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RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 8:53:32 AM   

Posts: 52100
Joined: 5/2/2007
From: Savannah, GA
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ORIGINAL: JustDarkness

First rule he should make is ..not to talk about afro americans..but calling every one with a USA passport an american.
My people rule in complexity.


Supreme Goddess of Snark
CHARTER MEMBER: Lance's Fag Hags!
Waiting for my madman in a Blue Box.

(in reply to JustDarkness)
Profile   Post #: 221
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 8:54:51 AM   

Posts: 17896
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The 4th. ammendment insures that we are not subject to "unlawful" searches or seizures. 

So will Obama and friends soon make it "lawful" for government thugs to check our refrigerators and our thermostats regularly to ensure that we're not consuming more than Glorious Leader permits?

It does not confer a specific right for you or anyone else to consume as much as you wish.

So you confirm that you believe Glorious Leader has every right to watch over and control our every action (for our own good, of course).

The 9th ammendment states that those right enumerated in the bill of rights are not exhaustive and does not preclude other rights that reside with the does not give you or any one else the right to consume as much as you choose.

The Bill Of Rights doesn't grant us rights, it was supposed to limit the rights that the Glorious Leader can infringe upon.

Ah, the good old days...


The tenth ammendment states that those rights not specifically given to the federal government are retained by the states and therefore the people.  It also does not give you or anyone else the right to consume as much as you wish.

So in your view, Glorious Leader may usurp any right not specifically granted us in the Bill Of Rights... see above.


The constitution does however give the federal government the right to make laws to govern the states and people of the U.S.  This right of the federal government does limit your right to consume as much as you choose.

It is interesting that you really believe that the Constitution actually gives Glorious Leader the right to monitor and control our "consumption".


Your posts seem to lack any real understanding of either the english language or the meaning of the constitution. 

I consider this a real compliment, coming from you.

Your posts seem rather to be filled with a conscious vitriol against anything and everything that you perceive as not conforming to your view of how things should be. 

Right back atcha Democratic man

You seem to have no problem personally accepting welfare when it suits you but refuse to see it being dispensed to anyone else not of your particular social/economic stature.

That is a very strange accusation for you make... as you speak of things you know nothing of.

Sanity the election is over President-Elect Obama takes the oath on Jan might want to get a grip,wrap your mind around the reality of the situation....and most of all ...DEAL WITH IT.


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 222
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 8:57:14 AM   

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Mike, in fairness to him, the Bush haters never gave him a chance either.  I haven't been able to go out in public for 8 years without someone sounding exactly like that on the other side.
Give Obama a chance to make true his speech and his promises.  If he can do even 1/2 of what he says he wants to do, people will come around.

(in reply to slvemike4u)
Profile   Post #: 223
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 9:15:20 AM   

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Marcb, i went to bed prior to seeing your last post, I have had people ask me if that was me who have seen my pic, although similar in coloring, its not me.  And let's be clear, i never stated that avatar was me, anyone who has ever asked i have stated clearly it is an avatar, while it looks somewhat like me it is not me.   When my profile is up my picture usually shows.  I am not looking for anything right now so to me its silly to keep my profile up.  People are able to contact me if they want through the pm feature on the boards and that's sufficient for me.

Deleted portion for form sake.

As for my comments, i explained why i posted what i did to Owner59.  Take it or leave it lol i really don't care.   


Calm down.  I’m just funnin’ with ya.  Like you I have a bad habit of not using the emoticons as often as I should – leading to frequent misunderstandings.


Do you know what the most awesome thing about being an Atheist is? You're not required to hate anybody!

(in reply to barelynangel)
Profile   Post #: 224
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 9:31:59 AM   

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Why give Obama a chance to make true his campaign speaches and/or promises when he BROKE at least these four campaign PROMISES prior to the election?

1) During his announcement speach Obama PROMISED he wouldn't run a negative campaign.
2) During on of his Democratic primary stump speaches Obama PROMISED to end the war in Iraq by the end of 2009.
3) Soon after it looked like he would be the Democratic nomineed Obama PROMISED he would accept FEC funding for the general election.
4) When McCain invited him to participate in 10 town-hall meetings/debate Obama PROMISED he would debate McCain anytime and anywhere.

