A thread for diabetics (Full Version)

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DarkSteven -> A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 6:15:42 AM)

As some of you know, I was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of months ago.  I've learned a lot in that time and was hoping to exchange tips with others.  Here are mine:

1. Wavesense makes a glucometer thsat seems to be at least as good as any other out there, and the disposable testing strips cost $10 for 100 at the Kroger chains, as opposed to the name brands that charge $100 for 100.

I got mine by asking numerous times if there was anything cheaper than $100, and if there was a generic equivalent.  I suspect that the store's profit margin was skinny on that product. 

2. I use Bragg's Liquid Aminos liberally.  Tastes like soy sauce and makes bland junk taste better, but has virtually no salt.

3. Cactus leaves are sold by Hispanics at flea markets.  I chop them up (after de-spining them) and use them in scrambled eggs.  I've found it kills my appetite.  I'll use them in tofu scramble and see how that goes.

Any other tips/suggestions?

Banzai550 -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 6:24:34 AM)

I've been diabetic for a number of years. There are good pieces of generic advice out therem but for your particular situation, what works for one person may not work for you. Best to talk to your doctor about things before trying them. Generically speaking, splenda is a good substitute for sugar. I like coke zero more than diet coke. A(singular) sweet is ok for me once a week, just to stay feeling human and in control. I watched my sugars religiously twice a day for the first 3 years. Once the meds got tweeked, re-checks every 3 months, I went to once a day and now, once a week maybe. I can feel when the sugars drop. My 3 month glucose A1C's are at a perfect level now and I'm very stable. Again though, individuals are just that, individual. The best forum you have is your doctor. Best of luck with it.

sirsholly -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 6:25:57 AM)

Spices and extracts are awesome ways to spice up a bland meal. Cottage cheese with unsweetened pineapple and a few drops of Almond extract is awesome.

GYPSYMAMBO -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 6:29:40 AM)


I have TYPE 2 and my readings are now about 7 after a 100 lb weight loss.

1) eat 1 slice of brn. bread for every hour of hard work you will have to do( the extra carbs will be needed adn used)
2)keep Smarties on hand for an emergncey ;they enter the bloodstream the quickest when on a "low"
3)if you experience a fukked up day or afternoon think back 24 hours to what you were doing or eating..keep track and you will see what causes a lot of "stuff'
4)stress and lack of sleep are real hard on you
5) if you get a craving for a "baddie"..go get it and take one bite and throw it out
6) keep a big roaster of roasted veggies in the fridge and plan your meal around them
7)MRS DASH makes good seasonings
8)protein in the a.m. really helps the day
9)when eating out get a steak and veggies or a salad and baked potato NOT  EVERYTHING
10)Stevia(plant) is a good sweetner..in health stores..the dried leaves are better
11)keep a bowl or basket of snacks on the top shelf of fridge that features a good variety such as applesauce cups..fruit..nuts..cheese cubes...celery sticks..carrots..
12)make the presentation of your meal creative..fancy plate..goblets..take time to arrange and sit and honor your food..
don't just grab some bland crap and eat standing up
13)pay attention to your foot care( the circulation goes there first)..have good shoes sand watch for cuts etc)..
14)if your feet are cold...KODIAK makes great diabetic socks
that breathe
15)oatmeal cravings can mean your body is trying to balance out
16) the berry of the cedar( blue). and boiled rat root ( aboriginal cure)will level sugars
** from You Can Heal Your Life..Louise L HAYE

all will be well


Moonhead -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 6:38:35 AM)

I've got type 1, so most of my advice wouldn't be relevant as you're on a more tightly controlled regime, Steven.
One thing I would suggest is that you double check everything you're eating to make sure that it doesn't have sugar, or even worse that HFCS muck in it. I was appalled to find that a lot of the starchy foods diabetics are supposed to eat a lot of (pasta and bread in particular), are full of the stuff. They also add it to a lot of processed meat, and (I'm assuming) tinned food will be full of it. That's always loaded with sugar over here, and I'd imagine the situation's the same in the 'States.
£67 for a hundred testing strips? That's ridiculous.

GYPSYMAMBO -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 6:40:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: Moonhead
£67 for a hundred testing strips? That's ridiculous.

and TYPE 1's here(Canada) pay for their needles but ADDICTS get their's free..[:-]


DarkSteven -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 6:41:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Moonhead

the starchy foods diabetics are supposed to eat a lot of

Huh?  I'm keeping my carbs down to 45-60 grams per meal.  I've heard that diabetics need to carb limit but I've never heard that we should eat a lot of them.

Speaking of which, another tip - I use spaghetti squash in place of spaghetti for a really low carb meal - squash, tomato sauce, and cheese.

