RE: Freedom... (Full Version)

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Kirata -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 12:32:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife

Maybe we should have a nice friendly beer sometime and you can explain that mouth-bashing thing in person.

Be sure to tape it when you step on him. I want a copy.


LaTigresse -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 12:36:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

The last thing I want is a liberal's respect....the only thing I want for liberals is for them to leave or bleed.....fuck liberals....simple isn't it...?

Such a charmer you are!

Jeffff -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 12:37:58 PM)

Isn't he cute!

rulemylife -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 12:46:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda

Is that a fact? Well let me tell you something, pal - we're coming for you... your day is coming... we socialists have put up with people like you long  enough, and it's time for a reckoning... its over... the real citizens of this country have had enough, and we're rising up and taking this country back. Liberty and freedom is a BLESSING earned for us by those that went before us... there's only one language that conservative pukes like you understand, and we're going to be screaming it at you out the muzzles of our .45s... for the kingdom of Hell awaits the unjust... you will LEARN these lessons... just like the people of Saigon... you are either in the canoe, or out of your tree... read the words of a free man... world socialism is on the MARCH, and the day of the capitalist conservative swine is OVER... we will feast on the bloated corpses of the rear echelon capitalist pukes... and FORCE you to take socialized free flu shots... and drive small European automobiles that look like toasters and get 25 kilometers per liter of petrol... understand, comrade? Not miles per gallon of gasoline - KILOMETERS per LITER of PETROL! And you'll wait in line for it every Tuesday, because Tuesday will be the day to wait in line for petrol and Wednesday will be the day to wait in line for toilet paper.... this is the final struggle... let us group together... and tomorrow the Internationale will be the human race!


Arpig -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 1:03:29 PM) [:D]

cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 1:21:00 PM)

Bring it on bitch!... the people who are arming themselves are not those ilk that are called 'progressives'...they are the ones who live out in the real place of America...away from the filthy crime ridden cities....and bud, this man is a Viet Nam combat veteran who will clean  your stinking show your ugly mug at my door and you will be the one who is placed in the body bag.... I keep a 357 loaded and handy, and I know how to use it real good..... plus an assualt rifle and a shotgun.... so bring it on puke....  Lib's like you are a fucking disgrace to this nation, and don't deserve to breathe, much less offer their opinions.... You are a soicalist maggot....and a fucking leach on a free society..... your deluisions of grandure are pathetic.....

DarlingSavage -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 1:25:24 PM)

Cucky, we're comin' to get you! Quick, run for your life!
[mod edit- video removed]

cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 1:33:46 PM)

Babycakes, world socialism will fall flat on its ass as it always promises the world, but can't deliver anything but dictatorship, poverty, corruption, and false hopes to stupid followers..... show anyone where it has succeeded....oh wait!...that's can't!!  You are a stupid fucking phoney piggy that will be among those other stooges who believe in the tooth fairy promises of socialism... You sound like a Chavez follower.....and that fucker's days are numbered...just like yours creep.... Socialism is an indication of a weak and lazy mind..... and yours is the most lame on this blog....fuck off!

cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 1:36:49 PM)

Bring it on piggy....but you had better bring a lot of turds with you because you are marching your lame asses into the heart of the land of the free, and we have and will kill commies like you for morning sport..... so love to hear the head of a commie puke bust into a little vapor of red from a couple of miles away with the new .441 sniper rifle..... and yours would be the first bitch...... here piggy piggy....good piggy.....lmfao....what a stupid cunt you truely are....:)

slvemike4u -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 1:39:02 PM)

Whoa there cucky....given the disordered and generally poorly written rants you real careful talking about what is and isn't  "an indication of a weak and lazy mind".
Shit most of my pals have some idea of when they need to consult spell check!
(hint...make it easy on yourself,given your proclivities to fuck up the simplest words....any time you type....spell check is your friend,probably your only

Jeffff -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 1:43:17 PM)

.441?   cucky... you just blew it.  Nice caliber....LOL

takemeforyourown -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 1:43:45 PM)

I tried to read the OP, but then I was just like WTF?

