RE: Vaginal orgasm? (Full Version)

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TrainMeSir -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/29/2006 11:26:03 PM)



It is a myth is there are multiple types of orgasm. There aren’t. There is only one orgasm, and multiple sensations. You see, Freud started a myth about a clitoral and a vaginal orgasm when he started interviewing women over their sex lives. He found there seemed to be too types, the clitoral and the vaginal. He labeled the first immature, since it was more reported by younger unmarried
women, and the second mature, since it was more often reported by older ‘experienced’ women. The younger women were rubbing their clits and the older ones were having sex. IT's really silly that this myth has susvived this long. let me restate this, rubbing your clit until you cum is a clitoral orgasm, having sex until you cum is a vaginal orgasm.

But before I hear someone objecting wildly, read the next section very carefully.

To understand why this myth is both pervasive and why there is only one orgasm, you must first understand what an orgasm actually is. An orgasm is the combination of certain flares of brain activity, which we will ignore for our immediate purposes, AND a physical spasm in the genitals. This spasm is of the Pubococcygeus Muscles. 

Do not try to pronounce that, you’ll only hurt yourself. Cut it down to PC muscles for safety.

Now, first you have to understand that the basic human organism is female. Add certain hormones and you get the development of a male. The clitoris becomes the penis, the ovaries descend and become testacies, the G-spot becomes the prostate, (Or so we currently believe, this isn’t medically proven as yet.) The labia fuse and become the scrotum. 

Now, the discovery of the G-spot threw more fuel on the fires of the myths of the two, or three, or ten orgasms. Everyone starts wondering how to have each type, are they having the right ‘mature’ ones…. Are they having any at all? The gpsot is inside, maybe it’s causing the vaginal orgasm? You start to hear of things called gspot orgasms and even breast orgasms. 

Now, since we know the basic organism is female, and we know that most of the parts exist for each in wildly differing shapes, we also know that both males and females have the Pubococcygeus Muscles. These muscles are around the outside of whichever tube you happen to have, be it a penis or a vagina. It is when these muscles have a spasm, that you have an orgasm. And how that orgasm is stimulated does not matter, it is the spasm that is the orgasm (Well, the spasm and the brain activity, but the brain activity doesn’t change much under monitors either, though it surely varies from person to person.)  The spasm can be stimulated by damn near anything in some lucky people. But it is still the spasm that is the orgasm. Without the spasm there is no orgasm. (Though if you have something you thought was one, but isn't, and if you like doing it, by all mean keep doing it.)

In men, there isn’t too much variety in the SPASM, but women have the potential to have that tube full OR empty. If it’s empty, the muscles spasm against nothing, but if it’s full, they have something to push against, leading to sensations that are distinctly different! But the actual thing that is happening is just the same.  

And the orgasm is the same whether regardless of where the stimulation comes from, or the sensations received as an end result. So there isn’t a gspot orgasm, or a clitoral orgasm, or a vaginal orgasm. There is just an orgasm, and some interesting sensations based on what happens to be getting touched. That’s not to say those places aren’t interesting TO touch, but to recognize that what ends up happening is a certain set of physical actions. That way you see what’s going on so you don’t clutter the place with terms that lack meaning.  

It’s VERY worth noting that weakness in the Pubococcygeus Muscles is the primary cause for frigidity among women. If these muscles are too weak to spasm, you won’t get an orgasm no matter how hard you try. It is absolutely necessary that these muscles be functional if you desire to have an orgasm. And the stronger they are, the stronger the orgasm. It would be like trying to sneeze without a diaphram. IF you can't push air out of your lungs, you can't sneeze.

Dr. Kegal discovered this when he assigned a set of excersizes to some old ladies who were becoming incontinent. They came back with some very interesting stories about changes happening ‘down there.’ The Pubococcygeus Muscles are also the ones you use if you wish to stop urinating. To find them and squeeze them you must urinate, and stop the flow of the stream. Once you do this, these muscles are identified to you, and you can squeeze them as much as you want, thus building strength. Weak PC muscles may prevent you from being able to ‘hold it.’

