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RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:08:12 PM   

Posts: 174
Joined: 9/22/2007
Status: offline
i would just like to say that, i am glad to be living in these times where there is a Black Man for President. 
i am glad that times are going to change, NOT just for America, but i believe for the WORLD.
i am glad that He is interested in talking to leaders etc. from other countries instead of acting like a bully.

im glad to be an American today.

well wishes to All and all.

*P.s. Please direct any remarks to my assistant Sarah nevermind she is probably looking at Russia from her back yard.*

(in reply to variation30)
Profile   Post #: 261
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:08:44 PM   

Posts: 17896
Joined: 1/15/2008
From: United States
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How many arguments are you looking to lose in one afternoon.Fort Sumter was a federal installation before remained so after secession.Federal property as opposed to part of the United States....please before going further do all of us a favor and read Lincoln's first which he promised to molest no one ,to unsheathe no sword ,to compel no one...he further cited he had sworn an oath(the same one President Obama will swear on Jan.20th)to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic....see where I'm going here...If you are still unconvinced of Lincoln's greatness you might want to take a look at his 2nd inaugural,a more charitable political speech,considering the circumstances,you will not find....


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to variation30)
Profile   Post #: 262
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:09:52 PM   

Posts: 1190
Joined: 12/1/2007
From: Alabama
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What you think is just is of little consequence.  We are discussing the constitution and the law.

what I think and what supreme court justices think are both of little consequence. the only thing that is of consequence is what is written in the constitution. let's not confuse this issue, we are not discussing the constitution AND the law...we are merely discussing the constitution - as the constitution IS the law.


If you will refer to your own post above where it says, in blue, "Appellate Jurisdiction" in law and fact.  For those whom English is not their primary language it means the court decides what is law and what is fact.  This gives the court constitutional authority to say what is and is not constitutional. 
As I pointed out in my post, which you quoted,
The oath of office for a supreme court justice requires him/her to uphold the constitution.  If he/she is to do that they must of, necessity , interpret just what the constitution means and by extension which laws the congress passes fit the constraints placed on it by the constitution. 
This is usually a discussion carried on in high school history class and for you not to be aware of how the logic of judicial review is supported by the constitution  speaks poorly of the educational institutions you attended.


for those of whom english is not their first language, I will dole out this bit of information: read the entire sentence before you declare what the sentence means.

" In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make."

'In all other cases before mentioned' is rather important, do you not think. this sentence means that the court shall have 'appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact' on the 'before mentioned cases'. now what cases were previously mentioned. well...the only sentence preceding this in 3.2 states that 'In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction.'


you can't pick and choose...


all the good ones are collared or lesbians.

or old.

(in reply to HunterS)
Profile   Post #: 263
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:14:08 PM   

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Fellow-citizens, we cannot escape history. We of this Congress and this administration, will be remembered in spite of ourselves. No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation. We say we are for the Union. The world will not forget that we say this. We know how to save the Union. The world knows we do know how to save it. We -- even we here -- hold the power, and bear the responsibility.

Abraham Lincoln, Dec. 1, 1862

(in reply to variation30)
Profile   Post #: 264
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:16:04 PM   

Posts: 1190
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From: Alabama
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ORIGINAL: JumpingJax

I'm all for personal responsibility - but at what point do you draw the line?   What about the person who is unable to care for themselves.   Take a person with physical or mental disabilities? 

It is unjust for any man to be forced into doing something he does not wish to do. This applies to all situations, even the appeals to emotion you are arrousing.

what about hte person who is unable to care for themselves? they should hope that someone willingly agrees to assist them. I believe theft and the initation of force are always wrong, even if they are done for seemingly good reasons.


Do we not as just simple human beings have a responsibility to help care for those less fortunate this us?  

no. we do not have a responsibility to help anyone else, nor can we demand that someone else help us. but I do think that the good and charitable people outnumber those that are not so...


Should we not have some social programs to ensure that children don't stare regardless of what poor actions their parents may be making?  Or do you really think everyone should fend for themselves.

I think everyone should fend for themselves. if you cannot provide for yourself, hope for charity. robbery is still robbery, no matter how hungry the criminal is.


Consider this - You may be all big and strong now,  self sufficient.  But all it takes is one unfortunate incident for any of that to go away.   Let's hope it never happens but bad things do happen and the right thing to do is help those that truly need help.

yes bad things do happen...but for some people helping those who 'truly' (who is to decide the difference between what people need and what they truly need...are you going to do it?) need it is not what is right. perhaps to them, gathering wealth to ensure their children and grandchildren will never go hungry is right for them.


all the good ones are collared or lesbians.

or old.

