RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (Full Version)

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MsFlutter -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 7:47:45 AM)

I've had the thought on several occasions that it would be practical to consider going Pro if only to screen out the wankers.
Is female domination a failure? Perhaps the question could be re-stated as "have all the wankers chased all the lifestyle Dommes in to the Pro arena so there is a credit card gatekeeper weeding out the clowns?'

GreedyTop -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 7:52:27 AM)


"have all the wankers chased all the lifestyle Dommes in to the Pro arena so there is a credit card gatekeeper weeding out the clowns?'


CreativeDominant -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 7:55:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly


.even while sitting here laughing at the idea of holly being a dominant (chokes, coughs).
[sm=domme.gif]oh CEEDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Cum here, Sweetie...and bring yer wallet

(seriously...i owe LaT a c note and i do NOT want her pissed at me!)
you wish to pay your long-overdue tribute to MOI?  Given all the insults I my benificence...allowed you to make?  I wanna be as wealthy as Dark S. is going to be. haven't written LaT yet?  [&:]  Ohhhhhhhhhhhh LaT...where ARE you?

Lashra -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 7:57:43 AM)


Female dominance = business transaction

Wrong. This is generalizing and when you do that you really set yourself up to be proven incorrect. I have been the leader of my relationships all my adult life and I have never charged one dime for it. I do not ask for tribute or anything of that nature. What do I require is obedience, truthfulness, love, devotion and a sense of humor from my submissive.

If you want to get involved in a female led relationship then loose the attitude and adopt a new one. It will take awhile to meet the right partner for you, that is true any relationship. And yes there are Pro's out there who will happily take your money and beat your ass as long as you pay them. There is nothing wrong with that as long as the payee knows that up front.

I have been with my male sub for six years now and there is nothing "failed" about our femdon led relationship and I know there are many others out there like us.


Przm -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 8:19:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven


ORIGINAL: sirsholly

Hey LeeAnn....

If he is right and weal twue Dommes do not exist without charging...does this mean you are just a figment of my imagination?




For God's sake, holly, so you really expect her to answer you for free?!?!?!

OK.. This is my very first post, but i have been reading much of this forum and could not finish this thread, because i just had to say.. i love reading posts from both of the above:)

But to the topic at hand;  Is this female led lifestyle a failure?

Hell no!  Women have been leading men around by thier little heads ever since the beginning of time, and it is not going to all of a sudden fail now.

I agree with the others here, in that the original poster should re-evaluate his searching techniques some, and realize that all these people out here, no matter what they are searching for, are not necessarily searching for him specifically. 

i do not hate anyone that doesn't fit into my life.  i just accept it and move on. These tribute queens you speak of do no harm to me.  No sir, this lifestyle is no failure. It is you that are failing.

Andalusite -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 8:19:57 AM)

I don't think of it as a "lifestyle," it's a relationship. I'm now happily owned in a M/s relationship with a man I met here, but while I was dating, I was open to submissives, bottoms, and switches as well. I'm not at all interested in "tribute" or financial compensation, and blocked/angrily turned down a couple of guys for even suggesting it. I do think it's more gentlemanly for the guy to treat (especially on the first date) - going dutch feels more like a business lunch to me. It's nice getting little presents from my boyfriend, regardless of orientation, but a single rose or chocolate truffle isn't exactly "tribute." [:'(] Female domination isn't necessarily a business transaction, and it certainly isn't a failure. You've just failed to find anyone who is interested, and will continue to fail as long as you use that attitude in your search. I seriously doubt any female submissives or vanilla women would be interested in you either, with that approach/mindset.

GreedyTop -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 8:20:31 AM)

Hi Przm and welcome! Love the avatar ;)

LadyPact -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 8:38:34 AM)

I couldn't possibly think the female Domination lifestyle is a failure.  It's working for Me and too many others in the way that we want it to work.

