RE: Low Income Dominants. (Full Version)

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ExistentialSteel -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/1/2006 4:27:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn
For all its many, many flaws, the United States is no more flawed than Classical Rome, Angevin Norman Europe, Sassanid Persia, or Qin China.

LOL...I hope not. To IronBear, I was an American Army officer and had the pleasure of dealing with Australians on occasion. I have never felt more friendship and brotherhood than with them. We trusted each other completely and if I am in a fight, I want them with me. We may have spats or whatever, but it is all in the family of democracy.

RiotGirl -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/1/2006 6:45:03 AM)

Holy geez, this thread has gotten long. My eyes have blurred and i've gone low on pepsi. = ( Few things i picked up whilst i was rubbing my eyes and drinkin my pepsi.


Yeah, but it's their money, and if they want to spend it on designer handbags, or shoes or jewelry, or antiques, it's their business. Just because you have issues with your family's conspicuous consumption and your stepmother's irresponsibility, doesn't mean that it makes someone a bad person if they have what they consider nice things.

Heh, the point wasnt that they were "bad" people. Very rarely will hear me call an individual a "bad" person. Granted there are bad ppl, evil ones at that. Personally i just think it is retarded. And stupidity pisses me off. Ever heard the saying, "waste not, want not?" i believe in that as WELL. i think its a waste. Plus irresponsible. The point of the post was to show that even those that are finacially well to do, can also be irresponsible.


Your mileage may vary, but my bottom line: I don't believe that income is the defining factor in determining dominance or submission. And I won't involve myself with someone who does. To me, that means they are giving money more significance than I do.

we agree here.


I'm annoyed when people pretend to be talking about "doms" and they're really just talking about MEN.

THAT is because Men are so easy to make fun of :p Such easy targets... hehehe

As for our government. heh Heh and heh! Its a known fact that the world loves to hate the US (as i do) but when they need help who do they call? (and no its NOT ghostbusters). But as for the "atrocities" the US has commited. Oh grow up! Forgive us not, please. i think its lame that folks have such a hard time digesting that the US does terrible things. Gee, wonder what you'd say about all the things the general pop doesnt know? On top of that. So what! My god folks, we're in the "big peoples" world and war (no matter what form its fought in) is a dirty business. The business at that silly prison. Abu something or other. Lets see.. they cut off our heads.. and we humiliate them. <chuckles> Personally, i'd of prolly cut of their winkies just for the laugh of it. But thats just me. Lame really lame. "oh know we're becoming barbarians JUST like them" Wake up call, we were barbarians LONG before.

Our goverment and i've been saying it for 10 years is just a legalized form of the mafia. (Heck our gov doesnt follow its own laws.. deny deny deny.. and dont get caught) Oh and just as a little fun fact. It was either after WW1 or WW2 (cant remember which its an old fact swimming about my head) the herion trade lines were non exsistant into our country. Go on guess why we have herion in our country? Drugs are a profitable business and our gov wasnt gonna let that tidbit of money go down the toilet.

Go on and think how great and upstanding and righteous, and human rights orientated and so on about our goverment and be appalled when they get caught = ) Yes our country is one of the better, but dont go thinking the ppl running it are better. After all they are just humans. And human nature.. well we can see human nature in our own bedrooms. (except i dont liken our bedrooms to the deceit that runs rampant in the gov.. just the violence)

caitlyn -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/1/2006 7:56:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: cloudboy
Just to clarify, though, is your point:

a)"The United States could be a lot worse"
b) "being a critical idget does no one any good?"
c) "The Greeks were spoiled, dependent, powerless bastards."
d) "Australians, being from a podunk Island, have no business criticizing US foreign policy"
e) "If the Romans were still around, eveyone would hate them too."

a) No. The point is, that world powers face difficult challenges, and the more powerful you get, the more difficult the challenges. RavenMuse made reference to Great Britain as an empire. The question is, do we look at her as the empire that used to stop ships on the high seas to "conscript" men as slave labor to support her navy ... or do we look at the glory of a nation standing alone in the darkest days of the Second World War? Imagine our world today, had Great Britian not stood tall in the Battle of Britain, and in North Africa.

b) Yes.

c) No comment ... just read for yourself. [:D]

d) No. Criticism is everyone's right ... just as it is everyone's right to look at that criticism by some, as armchair quarterbacking. The same superpower that took a correct stand in the Balkans when Europeans wouldn't lift a finger to stop mass genocide ... might just as easily take the wrong stand in Iraq. Criticism is everyone's right, and clearly the criticism of our policy in Iraq is accurate ... but the only real criticism that matters, is criticism from nations willing to put themselves in the game.

e) It's a waste of time dealing in the hypothetical.

