RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (Full Version)

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Level -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 5:24:12 AM)

Fiber: not at all sure we need it, either. Read Fiber Menace, it's eye-opening.

The basic idea is, the lining of our intestines is smooth, and easily damaged. Fiber is like sending sandpaper through it, scarring things up, which makes absorbing nutrients more difficult.

Vitamin supplements: may do more harm, than good, at least most of them. I think the National Institues of Health issued a paper a year or two ago to that effect.

Now, I DO take vitamin D3, and very occasionaly magnesium.

pure is right, some people get cravings and have BG issues, even with just veggies.

I'm not telling anyone to stop eating them, necessarily, just that one does not have to have them, to enjoy good health.

Level -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 5:25:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly


Veggies are overated there are anti-nutrients in them, which makes it nearly impossible for our bodies to absorb whatever vitamins are in them.
and cook them and the vitamins are pretty much shot to hell...

Yep! [;)]

SilverMark -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 5:30:07 AM)

The absolute worst effect on weight I swear is really simple.....turn 40....
I was driving to Tupelo Mississippi.....stopped at a gas station and in the restroom they hade a scale with the lucky numbers on it dropped in my quarter ...looked a the numbers....didn't win the lottery but, thought "MY GOD YOU ARE GETTING FAT!" 22 I was 5'9 30 I was 5'9 40 I was 5'9 and 175!.....joined the YMCA when I returned to Atlanta and never looked back!...
I do not fault people for being over weight hell, it's hard not to be with all of the conveniences we live with and all the wonderful food we have.....but, when health is involved, action needs to be taken.....anything you do in that regard is better than anything you don't do and taking small victories where you can is a great thing!.....just don't reward yourself with a twinkie!....

barelynangel -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 5:31:00 AM)

Yes i agree the way many people cook veggies it sucks the nurition out of it.  That is an interesting eating style.  And i do agree that processed carbs are the evil of all evil lol i never saw natural carbs as something to avoid but to keep in moderation due to glycemic content which is why fruit should be limited.

I will have to look into it, thanks.  Not sure if i could give up my favorite veggies though lol.


Level -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 5:37:11 AM)

Angel, I do understand! It's a hard concept to get one's head around, we're taught the complete opposite, and told that meat/fat is bad, by so many doctors. But that is changing, very, very slowly.

If you follow what you do, the regular, Atkins-style way of eating, you'll be doing your body good, I certainly don't disagree with that.

As Mark indicated, the real road to hell is paved with twinkies lol.

barelynangel -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 5:42:52 AM)

grins sheepishly, if i could only get myself back on that track lol i would be okay, my body does love it which was why your post was something that made me go hmmmmmmmm.  i disgust my personal trainer lol cause she sees the results when i decide and focus to eat low carb  and exercise.

Thanks for the insight Level.


CarrieO -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 5:47:18 AM)

Level posted a set of links earlier in this thread and a second set in the thread on diabetes HERE .  Now, there's a ton of information to sort through ( Level, I'm becoming a link whore...[:D]) but I would suggest people take a look at them and see if they're helpful. 
I have an appointment on Friday w/my endocriologist (sp?)and I will be discussing at length some of the things in these links.  I'm too fond of veggies to give them up but it's good to remain open to other options.

As far as the original basis of this thread....I'm not a skinny chick.  I do what I can to be healthy but I also am too much of a food lover to go on a strick diet to fit any ideal image, let's be dream vacation is a food and wine tour of Italy and France.
Since some of my recent surgery setbacks, I've not been into exercise as much as I want and need to be.  That will change ASAP. 

When I'm comfortable with my it chunky or fluffy...I'm comfortable expressing myself in any way I choose.  I also have come to the conclusion that I can't be intimate with people who have size/body/weight issues.  I refuse to be with a man who says "It's ok, I knew you were fat"...WTF!!!!   One of the best experiences I ever had was with a young 20-something who, after spending the majority of the day nude together, said to me "I love that you love yourself and are comfortable with your body."  He then proceded to show just how much he loved it!

Healthy is my is loving the skin I'm in.

