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RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 2:23:14 PM   

Posts: 10717
Joined: 10/28/2007
From: California
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: subtlebottomgirl

very interesting that so many of you jump to  "conclusions and detour " the thread with otherwise snide meaningless and even name calling, replies.     imagination can and does run extremely wild on a message boards such as this.  Master is older then myself, late 50's  had a married  life prior, which created a child, sadly Masters child passed on way before His time many years ago. The empty place in his heart is something I am honored  to help with, if able. I'm older yes, and have regrete children were never in my thoughts, my career and endless search for men was. I recently had my yearly exam and my Doctor in the states stated I am in good health  so we are  trying to find a local Doctor now. Master is more then emotionally and  financially stable, I'm not allowed to work, my place is home. After we discussed the financial aspects in person. He has set  up a personal bank  and I am allotted a monthly allowance for savings and for emergency... Masters child would want for nothing. Master is more then willing to handle ALL the needs of this child. Master says though it will change me alot,in many ways, but I will always be a slave to Him first, and it wont be my biggest responsibility to raise and guide a child, that is His job. If for some medical reason Master is unable to breed me, He has selected  a few local donors to help the process. these male donors  know and understand they would only be a sperm donor. Master has complete control over my emotions and destiny, maybe that is the reason my motherly instincts are not showing, hard to show emotions when reality has not hit home for me yet.Thank You.  

At least you're finally using the word "child".  Now if you would just drop the whole "breeding" line of thought.  Animals are used in breeding.  Having a child to replace another is NEVER a good idea.  Is he independently wealthy, or does he work?  Because if he works, who do you think will be taking care of this child? 

Fuck all that... any woman who plans to have a child and keep the child and does NOT think it's her responsibility to raise her own child needs professional help.  And yes, that IS judgmental.



AKA "The Undisputed Goddess of Sarcasm", "Big Bad Cali" and "Yum Bum". Advisor to the Subbie Mafia, founding member of the W.A.C. and the Judgmental Bitches Brigade, member of the Clan of the Scarlet O'Hair-a's and Team Troll

(in reply to subtlebottomgirl)
Profile   Post #: 161
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 2:27:04 PM   

Posts: 7683
Joined: 5/2/2007
From: Northern New Jersey
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ORIGINAL: subtlebottomgirl

Yes, I did arrive and Master is very happy with me. I don't get why I have been flamed here so much, I am a slave. No I am not a mother, my motherly instincts have not showed themself , but I am hopeful. My job is to listen, please and obey  my Master and he wants to breed me I am breedable,  was wondering about other slaves on this board. I don't see many slaves, only alot of femdoms and kinky  bedroom sex submissives that call  out their own commands to follow.
Thank You.

Of course he is happy with you. You are a mindless idiot who signed over every asset you had to him and are now completely without any ability to leave, save going to the US Embassy in Australia for help should you choose to.

You think it is just a bunch of "femdoms" and "bedroom sex submissives" that are telling you it is a bad idea? Honey you don't have the common sense or brains to try to insult the rest of this forum for your idiocy.

You have no motherly instincts by your own admission and you don't even consider conceiving a child to be anything more than "breeding." What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you liken yourself to some pure breed dog that your master wants to breed for profit? Because if you do think of yourself that way, let me point something out to aren't even qualified to be an egg donor. Certainly your intelligence would make you a bad candidate, but your AGE makes you wholly undesirable as a donor, so you really aren't "breedable." You just happen to still be producing eggs that make you capable of conceiving.

It hasn't occurred to you that you knew this man for only a couple of months before uprooting your entire life (pitiful as it must have been), handing over all your money and assets to him and now while you still really don't know much about him, you think it is a great idea to "breed." So when you develop preeclampsia, gestational diabetes or any other difficulty that may come along with a later in life pregnancy, what is your "uber master" going to do then? When you are ordered to be on complete bedrest, is he going to serve YOU the meals in bed you need or is he going to order you out of bed, risking the life of that unborn child so you can suck his dick and do whatever else he wants?

I'm not the type to coddle you like lovingpet did. I love her to death, and she is like that, trying to kindly help you see the errors of your thinking. I, however, have no problem (along with the majority of other posters) telling you that you are a fucking moron who shouldn't be permitted to create another life because there are more than enough stupid people in this world and quite frankly your DNA is bound to create another one that we don't need. The only saving grace is that because you have left the USA, we won't be responsible for taking care of that child when your whole fantasy goes ass over teakettle and you find your pregnant ass out on the streets with nowhere to go.

