RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (Full Version)

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Irished -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (10/1/2008 7:34:52 PM)

Hi all

well I had the 'talk' and it was a miserable let down.  I simply explained that I have always been excited about serving her and would she enjoy it if I became her slave.........she thought I was joking and I said I was serious.  then she said that she knows that I am into that sort of stuff but that she is not ...........I felt so small and embarrassed - I felt like a loser or a wierd person.

so we have not spoken since and we have just moved on and gone back to normal

so thats that - its what I feared and expected

so now what !!!!???

undergroundsea -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (10/1/2008 8:51:43 PM)

Sorry that it did not go as you had hoped L :(

As you described it, it seems her response was non-judgmental, which is good. For now, I would just let time pass and watch that there is no subconscious or passive resentment expressed towards her. The discussion can be revisited in the future. Letting time pass might allow you hindsight that will help with the future discussion. I wonder if the message was too much too soon for her (what is appropriate pace will vary from person to person) if you told her you wanted to be her slave.

I don't think there is a definite answer for how long to wait: days, weeks? I think you would have to read the situation. But waiting will also allow you to see if she comes back with anything. What to say when that time is there is a discussion for another time.



OneMoreWaste -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (10/1/2008 8:54:51 PM)


so now what !!!!???

Now, brother, we drink! Vodka's in the freezer.

AAkasha -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (10/1/2008 10:30:07 PM)



Hi all

well I had the 'talk' and it was a miserable let down.  I simply explained that I have always been excited about serving her and would she enjoy it if I became her slave.........she thought I was joking and I said I was serious.  then she said that she knows that I am into that sort of stuff but that she is not ...........I felt so small and embarrassed - I felt like a loser or a wierd person.

so we have not spoken since and we have just moved on and gone back to normal

so thats that - its what I feared and expected

so now what !!!!???

Lots of people told you to go slow and start subtle - baby steps. Did you use the terminology that you wanted to be her slave?


TermsConditions -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (10/2/2008 7:51:29 PM)



Hi all

well I had the 'talk' and it was a miserable let down.  I simply explained that I have always been excited about serving her and would she enjoy it if I became her slave.........she thought I was joking and I said I was serious.  then she said that she knows that I am into that sort of stuff but that she is not ...........I felt so small and embarrassed - I felt like a loser or a wierd person.

so we have not spoken since and we have just moved on and gone back to normal

so thats that - its what I feared and expected

so now what !!!!???

I don't know. I'm trying to sub in my head and make her life as easy as I can. Houshold chores, all the stupid errands I can stomach and more. Lots of foot rubs, sex for her pleasure, etc. It's everything but fulfilling.

VivaciousSub -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (10/2/2008 8:21:09 PM)


I simply explained that I have always been excited about serving her and would she enjoy it if I became her slave.........she thought I was joking and I said I was serious. then she said that she knows that I am into that sort of stuff but that she is not ...........I felt so small and embarrassed - I felt like a loser or a wierd person.

Ouch! I'm sorry that happened to you. If you outright said that you wanted to be her slave, that might have squicked her a bit. I'm sorry that she thought you were joking! That would have made me feel really awkward.

You're not a loser for having these feelings, nor are you weird.

But - since she did say that she knows you are into it, and she's not - and things went back to "normal" - sit down with her again. Let her know how you felt - she'll likely be very sympathetic. I doubt, based on her reaction here, that she'll be anything less. Keep the lines of communication open and talk about it further. Let her know how important this is to you. Perhaps you can work out something between yourselves where you can explore on your own.

Best of luck!

LadyPact -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (10/3/2008 2:53:52 AM)



Hi all

well I had the 'talk' and it was a miserable let down.  I simply explained that I have always been excited about serving her and would she enjoy it if I became her slave.........she thought I was joking and I said I was serious.  then she said that she knows that I am into that sort of stuff but that she is not ...........I felt so small and embarrassed - I felt like a loser or a wierd person.

so we have not spoken since and we have just moved on and gone back to normal

so thats that - its what I feared and expected

so now what !!!!???

I'm going to echo something that I said in the thread that's linked within this one and something I've said on other threads as well.  One of the things that I mentioned in TnC's original thread was that, when you do have this type of discussion with an SO, one thing you have to prepare yourself for is to have acceptance.  What I mean by that is, when you have this kind of talk with a vanilla partner, you have to accept whatever answer it is that you receive.  That holds true whether you've always been kinky or have found BDSM later in life.   That answer from the SO can be anything from no way, to great what's first, and all kinds of things in-between.   Whatever that answer is, that vanilla person is entitled to it.

