RE: On addiction and D/s (Full Version)

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QuixoticErrant -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 3:33:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: Apocalypso


ORIGINAL: QuixoticErrant

Any time the perceived "need" replaces actual needs.

Then you'd have to include the need to be loved in your category of destructive addictions, surely?

If you read the original post, you'll see I already mentioned this point,

sweetsub1957 -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 3:36:51 PM)

OMG, everyone is getting so pissy today.  At any rate, i find this whole thread interesting reading.

Kalista07 -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 3:37:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: QuixoticErrant
My problem is that your definition of 'addiction' is not an accurate portrayal of addiction. Google the American society of addiction medicine.
My problem is with everyone who clearly sees my point and nonetheless needs to turn this into highschool debate club over silly semantics.

Well, i guess i'm feeling pretty clueless as to what your point is then.... Because you said it was about addiction and D/s in your title and then you use a societal acceptable (although medically and psychologically inaccurate) definition of addiction. So which is it? Are you talking about need or addiction?

oceanwinds -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 3:42:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: QuixoticErrant


ORIGINAL: oceanwinds

I find your post interesting, especially since this is where I am mentally, emotionally and physically in my life. At this point in my life, I am learning to need to be involved in my own life, more so then another. I am needing to search and discover what it means to be 100% involve with all emotions, sadness, frustration, elation, happiness, and the drive to live through myself. I have never given this concept of living life completely without a partner much thought, because in the past I felt I needed a _____ to feel whole. Now I know this has no truth for me, and doesn't hold any weight in my life. From here I can enjoy all parts of my life, which now is single. There is no need for me to go look for a ______ to fulfill me or me fulfilling their needs. Instead now I offer a different me one who isn't addicted to having someone in my life. One who is not scared to stand alone. One who doesn't think less of herself because she does stand alone. I am manifesting myself now and molding me as I see fit. With this being said, it is a difficult path, since there are not many 'mentors' out there who profess to enjoy not needing a D/s or any other type of relationship.

I am a submissive and I submit all I am to the world daily, be it through my paid job, my writing, art, or sharing experiences with others. There does not need to be a Dominant in my life to make me feel submissive or to be an avenue for me to express it. I can still love, appreciate and honor someone who is in my life as well as those who come into my life, simply because these are all aspects within me. If there is no one, I am still whole.

This is a path that I have been purposely taking this year, and though it is not an easy path, I would never want to avoid it. It has opened me to a greater depth of who lives in my shell-me.

Thank you for creating this post and lending the opportunity for me to put my mental ideas into words.

Thank you so much for writing what you did. It was precisely for someone who feels like you that I wrote this. It is so easy for a dominant to become the focus of his submissive's life in all sorts of ways that she completely negates herself. I am of the school that submission takes stregnth. I am of the school that says it must come from inside her and not be imposed by me.

In a broader context there is such a thing as a deficit mentality. Tha "I am nothing without ____" Perhaps "____" would really make you happy, but you must see that you are still SOMETHING without it.

Even broader than that is the whole definition of destructive addiction. It's really very simple. Ann addiction is destructive if it leads to self destructive behavior. Smoking is a destructive addiction. BDSM becomes a destructive addiction when one starts being self destructive with it, and can not "feel right" doing anything else.

You are more then welcome.

We been sold a bill of goods in life that without having someone in your life that needs you and vice versa, you are no one. Listen to the billions of songs that repeat this belief. Very few will journey outside of that, because it calls for facing one's fears. It is a hard journey, heck it is bittersweet at times. It is one that I chose and am glad that I did.

I do know how hard this path is, and I never been one to follow or lead. Because of this, I would not  consider telling others to follow it. It is a shame there arent more who travel this way. Some days I feel so all alone in a dark void trying to find my way forward. I guess though i will sit my rules and challenge them, and keep some as well as get rid of others. I am sure I must not be the only one who dares to be 100% them with or without a relationship or a Dom. I think I have spotted a couple posting at Cm.

