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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 5:50:57 AM   

Posts: 254
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I had a level of inner spiritual conflict about this lifestyle for a while, but these days I follow Quaker philosophy which is seen by many as liberal. Basically, we are encouraged to consider things for ourselves in the light of our inner voice which we associate with God.

The God I believe in has a problem with lustful, licentious, meaningless behaviour, that erodes the meaning of love and spirituality, because that is the wasting of a gift. This does not entitle me to judge anyone as everyone has a different story to their life. It also does not preclude BDSM, because, if it was so forbidden, why would there be a Dominant for every Sub? It's like we are meant to be here and find each other.


Wickedness is a myth created by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others ~ Oscar Wilde

"You had me at Goodbye"

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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 6:14:31 AM   

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The unofrtunate thing about many "Christians" is.. the are liek the folks that use the term "jewish" interchanegably with heridty and faith/religion... Born to "Christian" parents... so I must be a "Christian"...

My own view here but a lot of "Christians" claim the title but don't actually follow the example of Jesus only the doctrine of their particular denomination or rely on old testament or the sayings of Paul or others to define their beliefs and practices. There are a good many churches, congregations, and sects which seem to focus far more on the ideas and cultures that came after Jesus than on Jesus himself.


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


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(in reply to SirJaymes)
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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 6:17:17 AM   

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religous discussions depress me


Are we having fun, yet?

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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 7:01:31 AM   

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Thank goodness for Christians and Catholics in particular.

How inspiring was the inquisition and all the great toys invented during that time!

I'm grateful and credit my 16 years of Catholic education and upbringing for making me the complete sadist I am today. Growing up I witnessed humiliation and punishment scenes that would rival a Saturday night at Lair de Sade. Holding a bar of soap between your teeth during class, kneeling in front of the school for a mass, sticking a piece of gum on the end of your nose for an entire day, being denied bathroom privileges to the point of watching a wet stain appear on the poor punished person's clothing; I witnessed them all. Get physically sick and throw up from the experience and you are given a box of sawdust and told to "Clean up your mess and go stand in the corner!" Ahhhh such fond memories. Such good fundamental "Dom" training. On the submissive side, what better role model than the "brides of Christ"?. Is there a better example of "no-limits" 24/7 Master/slave?

The community should be grateful for the inspiration provided by the Christians.

(in reply to PenelopePitstop)
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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 7:09:55 AM   

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From: Delray Beach, FL
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ORIGINAL: thetammyjo



The unofrtunate thing about many "Christians" is.. the are liek the folks that use the term "jewish" interchanegably with heridty and faith/religion... Born to "Christian" parents... so I must be a "Christian"...

My own view here but a lot of "Christians" claim the title but don't actually follow the example of Jesus only the doctrine of their particular denomination or rely on old testament or the sayings of Paul or others to define their beliefs and practices. There are a good many churches, congregations, and sects which seem to focus far more on the ideas and cultures that came after Jesus than on Jesus himself.

I was talking to one of my activist friends and fellow motorcyclists yesterday. He had just returned from taking his motorcycle, along with several dozen other enthusiasts to the funeral of a recent KIA. He didn't know the man, but they had brought large flags and banners so they could position themselves between the burial party and a group of "Christian" demonstrators led by a "Rev." Fred Phelps. They waved the flags to block the view and sang hymns and patriotic songs to drown out the chants of "God hates fags" and "He's in hell already."

I don't have much doubt that, if Jesus wandered by, which group he would join. In fact, given a sign with a stout pole holding it up, I wouldn't be surprised he we would be treated to round two of "Jesus in the Temple with the money changers.

Yup, these are real Christian folks doing this.

[above comment can be said with pride or sarcasm depending on which of the groups above about which you are speaking.


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Profile   Post #: 45
RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 7:17:17 AM   

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religous discussions depress me

Then I think you need to stop reading now.

