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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/27/2008 9:34:53 PM   

Posts: 374
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ORIGINAL: Raziyalale


have been reading alot of emails lately and alot of them seem to say maybe your ex was not a "true Dom" am new to this site and only a year in the lifestyle so am wondering what makes a true Dom?

am looking forward to reading peoples thoughts.

Webster's BDSM Dictionary defines "true Dom" as follows:

"true Dom" - (noun) Horny bastard who tries to seduce you by licking the wounds from your previous relationship while suggesting that your ex was not in fact a "true Dom"


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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/27/2008 9:35:15 PM   

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ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

Ignore the silly poseurs and wankers who have so far responded, they know nothing of what makes a dominant really and truly a dominant and not just another person getting their rocks off playing at BDSM.  A true and noble dominant is one who has a penis smaller than his pinky, a pick up truck you need a ladder to get into, and has two HUGE trunks full of toys he takes to parties.  He doesn't' wait to get his way, he yells and screams and demands what is his proper due.


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112
Don't forget the belt buckles that have their own zip code and the designer ostrich skin goat roper boots.

Gentlemen, you've nailed it.


I want to capture your mind, your spirit, your soul, your body, your devotion and your love. Then, will I give you my heart.

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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/27/2008 9:50:30 PM   

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Okay, please don't flame me but I have heard about uber doms, is that the same as a "twue dom"?  Is there a difference?

(in reply to MidMichCowboy)
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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/27/2008 9:58:50 PM   

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I read your profile, to get a slightly higher understanding about the email responses you are getting.

First and foremost, I call bullshit on people sending you email expressing your Dom was not a true Dom.    Basically, they are only trying to capitalize upon his own choices to make themselves look so much better, or more like real and true (whatever) in the lifestyle.   It's basically posturing and putting on a show for you.

At one point in time, I myself left "the lifestyle", at least tried to swear off BDSM and a few other things.   Anybody who leaves this lifestyle does it freely according to their own conscious and they have their own reasons.  Some people return to it, and some don't.   It's all a matter of freedom of choice.

Who or what is a true Dom or submissive or slave or switch?  These are all in the eyes of our own beholders.   If's obvious you looked upon him as your Master/Dom, and that's all it takes for him to be real and true.   

You explained things short and simple.  He decided to leave the lifestyle.  You did not go into details, you yourself did not even slam him for his choice on your profile.

A true DOM in your book, should be somebody you can become a mirror image of, somebody that you connect with, somebody that you already have a lot of similar views and mindset about things.    A BDSM relationship is still a relationship after all.   

What for instance is a True husband, a True Boyfriend?  When it comes to people's professions what's a True (insert professional job title here)?   There are Good people and people that suck at what they do.   Face it there are some crappy Lawyers, Doctors, Electricians and Plumbers out there in the fucking world.

Anyways, there are Crappy Husbands, and Boyfriends too!  So with that said, there are even Crappy DOMs out there as well.

Does this make them any more or less real?  Crappy people, who are not with it, exisit everywhere.   Even in BDSM land.

(in reply to Raziyalale)
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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/27/2008 10:11:09 PM   

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From: The Dark Side of The Moon
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Hmmmm, while I completely agree with the previous posts about the fakers and posers, I would also look at the context that they use the word "true" in. To the OP, I just took a glance at your profile. In it you use the word "true" quite profoundly in reference to your previous master.
"her ex decided He no longer wish to embrace His True self so He released her about 8 months ago and He no longer lives the lifestyle" 

That in itself is a pretty powerful statement on your part. I will be the first to admit that I have said that someone isn't a "true Dom" when refering to a person who just used and abused a sub's emotions or gift of submission callously. Now what I could have said was that they arent a "good Dom" as they still may have dominated the person just not in a manner that facilitated that sub's growth. Could these emailers have misused the word "true" in trying to explain your ex's choice to leave the lifestyle?

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/27/2008 10:21:05 PM   

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The closest I could ever find in all seriousness would be, "Commitment to an authority dynamic."
 If a man does not find that the most attractive way to live-there is no center to hold it all together.


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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/27/2008 10:28:31 PM   

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It is easy to identify true doms -- they try to get in your pants by implying that other doms are fakes.


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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 3:03:55 AM   

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ORIGINAL: corsetgirl

Okay, please don't flame me but I have heard about uber doms, is that the same as a "twue dom"?  Is there a difference?


