RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (Full Version)

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subrob1967 -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 4:24:50 AM)

My Tribute to Senator Kennedy

Sanity -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 4:28:43 AM)

Sorry if I stepped on your religions and traditions philo, I'm quite irreverent in regards to the dead, it's true, and I don't understand the way some people worship the body of the deceased. To me its just a carcass, little different from a monkey carcass or an ape carcass just as Darwin theorized.

I wasn't dancing on its grave, if you want to see people dancing on a grave of a body wait 'til George W. Bush passes or Nancy Reagan passes then you will truly see how low people are willing to go at the passing of a political figure. I am participating in a discussion of history but I understand that people tend to behave emotionally at times like this, though again I don't quite understand it.

Cold and irreverent? Possibly. I'm more of a scientific creature than an emotional one. But cravenly? I think that's a bit over the top, as if you are lashing out.

Make me a scapegoat for Ted Kennedy's sins if you must, as that appears to be exactly what's happening - except I won't be disappearing into the wilderness any time soon (if I can help it).


ORIGINAL: philosophy

......fair enough. Here's my opinion.

Your accusations earlier in this thread are mean-spirited, nasty, opportunistic, partisan bullshit. As others have pointed out there is a time and a place for critical analysis of any recently deceased politicians life. This isn't it.

You'll have plenty of opportunities to knock those you characterise as left wing, there'll be plenty of moments you can point to and say, I told ya so'.........however, to choose the day after someone dies to accuse them of rape and murder, to then cravenly refuse to offer any evidence of that accusation other than you think its plausible, to then characterise your nasty little episode as 'no big deal'.........well, i usually respect you as a man i disagree with but who argues honourably.

Today you have shown yourself to be having a day without shame or honour. A singular pity.

Aileen1968 -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 4:37:08 AM)

*fast reply*
I'm so happy to see that upon death one rises to sainthood.
So much for politics and religion not mixing.

rulemylife -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 4:45:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: Aileen1968

*fast reply*
I'm so happy to see that upon death one rises to sainthood.
So much for politics and religion not mixing.

So much for those family values I keep hearing about from conservatives.

Aileen1968 -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 5:37:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: Aileen1968

*fast reply*
I'm so happy to see that upon death one rises to sainthood.
So much for politics and religion not mixing.

So much for those family values I keep hearing about from conservatives.

Once continue to assume I'm conservative.
For what it's worth, I haven't voted for either party in any election, on any level, for at least the past 15 years.
I have no blind loyalty to any politcal figure or party.

FullCircle -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 5:52:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: rightwinghippie
Actually it is perfectly reasonable that he could have wrecked the car, and wanted to call his daddies lawyers before he talked to the police. Which may be scummy but isn't murder.

If he had had the premeditated intent to kill the woman. He had the resources to easily dispose of her body in a way she would never be found. And he never be involved.

Bless and Pray for his familly.

It was nine hours before he reported it so that is nine hours emergency services didn't have to free her from the wreck. Who knows whether or not she would have died if he had reported it straight away. All people have are his recollection of the events and how him and his friends returned to free her but couldn't.

A two months suspended sentence for contributing towards someone’s death is rather lenient by today’s standards in terms of corporate manslaughter.

tazzygirl -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 5:57:40 AM)

21 days is lenient.. ask Stallworth

FullCircle -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 6:07:58 AM)

Mistakes happen and DUI should be dealt with harshly but I think it particularly bad when you are more concerned with keeping the incident quiet rather than bringing in people that could have helped. That kind of says something about the mentality of the man at that stage of his life: coward.

According to the demons dictionary a coward is someone that thinks with their feet.

rulemylife -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 6:09:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: Aileen1968

Once continue to assume I'm conservative.
For what it's worth, I haven't voted for either party in any election, on any level, for at least the past 15 years.
I have no blind loyalty to any politcal figure or party.

The term doesn't apply to political affiliation, though it can.