(in reply to michaelGA)
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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 12:32:40 PM   

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I'm not Christian (my parents were, but I shook it off), but when I was initially researching BDSM I came across an interesting website which gives one well-written opinion.

BDSM in a Christian Marriage

In short, it says that women are supposed to be submissive to their husbands, and BDSM is simply an extension of that. It also says that men can be submissive to their wives, but only in the bedroom (else they risk "spiritual confusion"). I guess as long as a couple is monogamous and married, what they do with their sex life is their business.

(in reply to SweetEscravo)
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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 2:09:54 PM   

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ORIGINAL: DestinyCommander

I'm not Christian (my parents were, but I shook it off), but when I was initially researching BDSM I came across an interesting website which gives one well-written opinion.

BDSM in a Christian Marriage

In short, it says that women are supposed to be submissive to their husbands, and BDSM is simply an extension of that. It also says that men can be submissive to their wives, but only in the bedroom (else they risk "spiritual confusion"). I guess as long as a couple is monogamous and married, what they do with their sex life is their business.

*laughing loudly at home*

I think that's an example of what I was talking about -- using someone other than Jesus as a model.


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 2:17:03 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

Thank goodness for Christians and Catholics in particular.

How inspiring was the inquisition and all the great toys invented during that time!

i just about busted a gut! we had one teacher used to make the victim? sit under her desk. was quite educational!


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 49
RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 2:35:29 PM   

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There is nothing new or unique about the D/s or BDSM lifestyles. So I suspect you could draw parallels all over the place. Oh, btw, there are a lot of Christian BDSM'ers. Most who hold to their Christian values keep it monogomous and don't venture too far into the S/M side, but there is the same draw for them, they are people too and have the same desires as the rest. The D/s definition is quite a draw for the traditional Christian if they can get past their presumed bias against it as perverted and such.

I agree.. there are a lot of Christian BDSMers. I, myself, am .. well for lack of a better descriptor.. a Christian, as are both of my subs. I believe in the principles of Christianity, while much of today's versions of Christianity leave a very bad taste in my mouth.

I know of many Christians into BDSM. And yes its easy to use the Bible to back up your own belief or bigotry, no matter how wrong it is. I think there is enough history of abuse of "Christianity" to more than back that up. Its easy to blame a religion for the actions and beliefs of a few, just look at some of the feelings tword Muslims today.

In Christian BDSM, like every non-Christian in BDSM, is as different in their beliefs of "proper" BDSM as the next person. Many believe that just because someone has a penis thus they are Dominant (see the husband/wife scriptures mentioned in an earlier post). Which umm.. I tend to disagree with on a vagina/penis based level, as I don't think the sexual organ gives you any special powers. I'm also a rebel and don't really think the writting of the New Testament was meant to be scripture. I do however use the D/s structure of that relationship as its explained in the Bible as a guide for my own Dominance style. Many also have issues with polygamy or polyamory, yet there is nothing in the Bible that states it is wrong. (There is one verse in the New Testament that says you should only have one wife, but thats only if you're a leader in the church. Other than that, Poly on.)

I believe what I believe and as such I've gotten kicked out of a lot of Christian groups. Growing up, I was taught by a very intelligent and wise Pastor to question everything. We weren't even to take his word for things, as he is human and thus fallible. His opinion was nothing more than an educated one. I have adopted this approach to everything in my life, religion, work, relationships.. I find my own answers. Many Christians don't or don't even bother. I swear if I hear "My pastor said".. one more time. *grins*

-End Rant-

(in reply to B1gbear)
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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 3:00:02 PM   

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I'm a Christian. I do have issues trying deal with what I am currently doing in my life and my faith. Sometimes it fits and sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't I know that there is something lacking in me that needs to get back inline with my faith. I don't personally think being involved in this lifestyle goes against the teaching of the Bible. I do think things that are questionable and outright sin. What I have done is between God and I am fully aware He will deal with me accordingly.


“I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.” – Anais Nin

(in reply to SimplyV)
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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 3:11:36 PM   

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ORIGINAL: gbgirlz2003


I'm a, truth and beauty....that's all folks.

