RE: Low Income Dominants. (Full Version)

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BOUNTYHUNTER -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/9/2007 1:52:11 PM)

I am retired on a fixed income and yes while every thing is going up my checks stays the same..I remember the days of working my ass off from dawn to dark making sure the family was taken care of and yes often doing without my self ,driving cars/trucks until they were a hunk of junk but that was then.
       I would expect it is very difficult now days making it on even 12 to 15 dollars an hour and then blue collar.Is he affected by weather.lay offs etc..A mortgage to pay so many issues that makes this question a hard call.I would look for the man/woman first,does he have the qualities you seek..if the answer are yes then I believe every thing else can be worked around but AS ALWAYS JUST THE OPINION OF THIS OL' MASTER....

Dragynsfury -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/9/2007 1:58:07 PM)

Bravo, BountyHunter. 

Kelika -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/9/2007 3:25:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: OldBastardly1


ORIGINAL: withthesewings

Alot of Doms, not all..but quite a few have "Champagne tastes with beer budgets", when it comes to their choice in subs. They want a gorgeous sub...but dont want any part of the "upkeep" and maintance of their "property".

Meaning: For instance if I were a single-parent sub, low income, who had to concentrate on paying bills and etc. and did not have the funds for the "extras" that a sub likes to have to please her Master (perhaps, maintance, nice nails and toes, waxing? etc..) if a Dom of mine appreciated those things and wanted me as his sub to have them, then I would appreciate a little help with the cost of it. So..yea, in that aspect..a stable income would be nice...:)

I am not sure that I understood what you were trying to say. Are you saying that the lower a Dom's income, the uglier a sub he gets? That only the richer Dom's get the more attractive subs?

I must have misunderstood, for surely you would not be calling the attractive subs gold-diggers.

I don't think that was what was being said.  There have been times in my life where I can afford to get pedicures and manicures and buy new clothes regularly including $350 corsets and times in my life when I cannot afford that.  I don't think I was "uglier" when I couldn't afford those things.  Withthesewings was talking about someone's preference for things.  If a man has a corset fetish...well guess what...he better be able to afford to buy them.  If I have a corset fetish and that is important to me, I would expect the ability to buy them would continue if I was able to before.  I think that is what is being said.

As far as the OP...yes, I have standards as to what someone needs to make because if he can't take care of himself, I don't think it's fair to take on the responsibility of another.  Now mind you, I am thinking as a slave because that is what I hope to be one day.

On the flip side, I work very hard in my life to be able to make good money...not because it was given to me or I have been blessed with family support or even a college degree, but because I work my ass off to be the best that I know I am capable off.  I would expect the man that wants to own me to be the same way.

Well wishes,

unravel -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/9/2007 5:05:03 PM)

Good topic Iron Bear, i had never thought of that really.
To me the financial wealth of my Dominant is not, and has not been in the past, any deciding factor in my submission, at least definitely not that i am consciously aware of.
It is the Person, the fit in the relationship... that counts.
i have yet to submit to a Wallet... they do not make for great conversation anyhow, they are too quiet;)

BloodLuna -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/9/2007 8:32:18 PM)

to luna hard work and dedication mean more than the amount of the paycheck.  Master work 12-13 hours a day for $8 an hour at a plasma center then comes home and works 2-3 hours more a night on an ebay  business.  we live in a small 2 bedroom apt, just big enough for us, my 6 year old um and the coming baby. we have basic cable, basic phones, an economy car and assistance for food and health insurance from welfare.  once the baby is born and luna is off bedrest she will happily go get a job to help the Master. 
we live simply, but very happily.  because we don't focus on material wealth and "luxuries" we are more able to focus on each other.  my ums don't have ps2s or a wii, but we sit and all play cards or a board game instead.  we can't afford expensive pre-packaged food, but we buy alot of less expensive fresh foods and subsequently eat healthier.  since our home is small - we don't live with the clutter of unnecessary junk.  luna buys kids clothes at the thrift store - which is fine by her because why should luna pay $20 for a t-shirt her 6 year old will grow out of in a week?!  LOL  We buy most of our "fetish" stuff from tack stores, hardware stores and ebay.  We make alot of our own.
ultimately  luna would rather be "poor" and happy with her Master.  luna has seen girls that specifically seek rich masters.  they don't seem as happy as luna. 

