RE: Freedom... (Full Version)

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Apocalypso -> RE: Freedom... (3/13/2010 7:11:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

leave it to a lib to alway find a way to take a shot at free enterprise.... corporations are owned by the little ladies down the street that own the stock....and you and your communist friends despise that.....
So, behind all your "freedom" bluster, you're still a peasant, tugging your forelock when your corporate lords tell you to.

rulemylife -> RE: Freedom... (3/13/2010 7:21:22 PM)





I hate to say this, but I suffer extreme embarrassment even thinking that, as a self-proclaimed patriot, I might in the slightest be associated with you and your ravings. 

Please grant us freedom from your crazed ranting.

Since cucky has no history on the forums, we really don't know who he is, or what he is attempting to achieve.

He could just be ... nicked ... or he could be someone trying their best to portray a true "right wing nut".

Personally, I think that is his goal, and his method, although I'll admit it's just an opinion.


Uh...........don't you guys live together?

Seems like a lot of wasted effort to have to talk to each other on a message board.

rulemylife -> RE: Freedom... (3/13/2010 7:30:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

yep...pretty much....but the words to the song ring true....ever been to Bunker Hill.... ever been 10,000 miles from home and had rockets raining down on your ass...ever been so scared that you pissed in your pants and didn't know it...  There are many of us that know how high the price for freedom has been paid....and that subject is just not open for debate.... Either love what this land stands for, or just do everyone a favor and go find another place to run your mouth..... you can't talk the talk if you ain't walked the walk..... and rear echelon pukes have no right to talk about what they did not do..... you owe us respect...we don't owe you shit.....

Respect is earned.  You've only proven yourself time and again to be the least deserving of any respect.

rulemylife -> RE: Freedom... (3/13/2010 7:39:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

oh but you see....liberals make such juicy targets...just 'shots' is an admission of misses....and we don't wish to waste ammunition....we like big explosions of left wing flesh when we let one go..... its just a matter of professionalism not to waste a good round of ammo.... the snipers say it best...."one kill"...neat and tidy.... and oh so satisfying....just make one's day.....

You are a complete fucking whack job and I can only hope that you are already locked up somewhere and your internet use is allowed only as futile attempt at therapy.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Freedom... (3/13/2010 7:41:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife

Uh...........don't you guys live together?

Seems like a lot of wasted effort to have to talk to each other on a message board.

We have a intense, multifaceted relationship.

We just got back from Las Vegas, and were relaxing and reading the forums on different PC's, in different rooms, on different floors of our house.

And she's as hawt upstairs on her PC as she is downstairs sitting next to me.

I'm not afraid to say so publicly.


rulemylife -> RE: Freedom... (3/13/2010 7:47:00 PM)

Ok, just wondering.

I thought there might be some rancor in the KY household.

Carry on.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Freedom... (3/13/2010 7:50:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife

Ok, just wondering.

I thought there might be some rancor in the KY household.

Carry on.

"Rancor" is a hard limit in our household.  Be it in Georgia (where we now live), Kentucky, or Nevada.


slvemike4u -> RE: Freedom... (3/13/2010 10:05:24 PM)

Now Firm,please don't take this wrong...this is just me asking a question...but how exactly does that work,have you two drawn up an agreement that states all discord falls under your agreement and has been mutually agreed upon to be a "hard limit"...just wondering how that all works out in practical application?

TreasureKY -> RE: Freedom... (3/14/2010 8:28:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Now Firm,please don't take this wrong...this is just me asking a question...but how exactly does that work,have you two drawn up an agreement that states all discord falls under your agreement and has been mutually agreed upon to be a "hard limit"...just wondering how that all works out in practical application?

As Firm is still asleep, I'll take this one.

There is no "formal" agreement, but yeah... when we were getting to know one another, we agreed that we did not want discord or drama... it is a hard limit.  Compatibility was and is paramount in our relationship.  We were fortunate enough to find in each other our "twin"... or at least as close a match as either of us could imagine.

We do have our differences, and differences of opinion.  But part of our agreement was a determination to understand and accept those differences.  Firm isn't out to change me and I'm not out to change him. 

Surprisingly the biggest aid to practical application is our shared and fiercely held belief that we are partners... not adversaries in this relationship.  It is amazing how smoothly life works when you're both on the same side working toward the same goals.

cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/14/2010 7:59:44 PM)

If you leave the northeast, or the west coast, you are going to find out that your side is the one that is hated....Obama has done more to destroy liberals than anything I could do.....but I do love to bust liberal balls and faces when I get a chance...just makes a man feel good to bash a big mouth lib in the chops.... I despise the motherfuckers....

cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/14/2010 8:02:27 PM)

The last thing I want is a liberal's respect....the only thing I want for liberals is for them to leave or bleed.....fuck liberals....simple isn't it...?

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Freedom... (3/14/2010 8:17:21 PM)






ORIGINAL: cuckyman

baby, I hope that you and those like you are so embarrassed of being an American that youall decide that Yugoslavia is a much better place for you to what you think about this land, we don't give one tinkers dam..... and do us all a favor and stay the hell in Atlanta, and off our beaches.....

