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GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 2:55:35 PM   

Posts: 1233
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From: NY
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My health has been horrible this past year. A few weeks ago, I went to the ER with GI bleeding (diarrhea with large amounts of dark red blood with black clots) they haven't found the cause yet b/c I'm still waiting to see the GI specialist and I didn't want to be admitted into the hospital.  (stupid, I know but I really didn't think it would take this long to see a doctor for OP testing. If I had known, I would have stayed.) But the bleeding seems to have stopped with the IV they gave me. I believe the IV was Protonix (sp?) and fluids b/c my sodium levels were low. (other electrolytes were fine though.) my white blood count was up but I wasn't anemic at the time.

Now I'm starting to worry that that may some how be related to the blood in my urine. I have had blood in my urine every time they have checked it for the past 5 months or so. The urologist did a CT scan but found nothing wrong. I'm also having painful urination on and off as well as bladder spasms which I take Vesicare for now and it helps quite a bit. My urine and vaginal cultures have been coming back negative though. I also have protein in my urine but the Nephrologist has put that off to my weight.

I have also been experiencing nose bleeds since doctor says it's allergies but it's not normal for me...I never had them as a kid...

I currently take the following medications:

Cymbalta (antidepressant)
Neurontin (mood stabilizer)
Buspar (for anxiety)
Levothyroxine (for hypothyroidism)
Lisinopril (to hopefully reduce the protein in my urine)
Vesicare (for bladder spasms)
Ortho Tri Cylcen (for heavy bleeding and cramping from my period)
Prilosec (for the GI bleeding)

I don't take NSAIDs or Asprin.

I'm just really worried that something is wrong and the doctors aren't giving me any answers. I'm hoping the GI doctor figures something out. I'm also planning on going back to my urologist soon to see if theres something that could be causing the symptoms. I was hoping they would go away after starting Vesicare but they aren't. Anyone have any idea what could be causing all or some of this? Things I can bring up to my doctor?


"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes its the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow"
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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 3:03:31 PM   

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I don't like to offer a lot of medical advice, especially since you are seeing several doctors for various problems.  The only thing that comes to mind is to make sure that all the doctors know what medications the other doctors have prescribed and that you are taking.  Those are a lot of medications, though if you need them, you need them, but it wouldn't hurt to take a list of all your meds with you to each doctor that you see and as them to double check that there aren't any adverse reactions caused by combining any of them.  Even if they asked you during your first visit to list your medications, it can't hurt to stick a list of them under their noses and make sure, because they get busy and sidetracked sometimes.  Just to make sure.


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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 3:11:30 PM   

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Thats good advice, thank you. I always keep a list with me incase I forget one. I tend to get nervous while rattling them off. haha and then I worry I may have forgotten to mention one. So now I just hand them the list.


"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes its the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow"

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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 4:35:45 PM   

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I am a big big girl and I do not have protein in my urine.  That sounds really suspect to me.  Lisinopril is a blood pressure med (I am sure there are other uses and this is the one I am most familiar with as my husband was on it).  I am not sure how that relates to protein in the urine.  I would be more concerned with WHY it is there first.  I think of drug interactions.  I also think of, surprise of surprise, blood disorders.  I have not a thing to back that up though :P.  I think you need second opinions and perhaps even need to ask for a referral to a university or other facility that can handle more complex cases.  Best wishes and keep us posted.


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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 4:43:11 PM   

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Thank you.

Yes, Lisinopril is a blood pressure medication. My blood pressure is high sometimes (like 130/86) when I'm anxious so the nephrologist thought that maybe adding a low dose ACE inhibitor may take some stress off my kidneys and reduce the proteinuria. If it wasn't for the protein, I wouldn't need to take it for just the blood pressure. I only take 5 mg.


"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes its the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow"

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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 5:07:06 PM   

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I wonder what is stressing your kidneys in the first place.  If it really is your weight, then it is time to address that issue.  That really should not be a first course of action though.  Thorough evaluation would be appropriate.  Getting the protein out of your urine is fine, but if the underlying cause is never treated you may find your health problems multiplying regardless.  I don't like the idea of treating symptoms.  I prefer an approach that addresses causes. 

This is the approach I have been using in dealing with my own health issues.  It is frustrating to doctors who are used to giving pills for symptoms to be pushed further to actually find answers.  I should hope this frustration would lead them to become better doctors, but most will cop out and sign a referral, push the pills harder, or find a convenient target (such as your weight, diet, other factors).  It has been difficult to be heard in the medical system, but it is possible.  I still suggest second opinions and referrals to the next highest authority so to speak.  I would suggest those even if you were progressing and peachy keen.  There is no harm in confirming a diagnosis, but there is much harm in missing one.


