RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (Full Version)

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rulemylife -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 10:24:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Then please start an independent thread to so. Doing it here will only cloud the issue.

Let's keep this about head to head examples of Fox vs. liberal bias in the Times, CNN and NPR.

No offense intended MM, I wasn't trying to derail your topic, only to point out that those who scream the loudest and the most frequently about "liberal media bias" never can come up with specific examples. 

Except Dan Rather, who is now their poster child.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 10:25:34 AM)

There is no completely unbiased source of news.

The problem is when any source truly believes it is "unbiased", and either will not entertain the possibility that they do indeed have biases, or when they will not admit that they have biases, due to their desire to further their own agenda, then the fact of hubris and deception enter into the equation.

In the free market of ideas the best protection for society is competing sources of news and information, which disagree with one another, and therefore open up the possibility of the "truth" to being revealed through the conflict of ideas.

Fox has never made a secret of the fact that they generally support ideals and people who have a certain mindset. Many of the other "mainstream media", on the other hand, attempt to portray themselves as without bias or agenda.

Fox's "Fair and Balanced" is a sarcastic and pointed reminder to the discerning public that this is not true.

You might consider re-reading this thread:

Why Most Journalist are Democrats


rulemylife -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 10:37:05 AM)



Fox has never made a secret of the fact that they generally support ideals and people who have a certain mindset. Many of the other "mainstream media", on the other hand, attempt to portray themselves as without bias or agenda.

Fox's "Fair and Balanced" is a sarcastic and pointed reminder to the discerning public that this is not true.

So, what you are saying is all news is biased and instead of trying to find an unbiased source you are going to listen to the source that most closely aligns with your own bias.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 11:45:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife



Fox has never made a secret of the fact that they generally support ideals and people who have a certain mindset. Many of the other "mainstream media", on the other hand, attempt to portray themselves as without bias or agenda.

Fox's "Fair and Balanced" is a sarcastic and pointed reminder to the discerning public that this is not true.

So, what you are saying is all news is biased and instead of trying to find an unbiased source you are going to listen to the source that most closely aligns with your own bias.

And more to the point, he's acknowledging that Fox is lying when they claim to be fair and balanced. It's just a marketing slogan.

Sanity -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 11:56:28 AM)

All these strawmen being put up makes for such a very festive Halloween here today... [;)]


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda


ORIGINAL: rulemylife



Fox has never made a secret of the fact that they generally support ideals and people who have a certain mindset. Many of the other "mainstream media", on the other hand, attempt to portray themselves as without bias or agenda.

Fox's "Fair and Balanced" is a sarcastic and pointed reminder to the discerning public that this is not true.

So, what you are saying is all news is biased and instead of trying to find an unbiased source you are going to listen to the source that most closely aligns with your own bias.

And more to the point, he's acknowledging that Fox is lying when they claim to be fair and balanced. It's just a marketing slogan.

SpinnerofTales -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 12:06:47 PM)


All these strawmen being put up makes for such a very festive Halloween here today...

And all the bullshit being spread about how Fox is unbiased news will help the crops grow in the springtime.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 12:10:39 PM)



All these strawmen being put up makes for such a very festive Halloween here today... [;)]


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda


ORIGINAL: rulemylife



Fox has never made a secret of the fact that they generally support ideals and people who have a certain mindset. Many of the other "mainstream media", on the other hand, attempt to portray themselves as without bias or agenda.

Fox's "Fair and Balanced" is a sarcastic and pointed reminder to the discerning public that this is not true.

So, what you are saying is all news is biased and instead of trying to find an unbiased source you are going to listen to the source that most closely aligns with your own bias.

And more to the point, he's acknowledging that Fox is lying when they claim to be fair and balanced. It's just a marketing slogan.

The subject of the thread is the objectivity of Fox news, and Firm has admitted that when Fox news calls itself "fair and balanced" they don't really mean it. How that could be any more on topic is a mystery to me. But no thread would be complete without you whining about "strawmen," in spite of the fact that you clearly have no clue what the definition is.

And, of course, no thread would be complete without you whining that people are either picking on you or trying to silence you, so I suppose here's your chance to get that one out of the way too.

TheHeretic -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 12:17:54 PM)


SpinnerofTales -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 12:20:14 PM)


And, of course, no thread would be complete without you whining that people are either picking on you or trying to silence you, so I suppose here's your chance to get that one out of the way too. ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda

The problem is it NEVER gets out of the way. If paranoia and self pity were money, he'd consider Bill Gates "middle class"

TheHeretic -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 12:22:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife
No offense intended MM, I wasn't trying to derail your topic, only to point out that those who scream the loudest and the most frequently about "liberal media bias" never can come up with specific examples

Except Dan Rather, who is now their poster child.

Yet another lie, RML

one of the better examples of mainstream liberal bias was the years of coverage about the homeless before the drug/alcohol/mental illness element was brought into the discussion

Why do you do this? 

