Too Far? (Full Version)

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Jeffff -> Too Far? (1/12/2010 9:24:24 AM)

It may be obvious that this was brought on by another thread. Is there really such a thing as too far when it comes to humor?

Monty Python comes to mind, "twit of the year race". Isn't that making fun of mentally handicapped? Am I the only one who laughed  when I saw it the first time?

Is there a line to be crossed? If so who decides?


SL4V3M4YB3 -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 9:40:22 AM)

Interesting question to a point. I noticed the other thread and consider holocaust jokes crossing the line. Whenever real suffering (not just of the initial victims but also their families) is involved then it personally for me is going too far to joke about it. I wouldn't joke about 911, I've been told a few and moments after the actual event people were swapping animated texts on their phones but I never found any of it funny.

Whenever you can get someone else to laugh then that is the only real definition of humour that counts I suppose but people are obviously not going to share certain tastes in humour. On the other hand it don't take much to make one other person laugh, it's not the height of intellect if that person is predisposed to laughing about a subject because of their pre-existing bigotry.

LadyEllen -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 9:44:37 AM)

it was "upper class twit of the year" Jeffff. the object of humour was the British upper class, not the handicapped (although those centuries of inbreeding must have taken a toll).

and yes there is a line to be crossed; genocide falls way over that line because it should never be minimised as we might minimise other difficult subjects through humour. not because of sensitivity towards the Jewish people necessarily, but that is in itself a good thing perhaps, but because if we choose to minimise such a horror through humour then we tend to see it as less real, less serious and less horrific. and once that perception occurs, alike with desensitisation, we step a little closer to repeating history.

sounds crazy? maybe it is, but the guys and gals who perpetrated this horror were not that different to you and me. they were not monsters, just ordinary people who were encouraged into it all. it can happen here, unless each of us knows and understands and feels it.


kittinSol -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 9:47:47 AM)

Humour is about context. Jews can laugh at themselves because in Jewish culture, humour's a coping strategy. It's an established tradition to use antisemitism as an avenue to deflate it and reduce it to something we can cope with.

Example: "During the days of oppression and poverty of the Russian shtetls, one village had a rumour going around: a Christian girl was found murdered near their village. Fearing a pogrom, they gathered at the synagogue. Suddenly, the rabbi came running up, and cried, "Wonderful news! The murdered girl was Jewish!"

There is a tenuous difference though between humour and crassness. What we witnessed on the other thread you so discreetly refer to was crassness, not humour.

If a joke goes down badly, it's a civilised thing to apologise, or to stop. It's not cool to hammer people with yet more shit that comes from the same sewer - makes the jokesters look like they're socially inadequate and that they can't read social signs. Sad.

They have the right to act like cretins; it doesn't follow that they should be revered for being buffoons. If I find something funny, I will laugh. If I think someone's being a complete ass, making puerile and pathetic jokes about something they obviously have no understanding of, I will be outspoken about it.

So, sue me.

Just for you :-) : "A Catholic priest said to a rabbi: "It seems to me that, since the Creator made pork, He must have made it for some purpose. Therefore, it must be a sin not to use it, don't you think? So, will you finally eat some pork?"
The rabbi replied, "I will try some — at your wedding, Father."

sexyred1 -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 10:21:12 AM)



It may be obvious that this was brought on by another thread. Is there really such a thing as too far when it comes to humor?

Monty Python comes to mind, "twit of the year race". Isn't that making fun of mentally handicapped? Am I the only one who laughed  when I saw it the first time?

Is there a line to be crossed? If so who decides?


Humor is subjective and like kittin said, it is all about context.

The better your sense of humor, the ability to laugh at yourself and the more intelligent you are, the broader your base of humor will be.

I guess it gets prickly when it hits a sore spot, like anti semitism (it's ok if I call myself a JAP or make a joke but not when someone assumes all Jewish women are brainless JAP's for example) or if you make fun of a physical or mental deformity in someone or worse, their kids.

On these boards, we run the gamut on humor from juvenile to sarcastic to high brow.

I guess post what you want but be prepared for someone, somewhere to get pissed off.