(in reply to dollparts85)
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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 5:32:44 PM   

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I am trying to lose weight, but it's hard. I eat super healthy...keep my sodium intake under 2000 mg a day and my calories under 1500. I would like to be more active but it's painful. I keep trying though. I figure, eventually it has to stop hurting, right? LOL

They have ruled out a lot of the most common causes of proteinuria. My kidney function is within normal range. Creatinine is normal. Blood sugar is normal. ANA was negative...I'm having a sleep study done next week to see if I have sleep apnea b/c I guess that can cause it as well.


"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes its the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow"

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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 6:23:40 PM   

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Are you still purging , using duiretics, laxatives etc????   you have to tell the doctors everything and not hide anything inorder for them to  make a proper assessment and to know what tests should be run

Because I have recently being diagnosed with 3 conditions -- 2 being life threatening and  have been going 2 to 3 times a week for various tests  for the last 6 weeks  and seeing several doctors  as well a trips to the ER..    I  now  have a  zip up binder  I carry all the medical papers in  along with a calendar  that indicates every appoint /test and date symptoms  or drugs were started   .. as well I keep notes of all test results .. dates I started meds  how much I take /  when the prescription will  so I know when to ask for a new prescription,  when symptoms started, dates and length of time if each heart episode and if treatment was used to get under control,  names and phone numbers of doctors, when I have an appoint coming up, I make a list of questions I want to ask ..make notes when in the office of things discussed,  I have seperate notes on my blood pressure reading and heartrate  since the medication affect and also  I have heart problems..... and I carry this binder to all appointments, to ER etc  ..this way I am not forgetting to ask things , I have all info at my finger tips, and the doctor can refer to my notes  or phone another doctor to get copies of tests if they feel it may revelant ... I also keep a record of all drugs I am on and the dosage  and the number of times I take a day in my wallet  in the event I have an unexpected medical emergency. 

the doctors appreciate this as it sames them time going thru there files searching for the info,  and also helps them know what other doctors are doing ... I will have another 3 to 4 more new doctors that i will be seeing over the next couple weeks it helps get them up to date as well .... because I am dealing with so many different doctors my notes also helps keep me straight on everthing


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(in reply to lovingpet)
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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 6:33:25 PM   

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No, the pain will not necessarily go away.  It could be part of your condition or another condition unto itself.  Ask about metabolic disorders of the muscles as well.  It can cause both blood and protein in the urine. 

I have work to do of my own to get my sometimes grossly severe pain throughout my body diagnosed and properly treated.  Sometimes the answers just aren't simple.  They are, however, worth the effort to find them.  You are worth the best care possible.


(in reply to Maya2001)
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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 7:25:20 PM   

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I'm lucky b/c most of my doctors are all in the same network and all the tests and everything are on the computers. Even my local hospital is with my main doctor's office. And they always give me referrals with their doctors. The only ones that aren't are my psych and eating disorders clinic. (I'm pretty much recovered from the eating disorder, at least the actions are under control...thoughts are still there but I have a feeling they always will be.)

A binder is a good idea. I've been using a folder but I think I will get a binder soon. Should be easier to organize. I have a calendar I keep in my purse with all my appointments on it and phone numbers to doctors. And I do keep a med list in my wallet. The ER gave me a thingy to write my meds down on and everything but there isn't even enough space for them all. LOL so I'm still using my hello kitty stationary.

I will ask about the metabolic disorders. I do think that there is something wrong with my muscles b/c it can't be normal to have so many muscle spasms everyday. I can't twist my upper body at all without my back spasming. I have bladder spasms a few times a day even with the Vesicare. My feet and legs cramp up at least once a day. Usually while laying down. And sometimes I will get the worst cramp in the back of my thigh and it will last days. I've mentioned it to my doctors many times and nothing really has come of it. They check my electrolytes but they're usually normal now but sometimes my sodium levels are low. I had my B12 and Folate levels checked b/c of the burning sensations I keep getting and they were fine. Folate levels were above normal but my doctor said thats fine and I haven't been able to find anything online that says otherwise.


"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes its the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow"

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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 7:44:02 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Maya2001

Are you still purging , using duiretics, laxatives etc????   you have to tell the doctors everything and not hide anything inorder for them to  make a proper assessment and to know what tests should be run

This is what I guessed right away. If this is indeed your history, then it isn't odd that there would be GI problems, diarrhea, blood, or electrolyte disturbances. If this is indeed the case and you want to talk, let's just say that I can relate to much of what you are going through, medically and otherwise.



