what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (Full Version)

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YourhandMyAss -> what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:07:53 PM)

I am honestly curious about this,  why do people need gastric bypass surgury an all those others to loose weight. What's wrong with eating right and exorcising? You know these people can loose weight because, some of them had to loose over 100 pounds or something to be considered for the procedure, so why is GP even nessisary.

Now I know, there's some people for whom eating right and exorcising isn't enough alone, and maybe for them I'd understand, but if you can loose weight, and have prooved you can, by controlling what you eat, why not just continue doing that.

Owner59 -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:08:57 PM)

For some people,it`s a matter of life and death.

slaveboyforyou -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:10:57 PM)

Laziness on the part of many, but a lot of people get this surgery to save their life.  If you have to have the fire department cut a hole in your house to get you out, it may be worth considering. 

hopelessfool -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:13:00 PM)

Because most of these people have starved themselves to loose that 100 pounds. Ive heard doctors recommending eating nothing but staying on a water diet and multi vits for a month then come back what gastric does it it makes the stomach smaller curbs the Im eating myself alive hunger and makes people loose weight by them "feeling full" but pretty much depriving their body of enough food to keep it working so it breaks down the fat. It takes the ability to eat say 3000 cals a day down to 1000.

Why do it? Because loosing weight is fine, this is a permiant fix to keeping yourself at a healthy weight for your body to be able to handle. Heart problems diabetes, all lessoned if your smaller.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:14:47 PM)

As far as I understand gastric bypass only cuts your stomach to a tiny little pouch so you can't eat very much, So if it's all about not eating very much, why can't you do that with out the surgury. I guess aside from not feeling full from  normal size stomach and eating tiny amounts.



For some people,it`s a matter of life and death.

slaveboyforyou -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:17:08 PM)


As far as I understand gastric bypass only cuts your stomach to a tiny little pouch so you can't eat very much, So if it's all about not eating very much, why can't you do that with out the surgury. I guess aside from not feeling full from  normal size stomach and eating tiny amounts.

The same reason that heroin addicts don't usually quit cold turkey or alcoholics have a problem staying on the wagon.  It's an addiction. 

hopelessfool -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:17:38 PM)

mhya have you ever eaten 1000 cals a day? Its being hungry but over a long span of time its multiplied by 100 at least. I hardly eat, I still gain weight, why, eating small amounts at times your body thinks its a time of litle food stores all of it as fat...

YourhandMyAss -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:21:25 PM)

Well right now I don't eat much at all over a course of a day, maybe like one meal an that;s it for 24 hour period, But I've been told I can do that because I've jacked my body up by doing that and my body has now learned to get by with and not even recognize hunger.

ORIGINAL: hopelessfool

mhya have you ever eaten 1000 cals a day? Its being hungry but over a long span of time its multiplied by 100 at least. I hardly eat, I still gain weight, why, eating small amounts at times your body thinks its a time of litle food stores all of it as fat...

hopelessfool -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:23:20 PM)

Mine does that as well, but while I dont get hungry i still gain weight, I exercise, I exert myself Ive done everything I can since I was around 14 to loose weight, my body wont get rid of it.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:23:44 PM)

GBPS isn't permanant by the way you can indeed streach your pouch out and have to have the surgury done again, and people can and do and have gained back all the weight lost from gastric an then some.

I guess it's kind of being forced to be mindful of not streaching it out in some ways. I mean you went through all that shit why wuold you wanna streach the pouch out an have to get it done again?


ORIGINAL: hopelessfool

, this is a permiant fix to keeping yourself at a healthy weight for your body to be able to handle. Heart problems diabetes, all lessoned if your smaller.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:26:19 PM)

Well then obviously you're one of the people I mentioned in the first post, who do what they can for themselves an still don't get any results.

And perhaps something drastic and shocking will need to be done to see results. You ever tried a nutristionist, or seeing a doctor, or fitness programs designed specially for you? I've been told so many times it's all about calories in vs calories burned you burn more than you eat you'll loose weight but Iknow that's not so for every single person out there.


ORIGINAL: hopelessfool

Mine does that as well, but while I dont get hungry i still gain weight, I exercise, I exert myself Ive done everything I can since I was around 14 to loose weight, my body wont get rid of it.

Juliannadelion -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:28:20 PM)

What's wrong with eating right and exorcising?