Thanks again,

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 3:43:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: QuixoticErrant


ORIGINAL: Kalista07


What I am proposing in this entry is the notion that the difference between healthy D/s and unhealthy D/s is much like the definition of an addiction. If you want a drink and you enjoy a drink, then by all means... If you NEED a drink, then you are an alcoholic.

My problem is that your definition of 'addiction' is not an accurate portrayal of addiction. Google the American society of addiction medicine.

My problem is with everyone who clearly sees my point and nonetheless needs to turn this into highschool debate club over silly semantics.

Maybe the problem is that you're not being anywhere near as clear as you think you are. One person seems to understand you, the rest of us are lost in the vagueness of your definitions.

If you aren't clear in your terminology, then it's not semantics - it's people genuinely trying to figure out what you're talking about so we can give an intelligent answer. But if you're just going to get pissy at us for trying to figure out what you're saying, it's probably not worth the effort. Good luck, and enjoy your thread.

variation30 -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 3:55:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: QuixoticErrant

Really, I actually do need oxygen. I am pretty certain I need water and food and shelter too, in reality as well as in perception. The entire point of the thread is the ability to confuse an actual need with a perceived need.

you believe you 'need' these things because you have a desire to continue living at a certain standard. this desire is wholly subjective (as evidenced by all the humans who have, for whatever reason, desired death over continued living - be they disgraced samurai or the terminally ill or the unhappy).

what I am saying is that there are no 'actual needs'...hell, there are no needs. only desires or wants.


Really, want a smoke? Are junkies not addicted?

if you define addiction as it is defined by the disease model (and others), it is an uncontrollable impulse that usurps the individual's ability to choose between consumption or abstinence. I would argue that that is utter rubbish. while the opportunity costs of certain actions may shift because of any number of variables, the will is not neutralized. as such, the popular myths about addiction are just silly and do nothing but strip responsibility from the individual for his or her actions (much like the insanity plea).


And the inevitable "I have no personal responsibility to anyone, who are you to suggest I do?" argument... I do get sick of that one

perhaps you should reread what I wrote. it was more along the lines of "I have no right to dictate to others which actions they willingly commit with their bodies/property are acceptable and which actions should be disallowed." it's an argument of courtesy and respect for individual's sovereignty over their own bodies and lives. I have no desire to be a petty tyrant, trying to force my views of proper behavior onto others. and for those that do , I wish them a painful reminder that it is none of their business. I would expect a community such as collarme (or any bdsm community) to be hesitant to start cordoning off behavior as 'too dangerous' or 'not healthy' as it's done to our lifestyle already.

When they came for the breath-players,
I remained silent;
I did not enjoy breath-play. Then they locked up the adult babies,
I remained silent;
I was not an adult baby. Then they came for the knife-players,
I did not protest;
I did not enjoy knife play. Then they came for the enema lovers,
I did not speak out;
I did not enjoy enemas. When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out for me.

edit: to be more precise, saying something is 'unhealthy' is fine. most of what we do is technically unhealthy (at least physiologically speaking). I am targeting those who would say 'that's unhealthy, so we should not allow others to do it.'

CallaFirestormBW -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 4:04:11 PM)

I see your point -- I truly do. I think, though, that it is grossly oversimplified, and that some of us just struggle with how to define our desires, and the intensity of them.

I am a dominant individual. I'm that way whether I am dominating another person or not... but the fact is that if I don't -clearly- define relationships that I am in, I will end up turning the relationship into a mobius strip to end up "on top" in the relationship. I don't classify it as a 'need' or a 'want'... it is simply the nature of who I am as a person. It goes right along with my being insatiably self-sufficient, overtly and covertly independent, drawn to intensity, wrapped in chaos, and often ending up as a change-agent. It follows as day does night that, in any given situation, I will twist and shape it until I can wring a path out of it that leads me to my goals.