DomImus -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 12:28:51 PM)

I don't trust any single news source to be totally balanced and unbiased all of the time. I never have. That's why I check all of them to try to get a mix of news. There are always stories that don't get reported on Fox that CNN will cover and vice versa or if they are covered by both they each sometimes put their own slant on the story. Hearing it from more than one source usually yields a broader picture. Fox can be biased and unbalanced at times. Anyone who thinks The New York Times, CNN, and NPR always tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth needs to pull their head out of.... the sand.

DomKen -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 1:13:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic
one of the better examples of mainstream liberal bias was the years of coverage about the homeless before the drug/alcohol/mental illness element was brought into the discussion


TheHeretic -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 1:28:35 PM)




ORIGINAL: TheHeretic
one of the better examples of mainstream liberal bias was the years of coverage about the homeless before the drug/alcohol/mental illness element was brought into the discussion


This work for you?

You could also read Bernard Goldberg's book, Bias: A CBS insider exposes how the media distort the news.  He cites the years of pretense about the primary causes of homelessness quite well.

tazzygirl -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 1:30:24 PM)

Personally, i have issues with book sources.  They all want to sell a book.

Im confused by your post in relation to the site.  Are you suggesting that the deregulation of mental health added nothing to the problems of homelessness?

Musicmystery -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 1:48:40 PM)


OK, let's focus here....

I think everyone agrees that news should come from more than one source, and that news organizations can't literally be without bias (but can strive for it). Further, at least most seem to agree that Fox is not "fair and balanced," but rather sees itself as presenting bias to balance what it perceives as other bias.


I keep getting Times and NPR sources (the bulk of my news, along with some BBC and Canada's "As it Happens"; other sources are sought when relevant for particular reasons) dismissed as "liberal bias." Honestly, I'm just not seeing it. I can fault them at times for poor investigation or sloppy writing, but since I write professionally, I'm critical of writing period, and these faults are across news agencies (ABC/CBS/NBC turned to fluff years ago) and in the case of the Times and NPR, across the board, not targeted at any particular content or viewpoints.

In short--I'm just not seeing the pattern of liberal bias, a bias so consistent that people insist these sources are unreliable.

I'm asking for specific examples, please. Head to head stories, your reliable source next to the Times/NPR/CNN story.

Thank you.

TheHeretic -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 2:47:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

Personally, i have issues with book sources.  They all want to sell a book.

Im confused by your post in relation to the site.  Are you suggesting that the deregulation of mental health added nothing to the problems of homelessness?

Tazzy, that subject takes us in an entirely different sort of direction.  Forcing treatment upon the mentally ill, particularly those who pose no significant danger to themselves or others, is something I have strong feelings about, and oppose.  It is also a question I have been forced to deal with in my own family relationships, so the typical liberal argument of "what if it was your brother" might not net the answer a knee-jerk liberal asking such a question might expect.

If you wish to go there, do feel free to start a separate thread.  I'll participate, as other activities today permit.

tazzygirl -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 2:51:20 PM)

Im actually surprised you consider me knee-jerk liberal.  As with all things political, i do believe some changes were needed.  However, i do feel they went too far.  If you wish to start another thread, then do so, but my opinion is that the mentally ill do account for a large amount of the homeless.

TheHeretic -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 2:52:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

Im actually surprised you consider me knee-jerk liberal.  As with all things political, i do believe some changes were needed.  However, i do feel they went too far.  If you wish to start another thread, then do so, but my opinion is that the mentally ill do account for a large amount of the homeless.

I wasn't suggesting that you were, Tazzy, but the subject has come up before, and the pattern is fairly predictable.

tazzygirl -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 2:55:36 PM)

OK.. consider me lost.. and im gonna take my ball and play else where till people can actually talk too each other and not at.

DomKen -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (10/31/2009 3:02:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic




ORIGINAL: TheHeretic
one of the better examples of mainstream liberal bias was the years of coverage about the homeless before the drug/alcohol/mental illness element was brought into the discussion


This work for you?

You could also read Bernard Goldberg's book, Bias: A CBS insider exposes how the media distort the news.  He cites the years of pretense about the primary causes of homelessness quite well.

If the book is as FoS as the editorial I'll skip it. The fact is that long before 1989, the date of this editorial, I had heard from main stream media sources that homelessness was a complicated matter including mental illness and substance abuse. As a matter of fact I assumed your source was going to try and spin the cutting of federal funding for mental institutions under Regan as having no effect on homelessness. Of course the editorial conveniently ignores that fact. Strange that the well documented cause of the upswing in homelessness from the mid to late 80's was not even mentioned. Almost biased you could say.

As an aside I liked how the author tried to make mental illness into a personal failing of the victim and therefore not something that society as a whole should deal with. You can always count on the WSJ.

BTW the linked article is not the source of the quote I requested.

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