LillyoftheVally -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 10:26:39 AM)



it was "upper class twit of the year" Jeffff. the object of humour was the British upper class, not the handicapped (although those centuries of inbreeding must have taken a toll).

Yup, pretty accurate too. [:D]

I think there are lines, and as KS said different folks have different lines. I cant remember the comedian who said it, something like the best joke is one where you laugh instantly then gasp, I think that can be true.

xxblushesxx -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 10:30:28 AM)



It may be obvious that this was brought on by another thread. Is there really such a thing as too far when it comes to humor?

Monty Python comes to mind, "twit of the year race". Isn't that making fun of mentally handicapped? Am I the only one who laughed  when I saw it the first time?

Is there a line to be crossed? If so who decides?


Ask your friend the Domi one! [sm=modxiiswatching.gif]

Jeffff -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 10:31:26 AM)

Thats kind of my point. It is ok to make fun of handicapped people as long as they are  the elite?

Or it is ok to use mental illness to make fun of the elite?

This is just one example, off the top of my pointed head.


edited because I type like a retard?..:)

LillyoftheVally -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 10:33:54 AM)



Thats kind of my point. It is ok to make fun of handicapped people as long as they are the elite?

Or it is ok to use mental illness to make fun of the elite?

This is just one example, off the top of my pointed head.

I don't see it that way, I think it is simply taking the piss out of the elite, the accent the put on walks the general stupidity, I really don't see it as being about those with mental illness or learning difficulties.

However I do see your point in other context's and generally I don't find things like that particularly funny.

Jeffff -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 10:35:35 AM)

And I find almost anything funny. Sacred cows make me, uncomfortable.


pahunkboy -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 10:38:23 AM)

I don't know.  I worked with the MR/MH in group homes.  I never seen what you are referring to.

Many of these residents are delightful- and would not hurt a fly.

I seen one just last week- he perked up when he seen me.  Immediately recognized me and said a hello happy as can be.   He manages to see the humor of our world.

I went there to teach- and was amazed at how some things I was taught.

Then there is the topic of alshiemers and dementia.

-- to that I say- be careful who you mock in life.  For their lot-  may become your lot in life.

I doubt I would watch a program that was like that. 

......Not that one can never poke fun- but just know when to say when....  (my 2 cents)

persephonee -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 10:40:13 AM)



And I find almost anything funny. Sacred cows make me, uncomfortable.



Jeffff -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 10:43:53 AM)

I am not saying I don't understand when people get offended... I think we all rationalize what we find funny.

All those Michael Jackson jokes didn't get spread because no one laughed. Nor the Catholic priest jokes. Yet there is nothing really funny about diddling an alter boy, is there.


ElectraGlide -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 10:53:08 AM)

I never liked making fun of handicapped people. I would like to give Eunice Kennedy Shriver a high five for helping create The Special Olympics. What a great idea it is, she could have a family reunion at the same time with that messed up Kennedy Clan.

kittinSol -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 10:55:48 AM)



Sacred cows make me, uncomfortable.

Stupid cows make me feel the same way [8D] .

It's not that the Holocaust is a 'sacred cow', like the Pope, or Jesus. It's that it was a uniquely horrible event.

VirginPotty -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 10:57:10 AM)

Some people deal with tragedy by ill attempts at humor. 
In the case of the "Holocaust" thread, IMHO it was just mean.

DCWoody -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 11:27:05 AM)

Edit: No worries I got a PM about it, apparently some words aren't allowed regardless of context, don't remember reading that anywhere but oh well.

So a third attempt at an answer: IMO no there is no line in general.....however on this board the mods can of course enforce anything they like, and there seem to be some rather tough restrictions.

Jeffff -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 11:28:57 AM)

I imagine you'll be hearing from someone...:)


ModeratorSixteen -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 11:29:54 AM)

You have been told,you just haven't looked yet.

xxblushesxx -> RE: Too Far? (1/12/2010 11:33:46 AM)

Hey! Where's the Mod XVI is watching icon/smiley thingy?

I can't find it...[:o]

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