RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (Full Version)

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Moonhead -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 8:47:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

No baiting at all. A simple request for the evidence.

Here's one story, here's the biased one. Specific examples.

Fox/other source -- Times/NPR.

Fair/balanced news -- liberal bias.

That's it.

"Bait" was the wrong expression to use. Mea culpa.

willbeurdaddy -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 8:47:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

And where was Fox when the gays marched.. right outside their window?  Where was Fox and their support of constitutional rights?

Their is no constitutional right to free publicity. It wasn't newsworthy, period.

Musicmystery -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 8:47:32 AM)


CNN aired a quote that Rush never said that paints him as racist.

I admit I'm out of touch with TV news---haven't had one for years.

What did the Times/NPR report?

What did FOX report?

Musicmystery -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 8:48:54 AM)

To recap for the new page:


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

I only went back 15 pages, but the posts' assertions were repetitive, so I'll just offer that much--here are links to just a few people's claims that the media holds a "liberal bias":


Most of these offer no proof at all, just repeating the presumption of "liberal bias."

Only three do:

One offers a youtube link as "proof."

Two offer links to studies as if a fait accompli with no discussion or explanation, just blindly accepting the conclusions (important because studies conflict all the time--the methodology is important...ironically, one of these posters even makes that point while ignoring it himself), all based on singular analysis, not comparing story to story.

None offer any head to head comparisons of stories.

ALL OF THEM treat Internet portals as "news sources," including the studies. None of them seriously address the Times or NPR.

I don't want to speak for anyone else, nor jump to conclusions, but I think people could be forgiven for observing:

1) none of these posters have actually examined the Times or NPR, and instead are making or repeating an assumption
2) none of these posters, who see themselves as savvy critical readers, seriously consider whether their "news" sources are indeed professional news organizations, rather than Internet sources with the goal of increased Internet traffic, not news
3) any debate regarding "liberal bias" quickly turns to red herrings, usually that nothing is unbiased
4) a lot of the discussion deals with columnists/opinion shows, not news

And most important---

The burden of proof rests with the person making the claim. So far, we have absolutely no hard evidence (and mostly no evidence at all).

Head to head stories, please:

Your relatively reliable source's story next to the liberally biased story in the Times/NPR.

The floor is open. Again, I'm honestly asking. Please show me.

I'll add that, as I mentioned earlier, I have no trouble with the assertion that TV news long ago turned to mere fluff, not news.

TheHeretic -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 9:30:10 AM)

Are you still tweaking over your little obstacle course here, Tim?  What is the point?  Bias is going to be in the eye of the beholder, anyway.  It's a word choice, or a decision of who gets interviewed, or what page the story runs on.  You aren't even setting it up to compare like with like.  The NYT and Fox do completely different things, in completely different media.  Are you figuring to establish something with your rigged game?

Here's a challenge back at you.  Read this article from the NYT, and explain why a news piece on a "minor official's" resignation requires a diversion into (failed) efforts to boycott a Fox News program.

Musicmystery -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 9:33:16 AM)

I'm still waiting for one single fricking example of news story to news story bias.

Otherwise, dismissing a story for bias is irrational. If it's there, show it to me.

Five pages and not a single story to story example. Ridicule all you want, Rich--what we have is a complete lack of evidence.

What's it gonna take?

Evidence. Ya got it, show it.

Criticism of coverage depth doesn't do it either. Much more is going to be covered on every story in the Times than on Fox, for example, because that's what a major newspaper does (and has room to do).

Balanced story / biased story. All the Internet, not one example.

I should be doing the ridicule. Examples. Specific instances. Show me.

mnottertail -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 9:36:38 AM)

It doesn't diverge into any failed effort to boycott a fox news program.

Do you think that audacity in claims are equivalent to veracity, Rich?


TheHeretic -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 9:57:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

It doesn't diverge into any failed effort to boycott a fox news program.

Do you think that audacity in claims are equivalent to veracity, Rich?


Chief among those keeping the story alive was Glenn Beck, the conservative host of a Fox News Channel program. Mr. Beck began criticizing Mr. Jones in July, first in segments on his syndicated talk radio show and then, on July 23, on his Fox News program, said Christopher Balfe, the president of Mr. Beck’s production company.
Mr. Beck, who regularly draws almost three million viewers on Fox News, called Mr. Jones a “communist-anarchist radical.” A few days later, Mr. Beck called Mr. Obama a racist on a Fox News show, leading Color of Change, an activist group co-founded by Mr. Jones four years ago, to call on Mr. Beck’s advertisers to stop sponsoring his television program. Color of Change says Mr. Jones is no longer affiliated with the group.
Mr. Balfe emphasized that Mr. Beck had spoken about Mr. Jones’s background before Color of Change “began targeting Glenn.” In a statement Sunday, Mr. Beck said that Americans had demanded answers about Mr. Jones, but that “instead of providing them, the administration had Jones resign under cover of darkness.”
As the advertiser campaign heightened, Mr. Beck devoted more time to Mr. Jones’s past remarks. Dozens of advertisers issued statements to distance themselves from Mr. Beck’s show in the past month, but Fox said no revenue had been lost.
Funny how people on all sides of link will make claims about what a link says, or doesn't say, Ron...

mnottertail -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 10:05:15 AM)

It states facts, does not pontificate on any failed attempts to boycott by anyone...

