RE: Low Income Dominants. (Full Version)

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Lordandmaster -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/2/2006 6:32:07 PM)

No, they're not references. They're newspaper and magazine articles. They don't even have bibliographies. They're based on telephone interviews and what seems to be a pretty cursory examination of one or two popular books. Try citing this stuff in a scientific paper and see who takes you seriously.

Maybe you'd be surprised to hear that I KNOW these people's research? I don't really understand what you're arguing about. You started this by claiming that "anthropologists" believe such-and-such; I responded by saying that there's hardly a single belief that "anthropologists" as a group hold in common. You're not disputing that. You're just pasting some links to articles you found on the web--and acting very rude in the process.




ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

Sigh. That's not research. That's a bunch of articles by journalists who write about other people's research. And they all make the point that evolutionary psychologists represent but one voice among many.

These are references, sweetie. The names of various evolutionary psychologists are given within the articles. Go look up their research if you're interested since I'm not about to cut and paste their papers here.

IrishMist -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/2/2006 7:12:24 PM)


Probably none of my business, but it might be considered rude in some circles, including this one, to refer to a dominant male as "sweetie" in the middle of what is supposed to be a friendly exchange of ideas.

/nods in agreement

Even I, who is known for giving everyone a hard time on here...even I would never go so far as to show such blatant disrespect for another

Well...yes I would...but only if they were idiots

candystripper -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/3/2006 4:24:47 AM)

There's a rivalry between US and Canada? What for? Decent beer?


LthrdWolf -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/3/2006 6:45:14 AM)



ok, this is going down hill, all this assistance abuse, pretty soon all the doms will be sitting on the front porch waiting for their checks...


...sits rrrocking - lol.

Enjoying this thread.What I think has pretty well been covered.

LthrdWolf ...then there are the Dominants who are financially challenged now,but will not be further down the road (if They live that long.) Thus the submissives who came in for the 'right' reasons will then also reap the monetary rewards. *chuckles*

NeedToUseYou -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/3/2006 1:06:53 PM)

Hmmm, well, I'll throw my take on the whole issue here.

Well, for me personally, I enjoy paying for dinners, and buying nice things for people that I care about. I like being able to buy a cute dress, or shoes for my woman. Is that to control her. No, I don't think so, It makes me happy that I can do that. I'd hope she'd appreciate that I worked for that money and chose to give it to her. So, I personally do find it important for me to make at least enough money to do those things, as well as save/invest and grow financially. So, for me it is tied to my self-esteem to some degree, as it brings me pleasure to do nice things for others, that I couldn't do if I was broke or just making it. Am I wealthy, no, but I'm on track to be. I don't see how that would be a negative. Especially since, I grew up with absolutely nothing, but salvation army clothes, and waiting for the food stamps to come, so I could eat as a child. I will never put anyone through the hell of being broke. You don't have to be wealthy to live a good life but I can't see how scraping for rent is attractive.
Now, there's a difference between broke and middle class with bumps in the road. Broke is a pattern of scraping by with no impovements. I've been broke, but have always improved my position in life. Nothing wrong with that, it's just if you are 30 and have been broke since you were 18, well that's another thing. I know a ton of people like that, and it's never there fault. It is but they never see it that way. Like people who take the attitude why go on the interview I won't get it anyway. I've tried to drag people to improve there positions, and they just won't do it, or go but there attitude sucks so bad they won't get the job. The vast majority of people are this way. Sorry, but it's the truth. All in all I'll take wealth over being broke, as having extra money doesn't make you act any different or dress swanky. But I like to have the option to do so.

And I don't think anyone has defined what wealthy or not wealthy actually means. I define that as meaning, able to live in a nice neighborhood, where crime/drug use etc...., isn't a large issue. Being wealthy is being able to have the option to send your kid to a private school, or afford tutoring in order to insure they have an adequate education. Pay for college. Go on vacation every once in awhile. Have good food. Be able to help others out who are trying to make it. And have a nice retirement. Those things make you wealthy. I can't see how it is bad, or why someone would want not to have such things, all things being equal, is beyond me. So, a sub that would pick a scraping dom over one that is improving himself financially is beyond me.

I look up to people that have pulled themselves up from poverty as a great inspiration.

People who languish in there own poverty, or trust fund baby types, well I can do without them.


candystripper -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/3/2006 2:42:33 PM)


And I don't think anyone has defined what wealthy or not wealthy actually means. I define that as meaning, able to live in a nice neighborhood, where crime/drug use etc...., isn't a large issue. Being wealthy is being able to have the option to send your kid to a private school, or afford tutoring in order to insure they have an adequate education. Pay for college. Go on vacation every once in awhile. Have good food. Be able to help others out who are trying to make it. And have a nice retirement. Those things make you wealthy. I can't see how it is bad, or why someone would want not to have such things, all things being equal, is beyond me. So, a sub that would pick a scraping dom over one that is improving himself financially is beyond me.


Holy s**t i'm wealthy!