EDIT, The PC muscles extend around the anal sphincter, thus leading to the 'ass gasm' as it is sometimes called. 

I'm sorry, but you are quite wrong!  I have a clitoris, and a vagina....which neither you, nor Freud, nor any
of the doctors you quoted........have.

Clitoral orgasm is rather easy to achieve.  But there is a me the upper vaginal wall....that if it's accessed just right................and i've learned how to reach that with a man......that is quite another EXPLOSIVE stimulous.  Otherwise, i could just do it alll myself.

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/29/2006 11:54:35 PM)

It's not so much a g-spot orgasm, an orgasm IS an orgasm. It's an "Orgasm from G-spot stimulation, which has a different sensation." ;)

The orgasm is an involentary responce to a stimulus, like when the doctor hits your knee and your leg jerks. Or when you sneeze.
A sneeze is pretty much the same thing reguardless of how you happen to get it. Dust up your nose, you sneeze, red pepper up your nose? You sneeze, but it hurts like hell and burns. Feather up your nose? You get tickled and sneeze. But the involentary reaction is exactly the same reguardless of what stimulus produces the reaction.

The same is true of the orgasm.

So try as many stimulus as you can think of, and see what sensatory effects you can achieve! But don't classify them as different kinds of orgasm. That's unscientific.


No "Trainmesir", I'm right. Further, That's your G-spot. IT's easy to fiddle with alone. Come-on, you should know how to find it by now.

CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/30/2006 6:50:13 AM)


Since Western doctors (men) didn't believe the G spot existed nor did they believe women could ejaculate till relatively recently, I am inclined to believe they are full of shit here.

I will do as I have always done and decide what sort of orgasm I am going to give.

mistoferin -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/30/2006 7:15:07 AM)


The orgasm is an involentary responce to a stimulus, like when the doctor hits your knee and your leg jerks. Or when you sneeze.
A sneeze is pretty much the same thing reguardless of how you happen to get it. Dust up your nose, you sneeze, red pepper up your nose? You sneeze, but it hurts like hell and burns. Feather up your nose? You get tickled and sneeze. But the involentary reaction is exactly the same reguardless of what stimulus produces the reaction.

The same is true of the orgasm.

So try as many stimulus as you can think of, and see what sensatory effects you can achieve! But don't classify them as different kinds of orgasm. That's unscientific.

No offense here but this is kind of like a man trying to tell me that has a REAL understanding of what PMS, a menstrual period or childbirth feels like.

While I can understand the theory you have presented....and even concede that it has have lost me on your sneeze analogy. Forgive me but that has to be the worst analogy I have ever seen and only serves to prove the point that you have no real understanding of what the differences in physical sensations that have been described here are actually like. You see, the one thing in common in your sneeze analogy is that a sneeze always involves the nose. You can't have a sneeze that solely involves your toe or your earlobe. What we are trying to tell you is that we can and do have orgasms that only involve one aspect of our female anatomies....we can and do have orgasms that involve more than one aspect of our female anatomies....and we can and do have orgasms that involve all aspects of our female anatomies. I can't speak for the other ladies but I can tell you that my clitoris is definitely a different body part than my uterus.

Marva -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/30/2006 7:16:41 AM)



Funny reading all these women talking about their body as if it is the only one and all react the same.  Women's bodies (and men's) are all different, they all react differently.  I have known women who's clitoris need to be given heavy attention for a very very very long time, I have known ones to whom the lightest caress was almost overstimulating.  I have known women to orgasm from foot massages, nipple play, kissing, and my favorite, anal sex.

The above even changes according to the time of month, the daily events, stress, emotions, etc.

As several have noted, doing Kegels helps, you can do them without a toy or they make fairly expensive stainless rods.  What helps most is knowing your body, what feels good, what doesn't and communicating that in a non threatening way.  "Oh god, I would go nuts if you touched me here" works better than "I can't cum cause your doing it wrong".