"Twue doms" think they have bigger dicks.

Uber doms are bigger dicks.

< Message edited by celticlord2112 -- 7/28/2008 3:04:11 AM >


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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 3:31:07 AM   

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Purportedly, one is discouraged from laminating said card

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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 8:06:13 AM   

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ORIGINAL: faerytattoodgirl

the word twue and weal written in a profile. 

Oh man! I KNEW I left something out of my profile.
That explains the lack of response.

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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 8:07:43 AM   

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I'm a fake dom.

(There ya go, SS, you can check that one off the list.)

Ha! spotted that one!

(in reply to RedMagic1)
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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 8:56:21 AM   

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A true Dom can get what he wants from you, and wants what he can get from you.  Short-term and long-term.

He is active, not reactive; he exists in a world with options and possibilities, and truly does see more broadly than you do.  Not more intelligent, simply a different focus.

In any centralized system of power, the pivot ends up recieving more resources and attention than the peripherals.  This is not a subjective statement, it's engineering.  A Dom, a true dom, is such a pivot.  Society needs them; relationships benefit from them; done well, the system is more efficient and there accrues more benefit for all parties... if the pivotal structure behaves in a manner that benefits the entire group the most.  Sometimes, this means acting selflessly.  Sometimes, selfishly.

The rest is in the details.  Ask yourself: did your Dom have goals that seemed worth striving for?  Did they seem attainable?  Did you find yourself healthier, harder, than you were before you met him?  Then he was true enough.   Otherwise, his actions would inspire people to believe he wasn't 'true.'

This post will likely draw fire.  So be it.


bloody hell, get me some aspirin and a whiskey straight

"The role of gender in society is the most complicated thing I’ve ever spent a lot of time learning about, and I’ve spent a lot of time learning about quantum mechanics." - Randall Munroe

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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 9:08:28 AM   

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Being dominant is a personality trait, as is being submissive and applicable to both genders.

A person who is dominant is a natural leader in all aspects of life, not just the alternative lifestyle. A natural leader is someone who others listen to and follow. For example there are ten people in a room and they're given a problem or task that they all must work together to solve. As they discuss the problem and alternatives, before long they'll start to listen to one of the group and realize this person should be the one to direct everyone's efforts to solve the problem. That person has emerged as the natural leader of the group.

Alternatively there are institutional leaders, who are given a position of authority in an organization, such as given a managerial title or mititary rank, which puts them in charge of others, but does not make them a natural leader or even a particularly good leader at all.  Hence not actually dominant by virtue of their personality and ability.

There are degrees of dominance... say an absolute dominant, one who never submits, is a ten and an absolute submissive, who will never accept a leadership role,  is a zero, in between are those who can lead more submissive personalities, but will defer to a more dominant personality. Usually refered to as switches.

In the alternative lifestyle, as well as in other human endeavors, there are actors who can assume and play a role effectively for a relatively brief period. Such as those who can be a very skillfull top in a scene, playing the dominant role in the scene. But who avoids the mantel of responsibility that a natural leader and dominant is not afraid to assume, and probably relishes it.

Other than these situations, are those who simply declare a title for themselves, which imply that they are dominant, in the hope that others will believe that they actually are dominant. The self proclaimed "Master" or "Lord" or whatever. Typically called CHDW's (Clueless Horny Dominant Wannabies)

How can a subbie tell who actually has a dominant personality.? First don't pay attention to any self proclimations or self awarded titles, or boosting about being dominant. It's a sign that they are just the opposite. Observe them in settings outside the lifestyle. Do they always defer to others in their circle of friends. Do others come to them for advice and help in solving problems, or are they avoided by others. Do they have their own affairs in order, demonstrate self discipline, keep their financial affairs in order. Show self confidence and make sound common sense decisions about things, or constantly fret about almost everything that they or you do. Do they evade responsibility, and blame others or you for everything that goes wrong or not very well. Do they constantly whine about their lousy wortk environment and boss, but just sit on their butt and don't look for a better job, or improve the job that they have.

I think that you get the point.  Be observent, and it's not hard to pick out the natural leaders, who are actually dominants.  They tend to be on the rare and hard to find these days. As far as the rest go... well take your pick, as they're dime a dozen.

Mistress Stiletto & Dr. Eros

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 9:50:02 AM   

Posts: 127
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   Wow out of two pages there were only a few good responses to what was a honest question!   Good work to those who did post helpful things like the last two here.

