RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (Full Version)

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erebus -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/13/2005 12:53:01 PM)

A good question to separate reality from fantasy. Obviously, trying to prevent opinions and thinking on the part of the slave is foolish and impossible. Count me in the category of those doms who like a submissive to speak her mind, unless on the rare occasion I've asked her to shut up. Some submissives do run off at the mouth, which is fine I guess unless you are not in the mood or it disrupts the moment.

As far as living the life, remember, two heads are better than one. The final decision, though, belongs to the Dominant.

Kasia -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/13/2005 12:54:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Belladonna82

i'd guess its a good thing i do not belong to you Ma'am..Master likes me showing how i feel.....i'm not a mute and thats the way Master likes it

My dear girl, I would certainly not forbid you to show how you feel, only in different way - with more control and leaning to arguments and not shouting.
Which brings us back to your original question:
Yes, my slave would be allowed opinion (even those that I dont like) but not to express them just in any way. My home raising taught me that real lady never deals with anything in tantrums and/or overemotionally and I can say that I found it very appropriate in solving numerous frustrating situations in my life.
You are young. If I had girl of your age I would teach her to deal with life and people the way I was taught, not because I would want her to be mute but to help her voice her feelings more efectively.

ImpGrrl -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/13/2005 1:18:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Belladonna82

i'd guess its a good thing i do not belong to you Ma'am..Master likes me showing how i feel.....i'm not a mute and thats the way Master likes it

I don't think she's talking about not having opinions/not showing how you feel/being mute.

I think she's talking about the fact that there's an appropriate time, place, and way to express those feelings.

I am also allowed to express my feelings and opinions (to the OP, everyone *has* opinions - it's just a matter of if/how one is allowed to *express* them).

But - there's an appropriate time, place, and way for me to do so.

What is appropriate differs from situation to situation, and from one person I'm dealing with to another. But there's always a "right" way/time/place and a "wrong" way/time/place.

Tempestspet -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/13/2005 1:55:35 PM)


My dear girl, I would certainly not forbid you to show how you feel, only in different way - with more control and leaning to arguments and not shouting.
Which brings us back to your original question:
Yes, my slave would be allowed opinion (even those that I dont like) but not to express them just in any way. My home raising taught me that real lady never deals with anything in tantrums and/or overemotionally and I can say that I found it very appropriate in solving numerous frustrating situations in my life.
You are young. If I had girl of your age I would teach her to deal with life and people the way I was taught, not because I would want her to be mute but to help her voice her feelings more efectively.

I'd like to say that what you said was beautifully put. It was just...right there!!
Thank you, for putting it so well. (I know it wasn't directed at me...just wanted to mention...)

Tempest's pet

angelynne -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/13/2005 2:11:43 PM)

hello All

i only skimmed through this thread but felt i should make a comment...
i am a very opinionated person, always have been and always will.
however at times my delivery leaves something to be desired... i've been known to whine and rant and go off in other unnacceptable ways.
Master has been working with me on my communication skills, so that i don't offend everyone within earshot when i have something to say. He has actually sat down with me to go through an email line by line to show me how to rephrase it in a more respectful manner. i am learning but slowly, which is why i remain mostly a lurker on this site.
it's amazing how much better people respond to you when you've been able to take an emotional outburst and turn it into a logical and respectful comment.
i only wish i'd been able to learn this years ago.

thank you for the allowed comment and my apologies to any offended Masters for posting in this section.

BeingChewsie -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/13/2005 3:50:26 PM)

I'm allowed my own opinion on things. I'm just not allowed to freely spit out my opinion when I feel like it. He knows having an opinion is normal so when he wants my opinion he asks. I don't offer it otherwise. It is understood he doesn't want it or he would have asked.

KnightofMists -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/13/2005 4:20:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Belladonna82

Greetings Master,Mistress and fellow slaves.....

Through out my postings with people on here and my r/t experiences people get angry that Master allows me opinions...yes Master always has the final say but my opinions are always kept in mind.Recently on anouther board someone said that i was not a slave for simple fact Master allows me certain a opinion( as long as before i voice it i talk to him about it) and the ability to put my two cents in the outside world conversations as long as done politely and with hard facts. Yet they say a slave is only a little person on her hands and knees all the time....i belive this to be wrong...anyones elses thought would be greatly welcomed.

Blessed be,

ironically... much of the discussion on who should post on the various boards is very much related to what bella is asking.....

I think only a fool would consider that any particular person as no right of an opinion. Are slaves allowed and opinion... well they are people.... so of course they are allowed an opinion.