You don't understand why you are being "flamed" as you call it (we call it attempting to save you from yourself). Do you not understand that this is not the first time you have come here asking for "advice" or "opinions" on something because apparently you can't ask these questions to your "uber dom?"

We all told you to be very wary of uprooting yourself to go belong to a man you didn't even know. You obviously ignored everything everyone told you. We are telling you again that this guy is proving to be less than respectable in his "demands." And I'm sure you will ignore that as well.

What I do notice about what you said above is that HE is very happy with YOU. You don't mention how happy YOU are with him. I don't see it mattering much, because when you are in the middle of the pregancy and not able to serve his every whim, you will probably be tossed out on your ear. I only hope that when you find your way back to the US that Children's Protective Services takes that child from you to protect it from your further stupidity.

ETA (Because I responded before reaching the end by accident)


ORIGINAL: subtlebottomgirl

very interesting that so many of you jump to "conclusions and detour " the thread with otherwise snide meaningless and even name calling, replies. imagination can and does run extremely wild on a message boards such as this. Master is older then myself, late 50's had a married life prior, which created a child, sadly Masters child passed on way before His time many years ago. The empty place in his heart is something I am honored to help with, if able. I'm older yes, and have regrete children were never in my thoughts, my career and endless search for men was. I recently had my yearly exam and my Doctor in the states stated I am in good health so we are trying to find a local Doctor now. Master is more then emotionally and financially stable, I'm not allowed to work, my place is home. After we discussed the financial aspects in person. He has set up a personal bank and I am allotted a monthly allowance for savings and for emergency... Masters child would want for nothing. Master is more then willing to handle ALL the needs of this child. Master says though it will change me alot,in many ways, but I will always be a slave to Him first, and it wont be my biggest responsibility to raise and guide a child, that is His job. If for some medical reason Master is unable to breed me, He has selected a few local donors to help the process. these male donors know and understand they would only be a sperm donor. Master has complete control over my emotions and destiny, maybe that is the reason my motherly instincts are not showing, hard to show emotions when reality has not hit home for me yet.Thank You.

I call bullshit on this. You posted all the other drivel when you had this information? I dont' think so. I think your "master" read your post and got a bit pissy. Why would there be a thought that at 50, your "master" didn't have the necessary sperm to create a child? Are you both too stupid to realize men can procreate til death? (Can you say Tony Randall?). You want to backpedal and make your master look like a paradigm of virtue. He lost his child and longs for another. Did you know this going into the relationship? I doubt it since you didn't seem to know much of anything and came here asking US for answers.

You admit that he says you will be HIS slave first, regardless of the child. He is going to be handling the "raising and guiding" of the child? Oh, I see so you will be doing the drudge work with none of the joys. You will feed, bathe, change diapers and he will teach the child that you are just a slave. Great.

You say your "instincts" aren't showing because he controls your thoughts and emotions, but you admit that you never gave any thought to a child because you were career and man obsessed. You sound like "Mother of the Year" material.

And if/when the reality hits home...then what? What happens if you have this child and your heart overflows with love for the child? Did you think of that? Of course not. You aren't able to think, "master" controls all that.

Your doctor telling you that you are in good health is not the equivalent of saying you are able to reproduce. Did you undergo fertility testing? Are you having trouble finding a local doctor because the local docs aren't "kink friendly" and you have to play the "we are just a couple in love and want a baby game" with them? Or is it because the doctors are all going to see bruises from consensual activity and even if they are kink friendly will remind your great and mighty master that during the pregancy, which regardless of your health, will be high risk, and so play must be kept to a minimum.

You have "donors" all picked out? How about lawyers to provide the necessary legal documents severing their "rights"? Doubt anyone is going there either.

I stand by what I said. You are a complete idiot living in a fantasy with no concept of reality and I sincerely hope that life gives you exactly what you deserve. Which by the way if it wasn't clear to begin with is that life needs to bitch slap some sense into you.

