RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (Full Version)

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NumberSix -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 7:45:11 PM)

How are the horsies?  We are in kinda semi-drought here now.  I just ran 1600 gallons of water for the cows, that should hold them for a couple days.


LaTigresse -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 7:52:50 PM)

We've been lucky again this year. Plenty of rain, too much a few months ago. It's raining right now actually.

Noella -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 8:25:13 PM)

Oh. My God. This is worse than highschool!

I thought this thread was about collaring? When did everything descend into bickering, name calling, and uninvited advice giving? If the OP wants help or advice in her personal relationships, let her ask for it. Telling someone something they either don't want to hear, are unprepared to hear, or simply refuse to acknowledge is an exersice in futility. And is rude. Couldn't everyone just role play that we are all adults and adress the issue at hand: how meaningful are collars?

Jeffff -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 8:31:47 PM)

Thank you for pointing that out. I don't know WHAT we all were thinking!


MadRabbit -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 8:46:50 PM)



Oh. My God. This is worse than highschool!

I thought this thread was about collaring? When did everything descend into bickering, name calling, and uninvited advice giving? If the OP wants help or advice in her personal relationships, let her ask for it. Telling someone something they either don't want to hear, are unprepared to hear, or simply refuse to acknowledge is an exersice in futility. And is rude. Couldn't everyone just role play that we are all adults and adress the issue at hand: how meaningful are collars?

The OP has a lengthy history of using these forums as her personal soap box to air out her real life drama. Such disqusting displays of lack of privacy, integrity, and respect for her partners has garnished her with the disrespect of many of the regular posters.

As such, her reputation proceeds her and any "serious" threads she starts don't get taken very seriously and usually eventually turn to becoming about her. While the viscarious Internet vampires of certainly have something to do with that, given her love of drama and need to be the center of attention, don't think the OP is entirely innocent of the direction this thread has gone.

After getting involved in her games once before and her desire to create and "feed" drama, I've just taken to ignoring it and making the occasional comment about how pathetic it really is.

Prinsexx -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 8:48:31 PM)



Oh. My God. This is worse than highschool!

I thought this thread was about collaring? When did everything descend into bickering, name calling, and uninvited advice giving? If the OP wants help or advice in her personal relationships, let her ask for it. Telling someone something they either don't want to hear, are unprepared to hear, or simply refuse to acknowledge is an exersice in futility. And is rude. Couldn't everyone just role play that we are all adults and adress the issue at hand: how meaningful are collars?

Despite what a strap line says one can never really be sure what a thread will turn out to be about. Threads go through phases i've noticed from the appropriate response, the informative, the antithetical and than usually into the same plethora of fundamentalist behaviourial commentators that abound here. Anything other than a by rote behavioural system seems to get labelled drama and anything I post in particular seems to be thought of as an extension to nought but the life of a drama queen.
Anyway, as has been pointed out, just because i opened the thread doesn't mean i can control the content of it.
That wasn't my intention either, howver it's had about three and a half thousand hits so let's hope someone, possibly a shy one, or a new one, derived some benefit from it.
Wander into any Gentleman's Club as the token invited tottie in the UK and the tone of conversation has usually degenerated to a
misogynistic (see attempt to deride intelligence. There's a glass ceiling with regard to legislation, financial control and the military which when you fail to see it coming hurts big time when one's head hits.
The same process in being a romantic slave at heart and the wall of 'indifferent collaring'......there's an invisible wall and yes it does hurt and the weight of an ignorant chain around one's neck drags believe me.
A valiant attempt but this will just degenerate into the conservative litttle boys club again no doubt and the personal insults will still continue to get brandied around.

Prinsexx -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 8:55:00 PM)



The OP has a lengthy history of using these forums as her personal soap box to air out her real life drama. Such disqusting displays of lack of privacy, integrity, and respect for her partners has garnished her with the disrespect of many of the regular posters.

As such, her reputation proceeds her and any "serious" threads she starts don't get taken very seriously and usually eventually turn to becoming about her. While the viscarious Internet vampires of certainly have something to do with that, given her love of drama and need to be the center of attention, don't think the OP is entirely innocent of the direction this thread has gone.

After getting involved in her games once before and her desire to create and "feed" drama, I've just taken to ignoring it and making the occasional comment about how pathetic it really is.

Oh i think you know full well that had you anything of any real value to contribute you would make it about more than me being what was it.....real life drama....isn't that an oxymoron or do i have to give you a wiki referene to know what an oxymoron is.
MadRabbit this time i am going to report your post.
As i have said there have been three and a half thousand hits on this thread and most of them i am sure have come to it to think about, learn about, discuss collaring. If not then my oxymoronic 'real life drama' makes just as interesting reading.

happypervert -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 8:59:12 PM)


Couldn't everyone just role play that we are all adults and adress the issue at hand: how meaningful are collars?

Pffft! There have been dozens of boring threads like that over the years. This is far more entertaining!

Kalista07 -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 9:04:18 PM)

Remaining on topic, i think a collar, a commitment, a promise, whatever it means is about as worth as much as the person who says it, professes it, or confesses it wants it to have. i'm sure that is a cop out answer but i firmly believe it to be true. He and i are not married.  Given His views of marriage we may never be.  However, that does not make my commitment to Him or His to me any less significant.

ETA: i've been trying really badly to remain good as to not get a note from Mod 11. But, i must agree and concur with certain posters here.

MadRabbit -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 9:04:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

Oh i think you know full well that had you anything of any real value to contribute you would make it about more than me being what was it.....real life drama....isn't that an oxymoron or do i have to give you a wiki referene to know what an oxymoron is.
MadRabbit this time i am going to report your post.
As i have said there have been three and a half thousand hits on this thread and most of them i am sure have come to it to think about, learn about, discuss collaring. If not the my oxymoronic 'real life drama' makes just as interesting reading.

