RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (Full Version)

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zephyroftheNorth -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 12:45:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum

thanks hun.

i never see it as being polite- its more of " i'm too old to be engaged in conversation with somebody acting this young".

but imagine if that was said to you. its not very nice then. lol

Agreed, that's where block and delete come in. You know I like you, you have a good head on your shoulders [:)]

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 12:54:59 PM)

not you hun. the man who has "bull" in his name.

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 12:56:15 PM)

You mean the one who is actually about the size of a calf?

DarkSteven -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 12:57:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum

not you hun. the man who has "bull" in his name.

Gotcha.  It was my post you quoted, so I assumed you referred to that.

She called me 'hun".  [:)]

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 1:03:17 PM)


zephyroftheNorth -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 1:05:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum


seriously, that's an old pic taken from a misleading angle. He's not that big

DesFIP -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 1:09:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: DarkSteven


ORIGINAL: LanceHughes

DarkSteven: are you going to enter the McGuyver contest at Sanctuary this Saturday?

Huh?  What McGuyver contest?  Is that where Doms use duct tape, dental floss, and a pair of old shoes to make a full dungeon complete with St. Andrews cross?

I attend the Enclave... never been to the Sanctuary.  But Sanctuary much for the invitation...

barelynangel -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 1:09:57 PM)

FR to OP -- You will always find validation from the peanut gallery on an anonymous public message board, which is seems like why you decided to post this, either that or it was to whine about reactions people were having to your profile and you shrugging saying what did i do, or you simply wanted to drive people to your profile and the way you worded your op stands to reason that people would go read your profile before responding.

Personally,  i would chalk any dom who posted this type of thread especially as their first post as a dom who was whiny and instead of bring in control was more reactionary to people than a Dom should be, just as i wouldn't respect a dom who had a profile like yours because its trying to hard and seems desperate.  But i also have very high expectations of Doms whether they are Men or Women.

All in all, you have accomplished what it seems you wanted, you have had people browse your profile, and i would guess some even contacted you privately to speak about people who are being mean to you on the boards, i say you have found validation from miscellaneous nicknames who don't know you at all, and you have got to show how dom you are by some of your responses.  So all in all, i would say it was a good day for you. 

I have read your profile and personally, the way it comes across you are insecure and trying too hard in your profile and in some of your responses on the thread.  Your inclusion of every possible way for someone ANYONE to contact you screams to me of desperation and it honestly astonishes me that you weren't expecting people to give you what you are seeking by doing so -- attention from anyone and everyone who takes your including every possible way to contact you -- livejournal, myspace, your website, and utube seriously screams to me a slut not a Mistress who has pride and enjoys control (because one would presume a Mistress would want to control who has access to her in the venues in her life). 

But my favorite is your Amazon wish list, so not only do you put out a desperate air by posting every possible way for any Tom, Dick, or Harry to have access to you, but you pretty much prostitute yourself publically with no regard for yourself in that you are appearing publically to be NON-SELECTIVE and you even state that in your journal.

You may not like what i have said here but it appears your profile is that of a little slut on many levels if you look at what you have written, rather than a Dom who is proud of herself and who she is and because of same has a concept of self-respect.  Your profile reflects to me the 19 year old girl who wrote it who wants to be a dom when she grows up.  I am not saying you won't become one but your profile to me screams you have no self-respect and are desperate for attention from anyone who gives it and that to me would draw the unwantables to respond to you.  Your post here shows even more you aren't in control but are instead responsive. 

So that could be why you are getting the responses to your profile you are instead of the ones you want.  As you indicated there will always be undesireables, but maybe you should ask yourself what you are actually portraying.

But on a public message board you will always find someone to validate you, i would be very sure whether or not you feel validated by anonymous names on a message board within 10 posts from you.  You want to know why some men respond as they have, by reading your profile i would say you completely portray a needy, desperate slutty type who protitutes herself by indicating she can be bought) and who settles for anyone who will give her attention and isn't here to be a Dom but simply wants attention from anyone who will give it to you.  Otherwise, one would think you would be a little more selective on any and all people having access to all things about you until such time you have spoken to them one on one and gotten to know them.   Maybe your motive is to drive people to all your places you listed. 

All in all, i would chalk a guy who posted a profile such as yours as more of a submissive, needy, slutty guy than a Dom who was in control of himself and respected himself.  Doms whether they are men or women who are sure of themselves, selective of who they give their time to because they DO respect themselves and who aren't desperate to me have profiles that portray such.  Yours to me does not and that is why you are getting overloaded with every tom, dick, and harry, because that's who you are asking for to contact you.

If you want respect in general and have those you seek responding to you as a majority rather than a minority, you at least have to portray you respect yourself, and to me, your profile doesn't do that.


Lashra -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 2:19:15 PM)

You will get a lot of these types of responses just because you are female. I just ignore them because if they are to dumb to read my profile then why should I bother with them?

Just a thought I read your profile and it does not sound like a confident, secure, mature woman, it sounds more like someone who is conceded and selfish. Now that may appeal to some, but others will have a problem with it (I don't I could care less). In fact some may see it as a challenge and hence the reason why you are getting some of the messages that you are.