(in reply to JumpingJax)
Profile   Post #: 265
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:22:07 PM   

Posts: 147
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ORIGINAL: slavejale

i would just like to say that, i am glad to be living in these times where there is a Black Man for President.
i am glad that times are going to change, NOT just for America, but i believe for the WORLD.
i am glad that He is interested in talking to leaders etc. from other countries instead of acting like a bully.

When did a black...... Oh, wait. You mean Arabic president, correct? Baracka does not meet the definition of "black" being not even 3% black.

I wish things would change, but we are simply going to get more failed socialistic programs. How is this change?

And I am NOT happy he is willing to consort, party and talk with terrorists who are the actual bullies.

(in reply to slavejale)
Profile   Post #: 266
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:22:28 PM   

Posts: 1190
Joined: 12/1/2007
From: Alabama
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ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

How many arguments are you looking to lose in one afternoon.Fort Sumter was a federal installation before remained so after secession.

you're really stretching now...

what makes something a federal installation? because it was funded by the federal government? so everything in the south that had a dollar put into it's construction is federal property and union soldiers and just hang out there as they please? is that how it works?


Federal property as opposed to part of the United States....please before going further do all of us a favor and read Lincoln's first which he promised to molest no one

oh...well lincoln said he was going to molest no one, ergo, lincoln molested no one. very good argument.

did he molest the people he drafted (despite the draft riots). did he molest those he held without trial? did he molest a nation he invaded? did he molest a nation he blockaded?


to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic....

lincoln was an enemy of the constitution.


If you are still unconvinced of Lincoln's greatness you might want to take a look at his 2nd inaugural,a more charitable political speech,considering the circumstances,you will not find....

perhaps this is our difference. I don't think presidents are great or awful because of what they say in speeches. I judge them by their actions.


all the good ones are collared or lesbians.

or old.

(in reply to slvemike4u)
Profile   Post #: 267
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:23:40 PM   

Posts: 40310
Status: offline
I am sooo happy today, I stayed up late but thanks to a godawful head infection im barely with it, but beaming.
Congratulations America.... I was worried about your direction, scared even. But today I feel elated....and hopeful for the  future. Despite all the horrible things going on, I hope the best for you. I hope Obama really does make a positive difference, and you can overcome the devisiveness and work for the things you want to accomplish.
Be Proud, Be happy,
Be Americans.
Fantastic result


<) )╯SUCH
/ \

( (> A NASTY
/ \

<) )> WOMAN
/ \

Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to variation30)
Profile   Post #: 268
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:24:13 PM   

Posts: 553
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ORIGINAL: variation30



That looks a lot like the "Texas two step".
Since you did not produce or trade for your space on the life boat it is time for you to learn to swim.  In the mean time the rest of us on the life boat will share the food and water we had originally planed to share with you.

ah, so we're just adding variables to this situation willy nilly, are we?


By your line of reasoning you are not allowed to drive on public highways since the part you paid for with your fuel tax would not buy a cubic inch of concrete.

You are not entitled to attend public school or private school since both of them have been paid for in some part by someone besides you.
Perhaps you ought to go back and reread Ayn Rand in her entirety.  She speaks not only of individual rights but also of the individual's responsibilities.  Libertarianism is not an "A la cart" philosophy.  You either take it all or none at all.  You are not allowed to pick and choose.

by my line of reasoning there should be no public property whatsoever. and no, I am not a Randian...though it is a common misconception. I would suggest you read into the Austrian School of Economics and anarcho-capitalism before you make claims about my philosophy being 'a la cart'.

we don't think it's ethical to take anything - we are never accused of picking and choosing.

Your post does not indicate that you have really read my post.  I have not added anything to my lifeboat situation.  I simply pointed out that according to your philosophy you are now a swimmer and not a boat rider.
Since you do not believe in public property why are you using the INTERNET?  Why do you live in my country?  If you do not believe in people banding together for a common purpose don't you think it is time for you to stop using our resources and go use your own?  While you are at it stop breathing the public air and using the gravity that belongs to all of us.
Your post are less than sophomoric they are absolutely jejune.

(in reply to variation30)
Profile   Post #: 269
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:30:20 PM   

Posts: 174
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if you have any Black blood in you then you are Black. There is no escaping that. His father is Black.

