RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (Full Version)

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ScooterTrash -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 5:41:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: ProperMaleMaid

Your post bespeaks of a deeper understanding and I suspect is product of life experience.All to often we as males, submissive or those of us embracing slavery, allow diminishing and degrading of males in general. However, I have found those women complaining about the submissive males are for the most part the same women complaining about vanilla males and its best to just tune them out immediately. We as submissives or slaves do not have a shortage of options and the last thing we need to do is limit ourselves to those who will not be successful in their search by their own making.
I never post here as I don't regard this as my forum, but having experienced the so called male submissive attitude as I am married to a Domme (& yes I am a Dominant as well)...they have plenty to complain about. I'm not saying they all male subs are wankers, but there are many. I have witnessed the lame BS they have to put up with & if you think they have no valid best rethink that! I think it's hillarious that some fat guy can slam BBWs (among other things) and then the next male that posts says that if the Dommes complain they should just be "tuned out". After you have been here a while and still searching in vain, I would be compelled to's that attitude working for ya guys?

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 7:08:31 AM)


I think it's hillarious that some fat guy can slam BBWs (among other things) and then the next male that posts says that if the Dommes complain they should just be "tuned out". After you have been here a while and still searching in vain, I would be compelled to's that attitude working for ya guys?
Scooter, I think you rock my friend, but why are you coming here with all that common sense advice?  These guys know they are righteous (even if they are hipocritical b****es) and by God they're going to be heard, and they're going to bore the dommes into submission with their bitching and victim mentality.   M

twicehappy -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 7:28:38 AM)

Normally I never post on ask a Mistress as i am a female slave, yet I am owned by a Dom/Domme couple therefore I have a Mistress. While she is my 1st Mistress I have known many as friends and find this particular post execrable.


ORIGINAL: lokisgodhi

I take issue when dommes claim men don't read their ads. We most assured do.

Ok maybe some do, but there is a plethora that does not. My Mistress’s profile for a long time read “female only” yet she received at least 3 or for male subs emails a day. It still reads “I do not do cyber” yet we sit together every morning reading our mail at our desks together and daily i see at least the same amount of emails asking for such.


harem/stable et al = I'm incapable of making a commitment. I need to feed my ego with multiple partners. I only see my partners as trophies not people.

Mistress is looking for another partner for this poly house, she is not looking to have a harem or stable. We all firmly believe it is possible to love more than one. She is seeking actually commitment. Many of the Mistress’s I have known were searching for just that, commitment. In fact most complained of lack of such in male submissives.


It's all about me = It's all about me

“It’s all about me”, that statement fits most dominants of either sex. Yes they want to be served, to have what they want. Hell if they did not want that what would all the subs/slaves who wanted to provide that for their own satisfaction do to satisfy that need in themselves?


because I have nothing to offer as a person. I work a dead end menial job, I have a poor education I'm a trashy low-life who's using being a dominant to make up for all that's lacking in my life.

While I’m sure there is a small minority this statement may fit, it can also be said about some people in any part of life, vanilla or bdsm.
Most Dommes I know are creative intelligent hard working (whether this is in or out of the home) people. Many I know are writers, CEO’s, artists, physicians. They offer much to the sub/slave by way of growth opportunities and life experiences.  


Service oriented = Theft of services oriented. I'm lazy, not really in bdsm and I'm scamming men by using their sexual orientation to extract goods and services from them.

Whoa!!!!!! I am definitely a service oriented slave. Do they steal my services? No way!  I offer them freely because it is part of who I am. Scamming, I’ve seen male subbies scam my owners, I have yet to see them scam any sub/slave. In this house, as in a few others I have seen the subs/slaves do not work outside the home. They are provided food, shelter, clothing, entertainment on exactly the same level as the owners. If anything both will indulge a slave/subs little wants before their own, simply to see the joy or surprise on their faces. 


Female supremacy[ist] = I'm terrified about being judged on the content of my character. I don't have what it takes to be loved and respected because of whom I amd so I'll use an accident of birth to claim a role I can't earn on my merits.