(in reply to MistressStiletto)
Profile   Post #: 34
RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 10:07:07 AM   

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All this is well and good.  Seriously.

But, by the criteria you've outlined, I'd be a dominant.

And, I'm not a dominant.  I'm not a dominant because it doesn't make me happy.  Something, I can't help but notice, you've left out of your post. 

Having the ability to be a dominant, even when that ability is recognized by others, is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for being a 'true' dominant. 


“To be happy is to be able to become aware of oneself without fright.” ~Walter Benjamin

(in reply to MistressStiletto)
Profile   Post #: 35
RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 10:07:24 AM   

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I'm a fake dom.

(There ya go, SS, you can check that one off the list.)

I'll join the fake Dom list if it can get the subs looking for a True Dom to stop messaging me.


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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 10:45:30 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MistressStiletto
Being dominant is a personality trait, as is being submissive and applicable to both genders.

So are you suggesting that everyone who has personality types that can be sterotypically defined as "dominant" desire to be in a power based relationship?


A person who is dominant is a natural leader in all aspects of life, not just the alternative lifestyle. A natural leader is someone who others listen to and follow. For example there are ten people in a room and they're given a problem or task that they all must work together to solve. As they discuss the problem and alternatives, before long they'll start to listen to one of the group and realize this person should be the one to direct everyone's efforts to solve the problem. That person has emerged as the natural leader of the group.

Let's say we placed ten natural leaders in a room. Is the one who emerges as a leader the only real natural leader? Do we discredit the rest?

Expand the example to everyone who can be stereotypically defined as a natural leader in their life in one group. If only one emerges as the leader and the other's become subservient to him for the sake of pragmatism, is he the only real natural leader?


Alternatively there are institutional leaders, who are given a position of authority in an organization, such as given a managerial title or mititary rank, which puts them in charge of others, but does not make them a natural leader or even a particularly good leader at all.  Hence not actually dominant by virtue of their personality and ability.

What if someone who is dominant by "virtue of their personality" isn't given this position and is in a position subservient to him? Does this disqualify him as being "dominant" since he doesn't meet the qualification of "leader in all aspects of his life"?


There are degrees of dominance... say an absolute dominant, one who never submits, is a ten and an absolute submissive, who will never accept a leadership role,  is a zero, in between are those who can lead more submissive personalities, but will defer to a more dominant personality. Usually refered to as switches.

So if I was to defer to someone else in a situaition where I haven't achieved rank in a company or military or if I were to be with ten other natural leaders and defer to them for the sake of pragmatically wanting things to run smoothly and efficiently without my big dominant ego creating a power struggle, this would classify me as switch because I am willing to defer to other people?


In the alternative lifestyle, as well as in other human endeavors, there are actors who can assume and play a role effectively for a relatively brief period. Such as those who can be a very skillfull top in a scene, playing the dominant role in the scene. But who avoids the mantel of responsibility that a natural leader and dominant is not afraid to assume, and probably relishes it.

So your saying ability to do something doesn't equate to desire? That desire to be in charge is what determines if someone is dominant or not.

Does desire to be in charge equate to ability? What if I had a strong desire to be in charge, but did not have "the natural leader" abilities that you have associated with "being dominant" in your stereotype above? What if I learned my leadership abilities over time like other skills.

Does the abscense of "natural leadership abilities" disqualify me as a dominant? Am I not a real dominant, because I desire to be in charge and had to learn leadership skills as opposed to being innately born with them?


Other than these situations, are those who simply declare a title for themselves, which imply that they are dominant, in the hope that others will believe that they actually are dominant. The self proclaimed "Master" or "Lord" or whatever. Typically called CHDW's (Clueless Horny Dominant Wannabies)

Let's say someone fit the stereotype listed above and then because of his own ego took on the title of "Lord" is in his Internet handle. Does the fact that he took on the title negate his "natural leadership abilities and desires", thus disqualifing him as being a dominant?


How can a subbie tell who actually has a dominant personality.? First don't pay attention to any self proclimations or self awarded titles, or boosting about being dominant. It's a sign that they are just the opposite.

Apparently you don't read SimplyMichael's posts. He does more boosting then anyone on these boards and is quite an exceptional dominant.


 Observe them in settings outside the lifestyle. Do they always defer to others in their circle of friends.

