RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (Full Version)

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Sanity -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:02:54 PM)

I feel completely vindicated now. [:)]


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue


ORIGINAL: philosophy

Hey, i'm planning a party when Margaret Thatcher passes. However i'll wait until she's actually buried before passing out the invites. 

You too eh?

I'm going to piss on her grave. Guaranteed. And it doesn't matter what security they put in place, I'm going to do it.

You rip the heart out of my country, I piss on your grave.

Not exactly evolved, as a response, but it'll do me [:D]

Vendaval -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:03:00 PM)

I refer to "trickle-down economics" as "pissing in the wind".


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Can you imagine how long you will have to hold your piss in America, as you wait in queue, when Geo W Bush shrugs off his mortal coil? I don't believe even your Queen Elisabeth could hold it that long.


said in my best english

Thatcher's equivalent here would be Reagan.

You know.....trickle down economics....

Musicmystery -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:05:16 PM)


I refer to "trickle-down economics" as "pissing in the wind".

I always called it "trickle-on" economics.

RapierFugue -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:05:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue


ORIGINAL: philosophy

Hey, i'm planning a party when Margaret Thatcher passes. However i'll wait until she's actually buried before passing out the invites. 

You too eh?

I'm going to piss on her grave. Guaranteed. And it doesn't matter what security they put in place, I'm going to do it.

You rip the heart out of my country, I piss on your grave.

Not exactly evolved, as a response, but it'll do me [:D]

Thing is, hasn't Thatcher's brain gone to Saint Alzheimer now? If there really is such a thing as bad karma, Thatcher got it in droves, so even I (however much I dreamt of it before) would refrain from dancing on her grave. Ted Kennedy is another matter: he didn't set out to fuck an entire country just for the sake of it.

I don't understand how some individuals get so hateful when people die - especially when the people in question have, all in all, done good things in drove. I think it's a reflexion on them, not on the people who died. Their hatred defines them. Unfortunately.

I agree entirely.

And, ordinarily, I wouldn't.

But, in Thatcher's case, I'm going to make an exception.

Imagine if Hitler had lived on. Similar deal [:D]

But Teddy? Absolutely. Not a monster. Just a very flawed, cowardly younger son of a clan that already considered themselves above the law, so it's not entirely surprising, although still reprehensible, that he acted the way he did.

PS: Thatcher didn't do anything good "in drove"

Leiren -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:07:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: FullCircle

It was nine hours before he reported it so that is nine hours emergency services didn't have to free her from the wreck. Who knows whether or not she would have died if he had reported it straight away. All people have are his recollection of the events and how him and his friends returned to free her but couldn't.

By all accounts I've read (and there have been many), IF he had called 911 (or its equivalent back in 1969) Mary Jo would have lived. There was an air pocket in the car and she had sufficient oxygen to have lived for an hour or so IF Teddy had bothered to report the accident.

Again, as I've mentioned on previous threads, I don't identify as either Republican or Democrat. Teddy showed one helluva a lot of unmitigated gall, though, in showing up for Mary Jo's funeral wearing a neck brace. (By the way, after the funeral, he was never seen wearing the neck brace again).

I don't consider bringing up his negligent behavior that led to a young woman's untimely death as a 'slur' on his name. He slurred his own family name many years ago.

Why should he be put on a pedestal after his own death? No reason I can think of. But that's just me.

RapierFugue -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:07:46 PM)



I feel completely vindicated now. [:)]

I dare say you probably do.

I'm not surprised in the least that you can't see the differences.

Sanity -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:18:31 PM)

Oh, I see the differences alright, and I see the all too familiar double standard as well.

RapierFugue -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:22:27 PM)



Oh, I see the differences alright, and I see the all too familiar double standard as well.

So, in actual fact, you can't see the differences at all.

Cheers for confirming that. It's appreciated.

Leiren -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:27:06 PM)



Oh, I see the differences alright, and I see the all too familiar double standard as well.

For too many people, both in the U.S. (and as we now see the U.K. as well), the Kennedy name was the absolution from being held accountable for their many unacceptable transgressions over the years.

It wasn't just Teddy. It's been over and over throughout the years that the Kennedy name allowed all of them to skate on very shady charges that anyone else would have spent YEARS in prison for.