However for you to understand, i will say a Man with beautiful and wonderful color. Better, a Man that looks like me.  (hope that cleared it up for you).

Second, you cannot say it failed before it even started. He brought the world together. In my opinion that is a start far more greater than anything else. Since when were people in UK, Berlin, Iraq, Iran etc. etc. interested in such an election. At least any that i myself remember. He got the young people out there to vote. Give him a chance.

Third, i am happy that he will not act like a bully and speak with others. They are bullies because nobody ever even pretended to see things from their POV. Im NOT saying to agree with it or anything.   Im also NOT saying that they are innocent people (the terrorist you speak of), however neither is the  United States.  Im just saying, i am glad that he will at least give them an inch instead of writing someone off because you do not understand them or have no desire to look at their POV.

Hopefully, this is coming across understandably.

well wishes to All and all.

(in reply to Naga)
Profile   Post #: 270
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:33:19 PM   

Posts: 10926
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From: Chicago, IL
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ORIGINAL: slavejale

if you have any Black blood in you then you are Black.

excuse me if i sound ignorant but what is "Black blood"?  what color is "Black blood"?

i didn't know being born Black involved having "Black blood" as well.


...2011 - year of the fabulous rock star life ...and i do it so well...

...announcing Mr. & Mrs. British Petrol ...yeah, marrying into oil is slick business...

(in reply to slavejale)
Profile   Post #: 271
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:52:47 PM   

Posts: 147
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ORIGINAL: slavejale

if you have any Black blood in you then you are Black. There is no escaping that. His father is Black.

Eh? By what standard? You suddenly ignore the rest of your heritage if you are 1% black? Hmmmm...... Unique and new.


However for you to understand, i will say a Man with beautiful and wonderful color. Better, a Man that looks like me. (hope that cleared it up for you).

With all respect, he does not look like you; he looks like those who enslaved Africans for hundreds of years.


Second, you cannot say it failed before it even started. He brought the world together. In my opinion that is a start far more greater than anything else. Since when were people in UK, Berlin, Iraq, Iran etc. etc. interested in such an election. At least any that i myself remember. He got the young people out there to vote. Give him a chance.

Those who don't pay attention to history are doomed to repeat it. Hitler brought Germany together. Was this a positive thing? It was a great start, right? Yes, Baracka got the young out to vote. The young who do not know who their elected representatives are, the young who don't know what Roe vs. Wade is, the young who know nothing of politics and were swayed by the cult of personality. The suckers.


Third, i am happy that he will not act like a bully and speak with others. They are bullies because nobody ever even pretended to see things from their POV. Im NOT saying to agree with it or anything. Im also NOT saying that they are innocent people (the terrorist you speak of), however neither is the United States. Im just saying, i am glad that he will at least give them an inch instead of writing someone off because you do not understand them or have no desire to look at their POV.

I would disagree with your assessment. The problem is we understand them far too well and it is discouraging. We have read their literature, studied their religions and looked at thier goals. If you can with honesty state that you have looked at their culture (where you would not be a person of any kind, be literate or even be able to look up from the floor) and state that we are bullies where as they are not..... Well, I will be kind; you may want to educate yourself a bit here. Reading the Koran would help a great deal. You can not even begin to imagine until you take a look at what the rest of the world is like.

(in reply to slavejale)
Profile   Post #: 272
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:58:11 PM   

Posts: 17896
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From: United States
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I must agree with Hunter,though I fear he was being beyond kind...sophomoric does not begin to cover it.


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to sambamanslilgirl)
Profile   Post #: 273
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 1:58:54 PM   

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AGAIN with the Arab bullshit?

Try to move your "literacy" past web sites.

(in reply to Naga)
Profile   Post #: 274
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 2:00:38 PM   

Posts: 2016
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ORIGINAL: Irishknight

Mike, in fairness to him, the Bush haters never gave him a chance either.  I haven't been able to go out in public for 8 years without someone sounding exactly like that on the other side.
Give Obama a chance to make true his speech and his promises.  If he can do even 1/2 of what he says he wants to do, people will come around.

Not true at all.

I`m the resident rabid bush hater here and at 1st,I thought the two choices we had were pretty good.

Tho a liberal,I woundn`t have minded if McCain was our president and said so.That was in the beginning when I thought of him as one of the few cons I liked and had respect for.

