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VeeeHickle ...where does that come from????? its a vee ickle, silent on the h, car, ride auto, all ok, but quit with the veeeehickle already(pet peeve) and its Herbs, not erbs Origano, not orrreganno Pub comes from public house(inn, tavern) where the owner resides in the house(open to the public for the consumption of vittles and various beverages, usually the alchoholic variety Bangers and mash are lovely, but cant stand the parsnip , turnip or other stuff, blech I love still, toad in the hole (sausages in batter base, like yorkshire pud with bangers) Faggots in gravy (mrs brains if you cant get home made) heheh emmets, locals complain about them every year, (little ants scurrying about) After 20 years I still ask where the loo is, altho I am getting better at asking for the washroom or bathroom, I still call em jumpers, or cardi's, woolies was a word my granny used, along with frock so I dont use those Curiously enough, I have never been able to get out of using, "taking the piss"...."extracting the urine",.... "taking the mickey" out of my vocabulary and its hard to explain to some the whys and history of the terms. so many differences , so many wonderful ways to say things, but you merrycans are a strange bunch:)just kiddin Oh I would kill for some clotted cream about now, I made some scones(pronounced skons according to my mum altho granny vehemently disagreed) and have some blackcurrant jam to go with. Lucy
(•_•) <) )╯SUCH / \ \(•_•) ( (> A NASTY / \ (•_•) <) )> WOMAN / \ Duchess Of Dissent Dont Hate Love