My priest says you shouldn't eat two hours before exorcising anyone.  [:D]  And you need some holy water too.......

Seriously,  being a devoted hedonist, I think too much of a good thing is WONDERFUL.

As long as my Lord finds me pleasing, my life is paradise.  [sm=cute.gif]

To please and be pleasing to Him.  Always, in all ways.  [:D]

hopelessfool -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:28:45 PM)

Ive done everything from curves to an entire liquid diet. Ive been MO since I was 13... They say oh its just her, shes young shell loose it, but then more and more weight, I mean I do really well exercising but still gaining it makes it harder. The Docs only option to make it go away is doing something like gb but the insurence wont do it until either a heart attack or your 21

MistressPav -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:32:39 PM)

One cannot get around the SCIENTIFIC
law of thermodynamics = Calories in vs. Calories out.
If people would embrace this FACT, their weight loss issues
would be solved.

No surgery of any type is a permanent weight loss solution.
The obese person MUST learn proper eating habits and
engage in enough PHYSICAL EXERTION on a daily


I got a laugh out of the email I saw of "headlines from the year 2089"
Here was the funniest one:

"$95 Billion, 100 Year Study Complete: Diet & Exercise Still Key To Weight Loss"

And, for all of you that are so ignorant and blind to scientific law;
Since you've "tried every diet in the book", why don't you actually
try to do it right by logging your food and exercise and just maybe you'll
see that it works!  DUH...

It's called "Self Discipline" and "Self Control".  To be successful at dieting
and changing your personal appearance, you must FIRST learn to love
Until you learn that, you will always be obese and unhappy
with the way you look when you're naked.

hopelessfool -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:38:02 PM)

Perv this is where your wrong. I have documented proof this doesnt work in EVERY person. I was on a 500 cal, liquid daily diet... I was in the hospital at the time I was forced to exercise more then 500 cals a day, I gained in those 2 weeks 15 pounds... You can cal in cal out all the f*ck you want but if glands arent working or are over working your going to gain even if you starve yourself.

Juliannadelion -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:42:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: hopelessfool

Ive done everything from curves to an entire liquid diet. Ive been MO since I was 13... They say oh its just her, shes young shell loose it, but then more and more weight, I mean I do really well exercising but still gaining it makes it harder. The Docs only option to make it go away is doing something like gb but the insurence wont do it until either a heart attack or your 21

You are a sweet and beautiful young woman.  I'd love to do all manner of terribly inappropriate things to you my sweet. [sm=angel.gif]  What a way to burn some calories.....!

To please and be pleasing to Him.  Always in all ways.  [:D]

porcelain26 -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:43:30 PM)

First off, people who are 30lbs over weight aren't the ones getting bariatric procedures done. People who have these procedures are clinically 'severely obese', meaning they have a BMI (body mass index) of 35 or greater. Most surgeons won't preform procedures on anyone with a BMI less than 40 (which makes them clinically 'morbidly obese') unless they have 2 or more comorbidities (serious health complications directly related to being obese).

Secondly, Gastric Bypass works 3 ways:
   1. It restricts the size of the stomach, thus limiting the amount of food that can be eaten during a single setting
   2. Because the intestines are cut and redirected during the procedure, it also works by malabsorption; your body is simply no longer able to absorb nutrients or calories as it did before
   3. The size of the pouch, for reasons science doesn't yet understand, causes the "OH MY GOD I'M HUNGRY" signal to the brain to be shut off (this is provided of course, your surgeon makes 
       the pouch small enough)

Third, Gastric Bypass is only one of a dozen different kinds of bariatric procedures that can be performed. Each procedure carries it's own risks and benefits, but the most important thing to remember is that each procedure's success is 100% dependent upon the patient. Everyone who has a baritric procedure done will initially loose weight, but they MUST reprogram their eating habits, exercise habits, and way of thinking about food in order to be successful. As slaveboy pointed out (regardless of the acidity of his comments), for many of these patients, eating is quite literally an addiction; bariatric surgery is simply a tool to assist in recovery.

