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RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 10:23:58 AM   

Posts: 9779
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From: Texas
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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

          I haven't come across any denials of the deportation order, Bita. 

I haven't come across any proof that such an order was even made. It's that whole innocent until proven guilty thing. Wacky me.  


Even the Obama campaign is just saying he didn't know.

Well, there ya go. He doesn't 'know' .. but a whole lot of other people think they do and therein lies the crux of the matter.


  As for the housing, here is a decent article on the particulars, and the silver lining for Obama.

I don't think Obama needs a silver lining. This is not a campaign issue.


"Oh, so it's just like
Rock, paper, scissors."

He laughed. "You are the wisest woman I know."

(in reply to TheHeretic)
Profile   Post #: 121
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 10:26:27 AM   

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CL... living in a state funded Project is far from being given a handout. It is reported that she works, that means she earns money and pays rent. It is not being paid for her. State funded housing is affordable housing that is often lower in rents than your average apartment making it possible for someone earning less than 30K a year to have a roof over their head. In New York this can mean that while a 550 sq ft studio apartment might go for 1800$ a month, a family of 4 who don't make nearly that much or an elderly person struggling on soc security can get an apartment for 800$ a month. While rarely are they in the best areas of the cities, and crime rates can be high, many of the people living in them are paying rent, utilities and raising their families as best as they can. Yes it can be welfare subsidized but if you are working you are paying your own rent.


You know, those who make a really good living expect those making min wage full time to serve them every day, but they do not even want to subsidize their rents... I suppose people can just do without the service industry to take care of them for a pittance since they need to live somewhere, and living in the cities they work is just too damn expensive.


Once you label me, you negate me ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Reality has a well known Liberal Bias ~ Stephen Colbert

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

(in reply to BlackPhx)
Profile   Post #: 122
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 10:37:03 AM   

Posts: 5732
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You know, those who make a really good living expect those making min wage full time to serve them every day, but they do not even want to subsidize their rents...

I expect people to do the jobs they signed up for. 

I expect people who want more to look for jobs that pay more.

I expect to pay market rate for whatever it is I want.

I expect that to be a sufficient "subsidy" for a working man's living costs.


(in reply to juliaoceania)
Profile   Post #: 123
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 11:16:12 AM   

Posts: 18104
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ORIGINAL: BitaTruble


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

         I haven't come across any denials of the deportation order, Bita. 

I haven't come across any proof that such an order was even made. It's that whole innocent until proven guilty thing. Wacky me.  


Even the Obama campaign is just saying he didn't know.

Well, there ya go. He doesn't 'know' .. but a whole lot of other people think they do and therein lies the crux of the matter.


  As for the housing, here is a decent article on the particulars, and the silver lining for Obama.

I don't think Obama needs a silver lining. This is not a campaign issue.

A.P. (Associated Press) reported that she was "ordered to leave the country" (Deported)
If she wants to (appeal) that order then if she can find a lawyer who'll take her case she can, but, she still has to leave the U.S. under the Court's order, within 30 or 60 days I believe.
(I'm not up on those laws, we (In the U.S.C.G.) were more involved in apprehensions than in court cases.)
She shouldn't be getting "subsidised" anything at this point.
And she's "working?"
It's a federal felony to hire an illegal alien.
I don't know why she hasn't been arrested, a judge ordered her deported, to leave the country, she's defying a court's order. You'd think they'd issue a bench warrant for her arrest by now.
If that were you or me we'd be arrested long ago.


"But Your Honor, this is not a Jury of my Peers, these people are all decent, honest, law-abiding citizens!"

(in reply to BitaTruble)
Profile   Post #: 124
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 12:35:26 PM   

Posts: 19100
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From: California, USA
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        Sometimes, Bita, the spin tells the tale.  We don't seem to be the only ones talking about this on the internet, and the left seems to be confirming the deportation order by demanding to know who leaked it.  AP did report that the story was confirmed. 

       Google, 'Obama aunt deportation order' and you'll see what I mean.



If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

(in reply to BitaTruble)
Profile   Post #: 125
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 12:41:02 PM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

... the left seems to be confirming the deportation order by demanding to know who leaked it.

....not so much the mythical left.......unless that's the Federal government......

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Profile   Post #: 126
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 1:02:13 PM   

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From: California, USA
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        I was referring to the number of blog hits in a search, Phil, but I think that link might be what Bita needed to see.

       Now if we want to throw some more grist in, let's start examining the conditions of her transfer from a federal program to a state one with much more lenient rules.  She moved just as the primaries were getting rolling.  Might we see an investigation as to whether there might have been some influence used in that?


If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

(in reply to philosophy)
Profile   Post #: 127
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 1:04:38 PM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

      Might we see an investigation as to whether there might have been some influence used in that?

...absolutely.....humbug is humbug.......such an investigation can run concurrently with an investigation into how the matter was leaked to the press.
It's not about which side is less wrong or more right, there are lines that ought not be crossed by either side.