GYPSYMAMBO -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 6:54:50 AM)


Huh?  I'm keeping my carbs down to 45-60 grams per meal.  I've heard that diabetics need to carb limit but I've never heard that we should eat a lot of them.

carbs are "like" SUGAR!!!
 Starch  has long chains of GLUCOSE molecules
............you are right Steven .be careful..
.ppl think that white shit is the sugar...and thats all they cut out..
then go have pasta and have a 4 hr coma[:-]


DarkSteven -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 7:06:53 AM)

Thanks for confirming, GM.  The rules as I've been told are basically:

1. Minimize carbs to 45-60 grams per meal and 15-20 per snack.
2. Vegetables (except for potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, beans, and peas) - unlimited.
3. Salts and fats - minimize.
4. Whole grain is always better than refined.
5. Control portion sizes overall.

I've been eating pickles and nuts as snacks like crazy, as well as carrots.

CalifChick -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 7:30:11 AM)



8)protein in the a.m. really helps the day

When I had diabetes (before I started an insulin regimen and after as well), I had to have protein at every meal.  What else are you supposed to have in the morning if not protein?  What else is there?  Cereal, pancakes, and other typical "breakfast" foods are serious carb-bombs.



keep a bowl or basket of snacks on the top shelf of fridge that features a good variety such as applesauce cups..fruit..nuts..cheese cubes...celery sticks..carrots..

Wow, seriously?  Fruit affects everyone's blood sugar in different ways.  How about more protein sources in those handy snacks?  The only thing in the protein column in that list is the cheese.



What on earth does THAT mean??  Only sad people who don't let their feelings out get diabetes?  Surely I am misinterpreting that. 


Moonhead -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 8:03:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

Thanks for confirming, GM.  The rules as I've been told are basically:

1. Minimize carbs to 45-60 grams per meal and 15-20 per snack.
2. Vegetables (except for potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, beans, and peas) - unlimited.
3. Salts and fats - minimize.
4. Whole grain is always better than refined.
5. Control portion sizes overall.

I've been eating pickles and nuts as snacks like crazy, as well as carrots.

My mistake, Steven. As I said, it's a different regime for type 1 than type 2. If you're trying to control it just through your diet, you probably will need to cut down on the carbs a bit.

GYPSYMAMBO -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 11:28:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: CalifChick



8)protein in the a.m. really helps the day

When I had diabetes (before I started an insulin regimen and after as well), I had to have protein at every meal.  What else are you supposed to have in the morning if not protein?  What else is there?  Cereal, pancakes, and other typical "breakfast" foods are serious carb-bombs.
A.m. as in before lunch..so breakfast yes and also snack( and for some like me..in the night),,if you have one designed into your diet.
Also alluding to its helpfullness,,,as in it really helps..so DO IT



keep a bowl or basket of snacks on the top shelf of fridge that features a good variety such as applesauce cups..fruit..nuts..cheese cubes...celery sticks..carrots..

Wow, seriously?  Fruit affects everyone's blood sugar in different ways.  How about more protein sources in those handy snacks?  The only thing in the protein column in that list is the cheese.
NUTS are protein...and there are 2 veggies in the "bowl"...
so 2 proteins..2 fruits..2 veggies..( in my post)..your bowl would be adapted for you



What on earth does THAT mean??  Only sad people who don't let their feelings out get diabetes?  Surely I am misinterpreting that. 
It is from a book and you can take what you want and leave the rest.. it is simply info..for a wholistic view if one so desires to check it out


* responses in red to distinguish ,not as an anger color

CarrieO -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 11:47:58 AM)

I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes over 10 years ago. 
There are lots of food ideas and tips offered on various sites and in books...ADA http://www.diabetes.org/  is a good place to start but by no means the only place to look.

I use a combination of 2 medications, various supplements, diet, exrcise and lifestyle choices to maintain healthy glucose levels.  I take a good multi-vitamin, B-complex 100, Omega 3 supplement, Chromium GTF, Alpha-Lipoic Acid and a Blood Glucose Formula from Solaray that contains cinnamin bark, gymnema sylvestre and bitter melon among other herbs.  I have discussed this completely with my endrocrinologist who I see every 3-4 months for blood work.  I'm aware  many people aren't into taking supplements and dismiss them as nothing but a placebo, however I find they work for me.  My average A1C is usually around 5.8-6.0 and I attribute that to all I mentioned above.  http://forecast.diabetes.org/magazine/features/new-number

http://www.holisticonline.com/remedies/Diabetes/diabetes_herbs.htm  **Always discuss any herbs or supplements with your doctor**

One thing I can't stress enough is to pay attention to your feet.  High blood sugar can contribute to the development of neuropathy   http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/DM/pubs/neuropathies/  which can in turn lead to complications like foot ulcers, injuries and extreme cases of gangrene or even charcot foot ( which is something I've dealt with for over 5 years. After a foot brace and numerous surgeries to repair damage, I'm happy to say I am past this stage...both feet intact).  2 very good books on peripheral neuropathy are "Numb Toes and Aching Soles" and "Numb Toes and Other Woes" both by John A. Senneff. http://www.amazon.com/Numb-Toes-Aching-Soles-Peripheral/dp/0967110718

The complications of diabetes are usually the hardest thing to deal with, not the diabetes itself. 