Master96 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 2:59:03 AM)

I'm glad to see luna happy :)

OldBastardly1 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 3:28:54 AM)

Do you think there is anything wrong with getting public assistance, food & medical care, while having enough money for fetish stuff?

Bear in mind, I am not condemning....I am asking, because it seems that other people's tax dollars are supplementing your kink.

PlayfulGoddess -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 9:02:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: fergus
Being poor is not a crime. I believe far more satisfaction is derived from a good relationship (regardless of how that is defined). That being said ....

There are some universal truths not about Doms vs. subs
but more about men vs. women. We are each hard wired (in BROAD generalities) different;y and attracted to different things.

Women (again, gross generalies) are attracted to one who can provide. Either a physically strong, and or financially secure mate speaks to that primordial desire.

I know what some may say about htat in regards to today's society and what not, but 10,000 years of culture does not over come a million years of human evolution. It is merely an instinct (albeit a strong one).

Now, another wonderful trait of humanity is infinate variation. So, generalities aside, there is someone for everyone.

Here's the rub, however. Apparent in this lifestyle is a HUGELY disproportionate number of men to women. So, even though a woman might not have financial security as top on her list of priorities, with so many to choose from, she can probably get a better 'package deal'.

All that means to us poor types is more patience, and an ability to let our better qualities shine through ;)


I've always been a strong and independent woman (starting early at about age 12);
but I DO AGREE with fergus' statement, much of this is hard-wired into us from birth... cultivated by culture, society...
I'm of the school of thought where I don't try and sap off another's reserves, but I ALSO HAVE NO INTENTION OF BECOMING SOMEONE'S SUGGA-MOMMA either!

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 9:11:43 AM)

The one thing I have noticed is that, while wealth might not be all that important to a person, it maks the relationship a lot EASIER. I am not saying that this means that people who are well to do are better partners, bcasue money doesnt make someone a better anything. However, I know that with my current relationships, if I did not have enough to have come visiting, Id ever have had Angel.
The rub is when the males who are trying to get selected think that flaunting their ability to provide over their ability to obey is the way to go. Yes, it might be a hard wired desire to be provided for, but how can you remain Dominant when you are dependant on a sub/slave financially? If all the boys have to offer are their paychecks, then I am going to pass. Especially the ones willing to relocate who are boasgint about a stable job and owning a house. If you move, you give both up...

People worry too much about being kept in the manner to which they would LIKE to be suited, rather than the ore realistic manner to which they are comfortable and happy. Would I like to be spoiled, yes. Everyone would, but I am not going to sacrifice the wonderful service I have offered to me by the boys I do have in exchange for someone who makes more money and is willing to throw it around.


mnottertail -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 9:13:58 AM)

money can't buy you love, but can buy you alotta shit that will pass for it quite nicely on its surface.


PlayfulGoddess -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 9:26:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: KnightofMists


ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion
If you can't even take care of yourself hardly making it or moments away from destitution you shouldn't take another person's care on.

Soooo, you would fix a minimal income level for all Dominants and those who didn't pass you would kick them out from the lifestyle.... Yes?