I can read english, but for the moment Rich, If we were to consider it background on some of the why and wherefores that we are here (in relation to the articles reporting) *AND SINCE A WHOLE BUNCH OF PEOPLE HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE OF THE GOINGS ON REGARDING FOX COMMENTARY SINCE THEY EITHER SAW IT ONCE BRIEFLY and turned away from it like vomit, or NEVER SAW THE THING AT ALL........

You are imputing motive to the article that is not there. It is a blow by blow of the fight to date and what is occurring is that this is the guy behind the 'Administrations harangue' on Fox News, and it is
*AS CONSERVATIVES AND LIBERALS HAVE BOTH AGREED* a liability to the administration to fight with, what is the counter example of this article on FOX?


rulemylife -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 10:07:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Are you still tweaking over your little obstacle course here, Tim?  What is the point?  Bias is going to be in the eye of the beholder, anyway. 

The point is you and some others on here have been pissing and moaning about how biased the liberal media is.

I can sit down right now and give you examples in the other direction.

So maybe it is time to put up or shut up.

Moonhead -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 10:13:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Mr. Beck, who regularly draws almost three million viewers on Fox News, called Mr. Jones a “communist-anarchist radical.”

Does somebody who can't tell the difference between a communist and an anarchist have any business broadcasting as a news pundit in the first place?

TheHeretic -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 11:02:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: Moonhead


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Mr. Beck, who regularly draws almost three million viewers on Fox News, called Mr. Jones a “communist-anarchist radical.”

Does somebody who can't tell the difference between a communist and an anarchist have any business broadcasting as a news pundit in the first place?

Freedom of speech is a rare and precious thing, Moon, but not without some annoying side-effects. 

Moonhead -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 11:13:31 AM)

A good point, well made.
I still find the spectacle of somebody that clueless talking about politics on the telly a bit worrying, though.

Sanity -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 11:42:09 AM)

Politico seems to go back and forth sometimes, heres a little nugget from the Newsbusters website which disusses a Politico article about this mornings Sunday talk show guests:



You don't suppose Politico's pic picks might be revealing its biases, do you? Let's break it down . . .

Lieberman, a moderate Dem who's been a thorn in Obama's side, endorsing McCain and opposing the public option, is portrayed in what might generously be called a neutral manner.  Rush is seen from about 80 pounds ago with an angry look.  And David Plouffe, architect of Barack Obama's winning campaign?  Well, he's shown with a winsome smile that would make women want to hug him and men have him out for a beer.

Pure Politico coincidence, no doubt.

The Politico article itself:

Moonhead -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 11:45:04 AM)

Right. So in order to be unbiased and impartial they should have a photo of Plouffe with jowls and a bald patch?

Sanity -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 12:05:40 PM)

The bias doesn't require a trained eye to see it, it only requires a small degree of intelectual honesty.


ORIGINAL: Moonhead

Right. So in order to be unbiased and impartial they should have a photo of Plouffe with jowls and a bald patch?

Moonhead -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 12:13:51 PM)

The fact that Plouffe's thirty years younger than the other two lads isn't an issue then?

Musicmystery -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 12:24:02 PM)


OK. I can see this is going to go downhill fast.

Here's what I'm seeing/suspecting about the Run-of-the-Mill-Liberal-Bias-Proclaimer:

*People unhappy that news coverage didn't reflect their agendas denounced "liberal bias" in the media.
*It suited the Bias-Proclaimer-Posters' purposes, so they just accepted this as true.
*Once objections were raised, Proclaimers were told that studies proved this. Without questioning which sources were examined or how bias was determined, the conclusions were accepted as established fact.
*Bias-Proclaimers are making no distinction between Internet feed and actual news organizations.
*A great deal of the "news" debate is actually about columnists, commentators, talk show hosts and opinion shows, none of which are actual news, and all of which are fair game for biased views, by definition.
*Programmed to this mindset, Bias-Proclaimers view all incoming news through this distorted lens.
*Despite dismissing them out of hand, most Bias-Proclaimers seem to have no familiarity with either the NY Times or NPR.
*Asked to provide balanced reporting against biased reporting examples in the Times/NPR, Bias-Proclaimers are unable to do so.

I had thought there'd be a barrage of finger-pointing at links, not a total washout.

Nor is this any fishing expedition. Such thorough and blatant bias should be readily apparent. Even a quick glance at Fox's site shows it's a mouthpiece for Republican news, with a Conservative talk show host's uninvestigated opinion as one of the top "news" stories. A quick glance at the NY Times or NPR sites shows an array of world and national news, the emphasis on national events, with perhaps greater than average coverage of the arts. [To be fair, a quick glance at CNN's site shows a confused mess of fluff.]

So here we are. No evidence. Complete inability to put story against story to illustrate the bias.

Nor am I condemning anyone--just pointing out the unsupported blind spot.

I turn to the NY Times and NPR because they provide generally reliable and broad-based coverage--as the evidence (reading/listening) shows.

Now, if someone says "I want my news slanted right, so I get the talking points from Fox," well, fine. That's at least honest, even while admitting its deliberately slanted takes on the "news." But to dismiss Times/NPR stories as inherent "liberal bias" is unsupported--and untrue.

rulemylife -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 1:33:42 PM)



The bias doesn't require a trained eye to see it, it only requires a small degree of intelectual honesty.


ORIGINAL: Moonhead

Right. So in order to be unbiased and impartial they should have a photo of Plouffe with jowls and a bald patch?

Then point it out, so we can all be as intellectually honest as you Sanity.

Moonhead -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/1/2009 1:42:13 PM)

I wouldn't have said it was an unflattering picture of Leiberman, come to that: if nothing else, he has a better tie than Limbaugh.

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