All that said about women being unique is true so you need to figure out how to use those things to your advantage.  Lots of oral before often helps, foreplay isn't overrated.  Decide where your pleasure comes from, clitoral or g-spot.  For g-spot I have found raising a woman's buttocks slightly in the missionary position (and why doggy works so well for some) and having the man focus on thrusting up, not just in.  This results in the head of the penis riding along the upper walls of the vagina (hot eh?  and to think I hate medical play) stimulating the g-spot.  Depending on how orgasmic you are, sometimes it helps to have cum first, sometimes it helps to have gotten you close a couple of times and backed off, or to just go about the whole think slowly and teasingly.

What will prevent it is stressing over it.  Promising yourself you are going to practice and not focus on cumming and instead focus on just how good it feels helps.  Chances are your practice will relax you enough you will cum anyway once the pressure is off, or at least directed at the right places.

Marva -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/30/2006 7:30:48 AM) to using this forum.....

copied the whole comment was an old boyfriend would use a pillow under my hips...seemed to help stimulate just right[:)]....but i do believe the mind is the best for stimulating a woman...starts with sometimes just the mere mention of doing something later in the evening..making the girl THINK about it all day...can be just riding along in the car and think about it..and next thing girl knows...she's had a little one...
And i do think hormones play a major role in how a girl responds to touch..or words...if she doesnt feel "good"  she might as well not even try. (i thought this forum was for the girl subbies.slaves?...ya know, those who actually HAVE vaginas......giggle...just teasing fellas....But i guess mention "vaginas" and the fellas gotta respond...)
As i mentioned before ..toooo much stimuli on the clit can sometimes stop an orgasm..its like...DANG!  get off it already!....(or maybe that's just me....[&o])

Marva -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/30/2006 7:38:32 AM)

(girl thinks GreySaber thinks too much....wonders has He touched a vagina?)

CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/30/2006 7:57:45 AM)


But don't classify them as different kinds of orgasm. That's unscientific.

Western science has stated things don't exist over and over again only to be proven wrong.  Science is the art of proving what is, so if you can measure it or see it, you can theorize about it.  However, pain and pleasure are only just now starting to be understood by science and funny thing is, much of what they called "myth" in Asian and Chinese medical thought they are now finding out to be quite true. 

Since we know we can't yet measure (except in the crudest of ways) what is going on in a woman's body in the way of pain and pleasure, then we can't yet scientifically argue over this subject yet.

tanna -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (4/30/2006 9:37:53 AM)

What a wonderful topic.. Lots of good comments and plenty to think about..

Seems to be easier for some women than it is for others.. I certainly wish I could cum when I sneezed.. Would be sniffing pepper all the time! lol

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/2/2006 5:24:47 PM)

Tanna, when I used sneeze, I was refering to a reflexive action that isn't under the direction control of the individual, but I did read about a fellow who was taking a very odd prescription, which gave him the side effect of an orgasm every time he sneezed. It's called an Autonomic Response.

Basically, when you sit on the doctor's table, and he thumps your knee 'just right' with a little rubber hammer, your leg jumps. (OK, most people's leg jumps. Some don't.) You didn't move your leg, it moved on it's own due to the effect of the stimulus. Some coughing is also in this catagory, but not all, so it isn't as good an example.

With the sneeze, you have a reaction to another stimulus. A certain amount of sensation builds up from whatever source, (Remember, with some reactions the source of the stimulus doesn't matter. What matters is that it sets off the automatic reaction.) And once you reach a certain level of sensation, the diaphram moves entirely on it's own to blast air out of your lungs. Actually, the complete reaction is much more complex then just a blast of air. Most individuals also close their eyes, there is redirection of blood, and if you want to study it in enough depth, you would doubtlessly find every Autonomic Response is a million things happening at once.

This is all operated by the Autonomic Nervous System. That's the part of the nervous system you do not have direct control over. Remember that the nerves are not just responceable for your sence of touch, they also rely information to and from the brain. You have concious control over most of your parts. Makeing a fist is an example of an action you have direct control over, or walking, or anything else you do conciously. Sneezing is an action you do not have direct control over. After a certain level of stimulus is received, an action takes place, in this case the sneeze. And after a certain point, there isn't much you can do to prevent a sneeze, (Though up to that point you can do things, like grabbing your nose, or holding your breath.)