And if there is mimimal amount well... just how much should it be? But, lets not stop there... how about other requirements/standards that a Dom should adhere too. mmmmm like um health level.... don't want the Dom dropping dead because they are unhealthy... who is gonna take care of the poor slave then... maybe they should be buried or buried with the Dead Master... kinda like Eqyptian style... So what is healthy... well if you eat junk food your out... that can't be healhy... maybe you need to run a mile in so many minutes and so many push ups and sit ups.. you know a basic physical fitness thing... Kinda like what the army does for basic training... HEY there's an idea... lets get the basic army training manual and adapted it alittle for the standards of minimal fitness required. Maybe Wanna be Doms can go to the Dom's Get Fit Training Club and then go to the to other course along the way before they can call themself or even be recognized as a Dom/Domme..... mmmmm well of course they can't enter into the program until they pass the minimum requirements too... Only attractive people allowed and the appropriate Credit checks done ... this program not cheap... need to pay for it some how. Any other minimum requirements ?? OOOOOOOHHHHHHH yeah... can't have stupid people!!! you have to have more than grade 12... hell maybe you should have two degrees from an Approved college... we can't just let and educational instituation be acceptable... Harvard, Yale and few others would be acceptable... BUT come on... you really don't what College of NITWITS being an recognized educational degree of recognition do we.... I mean ... don't we have a enough NitWits... we don't really want them to be Doms do we.... Even if they have money... well maybe if they have LOOOTTTTSSSS of money we can let them in the club... But it has to be lots not just some!

well just a few thoughts to get the ball rolling on the appropriate standards to be allowed into the DOM CLUB and get that glorious slave /sub

Clearly what you said was in jest--BUT!!!
Is there NO responsibility for a Dominant who has collared their slave to make sure that slave is reasonably provided for? I mean, if this is truly a 24/7 TPE situation, is it not SOMEWHAT AKIN to a person picking a "mate" for life? (at least in the theory that it is for "life")
And if that is the case, should the Dom (read: responsible party) not have it within himself (could be "her"self) to make sure that they are in at least fair/reasonable health/weath, and general well-being before "taking on" someone else into their life?
Oh, yeah... DROP AND GIVE ME TWO!!! (not really looking to make you have a strenuous exercise regimen, just want to make sure I can have enough time and your assistance to roll yer ass of me when you're about to keel over!) LOL

mnottertail -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 9:31:07 AM)

Is there NO responsibility for a Dominant who has collared their slave to make sure that slave is reasonably provided for? I mean, if this is truly a 24/7 TPE situation, is it not SOMEWHAT AKIN to a person picking a "mate" for life? (at least in the theory that it is for "life")
And if that is the case, should the Dom (read: responsible party) not have it within himself (could be "her"self) to make sure that they are in at least fair/reasonable health/weath, and general well-being before "taking on" someone else into their life? 
Hardly so........

this is a cracked lens, to my way of thinking.

Can't poor people and indigent people be in love and slap and tickle away as well as anyone else?  To each a portion is given, some get big slices and some get slivers.


PlayfulGoddess -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 9:45:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: PrincessinLatex


ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

If you can't even take care of yourself hardly making it or moments away from destitution you shouldn't take another person's care on.

I guess everyone's response to this is just infused with a lot of emotion. . .because if you take this out of the D/s context. . .it makes perfect sense. I'm sure that if someone you knew who didnt have two pennies to rub together was talking about going to the pound and adopting a dog. . .you'd tell them that they should square their life away first before taking on something like that.

I guess low income needs to be defined here because there is "I'm broke (meaning I've spent more than I allocated to spend this month but I still have savings, room on my credit card, and if needed can liquidate my portfolio)" or "I'm broke (meaning I dont have shit to my name.)"

Doesn't it make sense that if someone is going through some shit in their lives like that. . .they shouldnt be actively searching to take on more responsibility? Isnt that the RESPONSIBLE thing to do? And there is the destinction between the pre-exsisting relationships where hardships might come in. . .and not being able to pay the bills YET have the time and energy to devote to looking for new slaves. What would you make of a person that did that?