SeverineX -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/1/2006 11:44:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

And do you have any references regarding what you say research has "concluded"?

Men, Women, Sex and Darwin

Up From Gorilla Land

What Are Women Really Attracted To?

The Mating Game

Women Are Attracted To Men With Money Study Concludes

Why We Strive For Status

Lordandmaster -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/1/2006 2:30:55 PM)

Sigh. That's not research. That's a bunch of articles by journalists who write about other people's research. And they all make the point that evolutionary psychologists represent but one voice among many.

IndigoDadesi -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/1/2006 2:48:54 PM)

You know, its a little off the original topic (but since some of us are going other directions anyway): I think a career/job is not only a source of income, but also a source of outside-the-relationship stimulus. Even if I could support my slave I would still insist he work, because otherwise Im afraid he would look to me for all sources of entertainment and I just dont have the energy for that.

The job that I am working right now is by no means a "bread winning" position, but I like interacting with people and it gives me the chance to make new friends.

It seems like some posts in this thread are insinuating that a sub having a job/career is a bad thing...or at least that they should be supported by their Dom/me.

One of my concerns in having a M/s relationship is that I may inadvertently isolate my slave, which, in my opinion, would lead to depression and possible resentment. A career or job is a great way to relieve that situation. (obviously clubs, volunteering, etc. would also be good ways).


MstrFury -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/1/2006 3:09:13 PM)

lol DT...I know you wanted to get your feet wet on here...but come on...if you really just opened up and stop trying to pick brains...others could see the you just below the surface...don't mislead the people here...they're really smarter than you may be giving them credit for...after reading this thread and your part in it...(head smack)...paycheck to paycheck.....hmmmm.....let me do consulting work about 4 months out of the more honest...paycheck to paycheck..between vacation and like what...6 figures a me have one of those paychecks...


MstrFury -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/1/2006 3:11:40 PM)

oh yeah...I sort of forgot...this is a much simpler life than the one you left behind...


Rayne58 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/1/2006 4:16:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: candystripper

caitlyn makes some good points; but Bush has been a disaster. BTW, NZ is a different country from Aussie?

Forgive my ingnorance.


Yes New Zealand is a totally separate country from Australia.....there's a rivalry similar to USA vs Canada, or England vs France.....[;)][:D]

sunshine333 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/1/2006 4:47:42 PM)


there are many fine servants who are skilled in managing work in service to their Owners in the outside world -and- managing to keep a wonderful home, with good food, pleasant conversation, attentive and joyful service, and whose contributions of energy in -all- of the areas that they participate (including that of the financial energy of the household) are made with graceful transition between all aspects.

Lady Zephyr

Lady Z ... point well taken ... and i agree with you. i think sometimes i forget that there are slaves much better skilled than i am.


SeverineX -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/1/2006 7:16:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

Sigh. That's not research. That's a bunch of articles by journalists who write about other people's research. And they all make the point that evolutionary psychologists represent but one voice among many.

These are references, sweetie. The names of various evolutionary psychologists are given within the articles. Go look up their research if you're interested since I'm not about to cut and paste their papers here.

justheather -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/1/2006 7:54:08 PM)



These are references, sweetie.

Probably none of my business, but it might be considered rude in some circles, including this one, to refer to a dominant male as "sweetie" in the middle of what is supposed to be a friendly exchange of ideas. I mean, unless you guys are a couple, and you meant it as a term of endearment, in which case forgive me for being out of the loop on that one. I never get the good gossip, not even when it's about me.

It (the "sweetie" thing) also doesnt exactly lend an air of credibility to what may in fact be a very valid point you are attempting to make.

Just sayin.

candystripper -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/2/2006 10:35:23 AM)

One more time:

"financially responsible, whether prince or pauper."


IronBear -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/2/2006 11:01:55 AM)




ORIGINAL: candystripper

caitlyn makes some good points; but Bush has been a disaster. BTW, NZ is a different country from Aussie?

Forgive my ingnorance.


Yes New Zealand is a totally separate country from Australia.....there's a rivalry similar to USA vs Canada, or England vs France.....[;)][:D]

We'd go to war for our Kiwi (New Zealand) mates, even though it gives us the greatest pleasure in whooping their arses in Rugby League, Rugby Union and Cricket.....

Side Note:
ANZAC = Australian New Zealand Army Corps formed for WW1 and still have a huge meaning for both our nations.... (Not the time to start with the Kiwi jokes ...... yet).[;)]

KnightofMists -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/2/2006 11:36:08 AM)

Financial Responsibility vrs Financial Independence!

