RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (Full Version)

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Thadius -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 6:15:23 PM)

I wonder how I was able to come to that conclussion.[8|]

SL4V3M4YB3 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 6:25:04 PM)

Do you remember when you was younger and you could get along with anyone because people hadn't told you how different they were? Football culture is hardly good for social, cohesion binge drinking is more cohesive. After watching the Olympic opening ceremony I thought fuck ours is going to be shite because we don't have anything that brings us together as a nation other than football and binge drinking. The Olympic beer glass, maybe we can steal a few scenes from marry popens or Oliver.
How about  synchronised CCTV display following the Olympic torch?

slvemike4u -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/15/2008 9:29:17 PM)

Stating that Europe slept under the security provided by an American Missile shield is not and never was analogous to believing America to be "The Guardians Of The World",rather it is stating a belief held by many that nothing other than that shield kept Soviet armored divisions from rolling thru the Fulda gap
  I feel no need nor inclination to explain my quite evident pride in my country's finer moments...and am quite willing when I believe it called for to question her missteps...but allways prideful in being an American.I will say this much to you ,on this subject is about heritage and history.

Level -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 2:49:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: Vendaval

Not a good sign given the current problems with Georgia and Russia...
"Russian officials have voiced alarm at a preliminary deal that would allow the US to site missiles in Poland."

"Poland will host the missiles as part of a defence shield the US says it needs against "rogue states" like Iran.

A top general in Moscow said the move would worsen ties with the West already strained by the Georgian conflict.

Russia's envoy to Nato has meanwhile been quoted as saying the timing of the deal shows its true purpose is to counter Russia's "strategic potential".

Under the deal signed on Thursday, the US will install 10 interceptor missiles at a base on the Baltic coast in return for help strengthening Polish air defences.

At a press conference in Moscow on Friday, Russia's deputy chief of general staff, Gen Anatoly Nogovitsyn, said the US move "cannot go unpunished".

"It's a cause for regret that at a time when we are already in a difficult situation, the American side further exacerbates the situation in relations between the United States and Russia," Gen Nogovitsyn said."

Putin, and his puppet (can't recall his name, but that doesn't really matter), are showing their true stripes.

meatcleaver -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 3:22:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

And yet for 50 years Western Europe enjoyed peace,despite the presence of all those Russian divisions in the occupied Eastern European countries....and not once did a Russian tank roll thru the Fulda Gap.Yep aggressive American Foreign Policy at work

We were a forward US defensive position, if there was going to be WWIII it was quite clear the US wanted to fight it on European soil so don't ask us to be grateful for that.

Just like now, the US wants to use Poland and Czech as a forward defensive position, it has nothing to do with helping the Poles or the Czechs, that is why public opinion is against US sites on their soil.
Hey Meatcleaver take a look at a map,geography dictated where any confrontation with Warsaw Pact forces would come not U.S.foriegn policy...Europe slept under a blanket of American security for 50 plus years and we shouldn't ask for a little about chutzpah..would this be an example of  typical European atitude!!!!!

You were an occupying power like Russia, Germany had no choice about having you and it was the US that was paranoid not the Europeans, that was why you ratcheted up the nonsense of Vietnam and no one else would join you.

Europe didn't sleep under the security blanket of the US, most of Europe didn't want your military on European soil, it was European establishments that wanted you. But the reason for your bloated military is more to do with the political power of your military-industrial complex than any defence. It is they and the politicians in their pay that stoke the paranois in the US so they can profit from YOUR tax dollars. When you have a military you have to do something with it or people will ask why they are paying for it. The USSR was a convenience for the American military-industrial complex.

meatcleaver -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 3:37:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u
Hey Meatcleaver take a look at a map,geography dictated where any confrontation with Warsaw Pact forces would come not U.S.foriegn policy...Europe slept under a blanket of American security for 50 plus years and we shouldn't ask for a little about chutzpah..would this be an example of  typical European atitude!!!!!

Actually, it's not a typical European attitude at all. I've been fortunate enough to travel quite a bit in Europe over the past few years and found that in general, Europeans like Americans and are very grateful for our contribution in helping out in two world wars.