Good luck,

MsMillgrove -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 5:36:35 PM)

I don't understand the harsh critics of the profile. i didn't see anyone acting slutty. When i check the live journal--lady says she is pro domme and also into financial domination. IT's all up front. She's completely honest.

I cannot tell you the horror stories from subs here, even those who've been on CM a longtime--who have been sucked in by seemingly compassionate, hot, caring mistresses. Thru lengthy email exchange.
Then. the move to camera.
And finally.. the mistress says, I will show myself to you too, but first please send your credit card info to this site. or pay my PayPal account x money.

This a driven a few good men I know here wild, really hurt them. As the scam stayed very smooth for quite a while.. no sign of it.. then they were devastated.

Where are those ladies? I wish i could direct this hostility over their way where it's deserved.

Our poster here is a nineteen year old, hard-working, full time job holder and a college student, too. She seems to be very typical to many pro dommes i know. That's why she mentions "travelling to you." That's why she says "service". Lot of younger pro dommes do feel they are acting sometimes as a service top. For pay. Because they want both experience and money. What's wrong with that. Nothing. Could we lighten this a bit.

(and as usual i can't seem to figure who I am replying to.. so please.. just consider a general comment. not personal to anyone. thanks)

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 5:57:12 PM)

like i said BEFORE and i shall say AGAIN:

i wanted to know about the thoughts behind the doms who so that. I could really care less about what somebody may think of me. You can make all the assumptions you want- you are well within your rights. But in the end, I don't know you, you dont know me- what i wrote on my profile is really of no relation to what i had asked before. now, with my wishlist being your favourite- cute. As anybody should know and do( and to others reading this, i suggest you take the advice), the address is a P.O. Box with just my first name, located in a city west of mine. there are exactly 24 other boxes with that as the P.O box owners first name.

anybody can put out how they appear publicly. it is a different matter when you get to know the person. i had not edited my profile since i had joined. my numeric age has nothing to do with anything. some people can not reach any level of maturity until they are well into their adult years.

and forgive me if i would like to interact with people who had put their opinions on this board. It is in my opinion that you learn things about people that you cross paths with, whether you feel good, bad, or indifferent about it. so i'm not going to portray myself as an arrogant bitch who is oblivious to those around her. If thats what being a dominate REALLY boils down to, maybe i am in the wrong role. But i beg to differ.

i joined in january of this year, and this is the first time i have posted anything on a message board, so if i had wanted attention, i probably would have posted things here a long time ago. I am selective of who i talk to, be it throuh my fault that i have been so lazy as to not even bother to modify my profile, thats not the true subject at hand.

So i say again for those who insist on bringing up what i am potraying, how i look, or how immature you claim me to be, how i am some type of self-dillute slut, or whatever other nonsense you want to have spew out of your mature, all knowing, what i-claim-to-be-as-opinion-is-what i-feel-is-fact minds:


i did not ask your critique of my profile, i wasn't playing the victim- which is the vibe that i am getting. this was not a "oh, woe is me, somebody pity me!! feel sorry for me!!!" personally, i would think it would be dumb to simply post " why are male doms dumbasses/dumb fuck/ idiots" as i saw some people post on this and other forums. so sorry that i gave some background info and at least tried to give everybody a clear understand as to what i was trying to ask. but clearly, that doesn't matter- nobody seems to read things completely anymore. my mistake for thinking that most people have enough intelligence to do that.

but thanks Lashra( the above post wasnt directed at you) and everybody else who kindly mentioned that my profile may contribute to my problem. You see? Those posts actually came with solutions- NOT AN ATTACK ON WHO I AM.

xBullx -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 6:05:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum

stating your opinion my dear is just fine and dandy, and i even if i were to agree or disagree with you, its still your opinion to say what you want.

Thanks, I was aware of as much.


but yes, i am truely a whinny needy little bitch slut who really likes act as if nobody has ever had this problem before.

My point exactly


i really just want a gorilla-esque dom who likes to try assert his psuedo authority on message boards and takes immature shots at the OP and the intelligent contibuters to a post.

By intelligent it seems you mean those folks that agree with you or pile on against my points in support of you. So that seems a bit skewed at best.


I REALLY would want a dom who apparent never learned to read for actual content since i asked why some doms act like 5 year olds who need their blanket and a sippy cup when they are rejected or somebody says they disagree with their opinions. it would be really nice if he could tell me to cover up my feet, simply because it displeases him. after all, its only his opinion that matters. and i swear- i would just cum right through my panties if, while commenting on how much of a needy slut i appeared to be, along with how ugly my feet are, he would call the world we live in superfical, which really is a contradiction of his opinion, and makes him sound like he's talking out of his bum.

I read this entire section of your post and the word intelligent never once seemed to support your cause.

Concurrently I don't believe I called your feet ugly, but I'll differ to your assessment. As far as the superficial comment goes, perhaps a class on reader comprehension might help you, just a little. My comment was intended to be sarcastic, and not towards you in general.


tell me, is that you? are you that dom?

