RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (Full Version)

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Politesub53 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:15:24 PM)

Kittin it was hardly the eleventh hour, even when Britain stood alone we would not have done so without American materials and food shipments. I also dont think its sill for people to have hated the Germans for starting it either, despite the fact the settlements after WW1 contributed to WW2

SL4V3M4YB3 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:20:17 PM)

I don't know many Europeans that think about WWII when there are more pressing concerns in the world.

I did a survey the other week of Europeans and 98% think pearl harbour was the trigger event for the US entering the war to fight the Japanese, the fact Japan is no where near Europe just demonstrates how bad at geography the average US leader is[8|]

caitlyn -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:30:07 PM)

Well, I did say "helping out" and I meant it ... but will also say that your eleventh hour comment isn't worthy of anyone that knows anything about events as related to the Second World War.
The United Kingdom and Soviet Russia stood off the Germans, all glory and credit to them both. It was one of the bravest acts in the history of the world, far greater than any single act ever done by my homeland. That said, neither one had the ability to project power on a scale great enough to defeat Germany before they developed some pretty terrifying weapons.
It was a team effort, no more and no less. If you can't, or are unwilling to, give America it's own share of credit, then give credit to the U.S. Army Air Corps 8th Airforce, without which you homeland would have been eating some pretty nasty stuff, right about 1946, 47.

SL4V3M4YB3 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:32:05 PM)


philosophy -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:34:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

Well, I did say "helping out" and I meant it ... but will also say that your eleventh hour comment isn't worthy of anyone that knows anything about events as related to the Second World War.
The United Kingdom and Soviet Russia stood off the Germans, all glory and credit to them both. It was one of the bravest acts in the history of the world, far greater than any single act ever done by my homeland. That said, neither one had the ability to project power on a scale great enough to defeat Germany before they developed some pretty terrifying weapons.
It was a team effort, no more and no less. If you can't, or are unwilling to, give America it's own share of credit, then give credit to the U.S. Army Air Corps 8th Airforce, without which you homeland would have been eating some pretty nasty stuff, right about 1946, 47.

...i think Caitlyn has this pretty much right. It's absurd to suggest that US arms weren't immensely helpful, just as it is absurd when it is implied by some that the US won the war on their own.
i've italicised one section of Caityln's post, because it is true. To deny that is to adopt the ostritch position.

SL4V3M4YB3 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:42:26 PM)

You don't fight terrorists or rogue governments with a missile shield. Iran did some missile tests recently what exactly was their range? Easier to sneak a bomb in on a shipping container I fear I'm repeating myself. As for WW2 it has little relevance to the current situation and none of us won WW2 because we weren’t there so it’s a kind of a ridiculous pride of victory display that ultimately leads to the them and us situation.

Draw the line in the sand and move on. A current government isn't the same as a government formed donkey's ears ago; the people are entirely different so where is this pride coming from? If you want to be proud of your ancestors actions you must also feel shame for their misdeeds.

philosophy -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:47:40 PM)



You don't fight terrorists or rogue governments with a missile shield. Iran did some missile tests recently what exactly was their range? Easier to sneak a bomb in on a shipping container I fear I'm repeating myself.

....true and i suppose closer to the OP than the byway we've been sauntering down.......


 As for WW2 it has little relevance to the current situation and none of us won WW2 because we weren’t there so it’s a kind of a ridiculous pride of victory display that ultimately leads to the them and us situation.

.......well, WW2 is history and history has a strong influence over the present........basically i've been arguing against the us and them logic......i'm not sure how comments like 'big macs' mitigates against such logic either......

caitlyn -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:51:16 PM)

If we had sent free Big Macs to Al Qaeda, there would have been massive terrorist attacks by all that survived. [;)]

slvemike4u -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:51:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u
Hey Meatcleaver take a look at a map,geography dictated where any confrontation with Warsaw Pact forces would come not U.S.foriegn policy...Europe slept under a blanket of American security for 50 plus years and we shouldn't ask for a little about chutzpah..would this be an example of  typical European atitude!!!!!

Actually, it's not a typical European attitude at all. I've been fortunate enough to travel quite a bit in Europe over the past few years and found that in general, Europeans like Americans and are very grateful for our contribution in helping out in two world wars.
All of that though, will be lost on the likes of those like meatcleaver.
Oh, you could point out that the Soviets actually signed an agreement with the Nazis that allowed them to invade Eastern Europe, all before the United States was even in the war ... but points of view like that count for nothing, because meatcleaver has some secret documents, don't you know.
You could point out that after the war, the United States handed western Europe back to western Europeans, and helped pay to rebuild it, but of course because some American companies made a profit, that proves that it was all done for self-serving motives. See the afore mentioned secret documents.
You could even point out that the Soviets kept every bit of territory on which they had boots after the war, but again ... secret documents ... all our history is jaded ... they are the good guys, we are the bad guys, nothing more, nothing less.
So, try as you might, you will never get through ... but, please don't make the mistake of thinking that all Europeans are like that, because that isn't the case at all. Amazingly, I actually found a ton of Europeans that seemed to clearly understand that the United States is obviously a new super-power trying to find it's way, and like periods of European history where they represented the hyper-powerful, there are going to be mistakes made and some serious bumps in the road. They must have missed all those secret documents that tell the "real" story. [;)]
All that said, we have no business deploying missiles in Poland, or anywhere else not labelled "The United States of America." My guess is that if you took a poll, more Americans would be against this, than Poles are against it, and one of the few things I believe meatcleaver on, is his point that most Poles are not in favor of American missiles in Poland.
Keep trying though ... it's very entertaining. [;)]
Caitlyn,I do apologise for the generalization my point was directed at those who in this very thread have tried to blame everything on American Foriegn Policy  painting it as overly aggressive.I will at times,depending on the circumstance,agree with the opinion that American can and does act heavy-handed in pushing thier policy's,by and large they are much more benign than anything coming out of the former Soviet Union.
  Denying America's role in keeping the peace in western Europe the last 60 plus years is revisionist history at it's best and can not be defended...not without suspending logic and common sense anyway...

