How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (Full Version)

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jlf1961 -> How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/28/2009 1:55:30 PM)

(7) Individuals prone to violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence span all races, ethnicities, and religious beliefs, and individuals should not be targeted based solely on race, ethnicity, or religion.

(8) Any measure taken to prevent violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence and homegrown terrorism in the United States should not violate the constitutional rights, civil rights, or civil liberties of United States citizens or lawful permanent residents.

(9) Certain governments, including the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia have significant experience with homegrown terrorism and the United States can benefit from lessons learned by those nations.

The above are quotes from HR1955, a bill that is currently under debate in the Senate, it has already cleared the house.

Now, article 9, suggests that the US take lessons from other countries.....

However, the United Kingdom has imprisoned members of Senn Fenn and ideological supporters of the IRA who never used a gun OR planted a bomb, some without trial.....

Preventing 'Ideological Terrorism' means arresting people for personal philosophies, which may or may not be considered terror related by the average person.

For the record, some groups that have been placed on the watch list for 'ideologies' which are considered seditionist by the Department of Homeland Defense includes, but are not limited to, Religious affiliated groups protesting the war, Native American groups promoting Native American rights AND compensation for treaty violations.

Consider some of your thoughts, beliefs both religious and moral, and ask the question, "Can I be arrested for this?"

Aylee -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/28/2009 2:06:23 PM)

Hmmm. . . since we now have Chicago-thug-politics in the White House, YES!

Rainfire -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/28/2009 2:20:06 PM)

[>:]  Probably - if I was still in the States. I used to attend a Conservative Mennonite church that is against war and violence. By the definitions above, that would make me a radical extremist and worthy of at least watching. Hmmmmm, guess this means I'd never get my security clearance back.... 

popeye1250 -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/28/2009 2:21:25 PM)

I don't know how long but when they do I hope they *target* the "politically correct anal-retentives."

BitaTruble -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/28/2009 2:25:53 PM)

Text of HR1955

I'm just about to start reading it so may weigh in later - just wanted to provide the link in case anyone wanted to read it.

slavefortpeasap -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/28/2009 4:07:47 PM)

We are becoming more and more like China everyday...except less capitalistic.

NihilusZero -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/28/2009 4:19:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

Preventing 'Ideological Terrorism' means arresting people for personal philosophies, which may or may not be considered terror related by the average person.

Which, completing the loop, becomes it's own type of terrorism.

The only backwards positive measure it could serve would be to detain the type of people who would support it in the first place...preventing it from ever being turned active.

Crush -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/28/2009 4:30:17 PM)

It would be headed by a "Thought Czar"

Oceania?  Eastasia?

"Thoughtcrime does not entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death."

TheHeretic -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/28/2009 7:10:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

For the record, some groups that have been placed on the watch list for 'ideologies' which are considered seditionist by the Department of Homeland Defense includes, but are not limited to, Religious affiliated groups protesting the war, Native American groups promoting Native American rights AND compensation for treaty violations.

      Let's not forget the most recently discussed group of potentially dangerous individuals;  veterans of the US armed forces.

       I'd say this is something I try to maintain an awareness of, without becoming paranoid, but this is the 21st Century.  If you aren't paranoid, you aren't paying attention.

Owner59 -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/28/2009 7:32:01 PM)

Nothing new.

The difference may be that conservatives are waking up to what quashing expression and thought does.But selfishly,only b/c they fear their own repression,not b/c they they want freedom for all.

SmokingGun82 -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/28/2009 7:41:46 PM)

It's the logical next step... first the nanny state dictates what you can/can't do, then what you can/can't say, then what you can/can't think...

I love my country, and I'd gladly die to protect the Constitution and what it stands for... but I find it depressing how far we've come from the Founding Fathers.

TheHeretic -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/28/2009 7:44:36 PM)

       Here is a crazy thought, O59.  Before you blather on, telling us what conservatives think, how about making up your mind about what you believe?  Besides, "Republicans baa-aaad," that is

      Besides, it will be the Democrats who roll out the Ministry of Love.  Can't you just hear those words coming from the mouth of Pelosi, or Frank, or maybe Pres. Obama himself?

MarsBonfire -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/29/2009 5:20:13 AM)

I have copy/pasted your OP to the Dixie Chicks website. I'm sure that they have an opinion or two about how they were treated for thinking differently than the Bush Administration.

servantforuse -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/29/2009 6:05:15 AM)

The Bush Administration didn't silence the Dixie Chicks, their own fans did.

TheHeretic -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/29/2009 7:01:35 AM)

        Dragged off in the night were they?  Never to be heard from again?  Offspring sent to orphanages, to be raised by the state?

Owner59 -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/29/2009 7:31:20 AM)

No, republicans did that.The old white men/moron section.

Their fans, propelled them to a Grammy Award.

Cowboy Take Me Away

Wide Open Spaces

Travelin` Soldier

servantforuse -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/29/2009 7:31:45 AM)

The ' Chicks ' had every right to run down our President in concert after concert. Their fans also had their right, or choice. They voiced their opinion by not buying  CD's and not attending concerts..It is a free Country, for now.. 

Owner59 -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/29/2009 7:39:10 AM)

Sure, if one agrees with bush/neo-cons/paranoids....

<Pssst,it`s the hypocrisy......>

servantforuse -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/29/2009 7:48:48 AM)

When I pay money to go to a concert, I want to hear music, not hate speech and anti American pap from some liberal artist. Where are they now ?

Owner59 -> RE: How soon until there is a new 'Thought Police' Agency? (5/29/2009 8:00:20 AM)

On tour,they haven`t looked back...I`m going to see them in Atlantic City.

bush fans?Still crying over it.

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