Level -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 5:50:47 AM)

You're welcome, my friend. Glad to help if I can.

I've thought about starting a low carb/zero carb, pro-sat fat thread here, I have so freaking much stuff to post, but I need to get it in order, to present it properly. We'll see!

Level -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 5:55:19 AM)


One of the best experiences I ever had was with a young 20-something who, after spending the majority of the day nude together, said to me "I love that you love yourself and are comfortable with your body."  He then proceded to show just how much he loved it!

Healthy is my is loving the skin I'm in.

Superb post, Carrie [;)] I used to have a certain number in my head, I thought, when I weigh x amount, I'll be happy. Not so much, any more, being healthy, and feeling good, those are my guides now.

barelynangel -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 5:59:21 AM)

I don't know about others Level, but i would be interested in a thread like that and discussions of that type of thread but i probably would be focused more on Atkins concept than what you do so it may not be the same thing and may hinder what your focus of the thread would be..  Low carb is something i enjoy, but it may end up being a issue thread with all of the low carb information out there nowadays and different ways of doing low carb.  and then there will be those who want to say how bad it is.  on our Atkins message board there are still people who come in and have complete misconceptions about it.  But its a good thought and may be worth a try.


On another note to me the operative is being comfortable with yourself.  Like Carrie explained, if you aren't comfortable with yourself no one else will be either.  I am not and never have been comfortable with my weight and being out of shape so for me to be comfortable, i need to find that sweet spot of what i deem being in shape and beautiful.  Until i do, i will contimue to remain in turmoil.  I can never use the number on the scale as my dictator due to my body loves muscle and being 5'10 i have always been when at my ultimum between 165 and 175 because of the muscle on my body even though i look smaller and am smaller than what i weigh when at my ultimum.  My issue is simple, if i accept myself as i am not, i will have no real motivating factor to change it, so since i am unhappy with it, eentually i will get tired enough of it to do something about it.  I always hear you have to accept yourself as you are now -- and i am like umm why lol.   I can see if you are happy with yourself sure why not, but how do you accept yourself when you are unhappy with yourself?  It boggles my mind lol.


Level -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 6:12:59 AM)

Angel, if I do the thread, I'll work it where all the low/no carb ideas can co-exist (or try to lol). There's a good, solid, middle ground that I think we'd all agree on.

Anyway, got to run, even though I have the day off from work, I still have some stuff to do here.

purepleasure -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 6:28:59 AM)

Level, why not keep that type of information here?  There are so many different diets out there, it's a matter of finding the one that works for our personal bodies and metabolisms.  And no matter which diet we decide to follow, getting enough exercise is key in EVERY one of them.

nubianmuscle -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 6:50:50 AM)

If you can start  thread such as that, I would definitely be interested.  From my own personal experience, anecdotal evidence from friends that I worked out with and played sports with, as well as general reading I came to the same conclusions you did a while ago. 



Angel, if I do the thread, I'll work it where all the low/no carb ideas can co-exist (or try to lol). There's a good, solid, middle ground that I think we'd all agree on.

Anyway, got to run, even though I have the day off from work, I still have some stuff to do here.

impishlilhellcat -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 6:56:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: barelynangel


Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, butter.

HI Level, i am not sure if i understand this correctly.  You don't eat any vegetables?  Where do you get your nutrition?  Also, if those are what you eat, that is not a zero carb plan.  If you use certain condiments some of them have carbs also, same with gravies or sauces.  Eggs have 1.6 carbs per egg i believe. Cheese has all different carb counts.  So you may be eating very low carb but you are eating carbs.  I loved Atkins when i did it, and i focus on low carb when i am not well focused on getting back in shape.  But i am not sure why you would cut out veggies.  What is ths benefit of doing so? 


