RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (Full Version)

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Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:13:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
Of course tazing is a punishment.

No. It's not. It's not a punishment anymore than a gun or an asp or an officer tackling you to the ground. When you are arrested, you are ARRESTED. It is the cop's job to affect that arrest in the safest way possible for all parties involved.


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
She wasn't a threat to the cop or herself.    She was treated like cattle.   a taser is a cattle prod.    
I doubt she is a hard azz criminal that simply HAD to be tazered.  The cop is a public servant. he works for the public. not the other way around.

Were you there? I don't recall seeing any quotes from pahunkboy in the story. You should hurry and contact the news agency that wrote the story and tell them your eye-witness account. I'd refrain from attending the court proceedings though, as perjury is frowned upon.

For reference, though, since you are so ill-informed... a taser is:
"A type of gun. It is similar in appearance to a conventional gun, having a handle, squeezable trigger, and a blunt barrel. Instead of firing bullets, however, a Taser incapacitates someone for a short time by the use of electricity. Tasers are most often used by security forces, including police, to quell disturbances without causing injury to the people involved."

While a cattle prod is:
"A cattle prod, also called a stock prod, is a handheld device commonly used to make cattle or other livestock move by striking or poking them, or in the case of a Hot-Shot-type prod, through a relatively high-voltage, low-current electric shock."

I'm sure if you googled each, you'd see pictures of how the differ further.

Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:15:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

....I dont know that she HAD to sign the ticket.   But she did make things bad by being a jerk.   

Signing is simply promising to appear in court. When you do not sign, the officer must make sure you appear in court, ie an arrest.

I'm still amused how you make continued references to her "being a jerk."

If you call getting violent "being a jerk" I would hate to see what you call abuse.

NormalOutside -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:16:46 PM)

The real tragedy is found in the American people, evidenced by the comments in this thread like "the cop had no choice" and "she shouldn't have argued". Shame.... and good riddance.

Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:22:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: NormalOutside

The real tragedy is found in the American people, evidenced by the comments in this thread like "the cop had no choice" and "she shouldn't have argued". Shame.... and good riddance.

Actually the cop very much had a choice. He had three:

1. Shoot her.
2. Wrench her "delicate" little arm behind her back, forcing her face-down on the hot pavement while placing his knee into her back and cuffing her, possibly drawing his asp in the process, no doubt breaking more bones.
3. Use the taser.

As the woman is alive and unharmed, I'd say the cop chose very well.

pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:26:53 PM)

45,  try not to take this the wrong way.   But  a sovereign citizen under common law does NOT have to sign the ticket.   She has to acknowledge it so as there would be no dishonor. But she does not have to sign it.

She was argumentative.   But now- whom works for whom?     The government serves at the pleasure of its people.  Not the other way around.

If I so much as throw a spit ball at you THAT is assault.   So an electrical current is no less of an assault.

If the burly cop cant handle an old lady- then he is too out of shape to BE a cop.

And the details of the cops injury????      

Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:32:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

45,  try not to take this the wrong way.   But  a sovereign citizen under common law does NOT have to sign the ticket.   She has to acknowledge it so as there would be no dishonor. But she does not have to sign it. 

You're right, you don't have to sign it. You can be taken directly to the jail to wait your turn to see the judge. Signing the ticket is what tells them you 'promise to appear in court.' Hence why it's called a 'promise to appear.'


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
She was argumentative.  

Why do you repeatedly ignore the FACTS? Why do you continue to say "she was argumentative?"

The story *YOU* posted said she got VIOLENT. On what planet is "violent" merely "arguing?"


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
If I so much as throw a spit ball at you THAT is assault.   So an electrical current is no less of an assault.

If you tased me, yes it would be assault. If a cop tased you to arrest you, it is not assault. It is part of their legally-allowed repertoire of tools to bring you under control.


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
If the burly cop cant handle an old lady- then he is too out of shape to BE a cop.

Oh he could have handled her EASILY, I'm sure. And she'd have a broken hip, leg, arm, skull, etc, etc, etc. Now, she has no permanent injuries except her pride. I suppose you would prefer he beat her to a pulp instead?


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
And the details of the cops injury????      

There were none, that I noticed in the story. But as I'm sure you'll refuse to notice, the woman wasn't injured either, thanks to the taser.

pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:34:49 PM)

Telll me then.   What was her act of violence?

Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:38:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

Telll me then.   What was her act of violence?

You posted the story. Do your own research. The story *YOU* posted had a quote that said she became violent. If you are going to post the story, do your own research. If you don't wish to do that, perhaps you should wait for all the FACTS to come out before you come to the defense of one side or the other.

MstrPBK -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:45:56 PM)


If you tased me, yes it would be assault. If a cop tased you to arrest you, it is not assault. It is part of their legally-allowed repertoire of tools to bring you under control.

Do you realize that you just suggested that officers have a different stranded of conduct than a citizen. Do you realize that how chilling that thought is? What happens if the cop is out of control (that to has happened). As far as I know assault is assault is assault.

Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:48:40 PM)


Do you realize that you just suggested that officers have a different stranded of conduct than a citizen. Do you realize that how chilling that thought is? What happens if the cop is out of control (that to has happened). As far as I know assault is assault is assault.

How exactly do you expect the cops to do their jobs if they do not have rules set forth allowing them to do so? What do you want the cops to do? Stand there with their hands on their hips and say "Hey shouldn't be doing them, Mmmmmkay? That's not good. That's against the law, Mmmmkay? You need to stop that right now."

