What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (Full Version)

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natasha66 -> What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 7:01:22 AM)

Although Master and i do not live together, i consider myself His slave 24/7.  i proudly wear His collar.  He owns me; i am His.  i was in conversation with a "Dom" here this morning and he said that because W/we do not live together it is not 24/7.  Then he proceeded to call me a "blonde" (i have brown hair, btw).   Just because i had a different view on the matter, he felt compelled to insult me.  The nerve of some people lol.   Anyway, i would love to hear what 2/7 means to subs/slaves and the Masters out there.....thanks!!!!

kyraofMists -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 7:10:32 AM)

For me it means that he has authority over me all the time.  He may or may not be actively exercising that authority at certain moments, but he can whenever he chooses.

Knight's Kyra

DarkSteven -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 7:35:47 AM)

To me, 24/7 means that you serve him all the time.  If you clean the house, you are serving him by making it look good.  If you clean a friend's house at his request, you are serving him. If you work, you are serving him by bringing in income and doing your job well to reflect on him.  When you take care of yourself, you are serving him by ensuring your own ability to serve well.

That said, that's an ideal.  We're all human.  Other things will intrude into your mind, and you will occasionally self-indulge.

The idea that you must live together to be a twue slave can be taken to ridiculous levels.  So you're not a twue slave if he ever leaves the house to go to work, or you leave to go shopping for food?  How about if he leaves the room?  Is there a specified distance that you must remain within?

Wildfleurs -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 7:51:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: natasha66

Although Master and i do not live together, i consider myself His slave 24/7.  i proudly wear His collar.  He owns me; i am His.  i was in conversation with a "Dom" here this morning and he said that because W/we do not live together it is not 24/7.  Then he proceeded to call me a "blonde" (i have brown hair, btw).   Just because i had a different view on the matter, he felt compelled to insult me.  The nerve of some people lol.   Anyway, i would love to hear what 2/7 means to subs/slaves and the Masters out there.....thanks!!!!

To me 24/7 is one of those pointless internet created BDSM catchphrases that I try to never use. I find that everyones got a different idea of what 24/7 means, which makes it very confusing (and there's no dictionary definition to really clarify what its basic meaning is). On top of it I don't think it actually adds any additional information on what the relationship is in terms of structure, authority, control, or service.


kiwisub12 -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 7:55:51 AM)

24/7 to me is living in the same house, with a dominant/submissive relationship.   And i would think most other people would consider it the same. *ducks and runs*

I can't serve my Sir if i am living in another house, therefore i am not at his beck and call 24/7 (even though i work out of the house).

Having said that  - you can call your relationship anything you want, and who cares what others think. Of course if you are in Delaware and he is in Mississippi, then be prepared for some ridicule. [:)]

kyraofMists -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 8:03:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: kiwisub12
Of course if you are in Delaware and he is in Mississippi, then be prepared for some ridicule. [:)]

I was in South Florida and he was in Northern Alberta and there was no ridicule.  Or should I say, that no one had the balls to ridicule us directly.  I am sure any number of people did it behind our back, but then that doesn't speak very highly of them in my opinion.

As far as serving while not in the same space, it is entirely possible and can be rewarding and fulfilling.  However, my view of serving is not narrowed down to direct interaction with him.  I am serving his wishes when I go to work; I am serving him when I go shopping with my mom; I am serving him when I do any number of activities that he has no involvement in other than to tell me to do it.

Knight's Kyra

denika -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 8:28:18 AM)

I don't live with Wolf and his Wife, well, lol not technicly but for the amount of time I spent at their house I sometimes feel like I should pay them bording, not to mention all the clothes that get forgotten [:D].    The person you spoke with sounds incredibly narrow-minded, basicly if it wasn't 'his' definition it wasn't the 'right' definition which is pretty much crap in my opinion. We all take titles etc and make them personal and give them our own meanings.  I am 24/7, it doesn't mean I am constantly in fet wear  using formal titles, 24/7 doesn't have that definition for me or our family. Not to mention that would be bloody tiring to be like that all the time! Our roles don't change but they are more than just a title. I still see myself as His when we are sitting together watching a movie or visiting with friends or doing a hundred other daily things. That mindset doesn't change when we are apart.either.

Wolf's denika

Mercnbeth -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 8:29:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: natasha66

Although Master and i do not live together, i consider myself His slave 24/7.  i proudly wear His collar.  He owns me; i am His.  i was in conversation with a "Dom" here this morning and he said that because W/we do not live together it is not 24/7.  Then he proceeded to call me a "blonde" (i have brown hair, btw).   Just because i had a different view on the matter, he felt compelled to insult me.  The nerve of some people lol.   Anyway, i would love to hear what 2/7 means to subs/slaves and the Masters out there.....thanks!!!!

Well, I think it is fortunate that you had this conversation. Whenever you can be impacted so dramatically by the words of a stranger it lets you know you have some self doubt to address.

24/7 similar to slave/Master or any other words are meaningless out of context. If you were confident in the context you use them; nothing anyone says should cause you to seek validation from outside sources, like posters of CM.

KnightofMists -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 8:38:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

Well, I think it is fortunate that you had this conversation. Whenever you can be impacted so dramatically by the words of a stranger it lets you know you have some self doubt to address.