Hadn't come across PrincessinLatex's post when I presented MY post.

missbehaeven -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 10:08:41 AM)

Hello everyone,
I didn't read all 27 pages of responses but I did skim some of them.
Great topic!
I'm lucky to have a very stable salary, with a retirement plan, and the means to enjoy a nice lifestyle within moderation.
My ex-fiance made a bit less than half my salary, which at the time was significantly less than it is now, and there was little chance his salary would increase beyond slight cost of living raises, no benefits except the most basic of health insurance coverage, and there was no chance for a better position.
Beyond that he had a taste for living beyond his means and was in debt.
He lived paycheck to paycheck and had no retirement plan.
That was not in the least why he and I didn't work out, but I did learn some valuable financial lessons in that relationship.
I keep all banking, credit, utilities, leases, loans, etc separate when I'm in a relationship.
I'm not shallow but I now feel that low income jobs with no potential for salary or positon increase, such as that my ex-fiance had, should be a means to an end while you're working on improving your future, either through higher education, vocational training, etc.
I wish all well..miss

PlayfulGoddess -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 10:45:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: OldBastardly1

Do you think there is anything wrong with getting public assistance, food & medical care, while having enough money for fetish stuff?

Bear in mind, I am not condemning....I am asking, because it seems that other people's tax dollars are supplementing your kink.

Yeah, that has always been somewhat of a pet-peeve of mine...

I remember when I first started working fresh out of college, living VERY FRUGALLY (and RESPONSIBLY to my way of thinking) well...

I have always seen the need for Social Programs, but it really did irk me while I was out grocery shopping when I looked on the grocery conveyor belt at the mediocre (albeit fiscally responsible choices) that I had ready to be purchased, and saw the "stuff" that the woman on FOODSTAMPS before me had on the conveyor belt waiting for her check-out.

She had steaks, expensive "pre-made/pre-packaged" convenience foods, and I had "get ready to cook in its entirety yourself" type goods. I was PARTICULARY annoyed when I looked the woman over and noticed her array of flashy gold/diamond rings piled up her fingers, and her expensive full-length mink coat (while talkin about needing to take her Cadillac into the shop). I wanted to shake this woman by the's ok, I restrained myself LOL...

But seriously, its outlandish behavior like hers that ticks off the rest of society footing her bill!

I don't personally know Luna, she may be a wonderful caring, and responsible mother/"wife", but I did sorta feel that TINGE of annoyance when I read the part where she stated she has "basic" cable...

Is "BASIC" cable and fetish toys something that (a person who is rec'g assistance from society at large) should be on your "MUST HAVE LIST"?

Just my opinion (from having been a "contributing member of society" from the last 27 years of my adult life)

camille65 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 10:53:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: PlayfulGoddess


ORIGINAL: OldBastardly1

Do you think there is anything wrong with getting public assistance, food & medical care, while having enough money for fetish stuff?

Bear in mind, I am not condemning....I am asking, because it seems that other people's tax dollars are supplementing your kink.

Yeah, that has always been somewhat of a pet-peeve of mine...

I remember when I first started working fresh out of college, living VERY FRUGALLY (and RESPONSIBLY to my way of thinking) well...

I have always seen the need for Social Programs, but it really did irk me while I was out grocery shopping when I looked on the grocery conveyor belt at the mediocre (albeit fiscally responsible choices) that I had ready to be purchased, and saw the "stuff" that the woman on FOODSTAMPS before me had on the conveyor belt waiting for her check-out.

She had steaks, expensive "pre-made/pre-packaged" convenience foods, and I had "get ready to cook in its entirety yourself" type goods. I was PARTICULARY annoyed when I looked the woman over and noticed her array of flashy gold/diamond rings piled up her fingers, and her expensive full-length mink coat (while talkin about needing to take her Cadillac into the shop). I wanted to shake this woman by the's ok, I restrained myself LOL...

But seriously, its outlandish behavior like hers that ticks off the rest of society footing her bill!

I don't personally know Luna, she may be a wonderful caring, and responsible mother/"wife", but I did sorta feel that TINGE of annoyance when I read the part where she stated she has "basic" cable...

Is "BASIC" cable and fetish toys something that (a person who is rec'g assistance from society at large) should be on your "MUST HAVE LIST"?

