The difference in 'English' as it's spoke between Aussies and Kiwis can be a little confusing then throw in a Brit, Yank Canadian and a South African, and it can be a real hoot as we tried to explain the differences.  I remember an USA fellow asking for a couple of 'pictures' of beer.  It took me a while to realise he actually said pitcher, a word not used in Oz, so I said 'ahh you mean you want two jugs of beer'.  His face promptly went deep red.  Later he explained what jugs meant in the US, they just mean a container for fluid, usually beer, water or milk to me.

We also wear our cossies to have a swim, take a trip OS (OverSeas) before we go to Uni to get a degree, a jumper can be a kangaroo, our best mate is usually of the same gender, call a man a bastard and he's pleased, refer to someone as a bit of a bastard and that's a real insult!  We pash our lovers, travel outback ...

that's all i can come up with for now.

(in reply to ownedgirlie)
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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/16/2008 12:59:46 PM   

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Don't believe everything you think...

(in reply to JulieorSarah)
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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/16/2008 1:30:03 PM   

Posts: 477
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From: London
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Got to hate the grockles. And the emetts of course.

I do love a crisp sarnie. Or of course a chip buttie. Or a cob! WC is posh for bog, loo, lav or pisser. A girlfriend is a lover, not a friend. We dont have sidewalks or automobiles.

Having a butchers or a shufti may not be what you think it is. If yer pissed, rat-arsed or sozzled, its all the same to me.

If you're minging, mardy or a get, I wont like you. Tramps are not really bums, offer to show me a fanny-pack and I just might need to have words.  


I'm English, and as such I crave disappointment. I actively seek it out.- Bill Bailey

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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/16/2008 2:02:43 PM   

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I actually understood a lot of that. Like, "a"..."is"..."sidewalks"..."is"...


Don't believe everything you think...

(in reply to spinninsweetness)
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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/16/2008 2:14:07 PM   

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I always thought it was spelled 'git'. Thanks to growing up with Monty Python and Dr Who, I am familiar with colloquialisms used in GB. Makes life much more interesting. I even know a wee bit of Aussie slang.


In the end everything will be okay.
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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/16/2008 2:56:40 PM   

Posts: 40310
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VeeeHickle ...where does that come from????? its a vee ickle, silent on the h, car, ride auto, all ok, but quit with the veeeehickle already(pet peeve)
and its Herbs, not erbs
Origano, not orrreganno
Pub comes from public house(inn, tavern) where the owner resides in the house(open to the public for the consumption of vittles and various beverages, usually the alchoholic variety
Bangers and mash are lovely, but cant stand the parsnip , turnip or other stuff, blech
I love still, toad in the hole (sausages in batter base, like yorkshire pud with bangers)
Faggots in gravy (mrs brains if you cant get home made)
heheh emmets, locals complain about them every year, (little ants scurrying about)
After 20 years I still ask where the loo is, altho I am getting better at asking for the washroom or bathroom,
I still call em jumpers, or cardi's,   woolies was a word my granny used, along with frock so I dont use those
Curiously enough, I have never been able to get out of using, "taking the piss"...."extracting the urine",.... "taking the mickey" out of my vocabulary and its hard to explain to some the whys and history of the terms.
so many differences , so many wonderful ways to say things, but you merrycans are a strange bunch:)just kiddin

Oh I would kill for some clotted cream about now, I made some scones(pronounced skons according to my mum altho granny vehemently disagreed) and have some blackcurrant jam to go with.


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RE: "...his head was stuck under the bonnet" - 5/16/2008 3:06:06 PM   

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Imagine my surprise when my college Brit girlfriend asked me to "knock me up in the morning,  luv" .   I thought we were spending money on the Pill precisely to prevent that action.



"When you wake up, Pooh," said Piglet, "what's the first thing you say?"
"What's for breakfast? What do you say, Piglet?"
"I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?"
Pooh nodded thoughtfully.
"It's the same thing," he said.

(in reply to LadyEllen)
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