RE: Vaginal orgasm? (Full Version)

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Wulfchyld -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/2/2006 11:57:53 PM)


You know OTKkindaGirl, being 99yo is probably keeping most men here from flirting with you, lol.[8D]
Welcome to the boards.   Being invisible initially is a good thing; it means you haven't said anything so outragous for everyone to jump all over you.    M

I’m just patiently waiting for the mysterious SirRowdy to release her.

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 12:05:05 AM)

He wants to play age jokes, I can play with the best of them. 

Vendaval -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 12:14:35 AM)

This is odd, I thought this thread was about orgasms.  Now the talk is about
old age degenerates.  What a buzzkill!  [:D]

BitaTruble -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 12:26:44 AM)


And understanding it is quite useful. Once you understand what is going on, you can start to tailor your action to give you the type of sensation you most enjoy. 

I'm afraid I don't follow your logic here. On the one hand you are saying an orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm and it doesn't matter from where it stems, it's all the same albeit with differing levels of intensity. On the other, you are saying understanding the science behind the orgasm will help me tailor my actions? If I already know that I have better orgasms through clitoral stimulation, how is understanding the science behind the orgasm going to change the fact that I have better orgasms through clitoral stimulation?

I'm here to admit, when I'm in the middle of an orgasm, I am most definitely not filling out a shopping list or balancing my checkbook and I'm certainly not going to be concerned with the neurochemical or biological processes which are taking place in that moment.

So, if you can expound on how understanding the process is going to help me somehow, I'm all ears.. or, um, eyes as this is a written venue rather than a verbal one. I'll jump on your bandwagon to better orgasms if you can explain why I'm jumping.


GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 1:51:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble
So, if you can expound on how understanding the process is going to help me somehow, I'm all ears.. or, um, eyes as this is a written venue rather than a verbal one. I'll jump on your bandwagon to better orgasms if you can explain why I'm jumping.

Well Celeste, You might consider a biology text book to be the owners manual to the human body. Now, this information might not prove to have too much direct application in your life, as clearly seem to be an advanced user. ;) The real question is this, where do you want to go with your orgasm? Do you want to learn to ejaculate? Do you want to have a solid understanding of what is actually going on? Would understanding the reason Kegals are good help you motivate yourself to do them?

Now, I don't really know where you want to go, if anywhere. but let's imagine you are just starting out, and want to try everything. I expect many girls on here are either at that point, or at the very least remember being there.

Now, you have all sorts of misinformation going around that is based on experinces being interpreted to the best of someone's ability without really understanding what's going on. This is a problem for many people, since experinces of sensation are very subjective. How do you know what's what in a subjective world?

This often leads them to the following problem.

They come to look at the so-called 'various kinds of orgasm' as being completely separate, when they aren't, rather then the same actual action with completely separate flavors of sensation. To continue with the flavor analogy, consider eating. Let’s say, Pie vs. salad. The experience seems very different, one is sweet and hot, the other crisp and cold, but the actions are the same. Chewing, and then swallowing. If you know how to chew and swallow, you know how to eat anything that looks good and can try the entire buffet.   Without that knowledge, many people try to learn to chew and swallow all over again when they don't need to. They ask: "How do I have a G-spot orgasm?" when what they need to ask is: "How can I stimulate an orgasm using my g-spot? I wonder what that will feel like?" This may seem like the same thing, but it’s really a very different way of looking at the same goal, and in the end a simpler one because they understand the biological processes involved. Also, understanding what goes on clears up misconceptions, and that’s always a good thing.
If you look at the orgasm as the act of chewing and swallowing, and the sensation that you use to stimulate it as the 'flavor' (flavor being the distinct sensations that reach your brain) of the orgasm, you can better approach the whole thing. That is where it is useful for the advanced student if you will. That plus the fact that understanding why strong muscles help them orgasm.

That said, the place I have seen it have the most direct application is for those poor inexperienced girls who have never had an orgasm of any kind. Or who ‘don’t know’ if they have had one. (You’d be surprised how many there are.) Consider this question. If you had never had an orgasm, and started experimenting, how would you know if you had 'an orgasm' or just a spike of sensation that felt really good? This troubles some women very deeply, knowing they had a good time, but not knowing if it was an orgasm?

But when you have a complete understanding of the biological process, you can help them tremendously. You look at it as a biological process and explain it that way. “When you have an orgasm, this action will take place in your muscles, and it will happen automatically, much like the way your muscles move automatically when you sneeze.” (Everyone has sneezed, but not everyone has had an orgasm.) This is frequently very comforting to those poor things, as you have given them very solid information on how to recognize an orgasm when it comes.

 Also, if you touch yourself all the time but can't have one, and you find out about the importance of the PC muscles, you can start working them until they are toned, then playing with yourself with much greater success at reaching orgasm. Obviously a good thing to know if you are in that terrible situation! But then, getting these muscles stronger is important for everyone, and knowing why they are doing Kegals motivates your to do them.  Stronger muscles tighten up the vagina, they are healthier, less subject to fatigue, spasm with greater force, AND most importantly, If they are too weak to spasm, it can prevent orgasm. 
Two last reasons why it is good to have an understanding the processes involved is this. One, It’s ALWAYS good to understand something you do,   Two, Once you understand that the vaginal/clitoral orgasm debate started by Freud is actually just a tube full muscle spasm verses a tube empty muscle spasm, the confusion, and perhaps more importantly the “Am I having the correct ‘mature’ orgasm?” issue goes away. You don’t hear that complaint much anymore, but at one time it gave some women fits, thinking they were only having immature orgasms. (Freud labeled the clitoral orgasm as immature, and the vaginal one as mature, due to the nature of the interviews and a lack of understanding the actual process.) In reality neither are more mature, as they are actually just very different experiences of the exact same biological process.