Am I an "addict"... I don't think so. I just -am- what I -am-... but at the same time, it isn't something I'm going to give up.

Do I -need- a submissive person in my life? Well... it would certainly make it easier on me to be in a relationship where we've already defined that the highway -is- my way! However, I can, and have, survived without it, and I've even had the joy of learning and coping in situations where... holy cannoli... I wasn't even -in charge-... and (havens forfend) even took orders from someone else! (Ok... very badly, but I -did- do it!)

I think that sometimes we want something so badly that the only way that we can really convey the depth of how that thing calls to us is by moving it into the category of 'need'. Sometimes, these things become obsessions, but that isn't necessarily bad. If we abandoned obsession, we wouldn't have electric lights, or automobiles, or artificial hearts... all of those things are products of someone's obsession. We wouldn't have art, or literature, or music -- again... products of someone's obsessions. I think that, perhaps, it is a flaw in the language, not a flaw in the -person- that causes us to drive ourselves to distraction explaining our desires in a way that makes sense.

In the OP example, I wouldn't necessarily think that the subject is -unhealthy-... I would think she is -passionate-, and, perhaps, in need of a set of external brakes... Then again, I find that most people are a little meshugge... and sometimes, it's that intensity that gets them where they want to be when someone with less chutzpah just gives up and settles. they're just struggling to make themselves understood in a world that has no vested interest in understanding them.

Dame Calla

DomImus -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 4:05:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: QuixoticErrant
Needing a person whom you love is perhaps one addiction I will not say is bad.

Pfft. According to your post need is bad and want is good. While I agree with virtually none of your OP it was at least consistent until you reached this point where you changed horses in midstream.

frazzle -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 4:20:23 PM)

Need doesnt have to be an addiction.

In a relationship, it isnt something im going with out. Yes i can live without it on a day to day basis, but thats it.

sweetsub1957 -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 4:34:55 PM)

I don't need bdsm to live or be me, I am submissive me regardless.  I want it to be part of my life so I can live more happily, having my intimate relationship in the way I prefer to, so I choose not to have an intimate relationship without it.  In the past, my vanilla relationships were less than they could've been.  But since I don't need it but I want it, I don't see it as an addiction for me.

~edited for proper English capitalization  [;)]~

Firebirdseeking -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 4:37:15 PM)

You know, this issue of consensual is highly subjective.  Is it consensual when:  a man has an affair, does not practice safe sex.  Does not care enough about himself or his wife to practice safe sex.  Guess what.  The wife is HIV positive now, she has symptoms, has to take a lot of meds - he has no symptoms but they are both positive.  Oh, and they have 2 small children.  Did the wife "consent" to any thing unsafe?  She though it was safe to be sexual with her husband.

Yeah.  Just  some thoughts.  

DesFIP -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 4:50:32 PM)

If I need this to live happily, then it does qualify as a need.

Beyond that a quibble at your claim that if you need a drink you are automatically an alcoholic. The time my cousin got rear ended a block from our house, she needed that drink and badly. But having a need for it then did not make her an alcoholic.

Putting all semantics aside, I like to view things from the viewpoint of whether or not it qualifies as a paraphilia. Can you function quite happily with this or does it make your life worse. Addiction make them worse, they make you incapable of functioning if without the addictive substance, and depending upon the substance, incapable of functioning while under the influence.

I'm a very practical person. Does this make my life better or worse is for me, the bottom line. It makes it much better. If your life is just as good without it than with it, then you are lacking the dominant/submissive personality traits is my guess. For those of us who are hard wired this way, our lives aren't nearly as good lacking wiitwd.

frazzle -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 4:50:58 PM)

He lied, he wasnt faithful.
Thats nothing to do with consensual anything.

Sorry things took the worse possible, but sexually transmitted deseases can happen to a virgin. it takes 1 wrong partner, not multiples.