The question comes thou... it what manner do we or slaves (with regards to bella's OP) express this opinion. the How of it, the when of it, the where of it... the what of it and even maybe why are we expressing this opinion.

The slaves in general are controlled by the Masters... each time they express there opinion... not only does their specific opinion get evaluated by those that hear it... but the manner that it is expressed. We each have our own specific style of expression. Yes some like myself can express things in very saracastic and in your face style, Or I can just as easily express in a more accomadating manner for further conversation. Our manner of express can become deeply emotional and passionate to the point of irrational and inconsistency.... to a very logical and cold icy directness. All these mannerism will have an effect on the effectiveness of communicating our opinion that is expressed.

We also must appreciate that we will be in various states of mind when listening or reading the opinions expressed by others. Sometimes the mannerism used by another in expressing there opinion may not affect us... but the next time it just might annoy us or more. Even here (ask the Master form), some are annoyed by other slaves/subs responding to posts in this form.

Now since this is a controlled form of expression by collarme and they choose not to enforce this view point that only Masters respond in this group ask a Masters and they are consistently not enforcing in such behavior in other forms on this site. It seems foolish to argue about it one has a right to post or not to post in any specific forms when the ones in control are not restricting these postings.

bella I chuckle that a Masters says "your not a slave becuase your master allows certain freedoms" It is actually a poorly phrased comment on his part. Firstly... key words... "your Master allows" this immediately implies that your Master makes the decision to allow it or not allow it. This decision could be a conscious one or even subconsciously made... but the fact is... this supposed Master acknowledge that your Master allowed it... not that you do the freedom to do it. Secondly, the use of freedom was poorly used... the proper word should of been priviledge...."your not a slave because your Masters allows your certain priviledges"... for in essense that is what he is saying.... but the logic is completely silly on his part. Thirdly, I suspect he does not agree that your Master allows you specific priviledges... likely he himself wouldn't allow these priviledges to his slave, but that doesn't not make you a slave. It just makes you different that how he likes a slave to behave, and he unfairly judged you beyond the facts of the situation.

Frankly, bella... if my girls behaved the way you have on the boards, they would be ripped into harshly. This is not to say that your behaviour is unacceptable or inappropriate... but it is not the manner to which my slaves will behave! My standards are different not better... they are judged by my standard no one elses!

However, we all will make judgements of others on the content of what they say... the mannerisms of how they express it. My standards like everyone is different. I am open to much latitude in the ways another may express themself. I laugh when someone attempts to slight me or ditch me... for it has no effect... I do not give others that power so easily. but none the less... I do appreciate well thought out opinions that are deeply considered and expressed, Even if such an opinion is different than mine. If fact I enjoy reading those posts most of all.... I search from them always... for it is those posts that will cause me to grow beyond who I am...and not those posts that all say what I already agree with.

So,,,, it is not a question of if slaves are allowed an opinion.... It is how they express it! no different than anyone.

IronBear -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/13/2005 4:46:56 PM)

What an excelent post KoM, thank you.

Belladonna82 -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/13/2005 6:18:50 PM)

Master normaly doesnt allow me to um "go overboard" but a few that have got on here have made alot of nasty comments in almost every thread Master and i post on.I admit i didnt not respond in a very...polite manner.Master did get on to me for "shouting" but not for what i said. Master has got to know me R/T and know that although i have a submissive mindset and i am a slave i have a strong will and heart...not only to please the Master in which i serve but to make sure people know that what some see as a weakness,in me is the exact Acctualy its funny......i may be submissive but if someone shows me they are not very dominate...i eat them for lunch (Master likes that wording).i do not yield before the weak.......but if i "grumpy and rude" i am sorry. Just there are a select few(no names given) that really like to push my buttons and until now i've been very passive.In all my years of serving if you show me your a Dom/Domme i will never cross you...if you are a submissive and make contructive critisism i will not say anything but thank you for your thoughts. Sometimes i wish i could acctualy just sit here and describe my ways of life and my ideas but it would take so much time....i wish people would take time to get to know me. i'm a very loving person and always try to make everyone feel as if they comfortable and relaxed around me. If anyone wants to questions me on anything please just e-mail me. Thanks everyone :) Blessed be


Wolfie648 -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/14/2005 10:34:17 AM)


but_ she is posting on a board outside her 'label' and technically "Gor" so are you.

Let's try this this way: the above statement is meant to illustrate the slippery slope.

If anyone starts saying thinkgs like x (from whatever group/subgroup) then we can extend that comment to include y, and then z, etc.

So in effect the statement becomes:

Let's keep uot the Gor's, the submissives, the whites, the blacks, people over 34 and people under 35, etc. (in effect everyone).