I like Americans, I don't like your politicians. My parents generation thought the sun shone out of America's arse, the younger generation started to change their attitude becauce of Vietnam and that has slowly changed over the years. You won't find many people here that would be rude to Americans, I meet quite a lot of Americans and I don't bring up politics and I'm friendly towards them, they are after all, just ordinary people on holiday, why would I be rude? If they ask me about politics and American foreign policy I tell them what I think in an none aggressive matter of fact way, certainly not in a way to make them feel ill at ease.

As for American politicians and foreign policy, what you don't see is when I was in a bar last night in Brussels, one I had never been in before and on the TV Bush was spouting away about Russian agression, someone raised their glass and shouted sarcstically, God Bless America to which just about everyone joined in. Not an unusual sentiment in western Europe I find.

meatcleaver -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 3:53:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

Oh, you could point out that the Soviets actually signed an agreement with the Nazis that allowed them to invade Eastern Europe, all before the United States was even in the war ... but points of view like that count for nothing, because meatcleaver has some secret documents, don't you know.

Ah ah, we are funny aren't we. When you put words into someone's mouth, it shows you are on shaky ground. Why bother with what someone actually said when you can say they said anything.


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

You could point out that after the war, the United States handed western Europe back to western Europeans, and helped pay to rebuild it, but of course because some American companies made a profit, that proves that it was all done for self-serving motives. See the afore mentioned secret documents.

You were an occupying power of Germany, not western Europe so you couldn't keep it and one of the reasons for the Marshall plan was to keep Europe in American sphere of influence rather than have it go socialists (not communist), the socialists being very strong on continental Europe.


ORIGINAL: caitlyn 
You could even point out that the Soviets kept every bit of territory on which they had boots after the war, but again ... secret documents ... all our history is jaded ... they are the good guys, we are the bad guys, nothing more, nothing less.

The Russian occupation was unwelcome but if you look at Russia's history you can understand why they wanted a buffer zone between themselves and western Europe. They have had three devastating invasions from western Europe in the last two hundred years. As you have often pointed out to me, you are the historian. Use your knowledge.


ORIGINAL: caitlyn
So, try as you might, you will never get through ... but, please don't make the mistake of thinking that all Europeans are like that, because that isn't the case at all. Amazingly, I actually found a ton of Europeans that seemed to clearly understand that the United States is obviously a new super-power trying to find it's way, and like periods of European history where they represented the hyper-powerful, there are going to be mistakes made and some serious bumps in the road. They must have missed all those secret documents that tell the "real" story. [;)]

Mistakes? Hah ha ha Like all superpowers, America's mistakes were deliberate policies. Vietnam was a deliberate policy, Iraq was a deliberate policy, starting a new cold war is a deliberate policy!

Millions of people killed for a few minor mistakes? Do me a favour.


ORIGINAL: caitlyn
All that said, we have no business deploying missiles in Poland, or anywhere else not labelled "The United States of America." My guess is that if you took a poll, more Americans would be against this, than Poles are against it, and one of the few things I believe meatcleaver on, is his point that most Poles are not in favor of American missiles in Poland.

No one is in favour of American missiles in Poland. The Germans apparently are furious with Poland for destablizing east Europe by agreeing to the missiles.

farglebargle -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 4:37:06 AM)

You can't do a missile defense without cheap transport to orbit. That's where the 'intelligence' of the system lies.

Since we don't got cheap transport to orbit, we can't *really* deploy a practical missile defense.

Therefore, it's more pointless posturing. Which, given the US's shaky ground in Europe already, isn't the best idea.

celticlord2112 -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 5:46:12 AM)


You were an occupying power like Russia, Germany had no choice about having you

So were the UK and France.  Each had sectors of German proper they occupied after WWII.

Alumbrado -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 5:52:51 AM)


You were an occupying power like Russia, Germany had no choice about having you and it was the US that was paranoid not the Europeans, that was why you ratcheted up the nonsense of Vietnam and no one else would join you.

Right...Germany was just peacefully minding its own business when the US decide to invade and occupy them, just as Russia is doing now....[:D]

And no European country had a thing to do with French Indo-China's long revolution to gain its independence...[8|]

Do you listen to yourself?  Because no one else is buying your revisionist history and denial. 

caitlyn -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 6:06:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver
You were an occupying power of Germany, not western Europe so you couldn't keep it and one of the reasons for the Marshall plan was to keep Europe in American sphere of influence rather than have it go socialists (not communist), the socialists being very strong on continental Europe.