Not even touching this one except to say try reading some, not all, (most of the male and female dominants here are truly wonderful sincere folks), of the male dominants post. Again this is something even people in the vanilla world do.

BBW = Are nearly never beautiful. I lack self control, a major component in being dominant. I'm not secure enough with myself to admit that I'm fat. 

Hmmm, on this one I defer to my Master, ScooterTrash’s post.


No sex = I don't want to have a full balanced well rounded relationship. We'll make a exception if you're married to someone not in the scene or to a dominant.

Sex or no sex is up to the dominant you are submitting to. This time I defer to my Mistress’s post on this one.


Into cuckolding. = I lack moral fiber/ethical parameters.

It takes 2 to tango, so think on that one.


I'm into financial servitude. = I'm a whore.

Not any more so than the old fashioned stay at home vanilla wife.

I want to be spoiled, take me shopping, et al = I'm a whore.

See above statement. And again, I’ve seen this one on so many sub/slaves profiles.

I'm a prodomme. = I'm a cheap and stupid whore. Last time I checked collarme is a personal ad site. If you want clients go to one of the pay sites that cater to prodommes, leave personal sites to people who are looking for relationships. If you do post on a personal site, be looking for a personal relationship not clients. DUH!

Most pro domme’s are not cheap, nor are they whores. They tend to be highly selective of their clientele. Many i have known whose service was invaluable to their clients. They are often better therapy than a psychiatrist. I’ve seen quite a few take their own time to teach their clients wives/girlfriends., help them understand their husband/ boyfriends needs.
Stupid? I know 3 offhand from a group I belonged to who in their normal careers were respectively a writer, a manager for a social security office and a retired college professor.

Collarme is a bdsm site, not strictly a personal ad site, it is also a site for lifestyle debate, sexual health information, bdsm safety information, a place to learn, to make friends.

Men are not stupid. We know when we're being scammed.

So do most Dommes.

She dominates me because she believes that men need structure in their life, never outgrow needing corporal punishment and enjoys being the one who administers it.

I thought you did not believe in female supremacy?

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 7:42:51 AM)


BBW = Are nearly never beautiful. I lack self control, a major component in being dominant. I'm not secure enough with myself to admit that I'm fat
This is the funniest thing you have ever said!    HAVE YOU LOOKED IN THE MIRROR IN THE LAST 10 YEARS?! [sm=biggrin.gif][sm=biggrin.gif][sm=biggrin.gif][sm=biggrin.gif]
You're killing me Loki... I'm soooooo biting my tongue here, not to respond with my impression of your attitude and appearance!  

Great post twicehappy, it's easy to see why you are happy, and I hate to tell you, but you are wasting your time trying to explain those concepts to someone who is completely closed.   M

MisPandora -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 8:08:39 AM)

Well yes, it seems that internet SM is no longer the privilege and rarity that it used to be. 

Guys seeking a domina would have to get out of the house, find a better adult bookstore and pick up a copy of Kinky Times or one of the other newspapers (NYC was littered with them) pertaining to fetishes and SM.  He'd have to WRITE her a letter and mail it to her PO box and patiently await a reply from her.  There was a quasi-ritual involved in writing to her, taking it to the post office and hoping and praying for a response.  (I recall back to when I used to get actual slave postal letters to ads in my PO box, and they were some of the greatest, most carefully thought out missives I've ever received from a slave.) Many dominas were more considerate, or so it seemed, in that they'd take care to respond to the serious gentlemen, even if they didn't fit the bill.  Thry'd continue this back and forth dance until each had enough information to determine that it was time to meet.  For the most part, her time was cherished and sacred -- not thought of as 'one in the line of women I can get on the net'! 

The other way someone would meet would be an SM group.  We're only talking in the last 30-ish years or so, where the organized formal groups had established themselves for likeminded individuals -- most notably, TES (NY), Society of Janus (CA) and Black Rose (DC). These were social and educational organizations established to make a place for kink-minded folks to gather, learn, grow and become experienced in SM knowledge.