Amazingly enough those are all things I eat a lot of in my new diet and I do mean a lot, but I also add some o Kale, swiss chard, and spinach (raw of course most of the time) I also throw in very small amounts of brown rice or whole wheat bread. Greek Yogurt has been my life saver. It tastes yuccky plain, but I throw an organic honey crisp apple in the mix and I have a nice little snack that holds me over for quite awhile.

barelynangel -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 7:23:38 AM)

Hi impishhellcat,

Yes, meats, fish, eggs and fat are stables of really any low carb, cheese is a source of discussion as to how beneficial it is for many especially those with yeast problems.  Like you what you have described is a concept of lower carb eating.  I am always reluctant to call it a diet because its really not, its a way of eating. 

I went to Atkins when i lost all that weight a while ago because grins, it allowed me to eat cheese and meat and such lol, and it stuck.  

I just want to say, i am always leary of threads like this because it can easily become a social thread due to its always fun to cheer people on but i am really glad how this thread has shaped, the information and discussions going on and people offering their insight is helping me put my focus into shape again.  Who knows soon i may be the obsessed angel again and working towards my goals. 

Pure, while i think putting low carb info in here would be okay it may end up frustrating a lot of people also or become very overwelming especially for those who don't believe in it -- and i have seen much angst come when you have low fat people and low carb people come together lol [sm=argue.gif][sm=duel.gif][sm=fight.gif][sm=slappy.gif], just to name a few lol.   i think because of the vast amounts of information it would have very confusing information for people unfamiliar with it [sm=banghead.gif]  [sm=confused.gif]  [sm=dunno.gif].  I think even in a low carb thread it would generate a lot of discussions in and of itself and it can become very voluminous in content and it may take over a thread such as this which isn't focused completely on just eating -- i know how i get when i start discussing it, its a complete focus and other important things that should be associated with this thread can get lost amongst it.  grins, but hey, i am willing to discuss it anywhere it is lol.     


barelynangel -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 7:29:12 AM)

Oh speaking of yeast, its been suggested that if you have a hard time losing weight even thought you believe you eat healthy and exercise, check to see if you have candida overgrowth and while the eating plan is no fun, i know of some people who it works for and helps overall.  From what i do understand, many people have this issue and it does hinder their lives and if they attempt to lose weight.


Level -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 7:55:41 AM)

Some quick replies, before I go back outside, to kill ants:

pure, as angel said, a lot of times, when low carb comes up, it can produce some ferocious conversation lol, and I'd hate to derail this thread. And you might be surprised at what I've found about exercise...

Nubian, thank you for the support. Keep an eye out, I've just about made my mind up to do it!

impy, you are doing so well, little miss hawtness, you should be proud!

angel, you bring up a very good point-- candida can raise hell with the body, and so few folks know about it.

impishlilhellcat -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 8:14:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: barelynangel

Hi impishhellcat,

Yes, meats, fish, eggs and fat are stables of really any low carb, cheese is a source of discussion as to how beneficial it is for many especially those with yeast problems.  Like you what you have described is a concept of lower carb eating.  I am always reluctant to call it a diet because its really not, its a way of eating. 

I went to Atkins when i lost all that weight a while ago because grins, it allowed me to eat cheese and meat and such lol, and it stuck.  

I just want to say, i am always leary of threads like this because it can easily become a social thread due to its always fun to cheer people on but i am really glad how this thread has shaped, the information and discussions going on and people offering their insight is helping me put my focus into shape again.  Who knows soon i may be the obsessed angel again and working towards my goals. 

Pure, while i think putting low carb info in here would be okay it may end up frustrating a lot of people also or become very overwelming especially for those who don't believe in it -- and i have seen much angst come when you have low fat people and low carb people come together lol [sm=argue.gif][sm=duel.gif][sm=fight.gif][sm=slappy.gif], just to name a few lol.   i think because of the vast amounts of information it would have very confusing information for people unfamiliar with it [sm=banghead.gif]  [sm=confused.gif]  [sm=dunno.gif].  I think even in a low carb thread it would generate a lot of discussions in and of itself and it can become very voluminous in content and it may take over a thread such as this which isn't focused completely on just eating -- i know how i get when i start discussing it, its a complete focus and other important things that should be associated with this thread can get lost amongst it.  grins, but hey, i am willing to discuss it anywhere it is lol.     