The Humanist philosophy was best summed up in a Hank Williams Jr. song; "Why Can't Everybody Else Leave Everybody Else Alone?"

Imagine that, Hank Williams Jr, the humanist, existentialist.


For those who are like Roman Candles leaving bright trails in the night sky while the crowd watches until the dark blue center light bursts into magnificent colors and the crowd goes, ahhhhhhhhhh.

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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 7:33:25 PM   

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ORIGINAL: newflowers


Somewhere amidst it all, i found a spirituality within myself which can quietly be what it is without imposing itself on other people or judging their choices of philosophy in life.

slavejali - i so enjoy reading your words.

i agree whole heartedly - born and raised Roman Catholic including grammar and high school and a fair number of trips to see Sr. M and her paddle, I have made my peace with religion in general. I would describe myself as Catholic, but any priest in the world would be scandalized at my version which incorporates a blend of western and eastern philosophies that work well for me. I do not have a problem with it at all.

I couldn't have written it better myself, but at my Catholic school, the nuns only hit the boys. Maybe that's why I ended up on the Domme side.


~ Miss Marie

a.k.a. "mean Lady"

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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 9:34:50 PM   

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God says that He is the Alpha, Omega beginning and end.

My Fiance is Christian and Submissive.
We still do Gods work, but what we do behind closed doors is, well.


"You can see, yet still be Blind."

Sincerely, Ant

(in reply to PenelopePitstop)
Profile   Post #: 54
RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 9:38:40 PM   

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from my journal [written after reading a domme's profile]
12/25/2005 11:54:39 PM

ah, yes... "lives for" Christianity and "loves" CBT -- I'm experiencing severe cognitive dissonance here, folks...WWJS? [probably "ouch, dammit" for starters] LOL... Even the Romans didn't sink that low, somehow I don't think He would have been quite as forgiving if they had.
My ancestors were Christians, but I'm an eclectic, deist, whatever.... I always check the "other" box when inquiries re denomination come up.

(in reply to SweetEscravo)
Profile   Post #: 55
RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 10:40:12 PM   

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Christ's main messages were love and forgiveness...

In following his message, and believing in Him, I am a Christian...

I am also a submissive, a SAM, a mother, daughter, friend and... (many other things)

One does not rule out the other.

(in reply to cacodylic)
Profile   Post #: 56
RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 10:45:16 PM   

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Hey, blush! Haven't seen you recently!

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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/23/2006 10:50:55 PM   

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I couldn't have written it better myself, but at my Catholic school, the nuns only hit the boys.

In the public school I went to, only boys were beaten. A couple of the principals and teachers were real bastards and should never have been allowed around children.

Last week in Floirda, the guards in one of those teen camps kicked and beat a 14-year old black child into unconsioucness. He died later that evening. The autopsy ruled the boy's death was the result of of having sickle-cell anemia!!!

Gee, you think racism is still alive?

(in reply to Misstoyou)
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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/24/2006 2:31:39 AM   

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sheesh.... to think this one was disillusioned over the whole bingo & "buy your relatives out of pergatory" thing! am I that fragile?

< Message edited by phoenix1 -- 2/24/2006 2:32:53 AM >

(in reply to SweetEscravo)
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RE: Christians everywhere! - 2/24/2006 5:01:06 AM   

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From: Beenleigh, Qld, Australia
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From a personal view and practice, I prefer to keep politics and religion out of must areas of my life and discussions unless it is with some one who wants to discuss such things and are not about to drown me with Holy Water to see if I’ll start smoking or burst into flames. Garlic I’ll start eating (which upsets some people). Essentially lifestyles of all types (other that specific religious ones) don’t need the dynamics of politics or religion to create factions…

"You gotta play the game. It’s all in the game and how you play it!"


Iron Bear

Master of Bruin Cottage

Your attitude, words & actions are yours. Take responsibility for them and the consequences they incur.


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