That's actually part of the issue.  It's not like the number of female Dominants actually reached the number of male Dominants.  It's never going to be an even dating pool.  The ratio of femdoms to male submissives puts things well in our favor, so male subs are still very much in competition for our attention.  When we pick one that works for us, there are still quite a few that are still searching.  That actually works a great deal to our advantage, and it certainly works for those who would like to use it for financial gain.

The fact that some females are taking advantage of that isn't a testiment that female led relationships are a failure.  It's actually proof that they are so sought after, that there just isn't enough to go around, and those that aren't able to find it are willing to pay for it.

RedMagic1 -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 8:44:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: lilboycaught
Look, I'm sorry. I'm everything you said. I'm whiny. I'm juvenile. Any other adjective you want. Any other label, any other insult, any other ridicule, any other distortion...they're all true.

Look, I didn't really want intelligent discussion. The reason I wrote the post was actually to see if anyone could figure out whether I was whining juvenile asshole. And some of you guys did. You incisiveness amazes me. You figured out the post was BS, so was I, so was everything I said.

And I'm glad nobody was on the defensive.

I gotta go to work.

Your attitude got quite snotty, quite fast.  Perhaps this is the reason you "connect" only with women who want your money as part of the deal.

Look at it this way.  If you have something to offer that a woman cannot buy at any price, she will want to spend time with you, even if she is the one paying.  What about you makes you amazing and sexy?  What makes you special, remarkable, like no one else?

Whatever the answer is, I can tell you what it's not.  It's not the lousy attitude in your journal entries.  What you have written on your profile and journal is a textbook example of how to keep women farrrrr away from you.

There's a bazillion femdoms in Kansas City and St. Louis, by the way.  There are events regularly advertised on Fetlife, and probably several other places.

You will get farther with women if you take personal responsibility for your lack of results, and remove the obstacles you are setting in your own path.

slavekal -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 8:45:45 AM)

No.  It is not a failure.  Some of us are living it.

AnimusRex -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 8:57:13 AM)

This is the third post in as many days, wherein someone was complaining about the scarcity of good partners; One was a new Dom complaining about there being a shortage of good subs, another was a sub complaining about too few Doms, and now this. As a straight Dominant, I don't really have a dog in this fight, but the standard response is to tell them to quit whining and tough it out, with which I agree.


It is, in fact, very hard to find partners, and yes, we are all frustrated at times; Submissive women find their email boxes clogged with a thousand cock pics, one word emails ("Hi!"), or rambling posts from weirdos who seem to be auditioning for the next Saw movie.
Dominant Men scan in vain for women who are not emotionally damaged, petulant brats, or couch potatoes looking for a free ride. And of course, "send me money for the priviledge of my services" is not a new profession.

The Op and Tigresse make pretty much the same point- that women charge money for what men want, regardless of the orientation, for no other reason than they can.
Sorry, you have to argue with God about that; it has been this way since time began.

Despite all that negativity- despite the odds, there ARE good people to be found, and the only way to deal with it is to acknowledge that we are all looking for the needle in a field of haystacks.

Przm -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 9:28:46 AM)



Hi Przm and welcome! Love the avatar ;)

thank You and thank You :)

zincpuppy -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 9:34:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: lilboycaught

Try two searches:

ONE: Male Dominants--> Seeking Sub Women--> Keyword: “Tribute.” Make the search for all countries, all states. Do this on the basis of when they joined and as a text list.

You’ll note that by the fourth page, you have seen all the profiles that have that keyword in them. And in most of them, it just happens to be incidental. It isn’t referring money.

TWO: Female Dominants--> Seeking Sub Men-->Keyword: “Tribute.” Make the search for all countries, all states. Do this on the basis of when they joined and as a text list.

You have to go four pages back just to cover the profiles of women who have joined since JULY OF THIS YEAR!! And most of them do mean money.

That’s my point. As a submissive male, I had great hopes in the mid-to-late 1990s. It used to be, before the internet, that BDSM personals rarely had any ads from women who wanted to do it as a lifestyle. But with the introduction of the internet it became obvious that the BDSM lifestyle was WAY more popular than anyone had ever imagined. Personal ads from lifestyle dommes seeking a mate were no longer so uncommon.