OK, that was long. But does it help you understand why it's a good thing?  

Quick edit: Another reason. It facilitates communcation. Once everyone understands what an orgasm is, they have a much better basis from which to communicate their experiences. Less misconceptions spread, and the end result is that trying something you heard about becomes much easier due to a common baseline from which to explain..

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 6:15:59 AM)


That said, the place I have seen it have the most direct application is for those poor inexperienced girls who have never had an orgasm of any kind. Or who ‘don’t know’ if they have had one. (You’d be surprised how many there are.) Consider this question. If you had never had an orgasm, and started experimenting, how would you know if you had 'an orgasm' or just a spike of sensation that felt really good? This troubles some women very deeply, knowing they had a good time, but not knowing if it was an orgasm?

But when you have a complete understanding of the biological process, you can help them tremendously. You look at it as a biological process and explain it that way. “When you have an orgasm, this action will take place in your muscles, and it will happen automatically, much like the way your muscles move automatically when you sneeze.” (Everyone has sneezed, but not everyone has had an orgasm.) This is frequently very comforting to those poor things, as you have given them very solid information on how to recognize an orgasm when it comes.

Speaking as one of those "poor things." you have someone like me who adored Biology in high school, aced her AP exam, was unable to orgasm and thus struck out on a personal trek TO learn everything and anything she could about the orgasm, its mechanics and the human body...and it didn't help at all. 

I'm not saying that learning the mechanics and biology behind things is useless- it can be quite useful information and a good perspective to have on what's going on and the body.

But when it comes to something as complex as the orgasm (especially in females), narrowing it down to a simple biological process just isn't going to cut it.

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 10:05:56 AM)

Albatross, can you deny that it helped you understand what you were trying to do, even if it wasn't a cureall in your case?

It's not everything, it couldn't be and take up less then three hundred pages. But it's a very valuble part of the whole. IF you overlook such things as being turned on, knowing what happens when you are won't help. ;) And whilst I do beleive that poor tone in the PC muscles is a major issue for many inexpeirnced women, it's not for all. Some have mental blocks and can't relax, others have issues with getting blood into the right tissues. It's not magic, it's just learning, which always helps application if for no other reason then knowing what isn't wrong with you.

fastlane -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 10:09:46 AM)

I've heard from a reliable source that they were good!


OTKkindaGirl -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 10:35:25 AM)



He wants to play age jokes, I can play with the best of them. 

What is your problem and who is it with?  Both references above this post were directed at me.  You really need to lighten up.

CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 12:50:29 PM)


That was what I am sure he would call a "comeback" but it was in reference to me, not you.  I am in the camp of those radicals who believe that there are different sorts of orgasms and worry less about what we can measure with electrodes and more about what our, or in this case, your body tells you is going on.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 12:57:27 PM)

Crappy, otk, it would appear the “Cheer’s” boards have found their Cliff Claven.
Yours truly

CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 1:01:18 PM)

Good think I was never an insuferable ass when I was young enough to walk without a walker.  Once I started using Depends, I realized I had to start being nice to people and I mellowed out.

OTKkindaGirl -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 2:23:39 PM)

Crappy Sir... as i am sure you are well aware, i am in that boat with you and i'll be happy to row, row, row it quickly down the stream!

As Wulfchyld Sir puts it, we have indeed found our Cliff Claven of the boards.... if not vaginal orgasms! 

Please,  i really don't want to egg him on any further.

OTKkindaGirl -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 2:46:06 PM)


Once you understand what is going on, you can start to tailor your action to give you the type of sensation you most enjoy. 

i'm sorry i just can't help myself.... i think i get what he is after here.  he wants it all tied up in political correctness.  it isn't a vaginal orgasm, it's vaginal sensation associated with an orgasm, etc. etc. etc.  broken down?  anybody venture to guess?'s still a vaginal orgasm!  LOL.... LMAO....

Wulfchyld -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 2:51:14 PM)

My… my… my momma said i… i… it’s a drop of golden sunshine that… that… falls from de sky!
 Wanna know why gator’s is so ornery?

OTKkindaGirl -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 2:54:29 PM)

becoz  he's got awl dem teeth an' no toothbrush!

nothing at all to do with medulla oblongata

TNstepsout -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 2:59:23 PM)

Ok, I know I should just let this drop but I just can't.

Science is limited by it's ability to measure and interpret. Right now science does not posess the ability to measure and interpret everything that goes on in a woman's body when she has an orgasm. So how can anyone possibly say with scientific certainty that one type of orgasm is the same as the other? Just because they may have some elements in common it does not mean they are the same. Perhaps because science can measure the ways in which they are the same it may appear, or seem as if they are the same, but that is faulty logic. It is assuming there is only one qualifying factor. Just because a cough and a sneeze may cause an abdominal spasm it doesn't mean a cough and a sneeze are the same thing. Just because tomatoes and apples are both red it doesn't mean they are the same thing. AND just because a clitoral and vaginal orgasm both cause muscle contractions it doesn't mean they are the same thing.

You have a dozen women all saying a vaginal and clitoral orgasms feel completely different. It is not good science to refuse to see the data in front of you because it doesn't fit your theory.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 2:59:43 PM)

Viki! Is dat you?

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 3:04:19 PM)

*rolls eyes.*

People say they want to know what something is, but are they happy when you tell them?


OTKkindaGirl -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 3:08:26 PM)


of course you realize people are going to get confuzzed over my real name unlessin' they know betta.

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