LIE to me once Obama, Strike One.
LIE to me twice Obama, Strike Two.
LIE to me three times Obama, You're Out.
LIE to me four times Obama, You're Ejected.

If all of those BROKEN PROMISES/LIES aren't enough reason not to give Obama a chance how about this reason: Obama refused to profer the vault copy of his Hawaiian Birth Certificate to the Civil Court in Berg vs Obama, first petitioning the Court to dismiss Berg's law suit then petitioning the Court to delay evidenciary hearings until after the election.  That is not to question whether Obama is a bonafied natural born U.S. Citizen or not but, rather, simply to question why (if he is) he refused to prove it in a Court of Law and dismiss all question/speculation?

(in reply to Irishknight)
Profile   Post #: 225
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 10:17:59 AM   

Posts: 5890
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Unless the law has changed, I was under the understanding that if  either of your parents is a US citizen at the time of your birth, the geography of your birth is TOTALLY irrelevant. His mother was US citizen at his birth, wasn't she??

Edited for spelling.

< Message edited by hlen5 -- 11/5/2008 10:38:47 AM >


My fave Thread:

One time "Phallus Expert Extraordinaire"

(in reply to RacerJim)
Profile   Post #: 226
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 10:33:55 AM   

Posts: 10540
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Why give Obama a chance to make true his campaign speaches and/or promises when he BROKE at least these four campaign PROMISES prior to the election?

1) During his announcement speach Obama PROMISED he wouldn't run a negative campaign.
2) During on of his Democratic primary stump speaches Obama PROMISED to end the war in Iraq by the end of 2009.
3) Soon after it looked like he would be the Democratic nomineed Obama PROMISED he would accept FEC funding for the general election.
4) When McCain invited him to participate in 10 town-hall meetings/debate Obama PROMISED he would debate McCain anytime and anywhere.

LIE to me once Obama, Strike One.
LIE to me twice Obama, Strike Two.
LIE to me three times Obama, You're Out.
LIE to me four times Obama, You're Ejected.

If all of those BROKEN PROMISES/LIES aren't enough reason not to give Obama a chance how about this reason: Obama refused to profer the vault copy of his Hawaiian Birth Certificate to the Civil Court in Berg vs Obama, first petitioning the Court to dismiss Berg's law suit then petitioning the Court to delay evidenciary hearings until after the election.  That is not to question whether Obama is a bonafied natural born U.S. Citizen or not but, rather, simply to question why (if he is) he refused to prove it in a Court of Law and dismiss all question/speculation?

1) By republican standards ? Compared to McCapital's...say anything and make every outrageous charge in the end while Obama's campaign was virtually pristine. Shit...deosn't work anymore. Dole (R-N.C.) some analysts suggest that by trying to associate and painting her opponent with and as an atheist...lost it for her.

2) The war ended years ago and Obama could easily yet end our occupation by the end of 2009.

3) That promise on campaing funding was contingent on McCapital also making that committment. When McCapital didn't (repubs always rasie more money...right ?) and once Obama started pulling in so much expect the democrat to stick to his high principles and fall on the political sword of federal funding while McCapital didn't have any principles...wouldn't and didn't make any committment to fed funding.

4) A terrible decision on those debates when it was McCapital who arbritrarily called to cancel one during the 'debate' on that socialist-redistribution-of-wealth legislation...for wall street and overwhelmingly passed it despite overwhelming public opposition in a beautiful bipartisan (welfare) act of our plutocracy. It almost brought a tear to my eye...but not out of joy but sadness for the next 2 or 3 generations.
I wonder how the rest of those townhall debates would have gone as the poles kept going south for him ? McCapital should have canceled them all and would have been better off never debating Obama.

< Message edited by MrRodgers -- 11/5/2008 10:38:33 AM >

(in reply to RacerJim)
Profile   Post #: 227
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 10:44:15 AM   

Posts: 10540
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Unless the law has changed, I was under the understanding that if  either of your parents is a US citizen at the time of your birth, the geography of your birth is TOTALLY irrelevant. His mother was US citizen at his birth, wasn't she??

Edited for spelling.

That's what the repubs said during George Romney's campaign for their nomination back in the day. If my mind hasn't been too filled with this trivia...I recall that he was born in Israel to American parents.