I suspect that folks now accessing the computer don't have the appreciation of how intangible BDSM used to be (and still is to a certain extent) because it's so readily available in the mass internet market.

MisPandora -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 8:26:30 AM)

THIS is what we're talking about!

Since you've stepped up to the plate, Loki, I'm going to point out our version of reading profiles: This missive of how women on collarme are fat, money-grubbing whores comes from the submissive man who posts over 10 times in his profile the phrase "I need.....".  We read that loud and clear.  How about what you have to offer as a person and a submissive to your potential partner, or isn't that of consequence to you?  You can't possibly be that one-sided, greedy and inconsiderate.  I'd like to think that maybe you've just overlooked the fact that you're hyperfocused on your needs in your profile and that you've not forgotten that there would be another person to consider in the relationship. 

Some of the other accusations in your "men's guide to ads" are just downright ignorant.  They apparently poke fun at kinks that are not yours (i.e. cuckolding, polyamory.)  Disrespecting what you don't understand or don't care for is not the way to go.  If you don't care for something, politely say no thank you.  What you find hot we might feel is gross, but you have every RIGHT to do it with someone you care about if they're into it as well.  The moment you begin tossing stones at one person's kink, you might as well shut the door on your own!

I'm sorry that you have to go through life trying to search for something bright and be that miserable about others around you.

ProperMaleMaid -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 9:08:57 AM)

Scooter, searching in vain…you assume too much. If in fact I were searching, searching beyond casual comment that is, my search would be selective discerning and rooted in those known to me to possess a passion for zestful pursuit of life’s extreme edges both
within and without the so-called life style.

Proprietrix -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 12:41:16 PM)

I'm really going to try hard to address these statements without flaming or insulting, and keep my eyes on the post, not the poster. (God grant me the strength!)


dommes claim men don't read their ads

From what I have personally experienced, I receive about 5-10 messages a day (and a few more on the weekends) in which the man writing the message has apparently either not read my profile, or has chosen to ignore information I included in my profile. It is frustrating and I do bitch about it more than I probably should in the futile hope that a few men will hear my bitching and make a more concerted effort to judge compatiblity before messaging.


the men's guide to reading reading personal ads

I understand that this is one's person's perspective and may or may not reflect the perspectives of others. But then, I feel that way about any guide written on any subject matter.


harem/stable et al = I'm incapable of making a commitment. I need to feed my ego with multiple partners. I only see my partners as trophies not people.

         I don't see a logical connection between harems, stables, poly (insert appropriate word for one's particular situation), and commitment. If all parties involved are involved consensually, willingly, and happily, then the personal level of commitment may or may not be relavent. I don't see that commitment is relative to number of people involved.
         For me personally, having multiple partners is 1.) not an appropriate useage of wording because my submissives have relationships with one another, not just me (i.e. family rather than several one-on-one relationships), and 2.) though being loved by many is sure to feel nice to anyone's ego, self-pride is certainly not the goal in seeking out more members for a household.
         I don't see my subs/slaves as trophies. If I wanted trophies, there are plenty of skills I excel at in which they could be acquired much more easily than acquiring submissives. I have no audience to which I "show-off" my subs. There is no award ceremony at which I line up all my subs. It's a day-to-day living environment and I quite frankly don't give one iota of shit who does or does not know how many submissives I have at any given point in time.


It's all about me = It's all about me because I have nothing to offer as a person. I work a dead end menial job, I have a poor education I'm a trashy low-life who's using being a dominant to make up for all that's lacking in my life. 