I thought,cool,we`ll have an honorable campaigner and decent man who won`t go dirty,like bushco. and the rove-cons did with him.

Boy was I wrong.Jesus he turned out to be a real putz.And picking the fundie w/ lipstick on told me McCain had remarried the wackos he divorced during the primaries.

I for one will never forgive McCain for going ugly .

Owner, Mike, I am not referring to the ones who grew to hate him for what he did.  I'm talking about those who still scream about the stolen election against Gore and who never quit.  They hated the man from the start and never ever had anything good to say about him.  The true haters were filled with an unreasoning hatred from the beginning.  They didn't wait for him to fuck up.
I still say that by even a 50 % completion of his stated goals, Obama can bring around most of the haters. 
Owner, I absolutely agree with you on McCain.  His going ugly turned me away as well.  For the first time in my whole time as a registered voter, my wife, me and both of my parents were in complete agreement.  My dad even broke his habit of voting for Mickey Mouse. 
Had he chosen Romney or Huckabee, it might have been a different story.  At least the VP debate would have been better.
Remember, some people are so filled with partisan hate that they will never be able to give someone from the other side a chance.  That is probably where the 25% of hard core haters came from right after 9/11.  Obama will have a similar fan club as well.  All presidents do.

(in reply to Owner59)
Profile   Post #: 275
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 2:01:00 PM   

Posts: 553
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ORIGINAL: variation30



What you think is just is of little consequence.  We are discussing the constitution and the law.

what I think and what supreme court justices think are both of little consequence. the only thing that is of consequence is what is written in the constitution. let's not confuse this issue, we are not discussing the constitution AND the law...we are merely discussing the constitution - as the constitution IS the law.
Once again you are wrong.  The constitution authorizes the Congress to make laws.  These laws are not part of the constitution but they are authorized by the constitution.  Thus the supreme court has appellate jurisdiction over controversies in both the constitution and laws authorized by the constitution.

If you will refer to your own post above where it says, in blue, "Appellate Jurisdiction" in law and fact.  For those whom English is not their primary language it means the court decides what is law and what is fact.  This gives the court constitutional authority to say what is and is not constitutional. 

As I pointed out in my post, which you quoted,
The oath of office for a supreme court justice requires him/her to uphold the constitution.  If he/she is to do that they must of, necessity , interpret just what the constitution means and by extension which laws the congress passes fit the constraints placed on it by the constitution. 
This is usually a discussion carried on in high school history class and for you not to be aware of how the logic of judicial review is supported by the constitution  speaks poorly of the educational institutions you attended.


for those of whom english is not their first language, I will dole out this bit of information: read the entire sentence before you declare what the sentence means.

" In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make."

'In all other cases before mentioned' is rather important, do you not think. this sentence means that the court shall have 'appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact' on the 'before mentioned cases'. now what cases were previously mentioned. well...the only sentence preceding this in 3.2 states that 'In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction.'


you can't pick and choose...
You seem to be the one doing the picking and choosing.   
3/2 says:The judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under this constitution,the laws of the United States and treaties made and which shall be made under their authority;'In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction.'
If you are going to quote a sentence how about you quote the whole sentence.
3/2 is further modified by the 11 amendment.
Modified not repealed.

(in reply to variation30)
Profile   Post #: 276
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 2:39:11 PM   

Posts: 1526
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Very well said, JD.....ah as if i needed yet another reason to love your posts.



"Only in a collar can a woman be truly free"
~Tribesmen of Gor 75

"He who ties a woman owns her"
~Guardsman Of Gor pg 267

(in reply to JustDarkness)
Profile   Post #: 277
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 2:44:09 PM   

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Well, say what you want, but Obama did not win the State of Texas.  We have some sense down here and are not swayed by fancy talk.  We saw him for what he bad the rest of the country could not.  The sheeps of America elected he is going to lead them to slaughter.

(in reply to michaelOfGeorgia)
Profile   Post #: 278
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 2:45:48 PM   

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i am going to expand further, but i wanted to address the black blood situation. of course i do not mean the literal color of "black" blood or blood being back, i mean as far as DNA, melin...etc. etc. etc.  i hope that explains what i was trying to say.

Also no, you do not ignore the rest of your heritage however you do not deny any of it either.

(in reply to HunterS)
Profile   Post #: 279
RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN - 11/5/2008 2:51:38 PM   

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Gee, I dunno but hasn't Texas been talking for about 8 years? 

(in reply to slavejale)
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