And if you really were interested about keeping this thread focused on the issue of collaring, you would just ignore posts like mine and other people and simply reply to the ones about "collaring" to discuss the issue. If you don't respond and continue to feed people, then people can't keep carrying on for 12 pages.

But you don't. You respond to every person who has something to say about your "drama" and leave the one's that have been remotely on topic in the dust. I've seen quite a few contributions that have been centered around your topic of discussion that haven't received the intense attention you have given all your dissenters who are just out to ruin you.

When your looking up the definition of "oxymoron", maybe you should check out the one for "bullshit."

Kalista07 -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 9:17:52 PM)

*slightly off the OP's orignial topic, and more focused on her obviously preferred topic*

By the things written in this thread i'm reminded of one of my favorite sayings.  One day this friend of mine and i were at work...He was down the hall and  i suddenly heard his usual line of "i'm a nice guy"... So, i yelled down the hall that 'Nice guys don't have to tell everyone their a nice guy'.  I'm reminded of that by the attitude and behavior of some one on here. It sad really..................

ETA: i need to clarify the person who's behavior i'm alluding to here is Prin's.

Jeffff -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 9:20:38 PM)

SO. what you are saying is.. I . am not a nice guy?........................bitch!


MadRabbit -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 9:21:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kalista07

*slightly off the OP's orignial topic*

By the things written in this thread i'm reminded of one of my favorite sayings.  One day this friend of mine and i were at work...He was down the hall and  i suddenly heard his usual line of "i'm a nice guy"... So, i yelled down the hall that 'Nice guys don't have to tell everyone their a nice guy'.  I'm reminded of that by the attitude and behavior of some one on here. It sad really..................


And that's why I don't tell people I am not a nice guy.

It's pretty obvious. [:D]

Kalista07 -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 9:21:43 PM)



SO. what you are saying is.. I . am not a nice guy?........................bitch!


UGH!!!!! EXCUSE ME!!!!! That's Miss Slutty Bitch to YOU!!!!!

Prinsexx -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 9:22:03 PM)




ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

Oh i think you know full well that had you anything of any real value to contribute you would make it about more than me being what was it.....real life drama....isn't that an oxymoron or do i have to give you a wiki referene to know what an oxymoron is.
MadRabbit this time i am going to report your post.
As i have said there have been three and a half thousand hits on this thread and most of them i am sure have come to it to think about, learn about, discuss collaring. If not the my oxymoronic 'real life drama' makes just as interesting reading.

And if you really were interested about keeping this thread focused on the issue of collaring, you would just ignore posts like mine and other people and simply reply to the ones about "collaring" to discuss the issue. If you don't respond and continue to feed people, then people can't keep carrying on for 12 pages.

But you don't. You respond to every person who has something to say about your "drama" and leave the one's that have been remotely on topic in the dust. I've seen quite a few contributions that have been centered around your topic of discussion that haven't received the intense attention you have given all your dissenters who are just out to ruin you.

When your looking up the definition of "oxymoron", maybe you should check out the one for "bullshit."

The posts about collaring actually speak for themselves. They don't need to be commentated upon by me i feel....some i have responded to and some i haven't. Unless you feel you need me to go back over the entire thread and do so?
But look it's a democracy so feel free to throw the bullshit back and forth.  You are the one who bought bullshit into the collaring equation not me.
Do you feel that you have collared anyone with integrity or with bullshit then?

Kalista07 -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 9:22:52 PM)

You are right it is very obvious!! That You are in fact a nice guy....But, it's okay...It'll remain our secret.


Jeffff -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 9:24:43 PM)

Oops. sorry.......


Kalista07 -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 9:26:06 PM)

Damn it Jeff!!!
i thought You knew by now that real dom's don't apologize!!!


i gave You that handbook to read, Ya know...


MadRabbit -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 9:30:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

Do you feel that you have collared anyone with integrity or with bullshit then?

I have yet to collar anyone yet, because I haven't found a partner who I have felt was compatible with me, connected with me in the way I wanted, and would be mutually fulfilled by being in the relationship that I want. One or more of these elements was always missing so I couldn't make that step and commitment. I have strong confidence in the person I am dating now, but we still have a long way to go.

Of course, it depends on what kind of relationship you want. I'm not interested in something solely superficial or more platonic that revolves around solely service and submission, but companionship so therefore I place a lot of emphasis on the symbol of a collar and it's not something I just give out.

Kalista07 -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/9/2008 9:31:15 PM)

Unless you feel you need me to go back over the entire thread and do so?
But look it's a democracy so feel free to throw the bullshit back and forth.  You are the one who bought bullshit into the collaring equation not me.
Do you feel that you have collared anyone with integrity or with bullshit then?

i must tell you that your behavior on this thread has been growing more and more concerning to me. i don't know if you enjoy engaging in these behaviors with people like MR, RM1, and SM but i must say that You are not painting Yourself in a positive light. The truth is, each time You post something such as what's above You do nothing but prove those people right. Can You see that? You've said what You do for a profession on the boards many many times. Frankly, i think that's one of the things that scares the hell out of me for you. The idea that you can be walking around so wounded makes me really struggle to believe that you are not wounding other people under the guise of helping them. Please walk away from the computer for 24 hours, get some help, and remember online is not real, and people on can know about you what you post for them.
ETA: Prin, it seems really apparent to me that You've lost sight of one very important truth.  There comes a point in all of our lives as adults when we must face up to the reality that we are no longer victims and are instead volunteers.

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