LadyEllen -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 1:51:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

Bring it on bitch!... the people who are arming themselves are not those ilk that are called 'progressives'...they are the ones who live out in the real place of America...away from the filthy crime ridden cities....and bud, this man is a Viet Nam combat veteran who will clean  your stinking show your ugly mug at my door and you will be the one who is placed in the body bag.... I keep a 357 loaded and handy, and I know how to use it real good..... plus an assualt rifle and a shotgun.... so bring it on puke....  Lib's like you are a fucking disgrace to this nation, and don't deserve to breathe, much less offer their opinions.... You are a soicalist maggot....and a fucking leach on a free society..... your deluisions of grandure are pathetic.....

Wow. I love it when you talk like that.

No wonder you have to live in the wilderness. You'd be a cause of riots in a city, what with the women chasing you, you silver tongued tempter you.

So, do you live in a farmhouse, or is it more of a complex?


RedMagic1 -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 1:55:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman
what a stupid cunt you truely are....:)

DarlingSavage is an extremely intelligent cunt.  And, if she ever got bored enough that she really decided to fight you, I would put all my money on her, because she would leave you mewing in a litterbox like the pussy you are.

SaintIntensity -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 2:00:48 PM)

can this sad fuck actually post without a) mentioning "socialism" and b) threatening violence to someone in some form?

I dont think there is a sadder piece of shit on here - and that is saying something

I doubt he could put a bullet into his own head, but I would heartily encourage him to try

DarlingSavage -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 2:08:14 PM)




ORIGINAL: cuckyman
what a stupid cunt you truely are....:)

DarlingSavage is an extremely intelligent cunt.  And, if she ever got bored enough that she really decided to fight you, I would put all my money on her, because she would leave you mewing in a litterbox like the pussy you are.

Aw, you're so sweet sticking up for me like that!

[mod edit-video removed]

I could probably kick his ass with one hand tied behind my back, but why bother? He'd probably enjoy it and I would never be rid of him. UGH!

[mod edit- video removed]

Moonhead -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 2:14:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

Bring it on bitch!... the people who are arming themselves are not those ilk that are called 'progressives'...they are the ones who live out in the real place of America...away from the filthy crime ridden cities....and bud, this man is a Viet Nam combat veteran who will clean  your stinking show your ugly mug at my door and you will be the one who is placed in the body bag.... I keep a 357 loaded and handy, and I know how to use it real good..... plus an assualt rifle and a shotgun.... so bring it on puke....  Lib's like you are a fucking disgrace to this nation, and don't deserve to breathe, much less offer their opinions.... You are a soicalist maggot....and a fucking leach on a free society..... your deluisions of grandure are pathetic.....

There's plenty of armed progressives. With people like you around, most of the boll weevils don't feel safe to leave the house without tooling up first.

Moonhead -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 2:16:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

Babycakes, world socialism will fall flat on its ass as it always promises the world, but can't deliver anything but dictatorship, poverty, corruption, and false hopes to stupid followers.....

Guess who got threw out of the kibbutz for pissing in the pool when he was backpacking as a teenager?

LaTigresse -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 2:18:02 PM)

I think he was weaned too early.

Not that I blame her...

juliaoceania -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 2:19:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

Bring it on piggy....but you had better bring a lot of turds with you because you are marching your lame asses into the heart of the land of the free, and we have and will kill commies like you for morning sport..... so love to hear the head of a commie puke bust into a little vapor of red from a couple of miles away with the new .441 sniper rifle..... and yours would be the first bitch...... here piggy piggy....good piggy.....lmfao....what a stupid cunt you truely are....:)

I just read your profile...... I mean, seriously, you hate "volunteerism"... what sort of people hate "volunteerism"... that is about the most unAmerican thing I have ever seen in my life, every con I have ever read loves charity and volunteerism... they tout it being the way to help others without taxing them...

Come on, admit it cucky, you are really a liberal communist trying to discredit Right Wingers... i am on to you now dude, you are what they call an agent provocateur[:D]

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