(in reply to hlen5)
Profile   Post #: 228
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 10:45:58 AM   

Posts: 814
Joined: 8/4/2005
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At this early hour it looks like the people has spoken, yes Obama will be our next president,I am not happy with the results , no but this is Now a nation of change so I will go along for the ride..
I watch a little special on late night TV, its was how TOM Dachel and Others in the Democrat party noticed Obama potential and how he and others from the party started to groom him to become the next grate democracy leader.the Democrats were looking for a sweetheart, a silver bullet.Looks like they found one, Hes goes into office a free agent, not owing allegiance to the party, wall street,. so lets see how he fares...Bounty

We all know the results now.  I don't like Obama, did not vote for him, and feel we made the wrong choice again (remember Carter?)  I'm sure history will remember Obama as the worst President since Jimmy Carter.  HOWEVER, he has been elected, and we have to support him 100%  That is what makes this country work.

(in reply to BOUNTYHUNTER)
Profile   Post #: 229
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 10:50:10 AM   

Posts: 1190
Joined: 12/1/2007
From: Alabama
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ORIGINAL: rulemylife

You know it will be bad?

So, we can add clairvoyance to your many self-attested skills?

Personally, I hope we do have another FDR on our hands.

yes, what we need is a president who routinely strips property from individuals and prolongs a depression by a decade or so through horrendous policies...

and I dont think clairvoyance is the word. perhaps we should just call it economic knowledge.


all the good ones are collared or lesbians.

or old.

(in reply to rulemylife)
Profile   Post #: 230
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 10:52:14 AM   

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ORIGINAL: rulemylife

Well, I can surely understand that.

I mean, if you can't be wealthy then obviously you can't suceed (sic).

Anyone and everyone knows the only measure of success is how large your house is, what kind of car you drive, and how much money you have.

anyone and everyone knows that the only measure of success is dependent to that individual.

mine is money, as money allows me to provide a more comfortable and enriched life to those who care about me and depend upon me.

I don't work hard for strangers, that is not who I am.


all the good ones are collared or lesbians.

or old.

(in reply to rulemylife)
Profile   Post #: 231
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 10:53:53 AM   

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ORIGINAL: rulemylife

Which is that over-consumption is at the root of many of our problems. 

Though that is a seperate argument.

He is not proposing to regulate any of that. 

we over-consume? interesting. what is the proper amount of consumption? I wasn't aware there was one.


all the good ones are collared or lesbians.

or old.

(in reply to rulemylife)
Profile   Post #: 232
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 10:59:46 AM   

Posts: 553
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Right back atcha Democratic man

You seem to have no problem personally accepting welfare when it suits you but refuse to see it being dispensed to anyone else not of your particular social/economic stature.

That is a very strange accusation for you make... as you speak of things you know nothing of.

Your profile and your post indicate that you are a property owner and a parent.  So it is not unreasonable for one to assume that you take a deduction for mortgage interest and a deduction for your children.  These are forms of welfare or "entitlement" if you will.  You are recieving from the government a handout that you did nothning to earn.
Why do you assume that anyone who disagrees with your rabid and vituperous post is a democrat?  I find those demopubs who post in a similar fashion to your post to be equally reprehensible.

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 233
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 11:00:35 AM   

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ORIGINAL: JumpingJax

I am very interested in how history will judge Bush. There will be no doubt that he made some mistakes but he faced some challenges that no one ever saw coming.

As for FDR... there are many that would say he was one of our greatest presidents. He must have been pretty amazing to be elected to 4 terms. Again another president who faced some real challenges that no one would have seen coming when he was first elected.

fdr was one of our worst presidents, second only to lincoln (woodrow wilson and bush tie for a distant 3rd, if you ask me). and fdr 'saw' the challenges when he was elected (as he was elected in 32). his policies extended and worsened the depression. he stripped property and rights from americans in an unprecedented manner. hell, if Jefferson was alive, he would have pushed fdr's wheelchair down a large flight of stairs. I don't even know where to start with fdr...though I'd probably start with him making it illegal to 'horde' gold and then confiscating citizens private property in accordance to his new decree.