NeedToUseYou -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/3/2006 3:01:55 PM)

Well, I'd say those would be the minimum requirements. Anything above that is really fluff. Considering you need at least a couple million to retire and maintain about 100,000 dollar plus standard of living, and at least a 100,000 grand for each kid to put through school. Plus a house in a nice neighborhood will run you a 150,000 grand in rural areas to well over a million in urban areas. Plus all the additionals, Yeah, I'd say it's about 3,000,000 in total you have to be able to save before you retire to do those things I listed.

Retiring is really the big part for me, as I do want to retire young I guess, maybe that's why it seems modest.

If you have that kind of money, I can use an investor?

candystripper -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/3/2006 3:07:00 PM)


Side Note: ANZAC = Australian New Zealand Army Corps formed for WW1 and still have a huge meaning for both our nations.... (Not the time to start with the Kiwi jokes ...... yet).


My daddy was army during the Korean War. And i wanna hear Kiwi jokes!


mons -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/4/2006 1:45:22 AM)


i agree with you ironbear too, i am blessed i develope sleep apena i was so stress about this but i found i have so many wondeful freinds more then freinds my family who helped when i would forget to put the air pressure machine on, ihave neighbors who come and check on me when i was first staring to use my machine, it hard but i am so blessed i am now at the point where i can be awake and feel so much alive and lol walk but this happen 7 years ago so i come along way and i can say i never have been treated any different then before, money i have but more then that i have a dear loving family, and friend iwould not give up for any amount of money. i know one women who is weathly but so miserable and will cheat someone out of a dime how sad is that, i am me and happy with it, i just look at candystripper post then i am weathly candy i have a great place to live

[&:]mons with bless love

veronicaofML -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/4/2006 2:25:12 AM)

People who languish in there own poverty,

some of us never have a chance to get more in life. the most i ever had, is $8 an hour.
most i ever had in one year was something like $12k to $14k.

i'll never know what its like to do all that high society shit...private schools and fancy houses..n such...
not in MY lifetime..
all i can say... more power to ya...but i hate snobs...
its people like that...CLAIM the6y aint rich...
but i know they aint living like i have had to.

i have spent too many years in my life, choosing between one check to another as to what bill got paid how./..
paycheck to paycheck.

from what "I" klearned in aint what ya know...its who ya blow.
ya have to have someone on the inside...or you dont get in the door.

so much for "equal opportunity"
its a crock o' shit and always will be.

IronBear -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/4/2006 3:58:05 AM)



Well, I'd say those would be the minimum requirements. Anything above that is really fluff. Considering you need at least a couple million to retire and maintain about 100,000 dollar plus standard of living, and at least a 100,000 grand for each kid to put through school. Plus a house in a nice neighborhood will run you a 150,000 grand in rural areas to well over a million in urban areas. Plus all the additionals, Yeah, I'd say it's about 3,000,000 in total you have to be able to save before you retire to do those things I listed.

Retiring is really the big part for me, as I do want to retire young I guess, maybe that's why it seems modest.

If you have that kind of money, I can use an investor?

I know where you are comming from NTUY, I also know what it is like to never look at a price tag on anything and have a very expencive home o acerage. I also know to lose the lot in a divorce and then lose what I had built again. with another divorce. hense my heading back overseas to earn more money rather than riskig more assets o a money grubbling last ex. Actually NTUY, on my reconing, your financial estimates are a tad on the light side but we do live in differing countries. The reality is that once you are earning the big bucks it to have it work for you giving you a residual income and thus create real wealth.

candystripper -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/4/2006 10:17:08 AM)


I know where you are comming from NTUY, I also know what it is like to never look at a price tag on anything and have a very expencive home o acerage. I also know to lose the lot in a divorce and then lose what I had built again. with another divorce. hense my heading back overseas to earn more money rather than riskig more assets o a money grubbling last ex. Actually NTUY, on my reconing, your financial estimates are a tad on the light side but we do live in differing countries. The reality is that once you are earning the big bucks it to have it work for you giving you a residual income and thus create real wealth.


Once You can cover Your bills, wealth is not money.


NeedToUseYou -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/4/2006 1:41:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: veronicaofML

People who languish in there own poverty,

some of us never have a chance to get more in life. the most i ever had, is $8 an hour.
most i ever had in one year was something like $12k to $14k.

i'll never know what its like to do all that high society shit...private schools and fancy houses..n such...
not in MY lifetime..
all i can say... more power to ya...but i hate snobs...
its people like that...CLAIM the6y aint rich...
but i know they aint living like i have had to.

i have spent too many years in my life, choosing between one check to another as to what bill got paid how./..
paycheck to paycheck.

from what "I" klearned in aint what ya know...its who ya blow.
ya have to have someone on the inside...or you dont get in the door.

so much for "equal opportunity"
its a crock o' shit and always will be.

Wow, whatever, I grew up on Public Aid. Well, I have connections if you want to buy meth, pot, whatever. But none that would help me out making it in the real world.