Again, I see no reason to promote any member of the Kennedy family to instant sainthood by virtue of them dying. They've caused to much havoc and pain in the past too to many other families to expect to be exonerated of their own behavior just by virtue of dying.

Mercnbeth -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:32:04 PM)

There is a rumor going around that the Health Care Bill will be renamed the Kennedy Health Care Bill.


To infuse Kennedy into the health-care debate, Democrats are planning to affix the former senator's name to the health-care legislation that emerges from Congress.

The idea of naming the legislation for Kennedy has been quietly circulating for months but was given a new push today by Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., the only person who served with Kennedy for all his 47 years in the Senate.

Do you think this move will drive the issue over the brink and sink its chances - killing it?

RapierFugue -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:33:25 PM)





Oh, I see the differences alright, and I see the all too familiar double standard as well.

For too many people, both in the U.S. (and as we now see the U.K. as well), the Kennedy name was the absolution from being held accountable for their many unacceptable transgressions over the years.

It wasn't just Teddy. It's been over and over throughout the years that the Kennedy name allowed all of them to skate on very shady charges that anyone else would have spent YEARS in prison for.

Again, I see no reason to promote any member of the Kennedy family to instant sainthood by virtue of them dying. They've caused to much havoc and pain in the past too to many other families to expect to be exonerated of their own behavior just by virtue of dying.

Although, in the interests of balance, the Kennedys tended to screw up others in ones and twos, as a result of their sexual excesses, while managing decent government.

Whereas W and Co pile up bodies by the hundreds, but it's "ok" to them and theirs, coz they're "only" military people killed in an unlawful war Bush and Co started, so to them it's excusable.

But Teddy wasn't in that league of arsehole. In fact, that's actually his problem, throughout his life; he was merely competent, and not actually in any big league worth speaking of.

He's interesting to people because he lived long in a clan that burned out young, but that's not exactly a ringing endorsement.

Leiren -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:35:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

There is a rumor going around that the Health Care Bill will be renamed the Kennedy Health Care Bill.


To infuse Kennedy into the health-care debate, Democrats are planning to affix the former senator's name to the health-care legislation that emerges from Congress.

The idea of naming the legislation for Kennedy has been quietly circulating for months but was given a new push today by Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., the only person who served with Kennedy for all his 47 years in the Senate.

Do you think this move will drive the issue over the brink and sink its chances - killing it?

Interesting question. I've been following this new push by the Dems to capitalize on Ted's death. I hope it fails but I'm not holding my breath after the various other BS I've seen since Obama was elected and inaugurated.


RapierFugue -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:36:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

There is a rumor going around that the Health Care Bill will be renamed the Kennedy Health Care Bill.


To infuse Kennedy into the health-care debate, Democrats are planning to affix the former senator's name to the health-care legislation that emerges from Congress.

The idea of naming the legislation for Kennedy has been quietly circulating for months but was given a new push today by Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., the only person who served with Kennedy for all his 47 years in the Senate.

Do you think this move will drive the issue over the brink and sink its chances - killing it?

Oh you bad man.

Time and again I hear Brits say "the Americans have no sense of irony" but, having lived there, I say "they do, honest! You just don't see it from their leaders, but it's there, promise".

Cheers for helping with the ammo fund [:D]

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:37:18 PM)


But Teddy? Absolutely. Not a monster. Just a very flawed, cowardly younger son of a clan that already considered themselves above the law, so it's not entirely surprising, although still reprehensible, that he acted the way he did.

Yeah. Well put. As I said in another post, Bobby was the only one in the entire family who was worth a damn, and many's the time I wonder wistfully what direction our country would have gone had he not been shot and Nixon not elected. He had just the right combination of warmhearted idealism and coldblooded ruthlessness, and an intellect and courage that Teddy could never have aspired to. I appreciate the good work that Teddy managed to get done over the years in the US Senate, but I never respected him as a man and am grateful he never made a serious run at the White House. The book's now closed on Teddy Kennedy, so rest in peace, Senator.

Sanity -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:37:34 PM)

What I said about Ted Kennedy was in response to someone saying that Kennedy definately did not murder Mary Jo Kopechne . I was commenting on a historical mystery, and simply shared my opinion that it indeed could have been murder.