< Message edited by LafayetteLady -- 1/31/2010 2:53:46 PM >

(in reply to subtlebottomgirl)
Profile   Post #: 162
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 2:37:59 PM   

Posts: 4270
Joined: 6/19/2005
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ORIGINAL: sexyred1


ORIGINAL: lovingpet

This would have been excellent information to have stated in your OP.  You left us with a lot more questions than answers unfortunately.  We all had to fill in the blanks as best we could.  It sounds like just trying to have a baby together as a couple with kinky labels attached to add a fetish hotness to it.  That is something completely different.  The twist of you obtaining sperm from other men direct from the tap is a bit of an odd choice (which as I understand would only be the case IF your master has fertility issues).  I guess that comes down to the two of you and how much risk you both can endure.  I would still recommend full screenings and medical backgrounds, etc as I mentioned before for the sake of the child's future if you go this route.

Any child produced in love and with the full understanding of the responsibility attached and a plan for meeting those challenges is indeed being blessed beyond measure.  I just hope this is truly the case.  I hope this will be a joyful event and that this child will have a beautiful life.  It is upon you both to make sure that is so.  Best wishes!


LP, that is very sweet of you but from the OP's words do you honestly get that a child will be conceived because both parents are in love and fully committed to raising a child together when one of them states that she has no mothering instincts because her Master is in control of her thoughts and destiny? And that Master will "handle" the needs of the child? Sorry, but I am sticking to my original view of this.

I am hopelessly optimistic.  I'll give you that much.  What I think is that this is an individual who does a very poor job of expressing herself in the written word.  I used to work with students with various learning issues and a lot of their writings would follow a similar course.  If exactly how she says things is actually perfectly well what she means, then I do definitely still have significant concerns.  The feel of her erratic dolloping of the details suggests to me that she does have a deficit in written language, logical sequencing of events in retelling events and such, and so on.  I don't think we can quite take what she is saying straight on.  Like I said, I'm an optimist, so I automatically want to believe the best in a situation.  I could be completely off base with my assessment.  If so, then dear gracious please OP do NOT reproduce.

I would appreciate further attempts from the OP at clarification.  I have jumped the gun in such situations before and misjudged, so I am cautious of that now.  Once the person could finally get things turned around right, I realized that what I thought I understood and found objectionable was not at all as it had originally appeared.  Who know?  I certainly don't, but that is the slightest benefit of the doubt I could give.  Mostly, I just believe that this is a plan that needs a whole lot more work before ever going forward.  At the very least SHE is not ready for this and I don't think her partner is being all that realistic about it either.  It may be the way she is presenting things or it may be really be how they are viewing things.  I honestly can't tell for sure.  No, my concerns are not at rest from her most recent post.  I just thing we are getting bits and pieces of the situation along the way and am trying to fit them together in the way they are supposed to be.  Only the OP knows what the real story is and I hope she is paying attention.



If you put your head into more, you'd have to put your back into less. ~Me

10 Fluffy pts.

(in reply to sexyred1)
Profile   Post #: 163
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 2:40:43 PM   

Posts: 4673
Joined: 2/1/2009
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: subtlebottomgirl

very interesting that so many of you jump to  "conclusions and detour " the thread with otherwise snide meaningless and even name calling, replies.     imagination can and does run extremely wild on a message boards such as this.  Master is older then myself, late 50's  had a married  life prior, which created a child, sadly Masters child passed on way before His time many years ago. The empty place in his heart is something I am honored  to help with, if able. I'm older yes, and have regrete children were never in my thoughts, my career and endless search for men was. I recently had my yearly exam and my Doctor in the states stated I am in good health  so we are  trying to find a local Doctor now. Master is more then emotionally and  financially stable, I'm not allowed to work, my place is home. After we discussed the financial aspects in person. He has set  up a personal bank  and I am allotted a monthly allowance for savings and for emergency... Masters child would want for nothing. Master is more then willing to handle ALL the needs of this child. Master says though it will change me alot,in many ways, but I will always be a slave to Him first, and it wont be my biggest responsibility to raise and guide a child, that is His job. If for some medical reason Master is unable to breed me, He has selected  a few local donors to help the process. these male donors  know and understand they would only be a sperm donor. Master has complete control over my emotions and destiny, maybe that is the reason my motherly instincts are not showing, hard to show emotions when reality has not hit home for me yet.Thank You.  

OP, the people who posted on this thread did not jump to conclusions...they were working with the information you gave. I think everyone who responded hoped that you weren't serious about having a child for your master's kink but that was certainly the impression YOU gave in your postings. If you don't like the answers that's unfortunate because you were directly responsible for them. The things stated were done so on the basis of your information one here knows you so we can't get any information any other way other than by what you wrote.

