RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (Full Version)

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xBullx -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 10:29:42 AM)

-fast repy-

And yes 11, us kids that have deverted from the OP will move along...

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 10:30:06 AM)



Deleted before XI tells us to move along. See I'm a GOOD girl [:)]

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 11:14:05 AM)

stating your opinion my dear is just fine and dandy, and i even if i were to agree or disagree with you, its still your opinion to say what you want.

but yes, i am truely a whinny needy little bitch slut who really likes act as if nobody has ever had this problem before. i'm just so weak and scared....i really just want a gorilla-esque dom who likes to try assert his psuedo authority on message boards and takes immature shots at the OP and the intelligent contibuters to a post. I REALLY would want a dom who apparent never learned to read for actual content since i asked why some doms act like 5 year olds who need their blanket and a sippy cup when they are rejected or somebody says they disagree with their opinions. it would be really nice if he could tell me to cover up my feet, simply because it displeases him. after all, its only his opinion that matters. and i swear- i would just cum right through my panties if, while commenting on how much of a needy slut i appeared to be, along with how ugly my feet are, he would call the world we live in superfical, which really is a contradiction of his opinion, and makes him sound like he's talking out of his bum.

tell me, is that you? are you that dom?

sadly enough, i really have to thank you. if it were not for you, i'd have to go through the trouble of finding an example in my inbox of what i was talking about. we are all sooooo lucky- you came to us!

thank you for your dumb, arrogant, nonsensical opinion- this post wouldn't have been complete without you.

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 11:29:17 AM)

in the event somebody reads this- i did not ask, "why dp i get these types of messages?" or anything like it. i asked is there any reason why some doms want to act like children.

thats all i needed to know.

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 11:30:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum

in the event somebody reads this- i did not ask, "why dp i get these types of messages?" or anything like it. i asked is there any reason why some doms want to act like children.

thats all i needed to know.

Oh that's simple, because they are and school is out/it's the weekend lol

MasterSean69 -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 11:34:01 AM)

I must a agree with JBGolden and Acer49

Some people just use the word "Master" to try to lure women into their disrespectful, degrading and incomprehensible world.   Just understand some MEN just can't accept the word "No"!!!! 

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 11:42:19 AM)

lol i've noticed.

imo, a D/s relationship is STILL a relationship. it needs to nutured and cared for just like any living thing.

nothing can really be accomplished with the "hey bitch i own your ass now" approach

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 11:45:22 AM)


nothing can really be accomplished with the "hey bitch i own your ass now" approach

Oh I disagree completely, it can be good for a long laugh and a bit of mindfuckery.

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 11:45:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum

i apologize- i might not have written this as clear as i could have. i was simply wondering if there was some sort of weird reason why some doms insist on acting like spoiled children who don't get their way. it was totally over my head in that sense. it has nothing to do with my age or insecurities that i may or may not have about my role as a domme. i frequently go to live BDSM events and its rare when a dom behaves like this in person, unless he is being a drunken idiot. but thanks for all the advice and input!

I'm a Dom.  As such, I resent you calling those idiots Doms.

To sum up your posts... the online guys who claim to be Doms and don't read profiles are idiots.

There are "men" who never grew up.  They figure if they call themselves Doms that women will fall all over them.  So they try it.

You've got some pretty pictures.  So the idiots think that if they come on strong to you, that you'll melt into a little gooey puddle of submissiveness.

Then they post here complaining that submissives don't treat them with proper respect.  Next time we all beat up on some Lord UberDom who whines about not getting kneeled to properly online, we'll letcha join in.

isnt it hilariously ironic that i was called a whiney bitch in this post?

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 11:50:02 AM)

well with everybody saying i shouldnt let it get to me-- i honestly do laugh at those or bitch the hell out of them, depending on my mood.

this was just a question that popped into my head after reading one of those messages. i

MsMillgrove -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 11:54:25 AM)

What made me laugh the hardest in this thread was a big Bull man commenting on the appropriateness of lime green pedi polish--claiming, "it's not your color". Wow, that's so Not a guy thing. Makes me wonder what color Bull puts on his own toenails?

MsM wanders away, chuckling, to check her mail where there will likely be a note from another of the many male doms who write, begging her to subdue him and help him explore his sub side.

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 11:55:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum

well with everybody saying i shouldnt let it get to me-- i honestly do laugh at those or bitch the hell out of them, depending on my mood.

this was just a question that popped into my head after reading one of those messages. i

*nods* It can be a very good way of getting rid of a bad mood, followed by blocking the fucktard of course

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 12:08:02 PM)


greatest response to his comment.

anything else make you laugh?

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 12:12:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth

*nods* It can be a very good way of getting rid of a bad mood, followed by blocking the fucktard of course

agreed. i typically say at the end, "with that said- i think i shall block you now."

