RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (Full Version)

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Lucienne -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 7:15:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: barelynangel

I was not what did you call it Lucienne slut-shaming her lol why would any woman be ashamed of slut?  i was calling it like i see it. Funny lol you are coming across as if you think YOUR perception is MORE lol why because you are who exactly?    However, my PERCEPTION of her profile showed me she is more slut than Domme.  So no it wasn't out of line it was MY perception of her profile on a BDSM site where slut and slutty  ISN"T a bad word last i checked.  

Lucienne, ironic isn't it,  you have a wrong perception of what i wrote because of your take on the use of the word slut because her profile to me is slutty when i was not saying slut in a bad way at all.  See how perceptions can go either way as to what the writer intended?  Imagine people MISTAKING AND MIS PERCEIVING her profile -- go figure, you have shown how things get misperceived very easily by your response to my stating her profile comes across slutty and protrays her in a way many women who thrive in random attention due to being a slut do. 

Good luck.  You also have to realize that i would say 60% of people respond to pictures without reading a word.  Therefore, perhaps you should also look at your pictures to determine whether or not people aren't seeing your FEMALE DOMINANT label but see something in your pictures.  Yeah its not right or fair, but it is life -- people see you before they hear you.  And many people don't stop to listen.


Um... you've done a really shitty job of representing "slut" as something other than negative.

And, speaking of pictures, your avatar is about 100lbs less than you, right? So, maybe, I don't know, you might show some humility criticizing people who show real pictures of themselves rather than putting out pictures that give a completely erroneous impression of their physique? Just an idea I had. Call me crazy.

barelynangel -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 7:22:35 PM)

blinks umm bursts out laughing the avatar isn't even me - and umm dear, i never said the avatar WAS me, and while i am overweight and out of shape i would say 100 lbs is overmuch. So your attempt is to what?   YOU SERIOUSLY have such a bad idea of of the word slut that you think someone saying slutty pics are BAD.  Lucienne are you so blind you don't SEE what i am telling her based on how pictures can be PERCEIVED?  How the hell did perception of slutty pics come to be about some chick trying to shame another female about weight?   Umm Lucienne and before you say i have this avatar to attract people, umm well see i have my profile off because i am NOT looking for anything at the moment.  So sorry to burst your bubble, but i simply like the pic and it reminds me of when i was a slave and yes i LIKE looking at it lol.  Please be more mature than to resort to trying to say something about a female's weight beause you think its cool.

But i am not against slutty pictures lol SO ANOTHER miscalcuation on your part.   I actually ENJOY her pics but yeah Lucienne some pics are considered sluttyish even if they look good.  You aren'[t that naive to believe they aren't considered same. 

So do you want to relax or keep putting your foot in your mouth.   


Lucienne -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 7:35:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: barelynangel

blinks umm bursts out laughing the avatar isn't even me - and umm dear, i never said the avatar WAS me, and while i am overweight and out of shape i would say 100 lbs is overmuch.  Wow, Lucienne i didn't know you were the desperate type.   But i am not against slutty pictures lol SO ANOTHER miscalcuation on your part.  PSST, next time you should check to make sure the avatar is actually a picture of someone or simply an avatar lol.   grins and Lucienne, before you guestimate someone is faking a picture based on weight, you really should check your facts first.  That was really pathetic and sad on your part Lucienne.  

I actually ENJOY her pics but yeah Lucienne some pics are considered sluttyish even if they look good.  You aren'[t that naive to believe they aren't considered same. 

So do you want to relax or keep putting your foot in your mouth.   


Well, no, dear... I knew that your avatar was not a picture of you. But it is actively slutty. And... it's not you. So I'm amused that you, who uses a slutty skinny spread eagle pic that isn't even you for your avatar, would comment that someone else's pic was slutty. I think you're projecting.

barelynangel -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 7:46:38 PM)

i know i reedited my former post.  So you know its not me but yet you imply i am somehow using it to what exactly, to portray myself now?  Are you serious?  I have said that pic looks like me when i was a slave, it does, when i first posted it people who know what i look like actually asked me if that was me.   But she's spread eagle lol?   Damn i must be getting old cause that is in no way spread eagle in that avatar.   

But i guess people just can't use a pic in an avatar because they think its sexy and utterly yummy to look at.  Sorry i really don't see the significance you seem to put on it.

You are funny i mean seriously i am amused.  YES isn't that pic delightfully slutty.   And i find it awesome which is why i choose it.  However, i ALSO have slutty pics of myself as well as having BEEN a slut most of my life with MEN, and yeah i kind know how they respond to same.  Which is why i also commented to the OP.  

So i am not sure what you think my motive is for having that avatar, i simply LIKE it.  You are the one who says i am trying to do something with it lol maybe YOU are projecting because all that thought you put into guessing why i have it is way beyond my simply hitting click cause well i liked the pic lol its slutty and yummy. Seriously Lucienne way to much thought on your part here lol.

So what's next i am Gorean so that somehow will be something you try and use because i used the words slutty and slut to the OP because that's what i perceived in her profile based on how it was listed? 