I do believe that you have identified the key sides of the issue with regards to this thread. From what I am understanding, there are some who relate the two as one. Meaning, Financial Independence is a measure of Financial Responsibility! I do agree that those that have well-paid careers and exercise financial responsiblitiy they are able to establish financial independence. However, thou exercising financial responsiblity reflects alot of postive behaviors, one also must have that well-paid career. Not everyone is blessed with the same talents. We have carpenters, artists, accountants, doctors, sports starts, actors etc. Each field of endevor will allow a person to reap certain financial rewards that is higher than other fields of endevor. If you are inherently gifted with the right stuff for a particular high money field, you then have the potential of financial independence. In some cases, these individuals can obtain financial indepedence with very little financial responsibility. However, an individual can be in a field that is not nearly as financial rewarding as other fields but exercise the right financail responsiblitities that keep the person from the streets!

Financail Responsibility gets down to maximizing what you have to work with and not the measure of money in your bank account. Your example of the blind scupltor and the deaf pianist are examples of two individuals maximize what they have to work with. They are indeed examples of great character that one should admire and attempt to emmulate in our own choosen paths. The character that they exercised is not unlike the person that must exercise character to have financial responsiblity.

Financial Responsibility or Financial Independence..... I will take financial responsibility hands down! it relfects Character. the other reflects only a bank account!

ExistentialSteel -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/2/2006 1:29:26 PM)

Hell, I just want all submissives to send me their money. Financial slavery or whatever you want to call it.

Oumae -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/2/2006 2:56:01 PM)



We'd go to war for our Kiwi (New Zealand) mates, even though it gives us the greatest pleasure in whooping their arses in Rugby League, Rugby Union and Cricket.....

Not sure anyone can beat them in rugby union at the moment!


LadiesBladewing -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/2/2006 4:17:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: sunshine333

Lady Z ... point well taken ... and i agree with you. i think sometimes i forget that there are slaves much better skilled than i am.


Not 'better' skilled... only 'differently' skilled. Each of us has our own particular brand of talents, and each of us has our own particular preferences that we bring to our lives.

[Now for the soapbox sponsor's portion *Grins*] One reason that boards like this work is because there really is not as much common ground among those who claim attachments to the bdsm/ds/ms styles of living as it would first appear by their communal interest in an "outside the box" life. Even those who share the same kinks may express those differently on a day-to-day basis, and have different visions of how the kink fits into life in general. That is one reason that it takes so very long to find a match -- for those who are looking to -live- in one of these variants as a way of life, it is -much- more like finding the right job and boss or a mate than it is like finding a tennis or bridge partner.

The longer I'm part of this community, the more I realize that the version of existing that connects me to this community is a much more tenuous connection than I might originally have dreamed -- and I am secure now, in knowing -what- I want, -how- I want it, -why- I want it to be that way, and discussing it with others so that -they- also understand and can make a real decision about whether I am a good fit.

Things in our lives change. What you don't know now, you may figure out in the future. What you do or don't want now may re-shape itself over time. If you live truly to yourself, you'll find the right place and the right people to nurture you to become more fully yourself, and in doing so, you'll find that place in you that fulfills you, no matter how you serve.

Lady Zephyr

MistressSassy66 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/2/2006 6:01:34 PM)

I would consider Myself to be a low income Domme,slave bishop works not just because she has to but because she needs to have outside contacts.It helps her to feel useful in ways other than just being here for Me.I like she has confidence to make decisions if I cant always be there to decide.It also makes her feel like she is taking care of Me in the financial end of things and that makes her feel special.

Being a Pro-Domme has not made Me rich and I dont do it to get rich.My fees are affordable to everyone,so that anyone who is interested can at least try it once.
Why charge at all...panties and nylons cost money. doesnt matter what you have for money or really how you use it...its whether you are a kind person or not.

IronBear -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/2/2006 6:31:51 PM)





We'd go to war for our Kiwi (New Zealand) mates, even though it gives us the greatest pleasure in whooping their arses in Rugby League, Rugby Union and Cricket.....

Not sure anyone can beat them in rugby union at the moment!


Ahhaaaaa.. But ve have our vays and the Bear has a devious plan...

The new look Aussie Rugby Union team is sporting tight hot pink lycra pants and a pertty littloe number worn on top showing plenty of naked pecs and abbs Anddddddddddd at the comencement of the game the follow the Kiwi Harka, with our very own Gay Harka which finishes when each Aussie goes and kisses each Kiwi..... By the time the Kiwis have got over the shock, we'll have established an ubeatable lead and be ready to start the second half.........

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