It's not a matter of "eat right and exercise"; what works for someone who is 10lbs overweight and someone who has fought a life long battle with obesity are, simply put, not the same thing. While how much someone eats and how much they exercise has a great deal to do with the problem, there are other issues like genetics (clinical research does indeed show that obesity is genetic), rate of metabolism (which is different for everyone), and different health issues such as hypothyrodism for example, all play a factor in not only how a person stores fat and but also how their body uses it. Another issue is the fact that probably 90% of all these patients have indeed lost weight using other methods, beit pills, diet and exercise, starvation, hypnosis (the list goes on and on), but none of those have proven to be effective for that person over a long time period. People who want to have bariatric surgery must prove they've made efforts in the past to loose weight which have failed (these efforts must have been followed by a doctor and must be proven with medical records).

While it would be great if there were a simple answer to obesity, there just isn't. Eating right and exercising are essential to a healthy lifestyle, there is no doubt about that whatsoever, but that isn't always the answer for everyone who needs to GET to the 'healthy' part. And just so we're clear...I didn't copy and paste all of this from some website, I'm an RN and the hospital I work at is a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence. We do hundreds of bariatric procedures every year and the surgeons who perform them are adament that we are educated on obesity.

Hanable -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:45:01 PM)

my mother had GBS about a year ago and while she didnt lose all the weight she wanted to she now has her diabeties under controle and no logner has to take several medications.

eating correctly and exorcising is all well and good but for some it jsut doesn't work. their body (the patient) is used to taking in the 3000+ calories a day. and while starving it will work for a while the body will get used to useing that ammount of calories and as soon as u treat ur self to the burger cuz youve been doing so well the cravings come back.. ur body demands it.. and before you know it you've eaten 3 burgers, 2 milkshakes, a slice of pie and a full bag of chips.

as slaveboy said.. its an addiction.. one that you cant go cold turkey on.. you cant just not eat. and even with councaling most cant lose the weight.

hopeless is correct as well... your body will get used to eatting small amount at a time and then you start to think "its ok.. its jsut a few chips" then before you know youve eateen an entier bag of chips over the course of a work day, and yes that is better then eating them in an hour thats still calories.. and idk about you but when im working i dont grab for fruit or a nutrition bar.. i grab for chips or candy.

another reason i personaly dont think exorcise works for many MO people is that they cant keep up with the instructor. can you honestly tell me that you think a 40+ year old 300 lbs person is going to be able to keep up with a 25 year old 150 (maybe) exorcise instructor and not go "screw this, wheres my lunch"? if you can id really like to know where u work out.. cuz i wanna meet these ppl.

H >:)

porcelain26 -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:50:30 PM)

"GBPS isn't permanant by the way you can indeed streach your pouch out and have to have the surgury done again"

This is not true. The problem isn't that you have 'stretched out your pouch", the problem is it was never small enough to begin with. People can (and do) eat through their procedures, the not so technical clinical term is "grazing". Meaning they eat small amounts of not very healthy food allllllll day long. By the end of the day, they have no idea that they've managed to ingest over 2500 calories. This is why, as I said before, reprogramming yourself and your relationship to food is essential for success.

YourhandMyAss -> RE: what's up with gastric bypass surguries, can't people just control eating an exorcise? (7/30/2008 9:52:53 PM)

Who ever said any of us were unhappy with the way we look naked? Sure you know that could be a primary motivation, but I honestly don't care how I look naked I desire to be skinnier so I am healthier and can do things a normal 25 year old can, like walk and exorcise an go out an be active w/ith out feeling like I am going to die.

ORIGINAL: MistressPav

One cannot get around the SCIENTIFIC
law of thermodynamics = Calories in vs. Calories out.
If people would embrace this FACT, their weight loss issues
would be solved.

No surgery of any type is a permanent weight loss solution.
The obese person MUST learn proper eating habits and
engage in enough PHYSICAL EXERTION on a daily


I got a laugh out of the email I saw of "headlines from the year 2089"
Here was the funniest one:

"$95 Billion, 100 Year Study Complete: Diet & Exercise Still Key To Weight Loss"

And, for all of you that are so ignorant and blind to scientific law;
Since you've "tried every diet in the book", why don't you actually
try to do it right by logging your food and exercise and just maybe you'll
see that it works!  DUH...

It's called "Self Discipline" and "Self Control".  To be successful at dieting
and changing your personal appearance, you must FIRST learn to love
Until you learn that, you will always be obese and unhappy
with the way you look when you're naked.

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