And I thought the female domination lifestyle was, at last, really starting to come out of the closet. I had long suspected that there were secretly way more dominant females out there than there seemed to be, and that the lifestyle was similar to being gay in the 1950s. People kept it hidden and, in many cases, repressed. But if it could just come out of the closet and gain some acceptance, like homosexuality, more and more people would be out about it. Boys and girls and men and women of this persuasion would go out on dates, fall in love, get married, etc. There would be femdom bars, femdom activist groups...Female led relationships would not be uncommon

But it hit a plateau and, in some respects, regressed. Why? Well, maybe I was wrong about it being its own, independent sexuality. Maybe I was wrong in my suspicion that many women were secretly dominant. Most of the dominant men looking for submissive women at CM want a relationship. A REAL D/s relationship. Very few want money. Conversely, a good percentage of the female dominants, probably a majority, want money. There are pro dommes, money dommes and scam dommes all over the place. And many of the ones who say they’re lifestyle want a tribute.

I think that’s a clear indication that if any trend ever existed to establish female domination lifestyles as mainstream, it has utterly failed. Very few women are actually interested in a real female-led lifestyle, and the minority who aren’t asking for money are often plain women who use it to get attention from men. How truly “dominant” they are is questionable. Same with all these young girls posting to see how much attention they get as a “dominant” female. They aren’t really serious. And of course, many who are lifestyle are either lesbians or not looking for a real man.

If this, what we have now, is what it’s supposed to be, then it’s obvious that female domination is vastly inferior to male domination. Men seek a person and a relationship. Women mostly just want money.

I’m not saying there aren’t women who are on the right track. I know they are because I've talked to them. There are certainly profiles here of women who are 110 percent truly lifestyle. Some even say in their profiles that they’ll be offended by any offer of money or tribute. So they exist. No doubt about it. But c’mon, they’re WAY outnumbered by the others.

And I’m not saying it isn’t better these days. It’s WAY better than it was in the 1970s and 1980s. But it seems to have reached a dead end. And if CM is any reflection of the future of female dominated relationships, it seems to be a dud.

I think I understand the OP.  I'm gay, so I think I can be reasonably objective.

First of all, I think so many people misunderstood your post because they read the title, got outraged, and didn't really read the post closely.  They thought you were condemning the whole idea femdom lifestyles as a failure.

I don't think that was the issue at all.  Rather, as I deconstruct it at least, I think you were asking 2 basic questions (correct me if I'm wrong):

Will female-led relationships ever become a relatively "normal" thing?  In other words, will society accept them to the point that, while not wearing their sexuality on their sleeve, most people who engage in these types of relationships won't try to hide the fact?  That's one.

Two.  Will the sexuality currently outgrow some of ther current dysfuntionality?  This can be divided into two sub questions.  Though there will probably always be more male subs than female dommes, will the sexuality ever achieve a reasonable parity (as opposed to the serious imbalance of m/subs to f/dommes we currently have)?  And, secondly, even if it does achieve some kind of parity, will there still such a very high percentage of females in this sexuality who do it for money (even if they do live a genuine femdom lifestyle)?

There are different ways to look at it.  One is to look at the trendline.  I'm 36, and maybe it's simply because I've become more aware, but it seems to me that there are way, way, WAY more dominant females around now than there were 15 years ago.  If that trend continues, it's a very positive sign for you.  Yes, there are more pro dommes, maybe twice as many, as there were 15 years ago.  And you have nuisance dommes because of the internet.  But the number of lifestyle dommes, as far as I can see, has absolutely exploded. There still aren't nearly enough for all the heterosexual submissive submissive men out there, but the trend is going very much in your favor.  That's a positive sign.

On the other hand, I kind of agree that the whole thing seems to have flat-lined in the last 2 or 3 years, and I'm a pretty astute observer of that stuff (believe me ladies, exotic, kinky gay guys like myself have a lot of interaction with dominant females, pro and otherwise).

