RE: Foot worshipping Dom (Full Version)

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IronBear -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/8/2009 7:31:58 PM)


Just a quick thread jack. I know how to block posts in forums but is there anyway to actually block a thread so I don't have to see it when I am in that forum?

welcomerain -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/8/2009 7:45:30 PM)




Just a quick thread jack. I know how to block posts in forums but is there anyway to actually block a thread so I don't have to see it when I am in that forum?

Good question. This thread was hilarious on the first read-through, but if I came to the forum more often I think I'd have to block it myself.

WyldHrt -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 2:21:54 AM)


For 20 years I was married to a foot lover. He didn't "worship" my feet in the way a sub male would,  his attitude was more, "they are MY feet, I'll do whatever I want with them."

Attitude is everything.

SO nicely said, DD! [:D]

It's not done, you know...dominants can't do anything like that, because they'll be seen as submitting. Now, it's okay that they're submitting to some asshat idea of someone else, and submitting to some fucktard "culture" that does not permit certain behaviour.

Have I told you lately that I lubs you, Levelicious? [:)]

Now stay away from the backrubbbing thing lol!! If Sir wants to do it then let Him lol!

Sorry Gabrielle, giving backrubs has been officially declared as submissive behaviour. You are hereby required to lose respect for your Dominant should he choose to make you feel good by rubbing your back.

If "you" see nothing submissive in your master sucking your toes, being pissed on by you, bowing to you, serving you drinks while rubbing your feet for you, then more power to you, LOL. Sure a dominant can do whatever they want, but is it really wise for a dom to serve his submissive that way you that way when you're the one who is supposed to be serving?

Wow, that's quite a new menu from what the OP mentioned, innit? Looks like a mixed bag of  "acts some subs couldn't stomach" all rolled into one to me, but thanks for the laugh. What you (and certain others) seem to be missing here is the role context and attitude play as regards a chosen activity.

I love your complaint about some 'list". Uh, yes, I have a list of things I wouldn't accept in a master and I bet YOU HAVE a LIST too. The fact that the pack disagrees and thinks it's fine that a dom worships a submissive girl's feet makes no difference to me, you and your cheerleading friends, while fun and exciting for you, mean nothing to me. Your herd isn't the rest of the world, they are just a handful of switch kinksters and very different from other serious masters who train girls to actually serve THEM. So, get used to it, your small world is just that - a handful of kinky people and not the majority. And yes, a master who doesn't suck toes or bow to his submissive and service her with backrubs can respect her just as much as the dom who serves his girl with backrubs and kisses his submissive's girl feet. Just because a dom respects his submissive girl, that DOESN'T mean he has to bow and kiss her feet, for crying out loud.

As a matter of fact, I do have a list.... of hard limits, that are mine alone. What I don't have is a list of specific acts that I see as "UnDomly", regardless of context. The difference here is that I don't feel the need to categorize anyone else's relationship or orientation based on any particular act, unlike some that have posted on this thread.

That said, well done on the personal attack! I believe you covered all the bases here. We have "the pack", my supposed "cheerleading friends", something muddy about "fun and exciting", asserting how much you don't care, a futher remark about my "herd", dismissing the folks who disagree as just "a handful of switch kinksters" who are somehow "very different" from "serious masters who train girls to serve them", and comments on my "small world".... OK, LMAO!!!!! I really can't keep a straight face anymore.

Really, back off the "one twue way" crap and deal with the simple fact that you overstapped yourself. Having your own standards is expected. Attempting to impose those standards on others is unacceptable. The fact that most of those on this thread who are attempting to dictate what is "proper" MDom/ fsub behaviour are male subs is simply laughable.

sissylover22 -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 4:13:23 AM)

Yeah yeah, right, I already said that a dom can do whatever he wants too, (you really need to work on your selective reading comprehension pal), but kissing his submissive's feet is all too symbolic of submissiveness and not a good idea if he wants his dominance to be taken seriously. And yeah, a dom can be used as a toilet by his submissive, but why would he subvert is own authority by conducting himself as a submissive? Massage her back, kiss her feet, um.... who is serving who here?

thishereboi -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 4:29:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: sissylover22

Yeah yeah, right, I already said that a dom can do whatever he wants too, (you really need to work on your selective reading comprehension pal), but kissing his submissive's feet is all too symbolic of submissiveness and not a good idea if he wants his dominance to be taken seriously. And yeah, a dom can be used as a toilet by his submissive, but why would he subvert is own authority by conducting himself as a submissive? Massage her back, kiss her feet, um.... who is serving who here?