         I would guess that many Dominant women have begun adding this to their profile because they grew frustrated of submissives who have come across as thinking that power exchange relationships are supposed to be centered around the desires and fetishes of the submissive. I've witnessed so very much that submissives say "what do I get out of it?????" and Dominants ask "what do you want out of it???" and the submissives answer with a blank stare.
         I feel that the community at large is in a changing and growing point right now where people on both sides of the fence have veered away from traditional power exchange roles, into fetishism, and are trying to gear back into those traditional roles. It has put many people in a place where they are questioning who is supposed to be meeting whose needs in D/s.
         I don't think that this in any way reflects what one has to offer as a person or what job they hold or what their education level is or their socioeconomic status. Those demographics are totally irrelavent to a community trying to define roles and develop titles for their places in a subculture.


Service oriented = Theft of services oriented. I'm lazy, not really in bdsm and I'm scamming men by using their sexual orientation to extract goods and services from them. 

         This really is an insult not just to Dominant women seeking service oriented submissives, but also an insult to service oriented submissives themselves. One's desire to have a service oriented submissive really has no direct bearing on whether or not one is lazy. It's completely contradictory to assume that it has any bearing on one's depth into BDSM.
         I'm having a very difficult time making a connection between "looking for a service oriented slave" and "scamming men by using their sexual orientation to extract goods and services". How is one's duties in anyway related to their sexual orientation? I just can't make any logical connection here, and therefore can't comment.


Female supremacy[ist] = I'm terrified about being judged on the content of my character. I don't have what it takes to be loved and respected because of whom I amd so I'll use an accident of birth to claim a role I can't earn on my merits.

Female supremacy, much like religion, is a system of beliefs about hierarchy. Again, it is irrelavent to one's character, perceived lovability, or self-efficacy. My only suggestion here is to learn about matriarchy so as to not make faulty comparisons.


BBW = Are nearly never beautiful. I lack self control, a major component in being dominant.I'm not secure enough with myself to admit that I'm fat.

          This is simply one's opinion as I'm sure the majority of us are aware that beauty is relative, subjective, and based on individual preference and taste. I will agree that *some* overweight people lack self-control in at least one area of life. Not all. Some people choose to keep a certain amount of weight because they find themselves more attractive heavier than lighter. Some really don't consider it either way and just live their life. I wouldn't stretch any physical characteristic so far as to draw the conclusion that "because you have X physical trait, you lack X emotional ability". That, once again, is an illogical correlation.


No sex = I don't want to have a full balanced well rounded relationship. We'll make a exception if you're married to someone not in the scene or to a dominant.

         This particular sentence is one I can easily, and personally comment on. Please take the time to learn about asexuality. It is a quickly increasing phenomenon and can be linked directly to the evolutionary phase our society is at. Once one comprehends that connection, it is fairly simple to understand why Dominant women are rapidly finding less and less interest in submissive men with high libidos. Once again, it does not reflect one's desire for balance in a relationship.
         Beyond that though, most women only have a certain tolerance level for receiving sexual advances. We grow tired of hearing about penises, orgasms, cbt, chastity, face-sitting, queening, cumming, oral sex, anuses, and on and on and on. It grows tiring. It grows boring. It grows monotonous. It gets old. And for me personally, it shows a very superficial and shallow attitude toward me and what I can offer outside the bedroom. The more I shout out "NO SEX", the more likely I am to NOT receive those unwanted comments and be approached by men who can think above the waistline.
         The sentence about making an exception "if you're married to someone not in the scene or to a dominant."..... that went right over my head. I totally don't understand that sentence, or its meaning.


Into cuckolding. = I lack moral fiber/ethical parameters.

1.) Morals and ethics are subjective, relative, and personally/socially defined.
2.) I suggest educating oneself on cuckolding (and any other subject) before making public statements about it.
3.) If the Cuckoldress, the cuck, and all other involved members are consensual (which by the way is part of the definition of cuckolding), and happy, and want that particular dynamic, then why not advertise for other persons who might want to join?


I'm into financial servitude. = I'm a whore.