Louve00 -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 6:12:15 AM)



or Nancy Reagan passes then you will truly see how low people are willing to go at the passing of a political figure.

Speaking of Nancy Reagan, I heard her speaking on the death of Ted Kennedy, yesterday.  She said she was a friend of his and would miss him.  She also said that her husband was fond of him, and spoke highly of Jack Kennedy and other democratic presidents that had a vision.  She also said democratic presidents spoke well of republicans for same.  She wondered where that stopped and the current mentality about repubs vs dems began.  As she spoke I thought about all the emotional arguments that go on on these boards.  She's right.

If anyone is interested in hearing what she said.....

philosophy -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 12:40:27 PM)


Sorry if I stepped on your religions and traditions philo, I'm quite irreverent in regards to the dead, it's true, and I don't understand the way some people worship the body of the deceased. To me its just a carcass, little different from a monkey carcass or an ape carcass just as Darwin theorized.

...agreed, A body is a body. However it is not about the carcass, it's allowing the family to bury the man first. Nothing, for me, to do with religion or tradition. More to do with not being an utter arsehole.


I wasn't dancing on its grave, if you want to see people dancing on a grave of a body wait 'til George W. Bush passes or Nancy Reagan passes then you will truly see how low people are willing to go at the passing of a political figure. I am participating in a discussion of history but I understand that people tend to behave emotionally at times like this, though again I don't quite understand it.

Hey, i'm planning a party when Margaret Thatcher passes. However i'll wait until she's actually buried before passing out the invites. 


Cold and irreverent? Possibly. I'm more of a scientific creature than an emotional one. But cravenly? I think that's a bit over the top, as if you are lashing out.

....nope craven is spot on. Cowardly would be accurate too. You made a serious accusation and when challenged to provide an iota of proof all you could say was that it hadn't been disproved. Thus far it has not been disproved that you are a rapist who enjoys setting phophorous bombs in child care centres. However, if i were to accuse you of that you (and others) would quite rightly demand some form of proof beyond mere supposition. To throw out the accusation you did and then to fail to provide any evidence at all is cowardly. Especially given that this was done the very first day when such an accusation would not expose you to legal action. Cowardly seems to me to reflect that episode of yours accurately.


Make me a scapegoat for Ted Kennedy's sins if you must, as that appears to be exactly what's happening - except I won't be disappearing into the wilderness any time soon (if I can help it). criticism of you has absolutely nothing to do with any sins of someone else. It's all you. Merely attempting to characterise a criticism of your actions as somehow partisan is pure bullshit....and, sadly, far more frequent than it used to be.

RapierFugue -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 2:32:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: philosophy

Hey, i'm planning a party when Margaret Thatcher passes. However i'll wait until she's actually buried before passing out the invites. 

You too eh?

I'm going to piss on her grave. Guaranteed. And it doesn't matter what security they put in place, I'm going to do it.

You rip the heart out of my country, I piss on your grave.

Not exactly evolved, as a response, but it'll do me [:D]

mnottertail -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 2:35:27 PM)

Can you imagine how long you will have to hold your piss in America, as you wait in queue, when Geo W Bush shrugs off his mortal coil? I don't believe even your Queen Elisabeth could hold it that long.


said in my best english

ANRsub -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 2:40:40 PM)

Ok, the man is dead, we all knew it was coming soon, so now it has happened. Let the dead be, let's use our energies for some betterment rather than in verbally desecrating the corpse. For better or worse, depending on one's political feelings, the man can do no more good or evil, so let us all move on.


Musicmystery -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 2:42:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Can you imagine how long you will have to hold your piss in America, as you wait in queue, when Geo W Bush shrugs off his mortal coil? I don't believe even your Queen Elisabeth could hold it that long.


said in my best english

Thatcher's equivalent here would be Reagan.

You know.....trickle down economics....

