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RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal

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RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 4:12:14 PM   

Posts: 1397
Joined: 2/15/2008
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ORIGINAL: NihilusZero

I'm really getting a bit confused. I mean...when I've written someone or when someone writes me, the first thing I do (or perhaps the second if I write a quick reply first) is look at their profile and see what I do and don't like about it. Doesn't everyone do that anyhow? Surely, we don't all play 'birthday surprise' games with ourselves and intentionally refrain from looking at the profile because we only want to learn of this person through individual messages...right?

So, what's the problem? The fact that the words "Look at my profile" are actually written rather than passively implied? Especially since we were going to do it anyway?

I think the point is that a lot of spammers, people with no interest in or compatibilty with you, specifically, send these notes out that just say, "Look at my profile." You go and look at it and find they like almost everything you dislike and they dislike almost everything you like and they have life situations or interests or beliefs or whatever it is that you could never encompass and that your profile says you could never encompass. They have absolutely no interest in you, they didn't even bother read your profile, or they would not have written you...or written you that.

Multiply that by 100s, and you tell me why a person you write would respond positively toward your "Look at my profile" when the other 99 "Look at my profiles" they got have been like getting spam mail with random URLs in them. They only beat spam mail because you can't get a trojan from looking at someone's profile. People, being pattern-recognition animals, quickly assoicate "look at my profile" in an email with "someone's randomly spamming me." So even if your profile says it all, you usually have to go a little bit further to let someone know that this isn't another spam mail. No, it doesn't have to extend to flowery flattery. Something honest like, "I read your profile. I liked what I saw. I think we might be compatible. Have a look at mine, and if you agree, please write me back" should do. At very least it should get your profile read--whether she agrees with you about the compatibility is more chancy, so it's best if you're really interested in someone to make it less so by pointing out one or two strong compatibilities. I personally go a lot further on the rare occasion I'm moved to write someone, but that's fairly natural for someone who identifies as I do.

I don't see anything wrong or unnatural with a dominant flattering a submissive whose profile grabs them, particularly if it really grabs them. Files and honey, bait and hooks, catching more. Making personal contacts is a lot like hunting, and there's nothing shameful about being a good hunter, particularly if you're dominant. It's just a tool you can use to get what you want: some initial contact with someone who appeals to you. Once the contact has been established, once the hook's in place, you don't need to do the flattery much anymore, particularly if you've correctly assessed your target as not one of those that's in it for the ego boost.


"A friend who bleeds is better" --placebo

"How seldom we recognize the sound when the bolt of our fate slides home." --thomas harris

(in reply to NihilusZero)
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RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 4:22:44 PM   

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i like to pick out a few points from their profiles or journals and point out in mine where thee match

i also like pick something from their profile and give it a humorous twist, and the goose doesn't hurt

but the ones that are into this deep and dark really respond favorably, they are the ones i seek and i write for them

anyway i only write 4 , 5 sentences doing it


all around nice guy and creative misogynist

i'm not very skilled so i just hit harder

i want a woman to make into the woman she never wanted to become

(in reply to CaringandReal)
Profile   Post #: 122
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 4:34:48 PM   

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Seriously, so what? So you got e-mails from people who agree with you. Guess what, I get them all the time too. That doesn't make any point of view right or wrong. I bet you could make a thread spouting some racist crap and you'd still get some supporters in private. It's pretty easy to agree with something when no one else is looking.

it may have helped me find what i am looking for, we shall see

osf, honestly, you are really annoying the crap of me with this thread. you think everyone here is really dumb with the exception of you and the goose.

We are not dumb. We know what you are doing. it is boring. Your smugness is boring. Sometimes you come up with a funny gem, but mostly you come here to crow about how your methods are working and we all inadvertantly helped you without our consent.

The only ones who DO not get what you are doing, are those women who are writing you in "support".

Support of what? Of the hard time you are receiving out here on the bad forums? These women who write you and say that don't like posting here. Why not? If someone is afraid to post here then I feel sorry for them and if they flock like geese to you, then you are perfect for each other.

But please osf, get honest with yourself and everyone else. You post for attention, not for discussion or insight. And the ladies or gents who write you are feeling bad for a phantom.