You may not particularly like this part, but I'm going to pause here for a moment to defend the position of the vanilla folks who are on the other end of this conversation.  If the relationship when you met and married was vanilla, and that is what they wanted, they have every right to that.  No, they aren't required to transform themselves into a kinky person because you always had those feelings or maybe discovered BDSM later.  That person married you with the expectation of a vanilla life.  That was the promise that you made to them at the time.  It's not up to them to change to conform to what you've decided you wanted.  Just because you decided you wanted to change the rules of the game, doesn't mean they have to go along with it.

Sure, sometimes they do, and it's great when that happens.  Some of us get lucky and I happen to be in that group.  Still, when My husband and I had our talk, I knew that it was possible that he would say no.  If he had, it would have been reasonable for him to expect Me to fulfill the promise of the life we had envisioned together.  Don't get Me wrong, I'm glad it didn't turn out that way, but I did know that was a possibility.

The other part of this is sometimes they don't.  This leaves you in the position of examining yourself, what's most important to you, and what alternative solutions can be found.  No, I don't subscribe to the lying and cheating idea that was given above.  Not unless your willing to risk everything when your wife finds out.  I find that suggestion just as silly as those folks who proclaim that they are cheating because they are poly and their monogamous SO just doesn't understand them.  That's another subject entirely.

From there, you take your wife's position, and compare it to your position, and then you look for ways to compromise.  What can you both accept?  Can you bring other people in?  Do you think you could spend some time doing submissive things for your wife without them specifically being labeled as submissive?  Is there any common ground you can find?  Can you accept your life without kink in it?  Is BDSM or your marriage more important to you?  Yes, that last question does have a place in the conversation.  Actually, I'd say that one in particular might be one that you especially need to know for yourself before you approach your wife again.

Give your wife and yourself a little time before that happens.  From what you've said here, right now, you're a little hurt by her response and that needs to die down a bit.  Also, if she was very opposed, let her get over her negative feelings about the subject as well.  It's going to be better for both of you if you are clear headed and not quite so emotional about the subject before tackling it again.  In the meantime, I'm going to suggest a book for you.
Read it and see if you can see yourself in it and see if this might be something your wife might be willing to read to understand you a bit better.  I wouldn't think it's fair for you to ask her to read it at some point without you having read it as well.  You can't ask her to go over and above what you're willing to do, can you? 

Please know this post isn't all doom and gloom.  This can work out.  It has for a lot of us.  My collared sub waited years before finding a good solution for his wife to allow his kink desires to be explored.  Sometimes, it doesn't happen on the first go round, but can happen at a later date. 

Still wishing you luck here.  I really do hope it can work out for you.

BoiJen -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (10/3/2008 7:27:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: OneMoreWaste


so now what !!!!???

Now, brother, we drink! Vodka's in the freezer.

I'm not gonna say you're a sad pathetic little man...cuz yer not. Yer just misguided and it seems ya have some issues to resolved before giving positive advice to anyone else looking to move forward in this venture of "serving."


MistressDolly -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (10/3/2008 8:59:00 AM)



I need to make my desire to serve a domme real and want to tell my wife.....has anyone done this, what did they say and how did the wife react??
thanks so much

Does it have to be another Woman? Would you and your Wife have an interest in your serving her? If not, lay it all out on the table and be prepared to answer "why" questions and present to her anything you can which will introduce her to / shed some light on the lifestyle. And ps., don't show her websites of scantily dressed women sitting naked on the poor "submissive" guy's face - - unless that is your definition of servitude. (?)

DominaErotica00 -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (10/3/2008 10:40:08 AM)

 I had this conversation with quite a few married subs before.... When I posed the question does their wife know about Me to them when we first meet, I have had answers like yes She does. I have had occasions where the wife sent the sub to see Me because She got off on it, it was the subs birthday gift, or She just wanted to watch Me with him etc...sometimes he will show up with a written list of his naughtyness that She listed he did, She can't discipline him but wants the Domme to do it for Her. Of course I make sure this wife does actually exist by demanding to speak to Her first. I ask the sub or even the wife about the openess of their relationship and it came from feeling comfortable, upfront and wide open about their desires and needs. The wife expressing that She has no problem allowing her husband to see a Domme, and/or the husband just expressing to his wife I get into this type of Lifestyle how do you feel about this? The husband could ask the wife if She has any fetishes or kinky thoughts etc..just to break the ice. Being honest with yourself and with your wife is the key element, talking and getting it out there. I know there are many instances where this type of conversation just can't be discussed with some wives, so unfortunately some husbands will have to keep this conversation bottled up and still see the Domme. If anything the husband should have an idea if their wife would even be interested. But what can make it confusing at times is a person may "act" as though they are not a freak but deep inside they are!...You never know there are tons of wives who are into the fetish/kinky Lifestyle undercover and just waiting for the right signs or words to bring it out of them...sometimes it's the chance you take..blessings on your quest.

tweedydaddy -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (10/3/2008 4:52:17 PM)

Seems a novel enough way to commit suicide I would have thought, it was nice knowing you. Try finding the domme in your wife, then you could enjoy it without knowing the pain of true stupidity. Any Domme not charging you a fortune is going to tell on your ass.

