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windchymes -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 6:20:45 PM)

I just checked the map of the states on my MSN homepage, and it's way too early to call.  Obama has a big lead with the eastern states, but at the moment, McCain is leading in almost every state that is just now counting the of which is Texas which has 34 electoral votes (if I read that map correctly).  At this point, it's still either man's race.

rulemylife -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 6:22:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

Quick run!!! It's the grammar police.


ORIGINAL: rulemylife



At this early hour it looks like the people has spoken, yes Obama will be our next president,I am not happy with the results............

The people has spoken?

Is your grammar that poor or were you trying to make a bad joke?

Gosh!  I sure am done sorry for offensing ya'all.  You'uns just go right on ahead and ingorances me in the future.

slvemike4u -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 6:27:23 PM)

LMAO...Rule you keep on learnin those that needs schoolin...

ChainGoddess -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 6:28:32 PM)


I do want to say that I think all these comments speculating about how long an Obama presidency would last are dispicable. First it is a different world then Kennedy - and much great precautions are taking with the presidents safety because of the Kennedy incident. However either way - regardless of what we think about the man, We should honor the office.

In Ireland, I am watching the results as they come through.  I would very much like Obama to win, but regardless of who the people have chosen,  I pray that he remains safe and protected.   Why anybody would want that job is beyond my comprehension, but they do want it, and I wish them the best of luck. 

pahunkboy -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 6:32:00 PM)

Just think,   with in hours- we will have THE most liberal president that we have ever had in our entire history. 

We turn the page.

It will be nice to get past the bush year.  He isnt Ron Paul, but I am glad Obama won.

ahumananimal -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 6:36:27 PM)



At this early hour it looks like the people has spoken, yes Obama will be our next president,I am not happy with the results , no but this is Now a nation of change so I will go along for the ride..
I watch a little special on late night TV, its was how TOM Dachel and Others in the Democrat party noticed Obama potential and how he and others from the party started to groom him to become the next grate democracy leader.the Democrats were looking for a sweetheart, a silver bullet.Looks like they found one, Hes goes into office a free agent, not owing allegiance to the party, wall street,. so lets see how he fares...Bounty

No matter who wins, I hope both constituencies can come together and share the better halves of their ideas for America, and get us on track. This is an exciting time, no matter what side of the ticket you're on.

LaTigresse -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 6:43:23 PM)

I am a very happy woman.

pahunkboy -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 6:44:11 PM)

well- it just would not be American to have a black as prez.   an uppity one at that.    (sarcasm)

besides had Kerry won in 2004, the country would not be facing  this terrible tragedy.  it just wont   be America when we wake up in the morning.  think how he is the most liberal senator , and how you taxes are about to triple.

when I think of how the liberals have taken over, and how taxes are going up.... and how he is Muslim,   

why there will be dancing in the streets!   

the world is coming to an end.    liberal with L


kittinSol -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 6:53:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: michaelOfGeorgia

if, by some miracle, Obama'll be another "Kennedy" incident

Please go away, or failing that, be quiet? Please?

slvemike4u -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 6:56:32 PM)

The quiet ones are more dangerous kittin,as MM keeps reminding those that post this nonsense...the Secret Service is not known for it's sense of humor.They take this shit very serious,as well they should given this country's history.

LaTigresse -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 6:57:39 PM)

I have to say Michael, for not having any interest in so many things, it is amazing how you manage to have opinions on them.

Outside of that statement, I am just going to ignore you and do all of us a favour by keeping my opinion of your behaviour here, to myself.



ORIGINAL: candystripper

Hey Bounty.
Where did you see election results predicted?  Wasn't on the local news here at 5 o'oclock.  Haven't seen anything from any the newspapers I read yet. Just wondering.
Thank you for being gracious and saying complimentary things about your candidates' opponent now that it seems he likely he has lost. 
If it turns out Obama won, I will be pleased. May we all act like we're adults with some manners, whatever happens.
candystripper  [sm=pole.gif] 

I am watching msn and cnn on the dish..My mamma told me if you can't say anything good then don't
say nothing... ...

MistresseLotus -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 7:00:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: michaelOfGeorgia




ORIGINAL: michaelOfGeorgia

if, by some miracle, Obama'll be another "Kennedy" incident

I for some strang reason have that same feeling michael...

he'll be lucky to make it as long as Kennedy did

Hopefully we have learned from the past.. I believe he'll be the most guarded president in history.  I've had the same nagging fear from the onset.. but I  just think it's memories of the past.  I know my heart was broken when RFK left us.

colouredin -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 7:00:12 PM)

I always think that this time is similar to pop idol "sorry hun you got the least votes, dont worry we will throw it over to the judges now see what happens" cant they just count them all and then say

kittinSol -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 7:01:51 PM)

Electoral votes: Obama: 206; McCain: 89.

They're falling like flies!


Bethnai -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 7:02:45 PM)

Bring it.

GreedyTop -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 7:02:55 PM)

I'm showing 202/75 (via AP)

eta:  even if I hadnt voted for Obama, there is an evil voice in my head that would want to see him win just to watch a certain posters head implode...LOL

LaTigresse -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 7:04:01 PM)

I am very proud of Iowa. I didn't expect it to be so dramatic.

kittinSol -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 7:04:06 PM)

It's the CNN results so far, Toppy :-) .  207 now...

kittinSol -> RE: THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN (11/4/2008 7:05:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

I am very proud of Iowa. I didn't expect it to be so dramatic.

I've never been exhilarated so much by an election ever. It's quite fantastic. YES!

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