SL4V3M4YB3 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:56:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: philosophy
......i'm not sure how comments like 'big macs' mitigates against such logic either......

That was in response to the comment related to the Berlin Airlift it seemed apt, fast food.[8|]

slvemike4u -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:56:43 PM)



I don't know many Europeans that think about WWII when there are more pressing concerns in the world.

I did a survey the other week of Europeans and 98% think pearl harbour was the trigger event for the US entering the war to fight the Japanese, the fact Japan is no where near Europe just demonstrates how bad at geography the average US leader is[8|]

kittinSol -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:58:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Politesub53

I also dont think its sill for people to have hated the Germans for starting it either, despite the fact the settlements after WW1 contributed to WW2

Politesub, it's always silly and insane to love or hate a whole nation.

caitlyn -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 3:58:42 PM)

Well, I think our foreign policy has been far too aggressive as of late, but also feel that those tend to be the sorts of things you discover after the fact.
I'm relatively confident that had the average American known that we were electing leaders that were going to manufacture evidence in order to start a war with a nation that was not a threat to our national security, we would have elected that other guy ... but, we, a) didn't know that at the time, b) have no assurance that the other guy wouldn't have done the exact same thing.
Shit just happens in the world. When you are the nation that does most of the eating, you probably also sling the most shit.

slvemike4u -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 4:03:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

Well, I think our foreign policy has been far too aggressive as of late, but also feel that those tend to be the sorts of things you discover after the fact.
I'm relatively confident that had the average American known that we were electing leaders that were going to manufacture evidence in order to start a war with a nation that was not a threat to our national security, we would have elected that other guy ... but, we, a) didn't know that at the time, b) have no assurance that the other guy wouldn't have done the exact same thing.
Shit just happens in the world. When you are the nation that does most of the eating, you probably also sling the most shit.
Amen to this!
Still don't get the silly Big Mac comment,even more confused after the inane explanation.Men risked thier lives during The Berlin Air Lift and it remains one of America's finest hours

dcnovice -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 4:06:52 PM)


I'm relatively confident that had the average American known that we were electing leaders that were going to manufacture evidence in order to start a war with a nation that was not a threat to our national security, we would have elected that other guy

We actually did elect the other guy.

SL4V3M4YB3 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 4:07:07 PM)

Time for some new finest hours.

kittinSol -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 4:11:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

you homeland would have been eating some pretty nasty stuff, right about 1946, 47.

Which homeland? My maternal grandparents' house was annihilated in the blitz; as for the other side, it's a miracle they escaped the Holocaust. This is where we part ways: one's country of birth is accidental - and I am loyal to individuals, not to nations (remember, I have two). Forgive my cynicism, and I shall respect your patriotic feelings :-) .

slvemike4u -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 4:14:00 PM)



Time for some new finest hours.
And again I am left wondering WTF....America is far from perfect,can't help but wonder which of the many possible actions taken by this nation has got your panties in a twist....please enlighten me as to what the "beef" is...

slvemike4u -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 4:21:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

you homeland would have been eating some pretty nasty stuff, right about 1946, 47.

Which homeland? My maternal grandparents' house was annihilated in the blitz; as for the other side, it's a miracle they escaped the Holocaust. This is where we part ways: one's country of birth is accidental - and I am loyal to individuals, not to nations (remember, I have two). Forgive my cynicism, and I shall respect your patriotic feelings :-) .
No problem Kittin,I for one shall forgive your remember you promised to respect my patiotism...after all a deals a deal....right!!!

SL4V3M4YB3 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 4:25:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u
And again I am left wondering WTF....America is far from perfect,can't help but wonder which of the many possible actions taken by this nation has got your panties in a twist....please enlighten me as to what the "beef" is...

Where do I begin?

If you want to remember history for only the good parts the US played in it that’s you choice. I’d rather concentrate on the here and now whilst leaving patriotic rhetoric to those over yonder. I’ve already mentioned the ways the US benefited from the end of WW2 and the alliances it made which had nothing to do with honour or justice but rather it’s own personal development.

Panties? I only wear those on Thursdays, we've been cybering together all this time and you often ask me what I'm wearing yet you forget which days I wear it. odd.[8|]

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