Just my opinion (from having been a "contributing member of society" from the last 27 years of my adult life)

 Basic cable... some areas have no reception whatsoever for television forcing the person to buy basic cable. Where I happen to live if you don't have basic you don't have any television. It can be lonely living in a silent house. Perhaps it is an indulgence but if that is my only entertainment so be it, I don't go to movies because they are too expensive.Sometimes even people on welfare/food stamps etc want to eat well, perhaps to celebrate an anniversary or birthday they choose to buy a steak as a wonderful indulgence.The woman with diamonds & the Cadillac may very well have those items as her only assets. An older woman divorced and out of the job market for decades having to rely on food stamps and the judgemental stares as she stands in line. I used a friends foodstamps to buy her UM a birthday cake, while in line someone behind me made a snarky comment about celebrating on welfare.My friend is paralyzed from the waist down and raising UMs on her own.Does this mean that her UMs have to go without a cake on their birthday, because someone sees it as a frivolous item?

PlayfulGoddess -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 2:26:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: camille65
Basic cable... some areas have no reception whatsoever for television forcing the person to buy basic cable. Where I happen to live if you don't have basic you don't have any television. It can be lonely living in a silent house. Perhaps it is an indulgence but if that is my only entertainment so be it, I don't go to movies because they are too expensive.Sometimes even people on welfare/food stamps etc want to eat well, perhaps to celebrate an anniversary or birthday they choose to buy a steak as a wonderful indulgence.The woman with diamonds & the Cadillac may very well have those items as her only assets. An older woman divorced and out of the job market for decades having to rely on food stamps and the judgemental stares as she stands in line. I used a friends foodstamps to buy her UM a birthday cake, while in line someone behind me made a snarky comment about celebrating on welfare.My friend is paralyzed from the waist down and raising UMs on her own.Does this mean that her UMs have to go without a cake on their birthday, because someone sees it as a frivolous item?

Well first off, it appeared that virtually EVERYTHING in her order was that of extravagance and yes, she may well have 'ONLY' had her Cadillac and her mink coat as her only "assets"
I HOWEVER (at the time) had jack shitt (cuz I was living resourcefully within my means and HELPING  PAY FOR HER FOOD BILL--along with the rest of society) I was attending school and paying for my education while working 50 hour weeks... SO YES, I WAS A TAD MIFFED BECAUSE I HAD A PIECE OF CRAP '69 Chrysler Newport (boat) with a Baracuda engine (and an coolant system that was rigged to bring the two types of car together) LOL
In regard to "celebrations" one could also BAKE a birthday cake, (probably saving about 8 dollars in the process)
All this ticks me off WAY less when I came into my own, got more funds and didn't have to "go without" in order for someone to mis-manage "GIFTED"(from my viewpoint) MONEY.
But YES,
(I have also noticed a LOT of people who have been granted subsidizing rapidly view it as a "RIGHT" -- OWED to them, as compared to a "gift" from a society trying to "help" them out)

Grlwithboy -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 2:54:39 PM)

I'm not well off, but for me it's been the value of freedom above all else - I work very hard to maintain a reasonable level of subsistence which doesn't mean I have to answer to anyone else. I don't think I'll ever position my husband to quit working, nor would I ever want to quit working. 

I am attracted to drive - fail or succeed is less important/attractive to me than people who are ON to something, as long as it's not totally harebrained MLM stuff, but a good solid project.

Grlwithboy -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 3:06:27 PM)

Yeah, let's make sure that really poor people have a completely joyless existence with no escape other than recreational drug use and unprotected sex, because our moral fiber is so strong that we could easily do without the periodic birthday cake or non-library book.

Even better if they're sick - I mean what do they need other than maybe meds maybe a roof and to stare at the walls? They're just beggars who deserve their disabilities.

Stephann -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (12/10/2007 3:21:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: fetishnoob

i feel that there is in fact a minimum level not just for doms but for any man who would be in a serious relationship, and that leve is simply  that you have a habitable place to live and are secure in the knowledge that the utilities won't be shut off or that you'll be on the street  any time soon,   if  one can't meet this small requirment then how can one in good conscience take responsibility for another?

Great topic, maybe, but did you really need to bump a 25 page thread from a year ago?


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