By reading your words once again I get this feeling of disconnect and objectification on your part towards any potential child. You definitely seem removed from the process. I still don't think you understand what having and taking care of a child entails. I don't think you really get that even though your master says he is responsible for various things to do with the child much of that responsibility still falls on your shoulders. Which is why everyone is asking you if you understand what you are getting into. It's not the way you've pictured it in these few emails that you've written. Having a child is much more complicated and intense than you seem to believe. You say it won't be your biggest responsibility to raise and guide a child but your master will do it....if that were true and as a mother I can tell you that one parent does not get a pass on putting in their own work, if that were true he'd still be unavailable to you and your relationship with him will be forever different.

I still recommend that you do some background work on finding out what having a child in your life is like. Please listen to is the hardest thing I have ever done hands down. You just don't seem to get it and by reading your posts I don't think you are trying to get it. 

If reality hasn't hit home for you yet then help it along. Find out what it's like to take care of a baby. Heck find out what it's like to be pregnant. You may be healthy according to your exam but that does not preclude the higher possibility of having a child with developmental problems at your age and of you having more problems yourself. Educate yourself. Stop being a robot and looking at this as a task or a way to 'serve' your master....everyone here is trying to show you that it is much more than that.

(in reply to subtlebottomgirl)
Profile   Post #: 164
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 2:45:10 PM   

Posts: 5746
Joined: 7/11/2007
From: Austin Texas
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People have children for all sorts of weird reasons including: because they feel like they're supposed to, to carry on a family name, to be a donor for an older sick sibling, by accident, because they're hoping for a boy/girl this time.

This concept (that of the OP) seems to be getting a visceral reaction from people which I find interesting. Let me say that for the most part I agree with all of you who say this is a bad idea, but I happen to think that most people are making a mistake when it comes to breeding indiscriminately!

Looking at it without the OPs history we have a woman who is wondering about the viability of having a baby because her Master says so.

Is that really so different from many many others that have children for silly reasons?

Yes she is at an age where she needs to be a bit more careful, but many women at her age are safely having healthy babies. She isn't a doddering senior yet. My mother was in her late 50's when I was a teenager and she survived (although she blames me for her silver hair, I say it is coincidence dang it). So really the fact that the OP is in her early 40's doesn't mean much today.


~Love your life! (It is the only one you'll get).

(in reply to lovingpet)
Profile   Post #: 165
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 2:49:19 PM   

Posts: 8998
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ORIGINAL: camille65


People have children for all sorts of weird reasons including: because they feel like they're supposed to, to carry on a family name, to be a donor for an older sick sibling, by accident, because they're hoping for a boy/girl this time.

This concept (that of the OP) seems to be getting a visceral reaction from people which I find interesting. Let me say that for the most part I agree with all of you who say this is a bad idea, but I happen to think that most people are making a mistake when it comes to breeding indiscriminately!

Looking at it without the OPs history we have a woman who is wondering about the viability of having a baby because her Master says so.

Is that really so different from many many others that have children for silly reasons?

Yes she is at an age where she needs to be a bit more careful, but many women at her age are safely having healthy babies. She isn't a doddering senior yet. My mother was in her late 50's when I was a teenager and she survived (although she blames me for her silver hair, I say it is coincidence dang it). So really the fact that the OP is in her early 40's doesn't mean much today.

camille, what you said is reasonable, however, and I am quoting lizi here:

By reading your words once again I get this feeling of disconnect and objectification on your part towards any potential child. You definitely seem removed from the process. I still don't think you understand what having and taking care of a child entails. I don't think you really get that even though your master says he is responsible for various things to do with the child much of that responsibility still falls on your shoulders. Which is why everyone is asking you if you understand what you are getting into. It's not the way you've pictured it in these few emails that you've written. Having a child is much more complicated and intense than you seem to believe.
That, I believe, is what people are upset about and being judgemental about. There is something in the way the endeavor is being spoken about by the OP that is rather frightening, to me at least. It does not have to do with age.

(in reply to camille65)
Profile   Post #: 166
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 2:53:44 PM   

Posts: 5746
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From: Austin Texas
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I'm sort of looking at it more objectively I think, more the concept than the OP's story. I felt repelled by this thread, yes she has a disconnect. To her the idea of a newborn is beyond abstract. But then I start to think (uhoh!!) how she said that she has nothing in the way of maternal instinct and has never had children.