I agree in part... I do agree that when a person is impacted dramatically by the words of someone that has not significance to themself... that one should look at themselves and ask why.  However, in this case, the OP gave no indication that she was dramatically impacted... if anything.. her curiousity was spurred on wondering what motivates such people to that takes on such behavior.  Ironically,  I think it is very much the same reasons that allow people to be so dramatically affected by the words of someone that is insignificant to themself.


24/7 similar to slave/Master or any other words are meaningless out of context. If you were confident in the context you use them; nothing anyone says should cause you to seek validation from outside sources, like posters of CM.

I agree... but that doesn't mean we can not become curious to why people take the actions they do

sillyslaveboy -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 8:40:39 AM)

Being fallen in BDSM love, having this love returned in a proper way and living it all the time just like any other love. That is my idea of 24/7.

This stands in contrast to those married and playing only "part time" to fulfill the needs their vanilla partner cannot satisfy.

mketom -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 9:55:49 AM)

For most of us it would mean living with each other 24/7. But it could also mean if not living with each other I could also mean the MASTER/MISTRESS has total, mimd control over you. You will do what ever they order youdo do.  

natasha66 -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 10:13:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

24/7 similar to slave/Master or any other words are meaningless out of context. If you were confident in the context you use them; nothing anyone says should cause you to seek validation from outside sources, like posters of CM.

Mercnbeth, i wasn't seeking validation.  i know what 2/7 means to me....i was merely asking what that term means for others here.  i just found it interesting to be shot down by someone who knows nothing about me and my relationship with Him (not referring to you here).  Got me thinking, and wondering, that's all....

AquaticSub -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 11:24:44 AM)

*checks her hair color* 1. How is being called blonde an insult? and 2. 24/7 means to me that he owns my ass, 24/7 - if we are in the same bedroom or in seperate countries.

aravain -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 11:46:24 AM)

24/7 means run awaaaaaaaay!

But to be more serious...

to me 24/7 means a constant state of dominance and submission. It's something I'm not looking for. I don't necessarily believe that you have to live together all the time, though... that's just silly and ignorant.

chamberqueen -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 11:50:18 AM)

My case is similar to the OP's.  I do not live with my Master, yet He considers me to be on call 24/7.  Everything I do should be done in such a way that it reflects well on him even if it isn't specifically for him.  I am his slave every minute of the day - it isn't a role I slip into when he needs me to play it.  Our definition for it in our relationship is that I am a 24/7 slave.

leadership527 -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 2:38:08 PM)

OK, I have a few different answers, but first, I'd like to point out that there is no reward for "24/7".  Just like there's no reward for "slave" or "sub" or whatever else.  So insofar as I'm concerned, this is only a statement of reality, not any kind of qualitative or quantitative measure of someone's relationship.

So, my initial thought when I hear 24/7 is that we're talking people who live together in the same house, for the most part, day in and day out. 

Now, looking at it more deeply, I consider mine my slave all the time.... even when she is at work... even when she is in the garage working on art... even when she is out visiting her parents in Illinois.  So that certainly muddies my very simplistic initial divide.  And, I am well aware that there are people would not think of mine as "24/7" because I do send her out to work so she's not (in their minds) available to focus on me all the time.

I think in the end, who cares?  What's WAY more important is how well any given relationship is working out for the participants... there actually IS a reward for that... we call it "joy" and I personally like it.  If you'd like to avoid miscommunication, you could state somethign like...

I am in a 24/7, Long Distance, Master/slave relationhip.

*shrugs*  That's a value-neutral statement of fact that should communicate clearly.

Usako -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 2:56:40 PM)

Never been in any 24/7 situation but for me it'd have to mean living with the other person.

I can own someone or be in a relationship with someone where they acknowledge me 24/7, yes. But due to life as it is we probably couldn't be together often (work, class, family; other parts of life get in the way) so at most it'd mean meeting up once or twice a week. Of course that's fine given today's society but if I want to call someone mine 24/7 I'd want them to be able to be ready to be at my feet any second of any day. And that is usually only fathomable when you live with someone. Of course you can ask a sub/slave to do things that don't require face to face but that grows boring after a while, hence why I don't do cyber or cam sub/slave stuff.

WhiplashSmile2 -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 3:36:00 PM)

Same as 24/7 means on any dating website.  Living together in the same household.

IrishMist -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 4:35:06 PM)

What 24/7 means to ME has very little to do with what it means to YOU, or to the person next to you, or to the person two doors down.

The only definition that matters is the one that works for YOU and YOURS,

lizcgirl -> RE: What does 24/7 mean to you? (and a mini rant i suppose) (8/31/2008 6:14:06 PM)

I have to agree with most on here that since 24/7 isn't a concrete, definable term that is agreed on by every person, everywhere, it's simply all in how you view and how it applies to your life. I'm 24/7, my Master and I don't live together. But I serve Him 24/7- whether it's by conducting myself in a manner He would be proud of, doing tasks He sets me out to do, or being available to Him 24/7. I wear my collar at all times, not just when I'm in His presence. I am His slave at all times, no matter if I'm sitting at His feet or He's out of town for an extended period of time. It sounds simple enough, but there are those who only behave that way in prescribed situations or at certain times. To each their own- that's the beauty of it.

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