RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (Full Version)

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Aylee -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 10:26:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Okay this part about the poor doctor got him addicted....I was injured in an on the job accident in March of 05 seven surgeries later ,untold Vicodin prescriptions have been written.None have been filled that weren't needed,when exiting my doctors office and being offered a script I have on numerous occasions pointed out to the Doc that I still had refills on my old script.
I considered it my responsibility to moderate my own drug usage...the label clearly says take as needed for is up to the individual to learn to differentiate between uncomfortable and actual real pain.These aren't tictacs folks....blaming doctors for personal behavior only works for the rich and famous.
edited because i substituted victorian for vicodin,,,freudian slip maybe?

I would like to point out that one of the withdrawal symptoms from pain-killers that may happen, is PAIN. 

slvemike4u -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 10:56:20 AM)

Hence the reference to being able to differentiate between pain and uncomfortable....and sorry the pain experienced by addicts after withdrawal means you done fucked up and got yourself addicted in the first place.Again to hang the hypocrite with his own words that comes down to personal responsibility ....working on my 5th year with an unlimited vicodin script.....and still there is only one person responsible for my well being...ME

subrob1967 -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 11:08:57 AM)

Rush is a hypocrite... Now that I've said it, how many of you libs on here are for legalizing drugs, but criticize Rush for his addiction?

The mirror has two faces.

slvemike4u -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 11:11:31 AM)

A question SubRob,has he been criticized for his addiction...or is most of it aimed at his hypocrisy on this and many other subjects.There is a world of difference you know.

Mercnbeth -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 11:23:25 AM)

~ Fast Reply ~
Seeing close to 30 pages in two separate threads on the critical issue of the day; Rush Limbaugh, is the perfect example of successful polarizing politics. Meanwhile, Bush Stimulus II and a few Billion dollars of waste are passed by Congress as the pat themselves on the back for being so clever while cashing their kick-back campaign contribution checks from the special interests and corporations benefiting from their efforts.

Sorry to interrupt.

Carry on....

LilMissMisery -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 11:29:53 AM)

Not for nothing, SubRob, but nobody thinks much of winos. How many conservatives want to see alcohol outlawed? We like marriage, sure, but spousal abuse or rape within marriage? Not cool.

Wanting a thing legalized and liking people who abuse that thing are not the same viewpoint.

Just figured I'd illustrate the point you made.

Lockit -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 11:33:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: subrob1967

Rush is a hypocrite... Now that I've said it, how many of you libs on here are for legalizing drugs, but criticize Rush for his addiction?

The mirror has two faces.

I wouldn't hold an addiction against him.  However I would hold against him the lies he told about his addiction and the effect it had on those who need medication and the jaded doctor's who responded to the Rush situation.  There was a direct response to that situation that many who live in pain suffered because the doctor's we even more afriad we were all addicts.  You can clean an addiction up... but charactor typically remains the same.  Willing to lie... willing to let other's suffer and go on as normal rather than working to undo some of the damage you have done... is what speaks the loudest to me and other pain sufferer's.  Yes... the mirror has two faces and I would think Rush see's double.. but then... he would have to have a heart to do so.

kittinSol -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 11:35:09 AM)

Are you deploring the fact that we are having fun, Merc? We trust you to make lengthy worthy threads about the stimulus bill single-handledly.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 11:37:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: subrob1967

Rush is a hypocrite... Now that I've said it, how many of you libs on here are for legalizing drugs, but criticize Rush for his addiction?

No matter what someone's stance on legalizing drugs, the issue here is not so much that he was addicted but that he broke the law. Being addicted wasn't what made him a hypocrite - breaking the law to satisfy his addiction, while all the while advocating draconian criminal penalties for anyone who broke the law to satisfy their addiction, is what made him a hypocrite. That's a completely different issue than legalizing  drugs, and you can't make any rational comparison.

rulemylife -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 12:20:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterShake69

I dont see him as hypocritical but if others in florida did the same exact thing then he shold be punished the same way.  How was he discovered as a dr shopper was by a democrat proescuiters fishing expedition.  Nobody else would have been found out that way.  Remember this when republicans play the same tricks back at democrats ;),2933,108140,00.html
The radio host and his legal team have criticized Palm Beach State Attorney Barry Krischer (search), a Democrat, for opening the records and accused prosecutors of pursuing Limbaugh for political reasons. 

Oh for God's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, it was just a liberal Democrat conspiracy to silence Rush.


MrRodgers -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 12:39:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

~ Fast Reply ~
Seeing close to 30 pages in two separate threads on the critical issue of the day; Rush Limbaugh, is the perfect example of successful polarizing politics. Meanwhile, Bush Stimulus II and a few Billion dollars of waste are passed by Congress as the pat themselves on the back for being so clever while cashing their kick-back campaign contribution checks from the special interests and corporations benefiting from their efforts.

Sorry to interrupt.

Carry on....

As I have tried to get across in so many words. All of our partisan angst has become a very good distraction and may even be described now as a profit center. We argue about red and blue while the powers that be, walk away with all of

MasterShake69 -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 6:56:47 PM)

Using Viaga isnt something a junkie would use ;)




ORIGINAL: Mastershake

or maybe he had the pills in his suitcase left over from a  previous trip and forgot they were there ;)

If you arent living out of a suitcase i know that happens with me.   I start looking in the suitcase before my next trip.....oh thats where that

With no scrip?