You might want to take another look at the military capability of the United States at the end of the war, with special attention to the period after the fall of Japan, and what that capability might have been with the United States Pacific Fleet, moved to the Eastern theater.
One might also consider that free elections took place, and Marshall Plan or not, socialists could have won free elections ... and in some cases did.

slvemike4u -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 6:09:46 AM)

Wow Meatcleaver neat trick,you managed to get CL ,ALumbrado and Myself to  agree on at lease one point.That being ,you have no clue what your talking about.....Keep up the good work..

RealityLicks -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 6:25:10 AM)

It's not revisionism to state that the schoolboy truism that the Marshall Plan single-handedly reconstructed Europe is largely false.  Modern historians hold the view that recovery was more connected to laissez-faire policies and direct investment, coupled with UN assistance.  The Marshall Plan was really about buying influence and ensuring the growth of the American economy and as a bulwark against the growth of communism.  The name "Daddy Warbucks" wasn't a European one.

Holland spent the equivalent of their Marshall loans on reconquering Indonesia and most other European states spent similar amounts in the war in Indo-China.

None of this means that Europeans dislike Americans.  It just means that the national myths of the US have less currency here than they do in main street, USA - no-one is going to apologise for that and neither should they. 

caitlyn -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 7:33:15 AM)

I have never heard a single educated American claim that the Marshall Plan single-handedly reconstructed Europe, or deny that the United States gained a strong trading partner in a reconstructed Europe, making a huge profit as part of the deal. Europeans also made a huge profit. That tends to be the goal of any business venture.
The only thing I have ever heard, is people claim that Americans claim this.

caitlyn -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 7:37:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver
As for American politicians and foreign policy, what you don't see is when I was in a bar last night in Brussels, one I had never been in before and on the TV Bush was spouting away about Russian agression, someone raised their glass and shouted sarcstically, God Bless America to which just about everyone joined in. Not an unusual sentiment in western Europe I find.

They are just crowing over buying Budweiser. [;)] 

meatcleaver -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 7:38:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: Alumbrado


You were an occupying power like Russia, Germany had no choice about having you and it was the US that was paranoid not the Europeans, that was why you ratcheted up the nonsense of Vietnam and no one else would join you.

Right...Germany was just peacefully minding its own business when the US decide to invade and occupy them, just as Russia is doing now....[:D]

????? Your point?

If you are refering to Georgia, the answer is, don't murder or ethnically cleanse Russian citizens.


ORIGINAL: Alumbrado
And no European country had a thing to do with French Indo-China's long revolution to gain its independence...[8|]

You are so smart you don't read what I write. I have on several occaions likened US ambitions to those of Imperial Europe.  I don't deny Europes crimes. America is now an imperial power. America gave France millions of dollars in military aid to fight the independence movement because most were communists. Your point?


ORIGINAL: Alumbrado

Do you listen to yourself?  Because no one else is buying your revisionist history and denial. 

Every history is revised as more knowledge is known and the distance gives a new perspective. Your point?

meatcleaver -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 7:45:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver
You were an occupying power of Germany, not western Europe so you couldn't keep it and one of the reasons for the Marshall plan was to keep Europe in American sphere of influence rather than have it go socialists (not communist), the socialists being very strong on continental Europe.

One might also consider that free elections took place, and Marshall Plan or not, socialists could have won free elections ... and in some cases did.

Just about every dirty trick in the book was used to stop the Socialists. In Greece for example, US aid was going straight to the military to help it fight the communists.

caitlyn -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 7:52:30 AM)

So, giving aid to someone fighting our enemies, is a dirty trick?

meatcleaver -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 7:54:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn

So, giving aid to someone fighting our enemies, is a dirty trick?

You were the one that brought up the ability of European countries left to decide their own future not me. Giving aid to one side in a civil conflict isn't allowing a country to decide its own fate, you are helping to choose for them.

meatcleaver -> RE: Russian responsoe to potential US missle sites in Poland (8/16/2008 8:03:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: celticlord2112


You were an occupying power like Russia, Germany had no choice about having you

So were the UK and France.  Each had sectors of German proper they occupied after WWII.


We are members of the same Union now, all citizens have the same residential, social and political rights in each others country so they are hardly still occupying powers.

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