Ok, I understand now. A dom can do what ever he wants, as long as it's not something that you see as submissive. Maybe you could make up a book telling all the doms what is ok to do and what you consider too submissive, then we won't have these problems.

sissylover22 -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 6:26:01 AM)

Give yourself a pat on the back, you've finally got I'm not saying doms can't be used as a toilet by his girl, or give her back rubs, or kiss her feet or serve her drinks. But kissing her feet and such is a great way to get her thinking you're the server whose serving her. What the? Certain symbolic acts which pay respect or worship or adore to another person are best left to the submissive to do, and not the dom. The dom shouldn't be doing acts which generate feeling that he's submitting to her or serving her. She doesn't want her Dom serving her like that unless he is a switch and they agreed on him serving her partime like that too. IF not, and if he's the dominant one all the time, kissing her feet is going to subtly and slowly subvert his dominance in her mindset.

thishereboi -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 6:53:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: sissylover22

Give yourself a pat on the back, you've finally got I'm not saying doms can't be used as a toilet by his girl, or give her back rubs, or kiss her feet or serve her drinks. But kissing her feet and such is a great way to get her thinking you're the server whose serving her. What the? Certain symbolic acts which pay respect or worship or adore to another person are best left to the submissive to do, and not the dom. The dom shouldn't be doing acts which generate feeling that he's submitting to her or serving her. She doesn't want her Dom serving her like that unless he is a switch and they agreed on him serving her partime like that too. IF not, and if he's the dominant one all the time, kissing her feet is going to subtly and slowly subvert his dominance in her mindset.

Tell you what, you go ahead and make that handbook. You can have one section telling the doms how they are supposed to act and the other one to tell the subs how she is supposed to feel about how the dom acts. Then everyone on CM will know the true way to dom or not dom.

Be sure to include a section on strap ons, I am just dying to find out if my mistress was really a submissive because she liked it when I fucked her.

SimplyIsaac -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 7:24:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi

Ok, I understand now. A dom can do what ever he wants, as long as it's not something that you see as submissive.

This thread alone is evidence that some people don't find kissing feet an act of submission... it's true. Odd to me but hey, it's in b&w here.

I was accused earlier by a switch that I have no science to support my feelings. Outside of the fact there's very little science to support any feelings expressed here, i'm thinkin that if you performed a random survey on the streets and asked passersby the question, most would find it a sign of submission or at least a "worshipful" act. Yeah I know, more common sense and who cares what society thinks anyway! I've decided I don't care either.

Isaac Nuttins Twue
Founder and CEO
Let's Stop Seeing Foot Kissing As An Act Of Worship Committee

sissylover22 -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 7:39:08 AM)

Good for you. Kiss her feet or massage her, then you as the dom are going to subvert your authority. Kiss her feet or massage her and COMMON SENSE will tell you you're serving her and your authority as the dom will be subverted.

Common sense, that's all you need to exercise here. Sure we can do whatever we want, but when you have a certain essence you want to maintain (and I'm assuming the doms want to maintain an air of dominance), then you better pay attention to how you conduct yourself and maintain your reputation.

thishereboi -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 8:01:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: sissylover22

Good for you. Kiss her feet or massage her, then you as the dom are going to subvert your authority. Kiss her feet or massage her and COMMON SENSE will tell you you're serving her and your authority as the dom will be subverted.

Common sense, that's all you need to exercise here. Sure we can do whatever we want, but when you have a certain essence you want to maintain (and I'm assuming the doms want to maintain an air of dominance), then you better pay attention to how you conduct yourself and maintain your reputation.

You still didn't tell me if it was ok to use my strap-on on my mistress, she is horny, but also afraid you might think she is submissive.

SimplyIsaac -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 8:43:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi


ORIGINAL: sissylover22

Good for you. Kiss her feet or massage her, then you as the dom are going to subvert your authority. Kiss her feet or massage her and COMMON SENSE will tell you you're serving her and your authority as the dom will be subverted.

Common sense, that's all you need to exercise here. Sure we can do whatever we want, but when you have a certain essence you want to maintain (and I'm assuming the doms want to maintain an air of dominance), then you better pay attention to how you conduct yourself and maintain your reputation.

You still didn't tell me if it was ok to use my strap-on on my mistress, she is horny, but also afraid you might think she is submissive.