Me and those like me are proud Americans who have placed our lives in harms way to defend your right not to give a damn.  I'm not embarrassed of our country, I am embarrassed that you pervert my family's proud legacy of service by using the freedom defended for you to vilify and abuse others with no regard for their rights and freedoms.

Veteran of the US Army
Wife of a retired US Army officer
Mother of two US Army infantrymen
Step-mother of one US Army infantryman
Daughter of a former US Army senior NCO
Neice to a fallen US Army soldier
Granddaughter to both a US Marine serviceman and a US Army serviceman

Anyone ever tell you that you are truly "hawt"?  [:)]


You two need to get a room.

Oh. Wait a minute....

Never mind.

slvemike4u -> RE: Freedom... (3/14/2010 8:24:46 PM)




ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Now Firm,please don't take this wrong...this is just me asking a question...but how exactly does that work,have you two drawn up an agreement that states all discord falls under your agreement and has been mutually agreed upon to be a "hard limit"...just wondering how that all works out in practical application?

As Firm is still asleep, I'll take this one.

There is no "formal" agreement, but yeah... when we were getting to know one another, we agreed that we did not want discord or drama... it is a hard limit.  Compatibility was and is paramount in our relationship.  We were fortunate enough to find in each other our "twin"... or at least as close a match as either of us could imagine.

We do have our differences, and differences of opinion.  But part of our agreement was a determination to understand and accept those differences.  Firm isn't out to change me and I'm not out to change him. 

Surprisingly the biggest aid to practical application is our shared and fiercely held belief that we are partners... not adversaries in this relationship.  It is amazing how smoothly life works when you're both on the same side working toward the same goals.

Actually Treasure that sounds sweet....and in all seriousness I am happy for the two and your fortune in having found each other.....and fufill each other.Continued happiness would seem assured given all of question was tongue in cheek,but in no way at all was it meant as a shot...I hope it wasn't misconstrued.

Marc2b -> RE: Freedom... (3/14/2010 8:26:37 PM)

Any “philosophy” that is fueled by anger, hatred, and self righteousness is no philosophy at all. It is an ideology, and it is dangerous. I shudder at the thought of people like you (whatever rhetorical nonsense they spew as justification for their hatred) ever achieving real power over others.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Freedom... (3/14/2010 8:39:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

If you leave the northeast, or the west coast, you are going to find out that your side is the one that is hated....Obama has done more to destroy liberals than anything I could do.....but I do love to bust liberal balls and faces when I get a chance...just makes a man feel good to bash a big mouth lib in the chops.... I despise the motherfuckers....

Is that a fact? Well let me tell you something, pal - we're coming for you... your day is coming... we socialists have put up with people like you long  enough, and it's time for a reckoning... its over... the real citizens of this country have had enough, and we're rising up and taking this country back. Liberty and freedom is a BLESSING earned for us by those that went before us... there's only one language that conservative pukes like you understand, and we're going to be screaming it at you out the muzzles of our .45s... for the kingdom of Hell awaits the unjust... you will LEARN these lessons... just like the people of Saigon... you are either in the canoe, or out of your tree... read the words of a free man... world socialism is on the MARCH, and the day of the capitalist conservative swine is OVER... we will feast on the bloated corpses of the rear echelon capitalist pukes... and FORCE you to take socialized free flu shots... and drive small European automobiles that look like toasters and get 25 kilometers per liter of petrol... understand, comrade? Not miles per gallon of gasoline - KILOMETERS per LITER of PETROL! And you'll wait in line for it every Tuesday, because Tuesday will be the day to wait in line for petrol and Wednesday will be the day to wait in line for toilet paper.... this is the final struggle... let us group together... and tomorrow the Internationale will be the human race!

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Freedom... (3/14/2010 8:40:27 PM)

So there.

slvemike4u -> RE: Freedom... (3/14/2010 8:43:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

The last thing I want is a liberal's respect....the only thing I want for liberals is for them to leave or bleed.....fuck liberals....simple isn't it...?
You have no need to far as the respect thing is concerned.....hell I would be willing to bet even your fellow loons think your a fucking joke.

BoiJen -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 11:42:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

If you leave the northeast, or the west coast, you are going to find out that your side is the one that is hated....Obama has done more to destroy liberals than anything I could do.....but I do love to bust liberal balls and faces when I get a chance...just makes a man feel good to bash a big mouth lib in the chops.... I despise the motherfuckers....

Nuh in Florida we have a great love for the progressives...haven't you read about the grassroots changes happening in your own back yard?

Oh or let's look at Crist's moves in terms of dealing with U.S. sugar

Here in Florida by "republican" we mean "middle of the road, republican in name only, fabulous gay men just waiting to come out of the closet". He's such a handsome man...I am definitely looking forward to seeing him at the Ramrod one of these days.



Jeffff -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 12:11:52 PM)

Fast reply

I prefer Van Morrison's version.


rulemylife -> RE: Freedom... (3/15/2010 12:29:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

If you leave the northeast, or the west coast, you are going to find out that your side is the one that is hated....Obama has done more to destroy liberals than anything I could do.....but I do love to bust liberal balls and faces when I get a chance...just makes a man feel good to bash a big mouth lib in the chops.... I despise the motherfuckers....


That's interesting.

Because I actually don't live far from you.

Maybe we should have a nice friendly beer sometime and you can explain that mouth-bashing thing in person.

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