Lucienne -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 8:06:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: barelynangel 

So i am not sure what you think my motive is for having that avatar, i simply LIKE it.  You are the one who says i am trying to do something with it lol maybe YOU are projecting.

Ok. Your incidental use of an avatar that conforms to traditional notions of sexy more than your actual body does is purely coincidental.


So what's next i am Gorean so that somehow will be something you try and use because i used the words slutty and slut to the OP because that's what i perceived in her profile based on how it was listed? 


I'm not even tracking you anymore. I go out of my way not to be familiar with the ways of the Goreans. I don't see any "next." I disagree with your assessment of the OP's profile as slutty. And I disagree that you've presented "slut" as value neutral.  That's about it.

barelynangel -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 8:25:36 PM)

Umm Lucienne, i don't really have no clue about the thought process you are putting in an AVATAR, way more than what i did when i browsed through the avatars and clicked on one that i thought was sexy and yummy to look at - actually this is my third avatar pic since i hid my profile and my picture went off the boards.  Damn i didn't know i was trying to SAY something with my avatar. 

grins ahhh you aren't looking for the next thing.  Nice to know, i would never have guess it.

grins you can disagree all you wish Lucienne but it seems awfully personal -- i mean you attacked my AVATAR lol.  Sorry for laughing but i just don't get your focus on that? Maybe i don't give it as much significance as you do. 

anyway, glad to know you just disagree lol. 


AnnaOfAramis -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 8:28:48 PM)

~FR to no one in particular~

Just following the tail end of this thread, and wanted to say that it seems to me the term "slut" is being misunderstood. When a woman is trying to display herself to make herself seem attractive- whether it is in angel's avatar or the OP's profile pictures etc. - it comes across as displaying a need to be found attractive (usually by men, but not always). This need is by nature a form of dependency and to many reads as submissive or slave nature. This doesn't mean at all that anyone who does so IS submissive or slave generally, just that particular behavior is. People are made up of many behaviors some of which are dominant and some submissive. Which way people lean predominantly depends on the balance of these characteristics. So, when people say they see a "needy slut" in some of those images, I don't see it as a put-down, and I do see what they mean. If the picture is sexually provocative then it is expressing a need to be found attractive, which to many reads as slave/submissive. Someone who is dominant, doesn't depend on others for their opinion, they make their own way. I don't see projecting sexuality, or seeming slutty, as bad at all; it's simply a matter of what message you are trying to convey. If it doesn't match with what you are trying to portray, it may confuse people looking at the profile and get unwanted responses.


Lucienne -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 8:46:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: barelynangel

Umm Lucienne, i don't really have no clue about the thought process you are putting in an AVATAR, way more than what i did when i browsed through the avatars and clicked on one that i thought was sexy and yummy to look at - actually this is my third avatar pic since i hid my profile and my picture went off the boards.  Damn i didn't know i was trying to SAY something with my avatar. 

I don't think you know what "avatar" means.

Lucienne -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 8:50:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: AnnaOfAramis
. So, when people say they see a "needy slut" in some of those images, I don't see it as a put-down, and I do see what they mean. If the picture is sexually provocative then it is expressing a need to be found attractive, which to many reads as slave/submissive. Someone who is dominant, doesn't depend on others for their opinion, they make their own way.

I respectfully disagree. "Needy slut," as used by the first poster to use those words, was very much meant as an insult. And the idea that a dominant doesn't expect others to find them sexy through presentation is transparently silly,

barelynangel -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 8:55:16 PM)

laughs i guess not, but i will leave the obsessing about my avatar to you lol.

Lucienne -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 9:02:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: barelynangel

laughs i guess not, but i will leave the obsessing about my avatar to you lol.

I guess that's one way to look at it.

RapierFugue -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 9:11:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth
Pay no attention OP he sees needy sluts everywhere [8|]

And there was me thinking there'd never be a decent sequel to "The Sixth Sense".

<fx: feverish screenplay writing>

However I do suspect the OP is either trolling, desperate for attention, or dumber than a box of rocks. I mean, how may active brain cells does it require to answer said question?  More like an explanation is that the OP wanted to have a moan about getting a few cmails from idiots.  Fine, not a problem, except … take a ticket and wait in line.

And the “seriously, those of you who are legit are getting a bad rep because of these people.” line is simply too daft to be taken seriously.  I find myself asking what the actual point of the post was.

I’ve just realised I’ve managed, yet again, to disagree with both sides of an argument. It’s a bloody gift I tell you [;)]

MissAsylum -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 9:40:35 PM)

congratulations...i suppose.

wasn't really aware that it took tons to effort to remain essentially neutral in a post.

only a few things to say: i'm not trolling,desperate for attention, or as you put it, "dumber than a box of rocks".

that last one made me laugh a bit- haven't heard it in awhile.

and for the seemingly 9th or 10th time(seriously, i'm not a person who gets off hearing myself talk in the figurative sense)


thats it.

i'm not complaining about getting a few emails- that is rediculous.
and really, why would i bother taking a ticket? i used this forum exactly what it was for.