         By definition a whore is either engaging in sexual activity for personal gain, or is compromising her own principals for personal gain. Financial servitude might (although usually does not) include sexual activity. If it does, then yes, I would agree. If it does not, then by definition, it cannot be whoring. If she is compromising her principals, then yes, I agree, it is whoring. If she is not, then again, by definition, it cannot be. Please do keep in mind though that some submissive males very much enjoy being financial servants, being blackmailed, "bringing in the bread" for their Lady, paying monetary tribute to their Domina, and making financial offerings to their Goddess.


I want to be spoiled, take me shopping, et al = I'm a whore.

See my comments above.


I'm a prodomme. = I'm a cheap and stupid whore. Last time I checked collarme is a personal ad site. If you want clients go to one of the pay sites that cater to prodommes, leave personal sites to people who are looking for relationships. If you do post on a personal site, be looking for a personal relationship not clients. DUH!

         AGAIN, invalid conclusions. You are comparing one's profession, with their intelligence level, with their principals. And in doing so, have not only created an antithesis, but also completely contradicted yourself. I personally don't mind seeing Pro ads on CM, but I don't deny that they might be frustrating for submissives looking for non-pros. By definition though, CM is not a "personal ad site". (And I too often make the same mistake of referring to it by that term.) It defines itself as a "BDSM community". Pro-Dommes are part of that community.

When I read the post, I see a very clear pattern all around of illogical correlation and ignorance (i.e. The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.)
In order for someone to take a speaker's words seriously, the speaker needs to present him or herself as knowledgable on their subject matter, as well as their intended audience. This post showed both an ignorance of the subject matter, and an ignorance of the audience.
If one wants to make correlations in thier presentation of ideas, I highly suggest taking some basic courses at a local community college on social statistics.

Thank you for taking the time to present your thoughts on the matter, but I personally didn't find them credible at all, a bit flamatory, and lacking at best.

AAkasha -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 1:21:30 PM)

I gave up looking for more than a "play partner" in a sub in the year 2000 and only dated vanilla men when looking for a relationship partner. I ended up falling for just such a man and he has turned out to be a better submissive than any of the subs I dated.

I think you find it when you stop looking.


openmindedslave -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 1:29:55 PM)

I guess it would be safe to say that most submissives in the world  will not be found on a web site or in a personals colume. TIn fact many subs may not even realize fully their personalities unless someone helps them to recognize it in them. I congradulate  Akasha's good fortunes in what she found

TeeGO -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 2:35:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: lokisgodhi
I take issue when dommes claim men don't read their ads. We most assured do.

I submit the men's guide to reading reading personal ads.

Maybe you do read the ads (profiles.) I can assure you I do. I know there are many others that do as well. However from personal experience here on Collarme I can assure the vast majority do not. Thus everything else you say falls apart on this false assumption. Back to the drawing board for you.

ORIGINAL: lokisgodhi
BBW = Are nearly never beautiful. I lack self control, a major component in being dominant. I'm not secure enough with myself to admit that I'm fat.

What the hell? Dude, you have no right, none, zippo, nada, to criticize any woman for the way they look. I have never been accused of being a stud, but next to you, ugly old me feels like a Greek God.

You sir, are a hypocrite. And that is not an opinion.

LESSON: Some of your points might have had some validity if you hadn't come in judgmental and trying to be the voice of all. A little humility can go a long way.

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 5:05:56 PM)


What the hell? Dude, you have no right, none, zippo, nada, to criticize any woman for the way they look. I have never been accused of being a stud, but next to you, ugly old me feels like a Greek God.
I concur!


You sir, are a hypocrite. And that is not an opinion.

LESSON: Some of your points might have had some validity if you hadn't come in judgmental and trying to be the voice of all. A little humility can go a long way
Great point, but will go right over his head because he is as sanctimonius and self absorbed as they come, in my view.   M

MistressLorelei -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 6:36:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: lokisgodhi

I take issue when dommes claim men don't read their ads. We most assured do.

I submit the men's guide to reading reading personal ads.

harem/stable et al = I'm incapable of making a commitment. I need to feed my ego with multiple partners. I only see my partners as trophies not people.