Wait, now we're talking about strap-ons? Wow...this thread has migrated.

sissylover22 -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 9:03:16 AM)

Good for you. Kiss her feet or massage her, then you as the dom are going to subvert your authority. Kiss her feet or massage her and COMMON SENSE will tell you you're serving her and your authority as the dom will be subverted. Kiss her feet or massage her, call yourself out for what you are - a switch.

sissylover22 -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 9:04:45 AM)

Just use common sense, why would the dominant serve his girl with back rubs and feet kissing? Just admit you like serving her as much as you like being served. It's called a switch.

DesFIP -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 8:27:17 PM)

Gee, why would anyone like to rub their partner's back if they're in pain? Tough question. Ooh, I've got an answer. Because he loves her and wants her to be at her best, not her worst.

She sure won't be serving him if her back's out and she's flat on her back for a couple of days. And of course he isn't allowed to get her the pain pills the doc prescribes, she has to crawl to get them. Everyone knows that.

Like everyone knows no twue dom ever cares about the sub's well being.

I limp sometimes, result of an argument with a horse about eating my new straw hat. I saved the hat but he stomped on my foot. When I'm limping, I'm not able to be of much use to him. I'm not up for play because I'm in pain. I can't cook if I can't stand on it. I can't go to the grocery store if I can't walk on it. If him rubbing it for ten minutes alleviates the pain enough I can then go cook his dinner, what's wrong with that?

Or would a twue dom not rub my foot, and instead him have to cook and clean and serve me dinner? And worse, eat his own cooking.

WyldHrt -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 9:27:36 PM)

LOL, another day, and you are still blathering on about how "common sense" supports your view, completely ignoring the fact that several female sumbissives on this thread alone completely disagree.

But kissing her feet and such is a great way to get her thinking you're the server whose serving her. What the? Certain symbolic acts which pay respect or worship or adore to another person are best left to the submissive to do, and not the dom. The dom shouldn't be doing acts which generate feeling that he's submitting to her or serving her. She doesn't want her Dom serving her like that unless he is a switch and they agreed on him serving her partime like that too. IF not, and if he's the dominant one all the time, kissing her feet is going to subtly and slowly subvert his dominance in her mindset.


Good for you. Kiss her feet or massage her, then you as the dom are going to subvert your authority. Kiss her feet or massage her and COMMON SENSE will tell you you're serving her and your authority as the dom will be subverted.


Common sense, that's all you need to exercise here. Sure we can do whatever we want, but when you have a certain essence you want to maintain (and I'm assuming the doms want to maintain an air of dominance), then you better pay attention to how you conduct yourself and maintain your reputation.

Still finding it hilarious that you seem to feel you somehow have the right to dictate the behaviour of male Doms and female subs, esp as you are neither. I particularly get a kick out of the parts where you state how a female sub will feel and think.

Honestly, I have to wonder if those who have such strong objections to a Dom doing anything (kissing a foot, backrubs, bringing a sub a drink, etc) that they see as "submissive" are in real relationships with real people.

DemonKia -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 9:53:21 PM)

FR -- OMG, this thread is still a source of much funny . . .. .

I'm now having this vision, from somewhere up above, of needing to go poll people on the street to find out what expectations I should find sexually or BDSM 'appropriate', 'common sensical', 'attractive', 'desirable', or whatever ... .

I must sincerely thank the participants of this thread for their creative contributions to my 'I never thought of that' file . . . . . . . As a writer, this is invaluable stuff . . . .

We got us the anti-Mitty dom guy with a foot fetish; random polling to determine appropriate expectations to maintain around one's sex life; malesubs dictating what maledoms & femsubs should be feeling, thinking, & etc; & other random weirdness . . . . . Yep, good stuff . .. .

WyldHrt -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/9/2009 10:18:03 PM)


This thread alone is evidence that some people don't find kissing feet an act of submission... it's true. Odd to me but hey, it's in b&w here.

Well said, Isaac. While it's obvious that some attach a specific meaning to feet, others simply don't. For those of us in the second category, a foot is simply a body part, without it's own mystique or special meaning.

I was accused earlier by a switch that I have no science to support my feelings. Outside of the fact there's very little science to support any feelings expressed here, i'm thinkin that if you performed a random survey on the streets and asked passersby the question, most would find it a sign of submission or at least a "worshipful" act. Yeah I know, more common sense and who cares what society thinks anyway! I've decided I don't care either.

Nice sarcasm, but get real, Isaac. If you performed a random survey on the streets and asked passersby for their opinions, how many of them would say that any man who hits a woman without provocation is an abusive bastard? Apples and oranges.