OneMoreWaste -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (10/3/2008 6:57:05 PM)




ORIGINAL: OneMoreWaste


so now what !!!!???

Now, brother, we drink! Vodka's in the freezer.

I'm not gonna say you're a sad pathetic little man...cuz yer not. Yer just misguided and it seems ya have some issues to resolved before giving positive advice to anyone else looking to move forward in this venture of "serving."


Indeed, I take up more than my fair share of real estate.

Hey, I tried being positive back in post 37, you can see where it got us. Now it's time for the voice of experience.

superman14312 -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (11/16/2009 11:21:59 AM)

I know this topic constantly weighs on my mind. I have done everything right so to speak. From running a bath for my wife, doing laundry, dishes, asking if their is anything I can do to pamper her. I have had several conversations with her.I have done everything Elise Sutton recommends. I think one thing that is hard for my wife is the fact that because I am a disabled Veteran, and she knows the pain I live in, she cannot understand, and does not want to add more pain to my life. Although I do not know if I can tolerate extreme Cbt for example, I do know I am interested in at least maybe light CBT, such as a flogger,etc. I do not want to cheat, and have not for years, but so want to learn the submissive lifestyle, and can't get it out of my head. Not easy.

superman14312 -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (11/16/2009 11:27:58 AM)

I have a question-especially to anyone who is in a femdom led marriage. I want to be submissive, and be in a Femdom Marriage. However I believe I wonder if I will have to give up things that I so enjoy, such as pleasing her orally? Do couples who live a femdom led marriage still have sex, and is the submissive man allowed to do things like pleasing her orally,etc? Thanks for your time.

AlexandraLynch -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (11/16/2009 12:00:38 PM)

The rules in any relationship are the rules the people in the relationship agree on.  There's no rule that says we women have to have sex with our subs. There's no law that says we have to refrain from having sex with them. There's no rule saying we can only recieve oral sex now. There's no rule that says all of us have to go buy strap-ons. Or leather or PVC. There are no rules, really. Except the rules you and your partner decide on.

Now, have other people published their rules? Yes. Is it helpful to try their rules to see what you might like? Sure! That's like asking a friend for recommendations at a new restaurant. But just because they like it doesn't mean you do. If it works for you both, you keep it; if not, you modify it or get rid of it altogether.

I have rules as obvious as, "Greet me properly when you enter my house," and as odd and abstract as "Put a sock around my can of pop before handing it to me." But they are my rules, and they work for me.

This takes communication. Every female dominant (every dominant, actually, of any gender) approaches domination in a different way and finds a unique combination that works for her. Sometimes it takes us time to find our feet and get confident in this new world. But it can happen.

Lucienne -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (11/16/2009 2:52:03 PM)

I realize this is an old thread and the OP is probably long gone, but Jesus Mary and Joseph, if that juicy ass hasn't already brought out the top in his wife, I fear there is little hope for her in the D regard. It's begging to be played with.

LadyPact -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (11/16/2009 5:07:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: superman14312

I have a question-especially to anyone who is in a femdom led marriage. I want to be submissive, and be in a Femdom Marriage. However I believe I wonder if I will have to give up things that I so enjoy, such as pleasing her orally? Do couples who live a femdom led marriage still have sex, and is the submissive man allowed to do things like pleasing her orally,etc? Thanks for your time.

You may do better with your question in getting a response if you do two things:

1)  Calling up an old thread to ask a question of your own isn't going to get it a lot of attention.  You're much better off in getting replies by starting a new topic, rather than trying to piggyback an old thread.

2)  You may want to read the entire thread that you pulled up and use the search function  to find others.  We have this come across the boards quite often, so it's easy to find it in the archives.

slavekal -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (11/16/2009 6:28:06 PM)

Your wife may be your perfect Mistress.  You should approach your wife...but you have to do it right.  You need to have strategy and patience.

LadyAngelika -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (11/16/2009 6:50:18 PM)


so now what !!!!???

News Flash! Your wife doesn't have to be dominant for you to be submissive to her. If truly in your heart you wish to serve a woman, you do it out of pleasure. You do anything to make her life easier, you pay attention to her needs and you give her space when she needs it.

So many men who want a 24/7 lifestyle envision this as being dominated 24/7 rather than serving 24/7. They don't get it.

Now if you are masochistic or kinky and want play, that is a whole other story.

- LA

MasterK13 -> RE: married sub - how to tell my wife (11/16/2009 7:30:20 PM)

You would be amazed how many people secretly like BDSM just come out and tell her its better then cheating and liying.

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