Opalescence -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 4:53:39 PM)

I need an M/s dynamic to be happy in my relationships. I don't need a relationship to live but, I don't ever see my self being 100% happy or fulfilled outside of an M/s situation. Not addiction but, I'm a selfish bitch and my happiness is important to me so, I need M/s in my life. 

CallaFirestormBW -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 5:08:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Firebirdseeking

You know, this issue of consensual is highly subjective.  Is it consensual when:  a man has an affair, does not practice safe sex.  Does not care enough about himself or his wife to practice safe sex.  Guess what.  The wife is HIV positive now, she has symptoms, has to take a lot of meds - he has no symptoms but they are both positive.  Oh, and they have 2 small children.  Did the wife "consent" to any thing unsafe?  She though it was safe to be sexual with her husband.

Yeah.  Just  some thoughts.  

Hmmm... black and white... the world is more 'shades of grey'... Is it consensual when the man has an affair... well, did they agree that he could see anyone he wanted any time he wanted? Did they have a condom compact requiring him to 'cover up' when outside his relationship with his wife? Did his wife agree to not being told about his outside activities?

Shit happens. It sux that they both have AIDS. We lost two beloved family members to AIDS-related-complex. Now in a -typical- relationship, it's probably pretty much a given that what he did was deceitful, since most typical households aren't poly household, and even fewer are poly -and- d/s households. In a poly and/or d/s household, it may be perfectly legitimate for him to both have had an outside liaison, -and- do so bareback. But from the information you gave, how are we supposed to know? Just because something crappy happened doesn't necessarily mean that the individual(s) in question did something -wrong-. It may not have -anything- to do with how much he cares for his wife, or how much she cares for him. In the course of my life, I've known some amazing, loving couples who swing and who 'bareback' with at least some of their swing partners. I think it's foolish, but it doesn't mean they don't love one another.

I really think that it behooves us to refrain from judging other people's situations without enough information from which to make an informed judgment (and this coming from a -very- judgmental person).

Dame Calla

variation30 -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 5:10:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: Firebirdseeking

You know, this issue of consensual is highly subjective.  Is it consensual when:  a man has an affair, does not practice safe sex.  Does not care enough about himself or his wife to practice safe sex.  Guess what.  The wife is HIV positive now, she has symptoms, has to take a lot of meds - he has no symptoms but they are both positive.  Oh, and they have 2 small children.  Did the wife "consent" to any thing unsafe?  She though it was safe to be sexual with her husband.

Yeah.  Just  some thoughts.  

what did she consent to? sex with her husband. she (erroneously) trusted him and the consequences were based off of imperfect knowledge (all of our choices are based off of imperfect knowledge, mind you).

this would deal more with unintended consequences than consent.

QuixoticErrant -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 5:28:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: variation30


ORIGINAL: QuixoticErrant

When they came for the breath-players,
I remained silent;
I did not enjoy breath-play. Then they locked up the adult babies,
I remained silent;
I was not an adult baby. Then they came for the knife-players,
I did not protest;
I did not enjoy knife play. Then they came for the enema lovers,
I did not speak out;
I did not enjoy enemas. When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out for me.

edit: to be more precise, saying something is 'unhealthy' is fine. most of what we do is technically unhealthy (at least physiologically speaking). I am targeting those who would say 'that's unhealthy, so we should not allow others to do it.'

I was going to address your other points until I saw this. Get a grip. The potential scorn that the vanilla world may or may not have for BDSM does not parallel, come close to, or even begin to be remotely honorable to even mention in the context of those who suffered at the hands of Nazi Germany. This is shallow narcissism at it's worst. It dishonors the dead and it discredits your arguments. Grow up. You are not a persecuted minority. You are an adult with certain sexual preferences. It is nothing more or less than that. You are not being taken away to be murdered for it.

The way that people get so pissy about their kinks is actually a form of the addiction I am talking about. They identify so much of themselves with their kinks, that they can not take anything that even looks like a questioning of kink as anything other than an attack on themselves. This relates directly to what I am saying about self generated worth.