You're literally bragging that you're "Not exactly evolved" (post # 72) and how you plan to literally piss on the graves of Conservatives.

So yes I do see the differences, they are very clear. The real question is, do you see them.

RapierFugue -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:39:43 PM)



What I said about Ted Kennedy was in response to someone saying that Kennedy definately did not murder Mary Jo Kopechne . I was commenting on a historical mystery, and simply shared my opinion that it indeed could have been murder.

You're literally bragging that you're "Not exactly evolved" (post # 72) and how you plan to literally piss on the graves of Conservatives.

So yes I do see the differences, they are very clear. The real question is, do you see them.

Congrats! That's actualy the single lamest comeback I've ever seen on CM, ever [:D]

You rock dude!

kittinSol -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:41:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue


ORIGINAL: kittinSol


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue


ORIGINAL: philosophy

Hey, i'm planning a party when Margaret Thatcher passes. However i'll wait until she's actually buried before passing out the invites. 

You too eh?

I'm going to piss on her grave. Guaranteed. And it doesn't matter what security they put in place, I'm going to do it.

You rip the heart out of my country, I piss on your grave.

Not exactly evolved, as a response, but it'll do me [:D]

Thing is, hasn't Thatcher's brain gone to Saint Alzheimer now? If there really is such a thing as bad karma, Thatcher got it in droves, so even I (however much I dreamt of it before) would refrain from dancing on her grave. Ted Kennedy is another matter: he didn't set out to fuck an entire country just for the sake of it.

I don't understand how some individuals get so hateful when people die - especially when the people in question have, all in all, done good things in drove. I think it's a reflexion on them, not on the people who died. Their hatred defines them. Unfortunately.

I agree entirely.

And, ordinarily, I wouldn't.

But, in Thatcher's case, I'm going to make an exception.

Imagine if Hitler had lived on. Similar deal [:D]

But Teddy? Absolutely. Not a monster. Just a very flawed, cowardly younger son of a clan that already considered themselves above the law, so it's not entirely surprising, although still reprehensible, that he acted the way he did.

PS: Thatcher didn't do anything good "in drove"

Completely agree - Thatcher the Milk Snatcher set out to fuck everybody over knowingly, and with full-on knowing evil. Much like Hitler, although not as bad. A monster of non-empathy, Thatcher (isn't it funny how her name rhymes with the other fuck?) decided not to listen to people and to carry on her personal agenda.

She was a monster, but nature paid her back by giving her the ultimate brain disease. As far as I'm concerned, she has been gone for a while now... when she carks it, I shan't be dancing - but I will feel sorry for the many (including moi) that had to live under the consequences of her insanely ideological politics...

As for Ted Kennedy: those that seek to desecrate his not-even-dug grave ought to retreat in shame.

Sanity -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:41:40 PM)

Thankfully, I don't have any stock in what you're trying to unload here. [;)]

RapierFugue -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:47:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda


But Teddy? Absolutely. Not a monster. Just a very flawed, cowardly younger son of a clan that already considered themselves above the law, so it's not entirely surprising, although still reprehensible, that he acted the way he did.

Yeah. Well put. As I said in another post, Bobby was the only one in the entire family who was worth a damn, and many's the time I wonder wistfully what direction our country would have gone had he not been shot and Nixon not elected.

Well that's the one isn't it. My old history prof, bless his cottons, used to wail over that one for weeks on end. He'd even arrange debates to play devil's advocate on the same topic, claiming Bobby would have succumbed too or, if he hadn't, would have run afoul of what Nixon got dragged into over Vietnam. He used to cite the continued, indiscriminate carpet bombing of Cambodia as something Bobby would never have gone for.

But you could tell his heart wasn't in it, on the counter-argument front [;)]

kittinSol -> RE: Senator Kennedy just died. (8/27/2009 3:47:41 PM)



You're literally bragging that you're "Not exactly evolved" (post # 72) and how you plan to literally piss on the graves of Conservatives.

Sorry for the hijacky question, everybody, but I have to ask Sanity: what's the difference between a conservative and a fascist head of state [8|] ? Please, refer liberally to Franco [&:] . And even Thatcher. And Bush. And even Sarkozy [8D] .

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