Me too or me either lol. No children, no maternal instinct. If somehow the world turned upside down and my Owner wanted me to bear his child (that made me shudder haha) I would only be able to view it as.. um. Totally abstractly. Maybe like the thought of a new pet without thinking about taking it out for walks in the rain.

I'm not defending her position but I see it from a different angle, that's what I'm getting at. I think.


~Love your life! (It is the only one you'll get).

(in reply to sexyred1)
Profile   Post #: 167
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 2:53:58 PM   

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ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady

I'm not the type to coddle you like lovingpet did. I love her to death, and she is like that, trying to kindly help you see the errors of your thinking.

LOL!!!!  I handled this with an abundance of caution for reasons you are aware of.  If she wants a swift kick in the head it is available over on P&RS where I post my occasional rants.  Here, however, I just attempt to answer the question asked as dispassionately as possible based on what information I have.  Overall, I think it is a bad idea and I never said definitively that this child WOULD have those wonderful things I mentioned, but that IF the child did, then it is a good thing.

I don't coddle all that much.  If you're an idiot I will usually say so.  Sometimes, however, you have to let the person decide for themselves whether or not where they are going is so terribly wise.  I didn't feel, and still don't, that I had enough information to declare this as bad as it appears, but it doesn't look promising for sure.  I gave her information on what steps need to be taken and some of the considerations of what they are planning.  She can look for herself and see if any of these things are being done or taken care of.  I don't give people answers or keys to the magic gate.  I don't know it all and I am no gatekeeper.  She has to arrive at her own answers.  Acting upon the answers I supply her will not make her resolute about what she is doing.  She will doubt, second guess, deny, and eventually talk herself out of my ready made answers.  When she has to take ownership of that process of determining the answers and the results thereof, she can stick to her convictions.  I give the OP some credit maybe I shouldn't.  At the end of the day, however, she has to live with her decisions.  I don't.  So, OP, what will allow you to sleep at night?



If you put your head into more, you'd have to put your back into less. ~Me

10 Fluffy pts.

(in reply to LafayetteLady)
Profile   Post #: 168
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 2:54:29 PM   

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From: Psychoalphadiscobetabioaquadoloop
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I will always be a slave to Him first, and it wont be my biggest responsibility to raise and guide a child, that is His job.

Gee that really sucks because the child, an infant super needs its mother to be there, being responsible and have that child be the mom's priority.

I feel really sad and sorry for the kid.


"Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague." Vincent Van Gogh

I'd Rather Be With You

Every single line means something.
Jean-Michel Basquiat

(in reply to sexyred1)
Profile   Post #: 169
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 3:02:52 PM   

Posts: 2536
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ORIGINAL: afkarr

"How will it change the dynamics of the relationship?"

Baby will be the new Master, and will ensure you enjoy all the wonders of sleep deprivation, diapers, booger-play, and extended periods of forced celebacy.

Thanks Afkarr,
That was the best comment made in this thread.

To both the subs and Doms who believe that breeding a slave is a good idea, i ask this question:

"Have you ever been in a relationship with a slave or Master (depending on your side of the kneel) and had the relationship end for one reason or another?"

If your answer to that question is "yes", then why would you allow yourself to be "bred" (or breed your slave) when that relationship could end just as easily?.  The results of that breeding will be a lifetime commitment, regardless of whether "Master" remains in the picture.

i almost skipped over this thread, thinking it was silly and that the answers were self-evident, until i saw how many people responded positively to the idea of breeding slaves.   i am very afraid of some of you people. 

(in reply to afkarr)
Profile   Post #: 170
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 3:09:05 PM   

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From: Austin Texas
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ORIGINAL: Rochsub2009

i almost skipped over this thread, thinking it was silly and that the answers were self-evident, until i saw how many people responded positively to the idea of breeding slaves.   i am very afraid of some of you people. 

I didn't see any one respond with a "Hey yeah go get pregnant" response, personally I'm having a hard time taking the OP seriously and I'm trying to consider the concept as a concept by itself.

In general I am all for a woman having a child IF she can support that child on her own for life, that's really how I feel about couples having children. The woman should be prepared to raise any and all children alone because it could/does happen.

I am not for the OP reproducing but not due to her age or the idea.


~Love your life! (It is the only one you'll get).