Why do you need to make shit up to fit?

What`s wrong with the truth,lucky?


He`s a junkie multiple lawbreaker elitist connected arrogant rich-guy hypocrite(the real kind).

OJ didn`t beat double murder cuz he was black.It was b/c he was rich and connected.

Limbaugh acts and operates as if the law doesn`t apply to him.As if he`s above such trivial things.

And if you should unfortunately become addicted as a side affect,you go to treatment and get help.

Not send your house keeper to score hundreds of illegal prescription pills.

I don`t buy the Dr. story.Every junkie uses the same lame excuse.

Are we now going to give drunk drivers a pass b/c they`re victims of addiction?

Hell no.

This bully was getting high on an illegal substance(s),un-perscribed drugs.

kittinSol -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 6:58:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterShake69

Using Viaga isnt something a junkie would use ;)

Yes it is, because junk deflates the cock and prevents men from having hard-ons. It follows that Viagra would be very much needed ;)  .

slvemike4u -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 7:02:32 PM)

So criminal possession of prescription drugs is now viewed with the aid of a slide rule....different classes of sleazyness here.That would help explain sentencing guidelines that split hairs between coke in its powder form and crack cocaine.Silly me,it all becomes clear now.

MasterShake69 -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 7:09:16 PM)


"Romance is rape embellished with meaningful looks." Andrea Dworkin in the Philadelphia Inquirer, May 21, 1995..

[font=""]"Under patriarchy, no woman is safe to live her life, or to love, or to mother children. Under patriarchy, every woman is a victim, past, present, and future. Under patriarchy, every woman's daughter is a victim, past, present, and future. Under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman," Andrea Dworkin, Liberty, p.58..

[font=""]"In every century, there are a handful of writers who help the human race to evolve. Andrea is one of them."--Gloria Steinem
[font=""][font=""]As cited in Andrea Dworkin's "Right-Wing Women" "...I submit that any sexual intercourse between a free man and a human being he owns or controls is rape." -- Alice Walker in "Embracing the Dark and the Light," Essence, July 1982. (Feminists believe that marriage = ownership).
[font=""][font=""]A young woman at the University of Pennsylvania who wore a short skirt complained of a "mini-rape" because a young man walked past her and said, "Nice legs." (Camille Paglia and Christine Hoff Sommers, "Has Feminism Gone Too Far?" Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg, Produced by New River Media, Washington, DC, November 4, 1994.)


ORIGINAL: LilMissMisery

Not for nothing, SubRob, but nobody thinks much of winos. How many conservatives want to see alcohol outlawed? We like marriage, sure, but spousal abuse or rape within marriage? Not cool.

Wanting a thing legalized and liking people who abuse that thing are not the same viewpoint.

Just figured I'd illustrate the point you made.

MasterShake69 -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 7:13:16 PM)

now if Rush wasnt and average person and was using his medical plan they would have pickedup the fact he already had an RX filled.




ORIGINAL: subrob1967

Rush is a hypocrite... Now that I've said it, how many of you libs on here are for legalizing drugs, but criticize Rush for his addiction?

The mirror has two faces.

I wouldn't hold an addiction against him.  However I would hold against him the lies he told about his addiction and the effect it had on those who need medication and the jaded doctor's who responded to the Rush situation.  There was a direct response to that situation that many who live in pain suffered because the doctor's we even more afriad we were all addicts.  You can clean an addiction up... but charactor typically remains the same.  Willing to lie... willing to let other's suffer and go on as normal rather than working to undo some of the damage you have done... is what speaks the loudest to me and other pain sufferer's.  Yes... the mirror has two faces and I would think Rush see's double.. but then... he would have to have a heart to do so.

lronitulstahp -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 7:15:12 PM)


MasterShake69 -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 7:15:44 PM)

so all illegal drugs make a mans cock deflate and prevents men from having hard-ons.
i only knew about that side effect from steroids.


ORIGINAL: kittinSol


ORIGINAL: MasterShake69

Using Viaga isnt something a junkie would use ;)

Yes it is, because junk deflates the cock and prevents men from having hard-ons. It follows that Viagra would be very much needed ;)  .

kittinSol -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 7:18:20 PM)

Are you dense? You said "junkie": "junk" typically means opiates, notorious at inhibiting erectile function in men. Opiates are Limbaugh's drugs of choice.

MasterShake69 -> RE: Limbaugh's latest attacker: RNC's Steele (3/12/2009 7:21:22 PM)

actually i think coke powder should ahve the same punishment as crack. 

Just you arent given coke or crack by a Dr. to start your addiction.

A drug you are given by a Dr that starts your addiction i wouldnt throw the book at them at that time.  Now the second time they go backk to the pills i would throw the book at them.


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

So criminal possession of prescription drugs is now viewed with the aid of a slide rule....different classes of sleazyness here.That would help explain sentencing guidelines that split hairs between coke in its powder form and crack cocaine.Silly me,it all becomes clear now.

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