Now, when it comes to orgasm, it's important to remember that the sensation experinced may very wildly, but the end result is that an Autonomic Response takes place, and it's always the same Autonomic Response. Of course, some sensations will be the result of obvious reasons, reasons Dr. Freud overlooked when he penned the terms vagina orgasm and clitoral orgasm.

Now, some people think that strips away too much of the mystery, but it's nonetheless true. As a result, people like Marva will always do things like launch ad hominem attacks rather then looking at things to understand the process.

And understanding it is quite useful. Once you understand what is going on, you can start to tailor your action to give you the type of sensation you most enjoy. 

CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/2/2006 5:52:48 PM)


Freud was once considered the unnassailable authority, now you claim you are.  I think the owners of vaginas will win this debate in the end.

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/2/2006 6:05:39 PM)

Yes CrappyDom, they will. BUT only the ones with scientific training. ;)

It's worth noting that Freud himself DID say that many of his assumptions would be answered by biological studies.

It's also interisting to note that all men did at one time have all the girl parts, which 'turned into' boy parts before they were born. The clitorus turned into the head of the penis, the vagina filled in and became the penis, the labia fused and became the scrotum, the G-spot turned into the prostate (So if you want to get a vague idea what G-spot play feels like, get a girl to find your prostate, or get a prostant exam. The former is much more fun.) and the PC muscles are just about same for both. Basically, all unborn babies are female up to a certain point in their devolopment, and all humans have the same parts which have devoloped VERY VERY differently.

Of course, I can't claim to actually remember what my vagina felt like when I had it. If only I had been give an education before birth, I would have made it a point to experiment whilst in the womb and find out what it felt like. [;)][;)][;)][;)][;)][;)]

CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/2/2006 6:22:06 PM)

Funny thing about scientific training.  It produced people who knew it all...till they didn't.  Remember Phrenology? 

Wonder how many decades it will take for those with "scientific training" to finally catch up to the Eastern way of looking at the human body and mind as an interconnected system capable of things Western science keeps saying can't be done, till they "discover" they can.  Sort of like Columbus "discovering America...

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/2/2006 8:58:16 PM)

Now Crappy, if you want to have an arguement over eastern vs weastern philosphies, that's a completely seperate issue, with a whole library which could be dedicated to it. Interistingly, the East is largely working as fast as it can to catch up to the Western way of doing things. Eastern mystic religions are trendy right now, but their level of validly is equal to pretty much all other religions. If you have faith it's everything, and nothing if you don't. 

CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/2/2006 9:21:18 PM)


Ah, the surety of youth.

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/2/2006 10:26:02 PM)

Crappy, the sillyness of west coasters.

Oh, Have your kids taken your car keys away yet, old timer?

OTKkindaGirl -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/2/2006 10:49:45 PM)

i'll take Vaginal Orgasms for $1000, Alec

just because i think it is wrong that a man should have the last word on vaginal orgasms i will repeat myself and actually spell it correctly this time.....

what is kegel exercises. 

*chuckles*  (please, i am not asking what they are....i am a pro at them!) lmao

Wulfchyld -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/2/2006 11:12:14 PM)

I'd like to buy a vowel!

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/2/2006 11:28:16 PM)


i was beginning to think that i was invisible on these boards and now i am thoroughly convinced.    whaaaaaa, whaaaaa... somebody please call the whaaaambulance!!!  *chuckles*  oh well.... going back into the lurkers closet .... at least i lose the vanilla cone with this whiney plea for some credit. 
You know OTKkindaGirl, being 99yo is probably keeping most men here from flirting with you, lol.[8D]
Welcome to the boards.   Being invisible initially is a good thing; it means you haven't said anything so outragous for everyone to jump all over you.    M

Wulfchyld -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/2/2006 11:45:20 PM)


Crappy, the sillyness of west coasters.

Oh, Have your kids taken your car keys away yet, old timer?

< Message edited by GreySaber -- 5/2/2006 10:30:15 PM >

Best step careful there young’en. You are about to make a left turn in the most wrong direction you have ever seen.

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