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Profile   Post #: 128
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 1:56:55 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Hippiekinkster

Well, at least Obama didn't fuck his wife over to go live with some rich slut for 6 MONTHS before his divorce was final, because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. That's your boy McCain.  Such a paragon of honor and virtue, he is.

   but since it was said earlier i just have to reply.  and this has nothing to do with whether or not McCain will make a good president.   ....  but sheesh! someone has to say this ~~

LOL omfG  you didn't go there.  Do you remember Clinton?  the biggest and most well known adulterer on earth?  let's see, what did Clinton supporters say?  OH YEAH ~ what does his sex life have to do with his ability to be president?

pot, meet kettle


"Being a Master to somebody or a slave to somebody is a relationship bound status. Without the relationship the status does not exist and all that is there is the potential or the natural inclination to fulfill such a status in the future." ~ ishyB

(in reply to Hippiekinkster)
Profile   Post #: 129
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 2:34:11 PM   

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Celticlord. Just be thankful that you have family that will come to your aid if you and yours are in need. I've been out on my own since age 13 without any family, extended or otherwise. I know how life is without loved ones to support you. And believe me, the state, feds, agencies, are just has abusive to "no one's child" as the pimps and pushers on the streets.

This experience made me a nurturing, compassionate and ferociously protective mother to my um's. This experience has made me take up causes for poor and disenfranchised people instead of having contempt for their being down on their luck and resources.

The only thing I've ever wanted from fellow human beings is understanding. Sometimes I'm lucky. People are basically good. I believe this with all of my heart. Nothing will darken my heart towards others. Nothing will make me have disdain for someone because they are not as well off as me, or some silly standard of what a human being should be.

So Celticlord.  Thank God that you're lucky. You're not any better than someone unfortunate. You're just luckier.

We don't know the entire details of why Obama's aunt is in her situation. And like others have stated, many people would rather starve than ask for help from a relative. Especially one they barely know.

(in reply to celticlord2112)
Profile   Post #: 130
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 2:40:23 PM   

Posts: 5732
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So Celticlord. Thank God that you're lucky. You're not any better than someone unfortunate. You're just luckier.

Don't recall where I've ever questioned that.


(in reply to IamElise)
Profile   Post #: 131
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 3:22:03 PM   

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Actually Heretic, depending on the State and the City, these may be buildings erected by companies hired by the State/City thereby creating jobs. They may be buildings that have been taken for Taxes and renovated after being abandoned by Landlords, that otherwise would have laid fallow, infested with rats, dealers and crack addicts. Many of them are NOT HUD housing, though they are Low Income Housing. 

Frankly I would love to see Cities and Towns take some of these places, houses, etc. and turn them into homes for Teachers and School Classrooms as well. Maybe that would make up for the Low salaries we pay Teachers, and ease some of the overcrowding in schools allowing kids to learn. I doubt this will ever happen as it is so much better to spend 30 million to build a school that will be inadequate for the number of students who will need it by the time it opens than utilize buildings that are abandoned and need renovation in areas already under urban blight. I doubt we will ever pay our teachers what they are truly worth, or pay enough to KEEP them teaching. Perhaps if we offered them subsidized housing we could. Nope sorry, that would be a hand out instead of a hand UP.


(in reply to TheHeretic)
Profile   Post #: 132
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 3:33:54 PM   

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From: California, USA
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        Don't even get me started on teachers.  It's the only profession out there where the worker is somehow considered above accountability for the quality of the product.


If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

(in reply to BlackPhx)
Profile   Post #: 133
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 4:51:51 PM   

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I am not sure about California...but here the emphasis is NOT on Teachers actually is on them getting the kids through the various state and federal tests. That whole No child Left behind thing, is doing our children a disservice as is the everyone gets a trophy just for showing up for an event stunt the Boards came up with to bolster self esteem.  However if you are going to expect someone to work, 8 hours a day in a classroom and another 2-5 hours when they get home, checking homework and grading but not pay them a living wage, you are NOT going to attract those who are dedicated and empowered by teaching, but only those going through the motions, especially when you give them few supplies, outdated textbooks, and over crowded classrooms.

Frankly I don't expect road crews to repave a road using a knife to break up the original road, a paint brush to remove the rubble and a bucket and shovel of paint to repave it with, why the heck would I expect teachers to be able to teach when we keep cutting their budgets and supplies. Half the teachers are already BUYING supplies out of their own salaries so they can help the kids and stock their classrooms.


< Message edited by BlackPhx -- 11/2/2008 4:53:59 PM >

(in reply to TheHeretic)
Profile   Post #: 134
RE: Obama's beloved Auntie Zietuni - 11/2/2008 5:11:32 PM   

Posts: 17896
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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

      I was referring to the number of blog hits in a search, Phil, but I think that link might be what Bita needed to see.

     Now if we want to throw some more grist in, let's start examining the conditions of her transfer from a federal program to a state one with much more lenient rules.  She moved just as the primaries were getting rolling.  Might we see an investigation as to whether there might have been some influence used in that?
Heretic I am quite sure President Obama will give any assistance requested to such an investigation....sort of like Gov.Palin did.....

< Message edited by slvemike4u -- 11/2/2008 5:12:13 PM >


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

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