To suggest that the cops don't have a different standard is ridiculous. That's why not everyone can be a cop. You have to be very well trained and mentally ready to be a police officer because of the responsibility and danger the job entails.

ShaharThorne -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:51:27 PM)

Austin is known for its continious road construction. All state-wide work zones are double fines. 35 is usually the recommended speed zone in a construction zone so the workers can bounce back.

Now, I did not read the entire article (froze this antique POS up), but if she was being rude and running out into traffic, she needed to be pulled to the side for her safety and that means tasering, so be it. Besides, that area of Austin is kinda counrty, but populated with the Dell Millionaires as I call them. Big houses, thick cedar and views to die for. There are new subdivisions opening out too, so its getting crowded (I miss Austin's small town feel.).

pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:52:28 PM)




ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

Telll me then.   What was her act of violence?

You posted the story. Do your own research. The story *YOU* posted had a quote that said she became violent. If you are going to post the story, do your own research. If you don't wish to do that, perhaps you should wait for all the FACTS to come out before you come to the defense of one side or the other.

I think you owe Ms Winkfein an apology.

Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:53:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
I think you owe Ms Winkfein an apology.

And I think you owe the cop an apology.

pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 12:57:30 PM)




ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
I think you owe Ms Winkfein an apology.

And I think you owe the cop an apology.

In the event that I beleive he acted properly- I will apologize to the cop.

The article could be more complete.  On that- I agree.

Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 1:02:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
In the event that I beleive he acted properly- I will apologize to the cop.

The article could be more complete.  On that- I agree.

Then perhaps we should do what I suggested everyone do in my first post -- wait until the dash cam footage is released before we jump to conclusions.

That was my first post and continues to be my point. The dash cam WILL come out (they all do these days). We will know who is right and who is not. Arguing back and forth and taking sides at this point is a waste of time. The cop could be an asshole. The woman could be a psychotic freak. It could all be total bullshit or it could all be on the up and up. We simply don't yet know.

slutslave4u -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 1:07:57 PM)

She admitted to speeding in a construction area with workers present, she deserved the citation, but when she refused to sign the citation (even after being told it is not an admission of guilt but rather a promise to appear in court) and when she exited the car and did not comply with instructions of the officer, at that point she brought it upon herself, no matter her age, no matter anyone's age, age has nothing to do with it.....abide by the laws and those enforcing them or accept the consequences of your actions. A license is NOT a given right by each state, it is a priviledge....again abide by the laws of that state and those trying to enforce them, violate that and lose that priviledge! 

Asking her to stay in her vehicle is to not only protect her, but the officer as well as other passing motorists due to the area in  and under construction to begin with, the confusion with that alone, and the additional traffic going by. Also keep in mind that as officers have vehicles stopped on the side of the road passing motorists have a tendency to slow and gawk as they pass by, not paying attention to what and where they are going thus creating accidents. Keeping her in her car again is the safest place for her to keep her from getting run over. Keeping her controlled and safe in her car is the safest place for all.....after all they did say that stretch of highway is a dangerous area!

Keeping in mind yes, she denies the contents of the report, but the dash cam will tell all when it is made public, till then....wait and see!

GreedyTop -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 1:08:23 PM)

how DARE you make sense, Loki!! BAD LOKI!!  (where's my taser?)

Loki45 -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 1:10:11 PM)



how DARE you make sense, Loki!! BAD LOKI!!  (where's my taser?)

Don't you threaten me. I like it. ;)

pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 1:24:14 PM)

I hope you are sitting down for this.  

In my lifetime, I actually, got a ticket or two.  :-)

In my experience, it is better to be polite. The thing is- when pulled over- the motorist often can be issued more then one ticket. Why make life harder?

There are times when my outbursts are mistaken as rage- and it is more frustration onto myself.     I don't want to be tazed.    But nor will I blab away to enable getting an extra fine.  

....This brings up the state of journalism.  I was recently interviewed for a paper on the state of journalism in the USA. 

My posts are often obtuse, abstract, off beat.   And the bulk of casual CM- has come to expect it.   The forum is a place to kick around ideas.  Otherwise - I would stick with a journal. 

There are some not nice people in the world- and they will enjoy wrecking things for the next one.    Anyhow- I cant wait to see how my interview turns out.  :-)

pahunkboy -> RE: Granny tasers in TX~! (6/2/2009 1:26:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: slutslave4u

She admitted to speeding in a construction area with workers present, she deserved the citation, but when she refused to sign the citation (even after being told it is not an admission of guilt but rather a promise to appear in court) and when she exited the car and did not comply with instructions of the officer, at that point she brought it upon herself, no matter her age, no matter anyone's age, age has nothing to do with it.....abide by the laws and those enforcing them or accept the consequences of your actions. A license is NOT a given right by each state, it is a priviledge....again abide by the laws of that state and those trying to enforce them, violate that and lose that priviledge! 

Asking her to stay in her vehicle is to not only protect her, but the officer as well as other passing motorists due to the area in  and under construction to begin with, the confusion with that alone, and the additional traffic going by. Also keep in mind that as officers have vehicles stopped on the side of the road passing motorists have a tendency to slow and gawk as they pass by, not paying attention to what and where they are going thus creating accidents. Keeping her in her car again is the safest place for her to keep her from getting run over. Keeping her controlled and safe in her car is the safest place for all.....after all they did say that stretch of highway is a dangerous area!

Keeping in mind yes, she denies the contents of the report, but the dash cam will tell all when it is made public, till then....wait and see!

Lawyers dont work for free.  So her talk of sueing is mute.

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