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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 7:53:45 PM   

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I haven't abused laxatives or diuretics in over a year. At the time of the GI bleeding, I hadn't purged in months. I have purged once since then but it was just a bad reaction to all the stress with my health and it was a mistake and I won't again. But I guess it is possible that my past is catching up with me. All my doctors know and everything.


"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes its the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow"

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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 8:04:23 PM   

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^ I'm so sorry... *hugs* Unfortunately, our actions have a nasty habit of catching up with us and making us pay for a long time after the fact. Even if someone with bulimia/ednos is 'cured' (lol) today, it doesn't mean their teeth/gi tract/organs haven't suffered enough to retain a lasting impression. I hope your doctors can figure this out... all my best in your continued recovery. That's TOUGH.



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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 8:20:49 PM   

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Yeah...thats true...I've had stomach pain daily for 5 or more years...but I thought that it was just normal indigestion/acid reflux from my bulimia. I mean, it was BAD when I was purging 5+ times a day...It was just constant pain even while taking Nexium...and whenever I ate, the food would come back up into my mouth and I would have to swallow it again...but after like 6 months of not purging daily, it got better...still hurt but not as bad...and I was kinda hoping that maybe my stomach was bowels are still messed up...have diarrhea a lot, as well as constipation. But I wasn't really concerned about that too much.


"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes its the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow"

(in reply to StrtbkNamdDesire)
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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 8:45:10 PM   

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Nothing has really changed in the months you were away... and coming here looking for answers is no more advisable now than it was then. 

The only advice anyone should give you now is the same advice we gave you the last time... ask YOUR doctors if you have questions.



AKA "The Undisputed Goddess of Sarcasm", "Big Bad Cali" and "Yum Bum". Advisor to the Subbie Mafia, founding member of the W.A.C. and the Judgmental Bitches Brigade, member of the Clan of the Scarlet O'Hair-a's and Team Troll

(in reply to dollparts85)
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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 8:50:33 PM   

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I have asked my doctors and they never find anything that can be the cause. I keep seeing more and more specialists and having more tests done...


"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes its the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow"

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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 8:53:40 PM   

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ORIGINAL: dollparts85

I have asked my doctors and they never find anything that can be the cause. I keep seeing more and more specialists and having more tests done...

Yes, and the same thing happened before.  The advice is the same, take charge of your health and your healthcare, and ask LICENSED PROFESSIONALS that have examined you personally, if you have questions.

Your history is far too complex to get help from us armchair docs.



AKA "The Undisputed Goddess of Sarcasm", "Big Bad Cali" and "Yum Bum". Advisor to the Subbie Mafia, founding member of the W.A.C. and the Judgmental Bitches Brigade, member of the Clan of the Scarlet O'Hair-a's and Team Troll

(in reply to dollparts85)
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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 9:00:23 PM   

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I'm not looking for a diagnosis...just support and reassurance. Maybe someone else has had similar symptoms. I'm just really worried and could use some support. Just like anyone else who posts in this section. You don't need to start flaming me.


"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes its the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow"

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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 9:41:06 PM   

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^ Have you had any ulcer tests?? if those haven't been done yet, you should get one... (although protonix should be helping if it's ulcerous). Prevacid/nexium only works to treat mild acid reflux... if it's an actual ulcer caused by the bulimia, then it needs to be treated differently.

Also... is there ANY way you can (safely) reduce your meds? I have successfully substituted rhodiola for anxiety & kelp to help hypothyroidism... (obviously, ask/check with a professional.) And again, if you want to talk/need support from someone who understands what you're going through- feel free to e-mail me.

< Message edited by StrtbkNamdDesire -- 11/13/2008 9:46:13 PM >



(in reply to dollparts85)
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RE: GI bleeding, blood in urine and nose bleeds? - 11/13/2008 9:44:08 PM   

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ORIGINAL: dollparts85

I'm not looking for a diagnosis...just support and reassurance. Maybe someone else has had similar symptoms. I'm just really worried and could use some support. Just like anyone else who posts in this section. You don't need to start flaming me.

You're not looking for a diagnosis?  Then what does this mean: "Anyone have any idea what could be causing all or some of this?"  That was in your opening post.

This is not a flame, and you don't need to overreact.  Do you really want to go down the same road you went down the last time, posting about your bodily functions and graphic depictions of your symptoms?  Being told over and over and over to see a medical professional?



AKA "The Undisputed Goddess of Sarcasm", "Big Bad Cali" and "Yum Bum". Advisor to the Subbie Mafia, founding member of the W.A.C. and the Judgmental Bitches Brigade, member of the Clan of the Scarlet O'Hair-a's and Team Troll

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