Real self generated worth is an honest affair. If you have a strong sense of self worth then you say, "Hey fine, this is what I like, so what?" There is no need to be defensive - provided you are not hurting anyone else. If you are permanently damaging others, that is another matter. Honestly, liking BDSM is like liking to put caramel on your french fires. Others may not get it, but then again it is hardly evil either. It is also not something that makes you a special persecuted little snowflake.

QuixoticErrant -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 5:31:08 PM)




ORIGINAL: QuixoticErrant
Needing a person whom you love is perhaps one addiction I will not say is bad.

Pfft. According to your post need is bad and want is good. While I agree with virtually none of your OP it was at least consistent until you reached this point where you changed horses in midstream.

NO, according to my post, mistaking a want for a need to the extent that it becomes potentially self destructive is bad.

Firebirdseeking -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 5:40:23 PM)

Very well stated, Quixotic.  For some, there is an addiction in this Life; a bigger and bigger kink for a bigger and bigger high.  Just like the needle in the arm.

QuixoticErrant -> RE: On addiction and D/s (6/23/2009 5:42:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: CallaFirestormBW

I see your point -- I truly do. I think, though, that it is grossly oversimplified, and that some of us just struggle with how to define our desires, and the intensity of them.

I am a dominant individual. I'm that way whether I am dominating another person or not... but the fact is that if I don't -clearly- define relationships that I am in, I will end up turning the relationship into a mobius strip to end up "on top" in the relationship. I don't classify it as a 'need' or a 'want'... it is simply the nature of who I am as a person. It goes right along with my being insatiably self-sufficient, overtly and covertly independent, drawn to intensity, wrapped in chaos, and often ending up as a change-agent. It follows as day does night that, in any given situation, I will twist and shape it until I can wring a path out of it that leads me to my goals.

Am I an "addict"... I don't think so. I just -am- what I -am-... but at the same time, it isn't something I'm going to give up.

Do I -need- a submissive person in my life? Well... it would certainly make it easier on me to be in a relationship where we've already defined that the highway -is- my way! However, I can, and have, survived without it, and I've even had the joy of learning and coping in situations where... holy cannoli... I wasn't even -in charge-... and (havens forfend) even took orders from someone else! (Ok... very badly, but I -did- do it!)

I think that sometimes we want something so badly that the only way that we can really convey the depth of how that thing calls to us is by moving it into the category of 'need'. Sometimes, these things become obsessions, but that isn't necessarily bad. If we abandoned obsession, we wouldn't have electric lights, or automobiles, or artificial hearts... all of those things are products of someone's obsession. We wouldn't have art, or literature, or music -- again... products of someone's obsessions. I think that, perhaps, it is a flaw in the language, not a flaw in the -person- that causes us to drive ourselves to distraction explaining our desires in a way that makes sense.

In the OP example, I wouldn't necessarily think that the subject is -unhealthy-... I would think she is -passionate-, and, perhaps, in need of a set of external brakes... Then again, I find that most people are a little meshugge... and sometimes, it's that intensity that gets them where they want to be when someone with less chutzpah just gives up and settles. they're just struggling to make themselves understood in a world that has no vested interest in understanding them.

Dame Calla

I can see how you would say that I have oversimplified. You are correct. However, a full treatment of what addiction really means and what the border between addiction and desire really is, would be a thesis. I am going to pull the pornography argument. Exactly what the line is between pornography and art is, we can debate until the cows come home. However, most rational people can tell that something like "anal teen gangbang #34" is definitely porn while Rembrandt is definitely art. We can debate the shades of grey all we want. That is not really germane to the main point.

The main point is that someplace after you cross the line that you can *only* think of yourself in terms of your kinks, your kinks have begun to master you and you have for all intents and purposes a very real addiction. Moreover, you have replaced positive self generated pictures of yourself with something external. We can debate if all addictions are equally bad - the answer is of course no. However, if the kink which is now mastering you leads to self destructive behavior then it is not a good thing.

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