(in reply to Rochsub2009)
Profile   Post #: 171
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 3:14:21 PM   

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most everything I'd contribute has already been eloquently said. I just wanted to contribute that most people try to control of their own emotions, to varying degrees of success. You've been there what? A month? And he's in full control of yours?  If you are so deluded to pursue this, and you do become pregnant, hormones, coupled with motherhood you never wanted are going to redefine your emotions in ways you cannot even imagine.  Besides that, how did this come up NOW, as opposed to when you were initially discussing moving there? Sounds like a big big deal to just forget to mention.

Some people wait years to consider conceiving a child with an established partner, out of desire to provide that child with a loving safe and stable home. A child should come out of a relationship where two people love each other and are stable enough to want to share that love with another human being.  Having a child to replace a lost one with a woman you've been living with for a month is insane.  No offense, but take off the rose tinted glasses of your slavery for just a minute and realize that this is a human being, which you, regardless of Master, are going to be LEGALLY responsible for for the rest of your life.  And if he kicks you to the curb, with no money, no prospects, which you have set yourself up for nicely, one of three things will happen. He'll say thanks for the replacement kid, see ya, or take the replacement kid, it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be, or PERHAPS everything will be fine and you'll live with diapers, screaming, messes and homework for the next 18 yrs. I believe you mentioned he was older too, so what if he dies?  No more slave first, MOMMY first, as it will be anyway whether you think so or not.  How can you possible reconcile ANY of those things with the woman you were before who never had any urge to have children??? 

They call it a honeymoon period for a reason, bad enough you've gone this far, don't drag an innocent child into it too.

Sorry to come off as abrasive, but it's just too serious to pussy foot around.


“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.” Rumi

(in reply to heartcream)
Profile   Post #: 172
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 3:14:29 PM   

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From: Northern New Jersey
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ORIGINAL: camille65

I didn't see any one respond with a "Hey yeah go get pregnant" response, personally I'm having a hard time taking the OP seriously and I'm trying to consider the concept as a concept by itself.

In general I am all for a woman having a child IF she can support that child on her own for life, that's really how I feel about couples having children. The woman should be prepared to raise any and all children alone because it could/does happen.

I am not for the OP reproducing but not due to her age or the idea.

I was wondering the same thing. I don't recall any being supportive of the idea, although a couple weren't entirely against it.

Having a child and raising it alone is one of the most stressful things one will ever need to deal with. In the case of the OP, if they were to break up, custody would be a real issue and if she chose to come back to the states, it would be alone, because the child would be a citizen of Australia I'm pretty sure. Add to that "master's" interests, and it wouldn't matter if her "instincts" existed or not, she is shit out of luck.

I do want to clarify that I'm not opposed to the OP because of her age, but her age does play a factor. I'm against it because it is a not well thought out plan and the OP doesn't seem to have the sense God gave a squirrel to keep it from running out in traffic.

(in reply to camille65)
Profile   Post #: 173
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 3:23:55 PM   

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So basically that poor child is going to grow up without a mother.

I feel extremely sad for that child.

Another fucked up child in the hands of the system. Sigh.

(in reply to LafayetteLady)
Profile   Post #: 174
RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 3:24:06 PM   

Posts: 2536
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ORIGINAL: camille65


ORIGINAL: Rochsub2009

i almost skipped over this thread, thinking it was silly and that the answers were self-evident, until i saw how many people responded positively to the idea of breeding slaves.   i am very afraid of some of you people. 

I didn't see any one respond with a "Hey yeah go get pregnant" response

Most people responded negatively to the OP's scenario.  However, on the first 2 pages of this thread there were a few "Masters" who took the POV that a slave is property and can be done with as Master wills. 

i'm as kinky as the next guy, but i think the idea of "breeding" is just insane.  Since the slave in question is going to be bred by men other than her Master, i hope that she is going to require current HIV test results from each of them (even if "Master" doesn't require it).

(in reply to camille65)
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RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 3:30:43 PM   

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You just happen to still be producing eggs that make you capable of conceiving.

Actually, women are born with all the eggs they will ever have, which is one reason that the chance of conceiving a baby with Down's Syndrome increases with age. At the OP's age, the chances are about 1 in 30 of the baby having Down's.
The OP can do what she wants, but it's a risk I wouldn't take.


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(in reply to LafayetteLady)
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RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 3:31:00 PM   

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Ah okay. I read those as literal responses to the question 'Can a Master breed his slave?' because technically and literally the answer is yes.

Any man can breed any woman unless there is a medical reason that procreation can't happen.