It's all about me = It's all about me because I have nothing to offer as a person. I work a dead end menial job, I have a poor education I'm a trashy low-life who's using being a dominant to make up for all that's lacking in my life.

Service oriented = Theft of services oriented. I'm lazy, not really in bdsm and I'm scamming men by using their sexual orientation to extract goods and services from them.

Female supremacy[ist] = I'm terrified about being judged on the content of my character. I don't have what it takes to be loved and respected because of whom I amd so I'll use an accident of birth to claim a role I can't earn on my merits.

BBW = Are nearly never beautiful. I lack self control, a major component in being dominant. I'm not secure enough with myself to admit that I'm fat.

No sex = I don't want to have a full balanced well rounded relationship. We'll make a exception if you're married to someone not in the scene or to a dominant.

Into cuckolding. = I lack moral fiber/ethical parameters.

I'm into financial servitude. = I'm a whore.

I want to be spoiled, take me shopping, et al = I'm a whore.

I'm a prodomme. = I'm a cheap and stupid whore. Last time I checked collarme is a personal ad site. If you want clients go to one of the pay sites that cater to prodommes, leave personal sites to people who are looking for relationships. If you do post on a personal site, be looking for a personal relationship not clients. DUH!

Men are not stupid. We know when we're being scammed.

I can't speak for all men but what I want from a dominant women is someone who wants to be with me because she likes[loves] me, or at least most of me, enjoys my company and wants to be my exclusive significant other. She dominates me because she believes that men need structure in their life, never outgrow needing corporal punishment and enjoys being the one who administers it. And she does it in a positive way that makes me feel good about myself, good about my relationship with her and I can always trust her and not feel like I'm being victimized or abused for her ego.

There are other things too but this is the crux.


No, what you have submitted is the ' I have no one and I am a bitter, judgemental male' guide for reading personal ads. 

I would assume that since you are here and looking (as your ad states), that you are not the cup of tea of every Dominant Female, so while Pro Dommes, cuckolding, etc (just insert everything that YOU aren't into) may not be YOUR thing; it does not make those who are into these things scam artists and degenerates who lack morals. 

One day a Dominant Female will likely have a taste for a judgemental, critical submissive and far be it from Me to criticize her when she finds you.

MsD -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/14/2006 9:38:04 PM)


Do female slaves or subs  respond or show more respect  when it comes to meeting and being honest than males do?

As another who seeks a female slave/sub, I will say that the difference I've noticed in the emails I get from females vs. males is that #1 females are not as likely to contact me as males #2 females do not put forth the "do me" attitude of the males, instead it's tell me what it would be like with you.  I do make it very clear in my profile that I'm looking for female not male so it's very rare I get a sincere email from a male, though there have been a few who have written just to send a sincere compliment ... & it was noted in each of these they knew I wouldn't be interested, but they were touched in some way by the profile I had written.  With no comparison to males, I must say that the females I've had correspondence with, sadly, have lacked any real follow up in continuing to explore whether or not we might mesh.  But then, commitment is a very big point with me.  Lack of any kind of commitment at least shows me pretty quickly who is not right for me & my house.
As far as your original post, I think it's a pretty fair bet for anyone searching that an occassional time out is necessary for personal refueling as well as a reaching into our own personal touchstone for just exactly what it is each of us is searching for.

lokisgodhi -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/15/2006 2:12:57 PM)

ScooterTrash wrote:

"I never post here as I don't regard this as my forum, but having experienced the so called male submissive attitude as I am married to a Domme (& yes I am a Dominant as well)...they have plenty to complain about. I'm not saying they all male subs are wankers, but there are many. I have witnessed the lame BS they have to put up with & if you think they have no valid best rethink that! I think it's hillarious that some fat guy can slam BBWs (among other things) and then the next male that posts says that if the Dommes complain they should just be "tuned out". After you have been here a while and still searching in vain, I would be compelled to's that attitude working for ya guys?"