(in reply to osf)
Profile   Post #: 123
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 4:41:44 PM   

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But please osf, get honest with yourself and everyone else. You post for attention, not for discussion or insight. And the ladies or gents who write you are feeling bad for a phantom.

red, i've admitted as much quite a few times , it's nothing new

and arn't we all here trying to do what's in our self interest , i never said anything different

and as for the posting, i actually hear that from some women and got permission from one to post her letter without her name

and i have posted some very informative threads to which i believe you contributed

ya know red for some reason i like you, i doubt we could ever be together, but i like you


all around nice guy and creative misogynist

i'm not very skilled so i just hit harder

i want a woman to make into the woman she never wanted to become

(in reply to sexyred1)
Profile   Post #: 124
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 4:43:06 PM   

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If it was me as the Dom, I'd either pass it by figuring we weren't compatible or I'd like to get to know her more and write to her about something maybe I found in her profile or forum postings.

Ya don't like the person's profile..move on. There's plenty of others.

(in reply to WyldHrt)
Profile   Post #: 125
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 4:48:12 PM   

Posts: 32566
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ORIGINAL: NihilusZero



In other words, since the information is already available, you're not willing to make more of an investment? 

When you write a profile or journal entry, you are talking to the masses in a certain extent.  None of it is particularly communicating with the person you are contacting.  They are forms of one way communication and not necessarily interaction.  Not to mention, profiles and journals, in general, are only a written form of what you think.  There's very little on how that applies to someone else, or how someone else meshes with those ideas.  It's more like handing someone a script and telling them they are reading for a particular part.

I see where you're coming from, but this seems kind of...silly. I get that people want to feel special and like they're being given special effort, but it seems to me that two people either are or aren't compatible regardless of whether he writes an entirely job-specific resume just for one person or refers to one that should already have all the pertinent data the other person might need.

Not saying that doing something specific just for a person won't boost your just seems like it boosts your chances simply on the fact that it's flattery.

I suppose I'm seeing it something like this:

Over the course of the last three years, I've written My opinion on so many different subjects on CM that it would be very difficult to actually find one that hasn't come up before.  Darn near every question that has crossed My email has also probably come up in some thread or another.  On most occasions, I could reference someone to a thread to address what they want to know because I really have answered it before.  I just haven't specifically answered them.  I don't consider it flattering them to do so.  I consider it speaking to someone who wants to know how I feel on the subject.


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

Please do not send me email here. Unless I know you, I will delete the email unread

(in reply to NihilusZero)
Profile   Post #: 126
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 4:48:29 PM   

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But please osf, get honest with yourself and everyone else. You post for attention, not for discussion or insight. And the ladies or gents who write you are feeling bad for a phantom.

red, i've admitted as much quite a few times , it's nothing new

and arn't we all here trying to do what's in our self interest , i never said anything different

and as for the posting, i actually hear that from some women and got permission from one to post her letter without her name

and i have posted some very informative threads to which i believe you contributed

ya know red for some reason i like you, i doubt we could ever be together, but i like you

LOL, osf, you and I have spoken on the other side, I don't dislike you, I think you are a riot most of the time. And of course I contributed to informative threads as much as I joke around, I am also serious.

The thing about self, I don't actually think most people post on this side to hook up. I think the other side is for that. I am on both sides for different reasons.

I am not looking to get together with you hon, believe me, you could not handle me. But you know I love Miss Cillie.

But, cool. I wish you the best, I really do, honestly.

(in reply to osf)
Profile   Post #: 127
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 4:54:08 PM   

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I love Miss Cillie.

then id let miss cillie handle you


all around nice guy and creative misogynist

i'm not very skilled so i just hit harder

i want a woman to make into the woman she never wanted to become

(in reply to sexyred1)
Profile   Post #: 128
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 5:19:24 PM   

Posts: 5746
Joined: 7/11/2007
From: Austin Texas
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Is she really a goose? Because she looks like a sweet fuzzy duck!


~Love your life! (It is the only one you'll get).

(in reply to osf)
Profile   Post #: 129
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 5:20:07 PM   

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A perspective from one of the whatevers:

Personally, I like emails that simulate to some extent a real life interaction. If you would walk up to a woman in real life and say, "Hi, I think you're attractive. Here, read my journal and then call me," and hand her a sheaf of papers, then I suppose your approach is just fine. Maybe some women are intrigued by that.

And you already know that you don't need to submit to anyone's demands, so I don't know what your point in asking that is.

< Message edited by lucylucy -- 1/28/2010 5:21:30 PM >


“There are those who give with joy, & that joy is their reward.” Gibran / "Those who are willing to be vulnerable move among mysteries." Roethke / "Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel & kiss the ground." Rumi

(in reply to osf)
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RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 5:21:30 PM   

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ducks have flatter oval bills, gees have deeper triangular cross section bills

i have 3 ducks and a rooster too


all around nice guy and creative misogynist

i'm not very skilled so i just hit harder

i want a woman to make into the woman she never wanted to become

(in reply to camille65)
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RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 5:28:59 PM   

Posts: 5746
Joined: 7/11/2007
From: Austin Texas
Status: offline

Thanks. I love your avatar, it always makes me smile.