Zevar -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 12:16:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum

as stated in the subject, i'm a mistress and, dispite my age, have been in the BDSM scene for quite a few years. to make absolutely sure i was a domme, even though i have been dominate since i could interact with others, i tried to play submissive in a relationship. it didn't last long since i was lying to myself about my role in a relationship. i haven't looked back since.

anyway, lately,(or since i joined collarme last year) i have been approached in some of the most disgusting, degrading, and overall foul ways that i could imagine by male doms. even though it says DOMINATE in my profile, all of us have encountered fakes and liars, so i don't completely fault them. but when i tell these doms “i'm happy in my position, so i have to say no to us getting together in that way, but thanks for your interest and good luck!”, i am disrespected and bitched at by those trying to “help” me realized my true self. i have even had to block certain people and had to go so far as to report them for threats and harassment.

i dont think all of you are evil (lol), but i'm not really understanding whats going on here. can somebody shed some thoughtful and helpful insight?

seriously, those of you who are legit are getting a bad rep because of these people.

Greetings Asylum:

To begin not all definitions of terms are at all times uniformly shared as perhaps you might well know. As far as your questioning why certain comments have been made by others toward you here on this site is not a question that anyone has a specific answer to. There is not anyway that a certain answer can be determined why certain individuals, men and women, behave in ways that are less than respectful without asking them directly.

Clearly the human condition is not always expressed in ways that might be viewed as acceptable. While to others certain comments and mannerism might be viewed as simply differently expressed and not offensive at all.

In the nutshell, offline and online it is certainly appropiate to adhere to personal guidelines or otherwise boundaries which each individual enforces in their own way. When it comes to online here at CM one can always utilize the blocking feature provided to deal with the unwanted rude and disrespectful self appointed know it all ones who are found to be otherwise rude and altogether unacceptable.

Perhaps a solution is simply making a choice of click - click - click. YES indeed You could always choose to block the foolishness and move on with your precious time and living life as it works for you, regardless of what others might say.

Do take good care of you. Don't fret the small stuff of the online foolishness else you might become distracted thus unintentionally forget to define that which is of real importance in living fully on your journey.

Fail-safe remedy: Don’t hesitate to click BLOCK when required. Settled and solved, IMO!

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 12:20:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth

*nods* It can be a very good way of getting rid of a bad mood, followed by blocking the fucktard of course

agreed. i typically say at the end, "with that said- i think i shall block you now."

Oh wow you are far more polite than I am lol. Kudos to you for your restraint.

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 12:24:23 PM)

um....thanks...but i wasnt asking it just for me. plenty of people had this problem before.

and yes, the blocking feature. handy little option there. but i spoke of an incident where blocking wasnt enough.

i dont have any of my personal info posted here, or any other website, even including my school's online system. and NOBODY here knows my real name.

thanks for your input though!

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 12:28:06 PM)

thanks hun.

i never see it as being polite- its more of " i'm too old to be engaged in conversation with somebody acting this young".

but imagine if that was said to you. its not very nice then. lol

DarkSteven -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 12:42:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum

i apologize- i might not have written this as clear as i could have. i was simply wondering if there was some sort of weird reason why some doms insist on acting like spoiled children who don't get their way. it was totally over my head in that sense. it has nothing to do with my age or insecurities that i may or may not have about my role as a domme. i frequently go to live BDSM events and its rare when a dom behaves like this in person, unless he is being a drunken idiot. but thanks for all the advice and input!

I'm a Dom.  As such, I resent you calling those idiots Doms.

To sum up your posts... the online guys who claim to be Doms and don't read profiles are idiots.

There are "men" who never grew up.  They figure if they call themselves Doms that women will fall all over them.  So they try it.

You've got some pretty pictures.  So the idiots think that if they come on strong to you, that you'll melt into a little gooey puddle of submissiveness.

Then they post here complaining that submissives don't treat them with proper respect.  Next time we all beat up on some Lord UberDom who whines about not getting kneeled to properly online, we'll letcha join in.

isnt it hilariously ironic that i was called a whiney bitch in this post?

Nope.  I never did.

I stated that the pseudoDoms whine, and did not use the word "bitch" anywhere.

Zevar -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 12:43:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum

um....thanks...but i wasnt asking it just for me. plenty of people had this problem before.

and yes, the blocking feature. handy little option there. but i spoke of an incident where blocking wasnt enough.

i dont have any of my personal info posted here, or any other website, even including my school's online system. and NOBODY here knows my real name.

thanks for your input though!

Greetings again Asylum:

Thank you for the clarity. I agree with you that in certain instances the blocking feature to not be enough of a remedy to disengage otherwise unsolicited contact. I speak from personal experience.

When blocking is not enough is when other remedies can be utilized, i.e. Law Enforcement which does tend to be an excellent resource when or if legitimately required.

Take good care of you.

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