A much more obviously ridiculous statement than my first - which was also meant to be ridiculous.

I have no problem with people posting here, I take issue when others would exclude...

D (owner of j)

** Meant to be in reply to Iron Bear.

nephandi -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/14/2005 10:43:22 AM)

i remember the discussion aboute whtever or not to have a Gorean section on this forum, many was afride that it would cause ituations like this where one are told, you are not a Gorean dont post on this board or you are a Gorean dont post on this board, why can we not just all discuss an learn from one another. Why am i rude if i ask why do the Goreans do things X way or why are they out of place if they mingle whit the rest, why do labels matter somutch, why are we so eager to be ofended and strike back at those that we think ofended us, like cats whit laws wanting to hurt. Why do we looks for reasons to be angry instead of reasons to be happy, this site is meant to be an aid to learn aboute bdsm D/s and similar, why can we not use it as just that and not as a sparring arena.

What this forum needs is a bitch and moan section, where everyone can svream and shouth and let the anger fly, so we can be frinds at the rest of the forum.

IronBear -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/14/2005 12:02:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: Wolfie648


but_ she is posting on a board outside her 'label' and technically "Gor" so are you.

Let's try this this way: the above statement is meant to illustrate the slippery slope.

If anyone starts saying thinkgs like x (from whatever group/subgroup) then we can extend that comment to include y, and then z, etc.

So in effect the statement becomes:

Let's keep uot the Gor's, the submissives, the whites, the blacks, people over 34 and people under 35, etc. (in effect everyone).

A much more obviously ridiculous statement than my first - which was also meant to be ridiculous.

I have no problem with people posting here, I take issue when others would exclude...

D (owner of j)

** Meant to be in reply to Iron Bear.

Interestingly enough Wolfie on most of the Gor Forums in MSN there are Free Women Boards (only Free Women are allowed to post), there are Free Men Boards (only Free Men may post) there are slave boards (Both slaves and Free may post), There are General Boards (All mat post) Slaves may only post on their owm board and the General Board. It does work but you still miss out of valuable in put. However the format is designed for Goreans and it is attached to the RP Community. As I see it, Theoretically, any one can post a question but technically only Masters/Male Dominants should reply. However I could be wrong and in any case things seem to work pretty well as they stand dont you think?

nephandi -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/14/2005 12:07:31 PM)

i ahve found myself answering in the ask a Master section, usualy things cross over a bit on this forum from my experience, some amy not like it but that is how things have turned out, discussion arises everywere between everyone and in my opinion that is a good thing.

Kasia -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/14/2005 12:19:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tempestspet

I'd like to say that what you said was beautifully put. It was just...right there!!
Thank you, for putting it so well. (I know it wasn't directed at me...just wanted to mention...)

Tempest's pet

Thank you my dear :)

IronBear -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/14/2005 12:31:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: nephandi

i ahve found myself answering in the ask a Master section, usualy things cross over a bit on this forum from my experience, some amy not like it but that is how things have turned out, discussion arises everywere between everyone and in my opinion that is a good thing.

I agree with you lass, however if the Mods were to rule that this, being Ask A Master, that only Masters could reply, it is easy to move a thread to the general bioard if it is seen to be developing into a general subject with every man and his dog, slave or tarn wanted to join in. Sometimes the rerplies from Masters get lost in the avalanche of general opinion

fyreredsub -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/14/2005 4:12:31 PM)

for myself, i post in here b/c i've experienced both sides of the fence. i just am submissive by nature altho i do enjoy topping to some degree ,still i prefer to do it under Sirs direction instead of me being a Domme again.


ORIGINAL: nephandi

i ahve found myself answering in the ask a Master section, usualy things cross over a bit on this forum from my experience, some amy not like it but that is how things have turned out, discussion arises everywere between everyone and in my opinion that is a good thing.

nephandi -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/14/2005 5:45:30 PM)

Oh tarns, i love tarns, do you realy think they can use a computer IronBear? seriously though, i guess you are right, though i dont see many treads pulled for that reason, usualy there is only good discussion.

Belladonna82 -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/14/2005 5:57:24 PM)

hehe i love too bad they are fake. Funny, i started this thread expecting like maybe 20 posts and now i have 117 :O wow...... *does the bannana dance*

amayos -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/16/2005 6:21:08 PM)

A submissive? Yes.

A slave? Needn't be.

RiotGirl -> RE: Are slaves allowed opinions (11/16/2005 6:23:51 PM)

slaves? opionons? Sure just keep it to yourself. whats the point of spouting it, as if it doesnt add up with your Master's then you're wrong anyways. Even if you arent wrong, its not like they'll admit it

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