RapierFugue -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 2:44:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Can you imagine how long you will have to hold your piss in America, as you wait in queue, when Geo W Bush shrugs off his mortal coil? I don't believe even your Queen Elisabeth could hold it that long.


said in my best english

That's nothing! We thought Maggie was a goner years back, but like the brain-slurping zombie she is she just keeps going [:(]

I just hope it's something really, really painful that finishes her off [1]

Trouble is, with her constitution, she'll go in her sleep [:(]

George W was just an idiot, who made the US nation look like a nation of idiots (not that you are, he just made it seem so to the world). I grant you that's pretty bad, but compared to Maggie's crimes, it's small beer.

[1] I know that's not very nice of me, but she really was the death of this nation, and the start of everything that followed. I honestly wished I believed in hell, coz a vision of her being endlessly tormented would be a nice one. But I know all that sky-fairy cobblers is, well, cobblers

mnottertail -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 2:45:44 PM)

Ya, piss on that........Reagan was just am inanimate dildo, GW is an actual shit breathing tool.


RapierFugue -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 2:52:24 PM)



Ok, the man is dead, we all knew it was coming soon, so now it has happened. Let the dead be, let's use our energies for some betterment rather than in verbally desecrating the corpse. For better or worse, depending on one's political feelings, the man can do no more good or evil, so let us all move on.


Thank you.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the rest of us will discuss whatever we choose to.

On the bright side, and thinking about Maggie and George W, it makes Teddy not seem so bad.

He "only" left a woman to die of drowning, over hours, trapped in a car in freezing waters. Lord alone knows what damage he might have done if he'd been left unchecked - he clearly had the greatest capacity for excess of all that generation of the Kennedy clan, and that's up against some pretty stiff (heh) competition. So god alone knows what sort of president he would have made. At least Carter was smart, and funny, and sharp. Up to a point.

I just wish you Americans had better political heroes on the liberal or left-wing side of things. And isn't it weird how, in the UK, the political scandals seem to run: Left Wing = money, Right Wing = sex (coz they already have the money), whereas in the US it seems to make no difference.

kittinSol -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 2:52:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue


ORIGINAL: philosophy

Hey, i'm planning a party when Margaret Thatcher passes. However i'll wait until she's actually buried before passing out the invites. 

You too eh?

I'm going to piss on her grave. Guaranteed. And it doesn't matter what security they put in place, I'm going to do it.

You rip the heart out of my country, I piss on your grave.

Not exactly evolved, as a response, but it'll do me [:D]

Thing is, hasn't Thatcher's brain gone to Saint Alzheimer now? If there really is such a thing as bad karma, Thatcher got it in droves, so even I (however much I dreamt of it before) would refrain from dancing on her grave. Ted Kennedy is another matter: he didn't set out to fuck an entire country just for the sake of it.

I don't understand how some individuals get so hateful when people die - especially when the people in question have, all in all, done good things in drove. I think it's a reflexion on them, not on the people who died. Their hatred defines them. Unfortunately.

RapierFugue -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:01:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Ya, piss on that........Reagan was just am inanimate dildo, GW is an actual shit breathing tool.


Yes, I'm sometimes surprised how deep runs the feeling against Ron, coz the poor sod didn't know what day of the week it was half the time, let alone who or where he was. A puppet to be pitied, rather than scorned.

It's the ones who actively seek to do evil that make me scream. W, or his dad (who lacked the balls to finish the Saddam thing first time round, and it says much that he bottled a decision even Ron would have made in seconds flat), or Nixon. Or, for that matter, Nancy Reagan, as deluded and delusional a creature as ever stalked the White House.

I do still sincerely hope Obama manages to do what he sets out to. As an outsider, I can't remember the last time I felt as optimistic as I did the night he got in, and yes I stayed up all night.

Oh hang on ... I can rememeber the last time I felt that good ... it was just before Tony Blair got in for the first time.

That doesn't bode well, but I wish you all the best anyway.

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