I've never slammed BBW and there are some out there. I challenge the right of BUWs [Big Ugly Women] to call themselves beautiful.

I called in to question why a fat person has the credibilty to claim dominance using criteria that one must be in control of themselves before they can be in control of someone else. Someone needs to learn to read for comprehension.

As for me being fat, well DUH! I've never met a cordon bleu that I didn't like. Duh! I've always wondered why they put serving sizes on recipes when it's obvious that they serve one. Duh!

I accuse ScooterTrash of being one of those people who watches Roadrunner cartoons and thinking how much it must hurt the poor coyote. Duh!

lokisgodhi -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/15/2006 2:22:10 PM)

BlkTallFullfig wrote:

"I think you rock my friend, but why are you coming here with all that common sense advice?  These guys know they are righteous (even if they are hipocritical b****es) and by God they're going to be heard, and they're going to bore the dommes into submission with their bitching and victim mentality."

I'm not a victim. Victims take it without a word. I'm launching a counter offense. I won't accept the bullshit that I see dommes spew. When confronted with it I'm going to [figuratively] kick them so hard in the ass they're going to taste shoe leather. If that doesn't work I'll try literally.

Contesaluv -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/15/2006 2:34:42 PM)

I can't say that I've given up.  I can only say that the fire has died down.  It probably needed to though because now the real work begins. I've begun what I hope to be some good friendships and am even in conversation with a few potential subs/slaves that may work out over time.  It's all a process I say but then again, isn't life.  One thing I'm sure of, I can't give up even if I wanted to because I am Dominant.  It's not something that I put on when the occasion arises.  It's who I am.  It's taken almost a life time to come to terms with it and own it fully and there's no turning back for me.

I've had the "Do Me" kings vibrating in my inbox with a desire unrealistically aimed my way.  I've had the sub whose sent a picture that was of a hunk he found on the internet (as if I were that shallow).  I've had the hunk whose strung me along making believe he truly wanted to be my slave but couldn't follow simple instructions regarding calling or providing me with the fulfillment of my requests.  It seems they want to do it there way or no way.  Yet they profess to be submissive.  HA!  I say ha!  I've seen true submission in the relationship of a best friend and her Master and know it is possible and, know what it takes to truly submit.  I know they're out there just have to weed through the field of crap to get to them.  So, strapping on my thigh highs and wading in because the battles not lost until you give up.

TxBlkMistress -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/15/2006 3:15:35 PM)

I agree with you Mistress C.  or at least I'm trying to have that   I say I have officially given up, but being Domme is what I am, so it's not something I can just walk away from.  So I guess I'm just taking a long break to maybe clean out my system.  I'm just so tired and frustrated of the scammers, liers and bullies I can't objectively consider another slave a this time. 

There have been several that claim they are moving here with their company, that have "deaths" in the family, have "major surgery"....all excuses for not meeting, not moving, not doing tasks, etc...and I always believed these guys...until I started talking to other dommes about my experiences...and to my suprise found out that they had the same stories told to them, and after further conversation some of the same exact slaves.   One idiot apparently had a form letter complete with company name that he was going to be moving with...he'd just change the city.   I'm not understanding what guys get out of doing this?  From past experiences, I don't go into heavy discussion of bdsm online, only in person, so I'm not getting what they get out of this.

What do they get out of lying about wanting to be with someone, string them along for weeks, then disappear?

Contesaluv -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/15/2006 3:28:38 PM)


As always a very enlightening opinion from you!  I love reading your posts.  Please come visit this forum more often and bring your words of wisdom to the malcontents who need!

Ciao for now!

Contesaluv -> RE: Mistresses giving up the search??? (4/15/2006 3:42:34 PM)

My guess, they like to think they've got power over you by manipulating you mentally...or...They're JUST FRIGGIN' CHICKEN and can't put up when the time comes!...LOL

Either way, as I see it, it's there loss.  They don't know what they've missed out on even just by the way of an opportunity to explore if nothing else.

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