ANgel I agree with everything you are saying. Especially that it's not really a diet. I don't even know why I'm in that mindset it is officially my new way of eating and I should stop thinking about it as a diet because it only encourages me to go back to my old way of eating junk. I will say this. I did get into major trouble from my personal trainer about the amounts of cheese I eat. She did bring up a few issues that you brought up. She also said it can make you bloat.

CarrieO -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 8:19:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: barelynangel

On another note to me the operative is being comfortable with yourself.  Like Carrie explained, if you aren't comfortable with yourself no one else will be either.  I am not and never have been comfortable with my weight and being out of shape so for me to be comfortable, i need to find that sweet spot of what i deem being in shape and beautiful.  Until i do, i will contimue to remain in turmoil.  I can never use the number on the scale as my dictator due to my body loves muscle and being 5'10 i have always been when at my ultimum between 165 and 175 because of the muscle on my body even though i look smaller and am smaller than what i weigh when at my ultimum.  My issue is simple, if i accept myself as i am not, i will have no real motivating factor to change it, so since i am unhappy with it, eentually i will get tired enough of it to do something about it.  I always hear you have to accept yourself as you are now -- and i am like umm why lol.   I can see if you are happy with yourself sure why not, but how do you accept yourself when you are unhappy with yourself?  It boggles my mind lol.


Good morning Angel,

I wish I could say there was a magic or instant way of developing body acceptance but, there isn't.  It took me years of dealing with a mother who put me on a diet at the age of 10 because I had put on weight and she didn't want me to not be able to attract a husband.  She failed to look at the reason why I was gaining which had to do with abuse issues (denial is a powerful thing) that I won't go into detail here.  This carried over to high school where I DID NOT fit in at all and my size wasn't the only reason...but it was an easy one for people to focus on.

As I got older and discovered boys, I also discovered that many weren't comfortable enough to date outside of society's accepted image of the "perfect girlfriend".  Fast forward to my 30's, where I finally started to make peace with my self and my body.  When I developed diabetes and realized I needed to actually listen to and learn my body...only then did I start to take the time and discover the physical ME.

I started to get into yoga and did things like get manicures and spa treatments.  I got full body massages and did lots of reading on the subject of body image and body dysmorphic disorder.  I remember attending a weekend retreat in NYC a couple years ago where myself and a group of women got together to discuss these topics along with self-acceptance, self-pleasure and becoming self-aware.  One of the activities we did involved disrobing and standing in front of the group while looking in a mirror and coming up with 10 positive things about our bodies. Then we would turn to the group and allow others to make positive comments and say "thank you" after each comment.  I was shocked at how loving and nurturing these total strangers were to me and everyone else, this group of women that came in every shape/size/color/ was a life changing moment.

What I took from this experience was not only to be loving to myself but to others.  I can't expect everyone to love and accept me..fat and all...I can expect to love and support myself because in the end...I'm all I have.
I love myself by caring for my body and it's one else can do that but me.  I accept my imperfections because if I don't, it causes harm to me and if I love myself why would I cause me harm?  I honor my body and all it's been through...numerous surgeries and health problems...because, while others may not see the beauty...I do everytime I take a step on my reconstructed but "claw-like" feet...they aren't perfect but I'm thankful to have them.  I'm grateful for all my body can do because I've been in a place of not being able to take a step without feeling pain...or not feeling pain because of neuropathy and causing damage which leads to not being able to walk.

I've learned that accepting myself "as I am" is less about settling and more able wanting to maintain health because I deserve it.

sirsholly -> RE: Kinksters & Their Body Size, Diet, & Fitness (11/11/2009 8:32:17 AM)


pure is right, some people get cravings
my understanding is the cravings have meaning and really shouldn't be ignored. There are a few good articles on interpreting cravings (i'll post the links as soon as i find them). For instance, a craving for chocolate is your body asking for vitamin C (easily fixed by eating an orange. The problem is...oranges do not taste like chocolate). It can also be your brain requesting a release of serotonin (a plain baked potato will aid in serotonin release...but it doesn't taste like chocolate either).
A craving for red meat is generally a need for sodium, wanting tomato based pasta sauce means you need potassium, etc.

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