TO EVERYONE: positive or negative, i got plenty of information on what i asked. mission accomplished-one way or another.

AND WITH THE WHOLE "SLUT" ISSUE- use the word how you want - but for me personally, i cannot take that word as a compliment when by definition, it means "immoral or unclean". or by the true meaning- which is the matted, coarse, urine soaked hair from the underside of a sheep that is ofetn discarded.

but thats just me.

LadySweetOrSour -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/15/2009 9:51:56 PM)

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I LOVE sluts.

RapierFugue -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/16/2009 2:51:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum

That's about as tricky to answer as the one about why some people bother to post in CAPS when attempting to patronise others.

I.e. “not very”.

I maintain you weren't asking a question, nor were you attempting to spark debate, other than insofar as it allowed you to continue whining.

Anyway, I've said my peace so you're welcome to continue to your heart's content.

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/16/2009 4:09:11 AM)



Yeah I'm about 5 foot tall and weigh about 125 pounds...

And just what do camera angles say about your pictures girlie?


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum


seriously, that's an old pic taken from a misleading angle. He's not that big

They say that I use a CURRENT picture of myself. Judging by the pics of you and ishy, yours is just a tad out-of-date and aren't nearly as tall as the pic you use implies. Just sayin....

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/16/2009 4:16:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth
Pay no attention OP he sees needy sluts everywhere [8|]

And there was me thinking there'd never be a decent sequel to "The Sixth Sense".

<fx: feverish screenplay writing>

However I do suspect the OP is either trolling, desperate for attention, or dumber than a box of rocks. I mean, how may active brain cells does it require to answer said question?  More like an explanation is that the OP wanted to have a moan about getting a few cmails from idiots.  Fine, not a problem, except … take a ticket and wait in line.

And the “seriously, those of you who are legit are getting a bad rep because of these people.” line is simply too daft to be taken seriously.  I find myself asking what the actual point of the post was.

I’ve just realised I’ve managed, yet again, to disagree with both sides of an argument. It’s a bloody gift I tell you [;)]

LOL that could work. Do me a favor and let me see the screenplay when you're done, it could be my ticket to fame.

RapierFugue -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/16/2009 5:06:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth
Pay no attention OP he sees needy sluts everywhere [8|]

And there was me thinking there'd never be a decent sequel to "The Sixth Sense".

<fx: feverish screenplay writing>

LOL that could work. Do me a favor and let me see the screenplay when you're done, it could be my ticket to fame.

No biggie [:D]

Working title: "The 69th Sense - He Sees Slutty People!"

Mind you, given the titles some porn companies use, I wouldn't be surprised if someone's already made a film with that title. My favourite is "Thighs Wide Open", which is a work of genius (I've never seen the film, but it's the titles I love), as is "Shaving Ryan's Privates" - a title later copied by, of all people, Family Guy.

xBullx -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/16/2009 5:27:59 AM)

You know little lady, instead of trying to defend comments, actions or practices that got you into this less than heartwarming “discussion” maybe you should actually do some soul searching, or perhaps a bit of what you claim you came here to do and learn a little bit about life and maybe yourself. Lessons aren’t always safe, supportive, easy to take or from friends.

Now if you really hope to impress random strangers that you are what you hope to project yourself to be; take a look at the profiles and observe the actions of a few of the respectable dominant female types around here. To help you I’ll name a few that even garner my respect: let’s see, there’s LaTigress, Kimveri, Lady Pact, Lashra, Sylverdawn, AAkasha,MistressDread, LadyHibiscus and a good number of others.

Now no one’s saying you have to act or be just like any of the above mentioned to garner respect, but if you hope to eliminate the eye rolls and controversy I suggest you examine their examples.

Now you reacted and persist to behave just as I suspected you would. Not that that is a bad thing, but it was expected. In life we generally get the reactions we provoke, that’s most likely why you get the mail you do. Sometimes people are just out to incite a reaction as I have done here or inadvertently, as I suspect you have done with your profile and your comments here.

So stop playing the victim, it’s not very becoming of a “dominate” (your word I believe). And you’re welcome to ask around beyond your little support group here and you’ll discover, while I can be a hard ass, crude and overly direct, I seldom miss my mark and do mean well in an ogrely sort of way.

Thanks for the fun and good luck to you …

xBullx -> RE: a question from a Mistress to an intelligent and polite Master. (11/16/2009 5:34:28 AM)

Shhhhh, you're beginning to come off as petty and starved for attention.

My pic is me and it conveys exactly what I want it too. You're welcome to look past it if you are not impressed.

Now run along...


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth



Yeah I'm about 5 foot tall and weigh about 125 pounds...

And just what do camera angles say about your pictures girlie?


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth


ORIGINAL: MissAsylum


seriously, that's an old pic taken from a misleading angle. He's not that big

They say that I use a CURRENT picture of myself. Judging by the pics of you and ishy, yours is just a tad out-of-date and aren't nearly as tall as the pic you use implies. Just sayin....

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