I defer to people all the time. I do so because the people I defer to have more experience and knowledge in certain endeavors I am taking on and therefore are able to help me with decisions that I am unqualified to make. I let my advertising company make decisions for me regarding my advertising for my buisness, because they know more than me. I let my buddy recently pick a sharpening stone for me without my approval and mail to me for use with my knives, because he is far more educated at sharpening blades than me and I am learning from him. I defer to my boss and experienced butchers at work all the time about the best way to cut a product, because their knowledge far exceeds mine.

Does realizing that there is people more qualified to make certain decisions or provide you with guidance about things you don't anything about equate to not being a dominant?


Do others come to them for advice and help in solving problems, or are they avoided by others.

Does being social equate to giving good advice and an ability to solve problems and vice versa?

I'm not a very social guy and the number of people who come to me for advice and solving problems is far fewer than other people who are. Does this mean that I am incapable of giving good advice or solving problems? On the contary I see people get asked advice all the time, because they are "popular" and give some of the worst advice imaginable.


Do they have their own affairs in order, demonstrate self discipline, keep their financial affairs in order.

Sounds like quality that should be synomous with every adult and not just dominants. Are you suggesting that a lack of having one's life together is a submissive trait?


Show self confidence

Confidence in all aspects of your life is something that takes decades to build. "Showing self confidence" as something that we observe in other things is a lot of the time a superfical act people put on.

Also, are you suggesting that a lack of self confidence is a submissive trait?


Do they evade responsibility, and blame others or you for everything that goes wrong or not very well.

Sounds like a great trait for all adults to have. Is evading responsibility a sign of being submissive?


Do they constantly whine about their lousy wortk environment and boss, but just sit on their butt and don't look for a better job, or improve the job that they have.

Well, I certainly am in the process of approving my professional life, but I still do a lot of bitching about my boss and lousy work enviroment to vent from time to time regardless


I think that you get the point.  Be observent, and it's not hard to pick out the natural leaders, who are actually dominants.  They tend to be on the rare and hard to find these days. As far as the rest go... well take your pick, as they're dime a dozen.

I sure do. You have presented a carciature that personality specialists would say only 5% of the population even comes close to.

However, what I don't get is it's correlation to being successful as an authority figure in an interpersonal relationship nor why someone has to achieve perfection to be in charge of a slave or submissive.

Further more, if we invert your list of observations to find a "true Dom", then to find a "true submissive" then we should look for someone who is irresponsible, unconfidant, whiny, unmotivated possesses a lack of self discipline and self control over their lives, unsocial, posesses a lack of common sense, and incapable of making good decisions or giving good advice.


Advice for New Dominants
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(in reply to MistressStiletto)
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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 10:48:39 AM   

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ORIGINAL: sailorfrank

  Wow out of two pages there were only a few good responses to what was a honest question!   Good work to those who did post helpful things like the last two here.

Stereotypes and caricatures are helpful?


Advice for New Dominants
The Unpolitically Correct Lifestyle Definitions

Obama is NOT the Messiah! He's just a VERY NAUGHTY BOY

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RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 10:53:20 AM   

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ORIGINAL: sailorfrank

  Wow out of two pages there were only a few good responses to what was a honest question!   Good work to those who did post helpful things like the last two here.

*slash wrist*

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Profile   Post #: 39
RE: what makes a "true Dom" - 7/28/2008 11:53:08 AM   

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I haven't noticed any correlation between vanilla leadership roles and relationship dominance or submission.  Mistress Stiletto's analysis seems utterly fraudulent.  (I highly suspect it was "Dr. Eros's" analysis, though, as that post smells verrrry male.)   Most of the female subs I have met in real life, including from this site, have been charismatic, with leadership skills; many own their own businesses.  I have less personal experience with male submissives, but judging from the Ask A Mistress forum, there are quite a few vanilla-leadership malesubs.

Besides, if such an analysis held, then only switches would be vanilla! Unless you're a five on the 0-to-10 scale, you either want to tie up and whack, or you want to get whacked.  WTF????  There's plenty of people who exercise leadership or followership who couldn't give a rat's ass about BDSM.  Our kinks are not the center of the universe.  However, people who write foolishness like that -- and people who believe it -- often think they are at the center of the universe.


Not with envy, not with a twisted heart, shall you feel superior, or go about boasting. Rather in goodness by action make true your song and your word. Thus you shall be highly regarded, and able to live in peace with all others.
- 15th century Aztec

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