How you handle stress  http://www.diabetes.org/living-with-diabetes/complications/stress.html  is another major factor in how you handle your dis-ease.  I've started to realize that I can't have toxic people in my life and too much drama leads to high glucose readings which does not contribute to a healthy Me.  This doesn't mean I ignore an opportunity to help other people, instead I do what I can then remember to also take care of Me.  Accupuncture, massage, meditation and other forms of relaxation are essential for me.

Proper diabetes care involves more than just choosing to eat healthy.  Remember...you're more than just your symptoms and you need to be treated as a whole person.

DarkSteven....Thanks for starting this thread and I hope others make use of it.  I will post more, eating/recipe wise, later but I'm glad you created a place for us kinky diabetics to vent (?) and offer advice.

Louve00 -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 12:52:21 PM)

I don't have diabetes, but when my sister was a diabetic I researched it alot for her.  She never listened to a word I said lol.  Sadly, though, (and not saying it was because she didn't listen to me, but she ate what she wanted to eat without giving her diabetes a second thought), and died a pretty young death from complications of diabetes.  I'm a bit of a supplement freak.  Everything Carrie mentioned above (supplement-wise) is what I've learned.  To it, I would also add L-Carnetine.  (And at GNC you can buy Alpha-Lipoic Acid with L-Carnetine in one bottle).  Cinnamon is also an excellent way to spice things up sweetly and helps regulate your blood sugar.  If you like tea, green tea is also very good.

Also, I would keep in mind...if you took all these supplements (or even some of them), ate foods with a low glycemic index, and got some exercise in, you should also be keeping a close watch on your blood sugar as it could be directly affected pretty quickly.

And Good Luck to you!!!  [sm=flowers.gif]

CarrieO -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 1:08:12 PM)


I'm so sorry to hear about your sister...like I said, the complications can be worse than the dis-ease itself.  She was fortunate to have your help and concern.

You're right about the use of Acetyl-L-Carnitine in conjunction with other supplements and/or medications.  The Alpha Lipolic Acid supplement I take also includes L-carnitine, which is good for the treatment of neuropathy... http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/28/1/89.full

The important thing to remember is the only advocate you, as the diabetic patient, can rely on is yourself.  It was because of my stubborn persistance that my foot problems (diabetic complication) were properly diagnoised and treated (kudos to my podiatrist/orthopedic surgeon who I have a mad crush on and he knows it).  It falls to you, the patient, to know as much as possible in order to aggressivly treat your diabetes.  Don't rely on your doctor to know everything and have all the answers. 

Knowledge is power!

barelynangel -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 1:12:04 PM)

i see a lot of talk about supplements here and vitamins -- if you haven't already check out puritan's pride online many times it has great sales like by 1 get 1 free or by 2 get three free as is going on now.  This really is a good deal and it seems to have a lot of supplements. 


sirsholly -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 1:17:52 PM)

Cayenne Capsules are outstanding  for the circulation. You can get them at any drug store, WalMart, etc....

angelikaJ -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 3:34:37 PM)

For diabetics that crave something sweet and can have self-control over moderation:

3 ingredient peanut butter cookies.

I cup peanut butter
I cup splenda for baking
1 egg

Pre-heat the oven to 350F

Combine the ingredients and mix untill smooth.

Drop spoonfuls onto a prepared cookie sheet and press down with a fork in the classic criss-cross pattern.

Bake for 8-10 minutes.
(The recipe calls for 6-8; I found they needed a little longer, but it might be my oven.)

windchymes -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 4:06:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

3. Cactus leaves are sold by Hispanics at flea markets.  I chop them up (after de-spining them) and use them in scrambled eggs.  I've found it kills my appetite.  I'll use them in tofu scramble and see how that goes.

Any other tips/suggestions?

It sure killed mine just now reading that. [;)]

Level -> RE: A thread for diabetics (10/31/2009 4:08:15 PM)

Carbohydrates, whether sugar, starch, whatever, all raise blood sugar.

If you're diabetic, your body already has a big problem in controlling blood sugar.

The fewer carbs you ingest, the less stress on your body, and the easier it is to control blood sugar.

SOME people, not all, see a rise in blood sugar if they eat a LARGE amount of protein. This must be determined on an individual basis. However, there are a number of doctors that I have a huge amount of respect for that say this is not able to happen, that there must be something else occuring in the body. I don't know.

Fat is your friend. Animal fat, not trans-fat, not fat concocted in a lab. Fat, in the absence of carbs, will NOT make you fat, nor will it kill you. Will. Not.

Read Diabetes Solution, by Dr Richard Bernstein, and Good Calories, Bad Calories, by Gary Taubes. Open your eyes, change your life, and kick diabetes in the nuts.

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