So you don't like where it seems to have stopped and are wondering, is this it?  Is this all the further it will go?

My opinion?  No, it will go further.  Every trend has to take a rest for a few years, especially trends dealing with human sexuality, which usually take decades, and can take centuries to work themselves out.  But I know it can be frustrating.

I would put it like this:  female domination (and more specifically the female-led relationship about which you speak) is just a toddler now.

In the 50s and 60s it was a fetus.

In the 70s, it was born.

In the 80s and 90s it was just a baby.

Now it's going through the terrible twos, driving you nuts, even though you love it.  And like any toddler, it does things that, well, you know it just can't do when it grows up.

But it will grow up, I can tell.  I know you're passionate about this.  That's why I took the time to write a lengthy reply.  And you're frustrated by the current condition of things.  It's understandable, but be patient

You're 50, and I know you might not be here to see it fully grown.  But don't give up on it.  Don't disparage it.  My advice is to be one of the pioneers of it as best you can.  This may sound stupid, but there are always going to be submissive males, so you should help things out for the next generation.

CallaFirestormBW -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 9:38:00 AM)


Oh, you're certainly right there. But don't you see? Male dominants exist even though there is no money involved.

See? Which begs the question, would female dominants even exist without money?

I'm presuming you mean "... without the exchange of money." and the answer is "Uh, yes" (Duh). My companion and myself, both female dominants, have been existing for quite some time... me for almost, gee, 47 years, and her for just a bit less. Maybe it's time that you stopped putting your foot in your mouth -- those mouldy socks have to be tasting pretty rank right about now.

Dame Calla

AAkasha -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 10:07:12 AM)

As a "lifestyle femdom" whose career has nothing to do with kink and who married a man she dominates, but does not rely on him financially, I have to say female-led relationships (that don't require money for services) are doing just fine. With the explosion of the Internet, while you have more visibility for money dommes, pro femdoms (who work in dungeons) and scammers, you also have a large influx of generic horny kinky guys who think femdom is the flavor of the month and are just looking for easy satisfaction.  These guys and the unethical "money dommes" are a match made in heaven so they can pair off and go do their thing.

I think one fact, which may be dismal and unappealing and I may be unpopular for saying it, is that many "naturally born dominant/kinky women" may be peeking into the BDSM 'scene' and turning right around and heading back out to vanilla land to find their prince-charming-submissive.  There are enough genuine, goodnatured, classy and generous (of spirit, not cash) guys in vanilla-land that make it appealing for a kinky femdom to possibly "convert" a guy, and maybe she has to compromise a little in her femdom needs.  If there's too much bullshit and drama and "do me" subs in the kinky community, and a woman has her act together and knows what she wants, it may be easier to find *chemistry* and a love connection in vanilla and try to work the kink in from the back door (no pun intended).

A woman who is wildly kinky, sexually outrageous and forward- thinking, as well as creative, assertive, ambitious and aggressive (common traits for femdoms) is probably doing very well in the vanilla dating pool and is attractive to many suitors.  She may have a bit of a power struggle in some areas, and he may be unwilling to do things, or "play" as often as she likes, but love is all about compromise. 

I have observed more than one kinky woman give up on the BDSM searches and go vanilla to find a mate first and foremost, and then try to work on the kink later.


Missokyst -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 10:31:21 AM)

I guess you never saw those old porn mags with the pages and pages of listings of females offering services to naughty little boys, huh?  Hon.. this is no different.  It does not mean there is a larger percentage, it just means there is another way to advertise.  Men want it, women provide it.

It didn't become more popular due to the net, it just got a wider audience.  It is a service, period.

Point 2.. you say men want relationships not cash?  Umm.. pussy = cash for many of these guys.  Have you noticed how many state openly that they demand full use of their women, including sharing them with whom ever.  And I have met more than a few that move to their new conquest, only to mooch off them, live on the woman's earnings, while they "master" the remote. 