~Love your life! (It is the only one you'll get).

(in reply to osf)
Profile   Post #: 132
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 6:42:45 PM   

Posts: 9792
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ducks have flatter oval bills, gees have deeper triangular cross section bills

i have 3 ducks and a rooster too

The goose is cute. But that floor needs to go!


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(in reply to osf)
Profile   Post #: 133
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 7:43:01 PM   

Posts: 14867
Joined: 12/27/2005
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But please osf, get honest with yourself and everyone else. You post for attention, not for discussion or insight. And the ladies or gents who write you are feeling bad for a phantom.

red, i've admitted as much quite a few times , it's nothing new

and arn't we all here trying to do what's in our self interest , i never said anything different

and as for the posting, i actually hear that from some women and got permission from one to post her letter without her name

Her permission means squat actually. It's still against ToS if you post it. I did the same thing once upon a time to let the boards know that someone was leaving and it was still edited out.

and i have posted some very informative threads

I suppose that depends on how you define "informative".

I'm not entirely sure you've posted anything that wasn't "OMG LOOK AT ME I'M SO COOL PEOPLE SHOULD WRITE TO ME OMG I'M GETTING RESULTS!".

Personally, I wouldn't give a shit that you are just here for dates if you didn't diguse your attempts to get dates under a facade of "Look, I'm asking deep questions" where the discussions have an uncanny way of turning into how you either are or are not getting results in your search.


Without my dominance you cannot submit. Without your submission I cannot dominate. You are my equal in this, though our roles are different.-Val

It was ok for him to beat me but then he tried to cuddle me! - Me

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(in reply to osf)
Profile   Post #: 134
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 9:06:17 PM   

Posts: 21383
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From: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
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fast reply

After reading this thread I begin to wonder just who the sadists are and who the masochist is...


Once you label me, you negate me ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Reality has a well known Liberal Bias ~ Stephen Colbert

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

(in reply to AquaticSub)
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RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 9:17:28 PM   

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ORIGINAL: juliaoceania

fast reply

After reading this thread I begin to wonder just who the sadists are and who the masochist is...

or who doesn't want to get in an online pissing contest


all around nice guy and creative misogynist

i'm not very skilled so i just hit harder

i want a woman to make into the woman she never wanted to become

(in reply to juliaoceania)
Profile   Post #: 136
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 9:23:57 PM   

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ORIGINAL: juliaoceania

fast reply

After reading this thread I begin to wonder just who the sadists are and who the masochist is...

or who doesn't want to get in an online pissing contest

There seem to be many who enjoy being part of the online pissing contests . . . I personally enjoy the "Hide" option on the Message Boards lately. Ignorance really can be blissful.


“There are those who give with joy, & that joy is their reward.” Gibran / "Those who are willing to be vulnerable move among mysteries." Roethke / "Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel & kiss the ground." Rumi

(in reply to osf)
Profile   Post #: 137
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 10:33:10 PM   

Posts: 10717
Joined: 10/28/2007
From: California
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Ah, finally the formula for success on CM!
1. Come to the boards
2. Post like a prat
3. Try to get some sympathy nookie for being picked on by those mean subbies

Man, I so gotta change my game.

Oh, for the love of gawdddddddddddd.  Please, no.  One of that sort of one more than enough.



AKA "The Undisputed Goddess of Sarcasm", "Big Bad Cali" and "Yum Bum". Advisor to the Subbie Mafia, founding member of the W.A.C. and the Judgmental Bitches Brigade, member of the Clan of the Scarlet O'Hair-a's and Team Troll

(in reply to AnimusRex)
Profile   Post #: 138
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/28/2010 11:15:43 PM   

Posts: 21383
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From: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
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ORIGINAL: juliaoceania

fast reply

After reading this thread I begin to wonder just who the sadists are and who the masochist is...

or who doesn't want to get in an online pissing contest

Or who creates them?


Once you label me, you negate me ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Reality has a well known Liberal Bias ~ Stephen Colbert

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. Eleanor Roosevelt

(in reply to osf)
Profile   Post #: 139
RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal - 1/29/2010 6:13:18 AM   

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ORIGINAL: juliaoceania




ORIGINAL: juliaoceania

fast reply

After reading this thread I begin to wonder just who the sadists are and who the masochist is...

or who doesn't want to get in an online pissing contest

Or who creates them?

no one was forced to read or post at gun point


all around nice guy and creative misogynist

i'm not very skilled so i just hit harder

i want a woman to make into the woman she never wanted to become

(in reply to juliaoceania)
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