SimplyIsaac -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/10/2009 12:20:06 AM)



Nice sarcasm, but get real, Isaac. If you performed a random survey on the streets and asked passersby for their opinions, how many of them would say that any man who hits a woman without provocation is an abusive bastard? Apples and oranges.

What's the message here? That they're all a touch ignorant? I'm society. You're society. We're all society! (Spoken in Al Pacino's voice).

Apples to oranges? No, Wyld... I prefer to say humans. We are not some superior alien tribe because of WIITWD. Get real my ass.

Anyway, I'll bite on the question: It would depend upon how you paint the scenario in the question I'd imagine. It means a world of difference, and it would to you, too i'm sure. These days, society is getting up to speed on "those kinky people" quite a bit more than say, a few decades back. If you were to ask in a fetish/BDSM context, I bet a fair share would shrug and give a, "hey whatever dab will do ya," sort of answer. If you ask in a domestic abuse scenario where some poor girl is getting the **** beat out of her, I hope they would, and YOU would too, express strong negative feelings.

SimplyIsaac -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/10/2009 12:50:01 AM)



FR -- OMG, this thread is still a source of much funny . . .. .

I'm now having this vision, from somewhere up above, of needing to go poll people on the street to find out what expectations I should find sexually or BDSM 'appropriate', 'common sensical', 'attractive', 'desirable', or whatever ... . I must sincerely thank the participants of this thread for their creative contributions to my 'I never thought of that' file . . . . . . . As a writer, this is invaluable stuff . . . .

We got us the anti-Mitty dom guy with a...[blah blah blah]

Let's review the quality of your invaluable contributions to this thread:

Post #: 53 Your invoking of foot binding from ancient China to prove your point was fairly debunked, and you got pissy.
Post #: 56 The inner sadist in you laughs!
Post #: 67 You jumped the gun and took the word "we" out of context (Merc corrected your error) because running to Des's aid was so important.
Post #: 72 The sadist in you basically laughs again! (want a black demon cape with that?)
Post #: 82 Your imagined scenarios leave much to be desired
Post #: 86 You prattle on and on about munches and friends and play parties, yet also admit in your profile you're new to BDSM as of 9/09
Post #: 110 You get pissy (again) because the OP expresses a sentiment counter to the one you're attempting to assert
Post #: 136 You're "still laughing" and trying to sum up the ignorance of the thread (as you percieve it).


leadership527 -> RE: Foot worshipping Dom (10/10/2009 1:44:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: sissylover22
Yeah yeah, right, I already said that a dom can do whatever he wants too, (you really need to work on your selective reading comprehension pal), but kissing his submissive's feet is all too symbolic of submissiveness and not a good idea if he wants his dominance to be taken seriously. And yeah, a dom can be used as a toilet by his submissive, but why would he subvert is own authority by conducting himself as a submissive? Massage her back, kiss her feet, um.... who is serving who here?
OK, I'll just go ahead and say right up front that I'm not into the whole whips and chains BDSM thing and whether or not I'm a master is open to debate. But sheez, I'm a bit confused. For starters, I don't see Carol's submission to me as having anything to do with service. It has to do with obedience. I expect her to obey. All the time. Every time. Even if the command is "let me rub your feet". What exactly is this service thing anyway? Are we talking about actions designed to please one's partner? Because if being a dom means I am no longer able to please the woman I love, then count me out.

Next, I need to point out that I have always respected Carol a great deal. Since becoming my slave, that respect has, at times, blossomed into overpowering outbursts. At least a few times, I actually knelt. *shrugs* I don't know, it seemed like a perfectly eloquent gesture to me. Even worse, I think it's an arguably true statement that I worship her. Hell, I say to her frequently, "You are the source of all goodness in my world."

And from this and similar behaviors, am I supposed to be worried that Carol might forget who is in authority here? Carol lives in the country I told her to live in. She lives in the house I wanted her in. She does the work I tell her to. She has the friends I tell her to. She wears the clothes I tell her to and cooks the meals I tell her to. She makes the art I tell her to. For god's sake, usually she thinks the thoughts I tell her to. In short, her entire existence is a direct reflection of the commands I have given her. For her, at least, the fact that she is owned is stamped in bold relief across her entire life. She isn't likely to forget it no matter what else I am doing. I honestly don't understand how anyone who is truly owned anywhere near as comprehensively as Carol could even begin to mistake authority with any given behavior. The evidence of the authority is just everywhere.

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