Times have not changed.  There are still people using what others need to get what they want.  Sex, money, commodities.

Personally though.. I am going to bet if there were not so many whiney boys wanting to be spanked and babied, there would not be such a large market of people willing to provide the service.  What came first the chicken or the egg?  The baby men wanting discipline or the female who provides it?

Confuddled -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 10:34:56 AM)



As a "lifestyle femdom" whose career has nothing to do with kink and who married a man she dominates, but does not rely on him financially, I have to say female-led relationships (that don't require money for services) are doing just fine. With the explosion of the Internet, while you have more visibility for money dommes, pro femdoms (who work in dungeons) and scammers, you also have a large influx of generic horny kinky guys who think femdom is the flavor of the month and are just looking for easy satisfaction.  These guys and the unethical "money dommes" are a match made in heaven so they can pair off and go do their thing.

I think one fact, which may be dismal and unappealing and I may be unpopular for saying it, is that many "naturally born dominant/kinky women" may be peeking into the BDSM 'scene' and turning right around and heading back out to vanilla land to find their prince-charming-submissive.  There are enough genuine, goodnatured, classy and generous (of spirit, not cash) guys in vanilla-land that make it appealing for a kinky femdom to possibly "convert" a guy, and maybe she has to compromise a little in her femdom needs.  If there's too much bullshit and drama and "do me" subs in the kinky community, and a woman has her act together and knows what she wants, it may be easier to find *chemistry* and a love connection in vanilla and try to work the kink in from the back door (no pun intended).

A woman who is wildly kinky, sexually outrageous and forward- thinking, as well as creative, assertive, ambitious and aggressive (common traits for femdoms) is probably doing very well in the vanilla dating pool and is attractive to many suitors.  She may have a bit of a power struggle in some areas, and he may be unwilling to do things, or "play" as often as she likes, but love is all about compromise. 

I have observed more than one kinky woman give up on the BDSM searches and go vanilla to find a mate first and foremost, and then try to work on the kink later.


Here, here.

lameduck13 -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 12:00:29 PM)

Okay I don't agree or disagree with anything written here as I did a search for local female dommes in my area 100 miles between the ages of 18-29 (thats my age range) I found 84 profiles, 3 havent been active in over 2 years 31 of them were asking for tribute, 26 of them were no longer accepting Subs and the last 16 have yet to answer my message, more than likely due to the fact that I did not include a picture of myself naked in the message (my guess is these profiles are perv in the closet gay men seeking naked photos to beat it to). that leaves me 8 profile of local people to talk to. I have been talking to these female dommes and it seams to me that they are attention seeking females who have zero experiance in D/s now If i broaden my horizons I could possible find older women who have experiance but I think its sort of odd for a 20 year old to be dominated by a 59 year old.  Now don't get me wrong I'm not looking for a LTR of a CPR (long term relationship/Casual Play relationship) I'm completely and sole interested in meeting like minded people in my area to share experiances with and get into the local BDSM scene out here. Yeah yeah go to a munch I know, I went to one near Dayton and it was older folks who were just as shocked to see me as i was to see them. Any suggestions? Feel free to Mesage me I more than likely won't check this thread again before it dies.

CallaFirestormBW -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 12:08:04 PM)

Check out the TNG (The Next Generation) website to see if they have a group in your area. Max age is 35 years old, so there is likely to be some folks you can at least hang out with in your age group.

Oh, and I have to say that, from a purely personal perspective, the money isn't want gets me -- but your poor manners and rude and abrupt attitude... those just would leave me completely cold were you to contact me with such demeanor. Civility and staying off the ASSumption Train goes a long way when meeting new people.
Dame Calla

lameduck13 -> RE: Is the Female Domination Lifestyle a Failure? (8/17/2009 12:10:25 PM)

thank you for the speedy reply. And I will check that website out thank you for the information.

I checked the website out and found that the group near me has no contact email and their calender is outdated by a year and half I have emailed the TNG-I head honchos for an update.

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