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(in reply to Rochsub2009)
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RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 4:03:27 PM   

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ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady

I call bullshit on this. You posted all the other drivel when you had this information? I dont' think so. I think your "master" read your post and got a bit pissy. Why would there be a thought that at 50, your "master" didn't have the necessary sperm to create a child? Are you both too stupid to realize men can procreate til death? (Can you say Tony Randall?). You want to backpedal and make your master look like a paradigm of virtue. He lost his child and longs for another. Did you know this going into the relationship? I doubt it since you didn't seem to know much of anything and came here asking US for answers.

You admit that he says you will be HIS slave first, regardless of the child. He is going to be handling the "raising and guiding" of the child? Oh, I see so you will be doing the drudge work with none of the joys. You will feed, bathe, change diapers and he will teach the child that you are just a slave. Great.

You say your "instincts" aren't showing because he controls your thoughts and emotions, but you admit that you never gave any thought to a child because you were career and man obsessed. You sound like "Mother of the Year" material.

And if/when the reality hits home...then what? What happens if you have this child and your heart overflows with love for the child? Did you think of that? Of course not. You aren't able to think, "master" controls all that.

Your doctor telling you that you are in good health is not the equivalent of saying you are able to reproduce. Did you undergo fertility testing? Are you having trouble finding a local doctor because the local docs aren't "kink friendly" and you have to play the "we are just a couple in love and want a baby game" with them? Or is it because the doctors are all going to see bruises from consensual activity and even if they are kink friendly will remind your great and mighty master that during the pregancy, which regardless of your health, will be high risk, and so play must be kept to a minimum.

You have "donors" all picked out? How about lawyers to provide the necessary legal documents severing their "rights"? Doubt anyone is going there either.

I stand by what I said. You are a complete idiot living in a fantasy with no concept of reality and I sincerely hope that life gives you exactly what you deserve. Which by the way if it wasn't clear to begin with is that life needs to bitch slap some sense into you.

I agree with the sentiments expressed here and just wanted to add that perhaps they are aware that the master has viable sperm to use but can't deliver it? He is 56 I believe she said, he may have ED or other problems with providing the sperm himself and artificial insemination can be a long, costly procedure. I wonder if he told her about that before she went out there - the ED. Or if she's just expected to give up sex along with her bank account.

< Message edited by lizi -- 1/31/2010 4:07:06 PM >

(in reply to LafayetteLady)
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RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 4:22:18 PM   

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I agree with the sentiments expressed here and just wanted to add that perhaps they are aware that the master has viable sperm to use but can't deliver it? He is 56 I believe she said, he may have ED or other problems with providing the sperm himself and artificial insemination can be a long, costly procedure. I wonder if he told her about that before she went out there - the ED. Or if she's just expected to give up sex along with her bank account.


I think the bottom line here is that this woman has admittedly spent her life searching for a man to take care of her


children were never in my thoughts, my career and endless search for men was.

That's really kind of sad. The OP seems to have a habit of backpedalling (here and on her original thread) to try to make the situation not look as bad as when she first posts. The lifestyle seems to be fertile ground for damaged men and women to come and look for validation. Now before the flames start, I'm not saying that everyone here is damaged, I don't believe that at all. I do, however, believe that it is a great place for men who are abusive to come and find women who are so lacking in self esteem, and so desperate for someone to call "mine."

I don't think "sub frenzy" has anything to do with the OP's issues. I think her desperation is the problem. Honestly, if she has spent the majority of her 45 years (those years as an adult) searching for the "right" man, and now after only a couple of months of discovering BDSM thinks she has finally found the "one" there is a reason why her search was so difficult, and the answers will always lead back to her.

For these two people to conceive a child, under the circumstances we are given is beyond repugnant. The OP really is the poster child for what every woman should aspire NOT to become.

(in reply to lizi)
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RE: breeding ? - 1/31/2010 6:31:55 PM   

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ORIGINAL: LafayetteLady
The lifestyle seems to be fertile ground for damaged men and women to come and look for validation.

Yes. Extreme lifestyles draw the damaged like a candle to a moth. As for her use of the word "breeding" it isn't accidental- its an erotic device, like referring to oneself in the third person, a way of objectifying a person, making it seem exotic and deliciously taboo.

Somehow "My boyfriend and I are planning to have a baby" just isn't as wildly dark and wicked-sounding as "My Owner has decided to breed this slave".

One phrase gives people a boner, the other one just brings up images of cruising the minivan around the Toys R Us parking lot.

(in reply to LafayetteLady)
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