Wow, anyway, here's my swanky job history
5.60/ hour in a bottle factory through a temp agency Age 18
9.00/hour in a car light factory hired on because I busted my ass at the bottle factory and had glowing references Age 19-21
College 22-24
Insurance Sales (35,000/year) Made it because I busted my ass, this is door to door sales. Hard work 25-27
Self employed started by living in the warehouse that I was running the business from and going to friends houses to take showers. Oh, I'm such a snobby bastard. Now, I'm actually making a decent living that I should be able to hit my goals I don't need to sacrifice and can live in a nicer neighborhood and you say It's not what you know but who you know. Well, fuck you, you live in a warehouse and work for 12 hours minimum a day starting with only about 10,000 to work with and built that up and I'll say you've tried. I deserve any and all money I can now make, because I worked hard, and sacrified. And I still regularly work twelve hour days when necessary. 27-present


NeedToUseYou -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/4/2006 1:53:17 PM)





Well, I'd say those would be the minimum requirements. Anything above that is really fluff. Considering you need at least a couple million to retire and maintain about 100,000 dollar plus standard of living, and at least a 100,000 grand for each kid to put through school. Plus a house in a nice neighborhood will run you a 150,000 grand in rural areas to well over a million in urban areas. Plus all the additionals, Yeah, I'd say it's about 3,000,000 in total you have to be able to save before you retire to do those things I listed.

Retiring is really the big part for me, as I do want to retire young I guess, maybe that's why it seems modest.

If you have that kind of money, I can use an investor?

I know where you are comming from NTUY, I also know what it is like to never look at a price tag on anything and have a very expencive home o acerage. I also know to lose the lot in a divorce and then lose what I had built again. with another divorce. hense my heading back overseas to earn more money rather than riskig more assets o a money grubbling last ex. Actually NTUY, on my reconing, your financial estimates are a tad on the light side but we do live in differing countries. The reality is that once you are earning the big bucks it to have it work for you giving you a residual income and thus create real wealth.

Probably light really, but I was just pointing out the absolute minimum. In all likely hood depending on inflation, stockmarket, etc... it could easily be alot higher. 6 million would be the high side really it will probably end up somewhere around 4-5 million you'd need.


FelinePersuasion -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/7/2006 8:29:28 PM)

I don't have to look at a price tag I could blow 200 dollars on some miniscule item, have before. On craft items. But I am a frugal person so I look at price tags, and I consider most purchases and I am not willy nilly about what and where I spend. That's the diffrence between responcibility of your assets or non responcibility to me. Someone who does not feel that they have to have everything they see cause they could have it.

Could doesn't always mean should.

phoenix1 -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/8/2006 4:18:16 AM)

In the vanilla world, some people judge others by how much money they make... so I assume that would also apply to people in this lifestyle. Money and possessions are only things... and things may be pleasurable for a short period of time, but that fades quickly...
I, for one, do not care how much money my Master does or does not make... as long as he loves me...

*humming that backstreet boys song now... darn it, I'll be thinking of that song all day now...

mistoferin -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/8/2006 5:42:34 AM)

I do not believe that one need be affluent to be a Dominant. I do however, believe that a Dominant who is seeking to take on the responsibility of another should be in control of his financial situation. That does not mean that he should live in a palace adorned with crystal chandaliers or drive the latest sportscar. He should be in a position that allows him to pay his monthly bills and provide adequate food, shelter and clothing.

Too often I am contacted by seeking Dominants who have no job or steady source of income, and who expect that I will provide the monetary resources necessary to fund the relationship. I have no interest in a Dominant who can not afford the gas to come see me or who expects me to bring food to his home in order for us to be able to eat during the course of my visit. If you can not provide the basics, then in my opinion, you should put your search on hold until you are in a better position.

IronBear -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/8/2006 5:50:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion

I don't have to look at a price tag I could blow 200 dollars on some miniscule item, have before. On craft items. But I am a frugal person so I look at price tags, and I consider most purchases and I am not willy nilly about what and where I spend. That's the diffrence between responcibility of your assets or non responcibility to me. Someone who does not feel that they have to have everything they see cause they could have it.

Could doesn't always mean should.

I understand your comments and tend to agree with them. With Craft (as in the Art magickal) I actuall prefer to make what I can or have a craftsman make them as unique items for me when I can afford them. However regarding not looking at price tags, that refers to the purchase of any item be it designer clothes with a cost of several thousand dollars ot a car etc. Certainly this applies for the cost of accomodation and a meal at a 5 star international hotel or a return airline ticket from (let say) Brisbane to NY, accomodation and car rental.

DiannaVesta -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/8/2006 6:05:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: aurora31

For me while having a potential Dom who is comfortable is a plus it is not a necessity. I have struggeled all my life to make ends meet so it would be nothing new for me. Rather I tend to look at what he does with what he has. Does he live responsiblly with in his means? What takes priorty in his life, the big sporting event or food on the table? To me those things say so much more about someones true character then the amout of their yearly income does.


I agree with this. I am lucky because I make a good living but I won't support a slave. There were times that I helped them out but it depends on the relationship and the reasons why I am helping them.

vegeta -> RE: Low Income Dominants. (2/13/2006 11:09:23 PM)

But what if you do have a stable job but its not the most glamorous or the most heavly paid? I think most subs judge on that fact alone.

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