Not even if I was in the market...


sadly enough, i really have to thank you. if it were not for you, i'd have to go through the trouble of finding an example in my inbox of what i was talking about. we are all sooooo lucky- you came to us!

You are most welcome...


thank you for your dumb, arrogant, nonsensical opinion- this post wouldn't have been complete without you.

Just because you didn't like my answer doesn't make your comments here accurate. You asked, I answered.

I still stand by my opinions. But good luck too you.

xBullx -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 6:07:47 PM)

Yeah I'm about 5 foot tall and weigh about 125 pounds...

And just what do camera angles say about your pictures girlie?


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum


seriously, that's an old pic taken from a misleading angle. He's not that big

Lucienne -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 6:14:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: barelynangel

You may not like what i have said here but it appears your profile is that of a little slut on many levels if you look at what you have written, rather than a Dom who is proud of herself and who she is and because of same has a concept of self-respect.  Your profile reflects to me the 19 year old girl who wrote it who wants to be a dom when she grows up

She's young. And she's being as honest as she can be. I can buy that she doesn't come across as the most "in control" dominant, but the slut shaming is out of line.

Lucienne -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 6:16:22 PM)



Yeah I'm about 5 foot tall and weigh about 125 pounds...

And just what do camera angles say about your pictures girlie?


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum


seriously, that's an old pic taken from a misleading angle. He's not that big

I have no idea what you look like in real life, but your picture is taken from the real estate - make it look bigger than it really is- angle.

DesFIP -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 6:17:21 PM)



I'm not resolute; I'm simply an asshole...

Fixed your signature line.

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 6:17:59 PM)

sacrasm my dear.


and same goes to you- your opinions are just that: OPINIONS. being a hypocrite isnt becoming on ANY level.

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 6:20:04 PM)

it feels like i'm expected to have come out the womb perfect in the dominate sense.

what would be the point? we are humans- our purpose is to grow.

i could be wrong though.

Lucienne -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 6:29:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum

it feels like i'm expected to have come out the womb perfect in the dominate sense.

what would be the point? we are humans- our purpose is to grow.

i could be wrong though.

I don't think it's that at all. I think certain people seek to crush female dominant impulses in their infancy. (Again, it's "dominant" not "dominate"). And, again, fuck those people. Be the person you want to be.

barelynangel -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 7:00:01 PM)

I was not what did you call it Lucienne slut-shaming her lol why would any woman be ashamed of slut?  i was calling it like i see it. Funny lol you are coming across as if you think YOUR perception is MORE lol why because you are who exactly?    However, my PERCEPTION of her profile showed me she is more slut than Domme.  So no it wasn't out of line it was MY perception of her profile on a BDSM site where slut and slutty  ISN"T a bad word last i checked.  

If she doesn't like it, i am sure she is capable of disregarding any and all offerings of people's perceptions she doesn't enjoy and bask in others.  Its a necessary evil that people won't always tell you what you want to hear on a public message board when you whine about someone not doing something you want them too, in this case she can't figure out the thinking of why Doms are contacting her treating her in the way they are.   In the end, no matter what, it comes down to many times their perception of her profile.  I mean even she has said its MORE than the average undesireables the average woman gets on sites like this.   

Lucienne, ironic isn't it,  you have a wrong perception of what i wrote because of your take on the use of the word slut because her profile to me is slutty when i was not saying slut in a bad way at all.  See how perceptions can go either way as to what the writer intended?  Imagine people MISTAKING AND MIS PERCEIVING her profile -- go figure, you have shown how things get misperceived very easily by your response to my stating her profile comes across slutty and protrays her in a way many women who thrive in random attention due to being a slut do. 

Asylum, you have now claimed our purpose is to grow, perhaps instead of being defensive in this thread you look at it as RANDOM comments from RANDOM people who have viewed your profile and RESPONDED to your initial OP.  Just like people who message you or forgo messaging you when they view your profile.  No one here has anything to gain or lose by responding to you as to their perception of your profile.  Which could also be used as to why people are messaging you like they are.  So really, perhaps even the posts you don't like have some insight you may want to reflect on, not everything in life comes wrapped in a pretty bow. 

Its up to you what you choose to take from people's posts.  But be sure if you negate a post you are doing so because there is nothing for you in it, not because it hurt your feelings.  Becuase sometimes in life, the best advice is usually advice that comes along with a kick in the ass.   Your profile is reflecting different things to different people EVEN on this thread, therefore you can bet its reflecting the same thing that is happening with people who are simply viewing your profile and opting to message you or not. 

You have my honest opinion of your profile and an explanation on why i could see idiots contacting you and indirectly or even directly on how people due to perception can see why you are getting the messages you are from people.  But you don't want to see that, you want to see it as being mean and judging you.  

Good luck.  You also have to realize that i would say 60% of people respond to pictures without reading a word.  Therefore, perhaps you should also look at your pictures to determine whether or not people aren't seeing your FEMALE DOMINANT label but see something in your pictures.  Yeah its not right or fair, but it is life -- people see you before they hear you.  And many people don't stop to listen.


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