And oh yeah the stock market has a very big impact on the economy. Buying stock is what allows companies to expand. If their is confidence in the stock market and companies feel good about offering ipo's that all equates to new jobs. This is one of the reasons that the Clinton years get some much credit for a good economy. It wasn't really anything he did - it was just a great boom, driven by the new internet, in the Stock market that we all benefited from.

you may have just found the truth in your false statement. for instance, if the stocks were solid because of the internet boom and if the internet boom turned out to be without substance and caused great turmoil for investors...would you not say that the stocks which appeared good were, in fact, a false indicator of the quality of our economy?

edit: though to be more specific, the internet boom had a lot to do with artificially low interest rates which created over-capitalization...which encouraged people to invest where they normally would save...

so because of this false indicator of how much demand there actually was, companies invested in production and produced goods that there was not a market for...which led to these companies failing miserably.

granted, I need a lot more space than what is allowed in this thread without derailing it to make this point adequetly, but I think you get the point.

if you want to know waht the stock market actually is, look up shit like sarbanes oxley. it's more of a regulatory rool than a market for stocks...

but even at its best, it only says what is predicts what people think stocks in a company are worth, it does not represent actual production. A lot of people don't understand this. the stock market has nothing to do with the goods or capital that actually exist.

< Message edited by variation30 -- 11/5/2008 11:11:05 AM >


all the good ones are collared or lesbians.

or old.

(in reply to JumpingJax)
Profile   Post #: 234
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 11:03:04 AM   

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ORIGINAL: variation30


ORIGINAL: rulemylife

Which is that over-consumption is at the root of many of our problems. 

Though that is a seperate argument.

He is not proposing to regulate any of that. 

we over-consume? interesting. what is the proper amount of consumption? I wasn't aware there was one.

(my italics)

"In ecology, overshoot occurs when a population exceeds the long term carrying capacity of its environment. The consequence of overshoot is called a crash or die-off. For classic applications of this concept to human experience, see Catton.[2] and Meadows, Randers & Meadows [3]"

...for your edification. No human sets the appropriate level of consumption, that is done by the finite nature of the environment.

(in reply to variation30)
Profile   Post #: 235
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 11:06:58 AM   

Posts: 553
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ORIGINAL: variation30

we over-consume? interesting. what is the proper amount of consumption? I wasn't aware there was one.

If you were the richest person on a life boat in the middle of the ocean do you feel that your wealth would entitle you to more of the food or water than those less wealthy than you?

(in reply to variation30)
Profile   Post #: 236
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 11:09:21 AM   

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ORIGINAL: variation30


ORIGINAL: JumpingJax

I am very interested in how history will judge Bush. There will be no doubt that he made some mistakes but he faced some challenges that no one ever saw coming.

As for FDR... there are many that would say he was one of our greatest presidents. He must have been pretty amazing to be elected to 4 terms. Again another president who faced some real challenges that no one would have seen coming when he was first elected.

fdr was one of our worst presidents, second only to lincoln (woodrow wilson and bush tie for a distant 3rd, if you ask me). and fdr 'saw' the challenges when he was elected (as he was elected in 32). his policies extended and worsened the depression. he stripped property and rights from americans in an unprecedented manner. hell, if Jefferson was alive, he would have pushed fdr's wheelchair down a large flight of stairs. I don't even know where to start with fdr...though I'd probably start with him making it illegal to 'horde' gold and then confiscating citizens private property in accordance to his new decree.

If your ability's to discern the future are anything like your grasp of the past,there is little need to worry about your dire predictions.


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to variation30)
Profile   Post #: 237
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 11:16:03 AM   

Posts: 1190
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The Supreme Court is the final arbiter of what is legal,

where does it say that in the Constitution?


all the good ones are collared or lesbians.

or old.

(in reply to hlen5)
Profile   Post #: 238
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 11:20:58 AM   

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ORIGINAL: philosophy

...for your edification. No human sets the appropriate level of consumption, that is done by the finite nature of the environment.


scarcity and prices control consumption. there's no 'equilibrium' to be reached.


all the good ones are collared or lesbians.

or old.

(in reply to philosophy)
Profile   Post #: 239
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 11:23:12 AM   

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From: Alabama
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If you were the richest person on a life boat in the middle of the ocean do you feel that your wealth would entitle you to more of the food or water than those less wealthy than you?

I am not entitled to anything I do not produce myself or trade for.


all the good ones are collared or lesbians.

or old.

(in reply to HunterS)
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