RE: Vaginal orgasm? (Full Version)

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Wulfchyld -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 3:14:41 PM)



*rolls eyes.*

People say they want to know what something is, but are they happy when you tell them?


Grey, the problem is this; the next time you have a vaginal orgasm and or a clitoral orgasm you will be considered more of an authority. You are trying to present yourself as a Don Juan Casanova on the boards and you’re profile. You are presenting way too much technical information and really, TMI in general. Sadly, after reading many of your posts through sexual threads, you are appearing as a HNG trying to persuade the fine lasses of the board that you are The God of Sexuality. I would suggest you tone down the technical dribble, present life experience, and respect you’re elders/peers, and learn rather than preach.

I don’t care how she gets any orgasm; as long as I am giving many of them I am satisfied. If you want these ladies to be attracted to you, seduce their minds.


CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 3:16:27 PM)

Actually, the OP and the thread was about how to HAVE various types of orgasm by actual owners of vaginas, clitorises, and G spots.  The original poster asked:


Dear fellow female subs... do you have any tips on how to get a vaginal orgasm (as opposed to a clitoral one)?

Hey, did you know they just found out that that quaint practice of bloodletting and leaches had a sound medical foundation?  Course it didn't exist till some young dipshit intern figured it out and "discovered" something that people had used for centuries.  I wonder if there is a bright young intern out there now who might have the brains to "discover" that women in fact DO have different types of orgasms.  Bet that will cum as a surprise to a lot of women!

Wulfchyld -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 3:16:56 PM)




of course you realize people are going to get confuzzed over my real name unlessin' they know betta.

VIKI!!!! I sure been want’en ta see dem boobies again! When did you get out of prison?

spankmepink11 -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 3:30:59 PM)



Funny reading all these women talking about their body as if it is the only one and all react the same.  Women's bodies (and men's) are all different, they all react differently.  I have known women who's clitoris need to be given heavy attention for a very very very long time, I have known ones to whom the lightest caress was almost overstimulating.  I have known women to orgasm from foot massages, nipple play, kissing, and my favorite, anal sex.

The above even changes according to the time of month, the daily events, stress, emotions, etc.

As several have noted, doing Kegels helps, you can do them without a toy or they make fairly expensive stainless rods.  What helps most is knowing your body, what feels good, what doesn't and communicating that in a non threatening way.  "Oh god, I would go nuts if you touched me here" works better than "I can't cum cause your doing it wrong".

All that said about women being unique is true so you need to figure out how to use those things to your advantage.  Lots of oral before often helps, foreplay isn't overrated.  Decide where your pleasure comes from, clitoral or g-spot.  For g-spot I have found raising a woman's buttocks slightly in the missionary position (and why doggy works so well for some) and having the man focus on thrusting up, not just in.  This results in the head of the penis riding along the upper walls of the vagina (hot eh?  and to think I hate medical play) stimulating the g-spot.  Depending on how orgasmic you are, sometimes it helps to have cum first, sometimes it helps to have gotten you close a couple of times and backed off, or to just go about the whole think slowly and teasingly.

What will prevent it is stressing over it.  Promising yourself you are going to practice and not focus on cumming and instead focus on just how good it feels helps.  Chances are your practice will relax you enough you will cum anyway once the pressure is off, or at least directed at the right places.

 Being in pocession of both a vagina...and a clitoris i agree wholeheartedly with this.
i was a late bloomer in the orgasm department,  but once i got to know my own  body better
 (during the long months of seperation from my  then military spouse)...well...the sky was the limit.....i've had orgasms thinking about well many different bodily interactions that most consider completely innocuous.....toe sucking......shampooing my partners hair even something as simple as caressing of the fingers and palms during hand holding.....not to sound cliche....but it starts in the mind. 
  You can have two different people doing the exact same physical acts to you...and have wild orgasms with one...and nothing with the other...mind set is my opinion.
 That being said...i'd like to ask...if anyone gay males have anal the point of ejaculation?  I  LOVE anal i just wondered...

CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 3:36:51 PM)


You just HAD to mention anal orgasms...such a massive turn on when a woman cums that way for me! 

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 3:50:07 PM)

So basically people don't give a damn about what's actually going on. *Rolls eyes* And people wonder why they can't keep'em in school.

Wulf, Basically I see a bunch of people who can't be bothered to step back beyond their own fun and pay attention to what they are actually doing, then throw stones at those who actually did the research because they either can't understand it, or don't want to bother to try.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 3:53:06 PM)



So basically people don't give a damn about what's actually going on. *Rolls eyes* And people wonder why they can't keep'em in school.

Wulf, Basically I see a bunch of people who can't be bothered to step back beyond their own fun and pay attention to what they are actually doing, then throw stones at those who actually did the research because they either can't understand it, or don't want to bother to try.

Well grey, I offered you warning and advice. I will leave you to your own devices now.
Good luck

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 3:56:44 PM)

No, you basically offered a number of minor insults. 

spankmepink11 -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 4:00:01 PM)

did something in my post imply that i did not care what was going on?

CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 4:09:13 PM)

The scene:

The most famous and immanent scientists of the day engaged in rigorous intellectual debate. 

The Topic

The insane and irrational idea that man evolved from an animal, that the earth revolved around the sun, that continents drift, that women ejaculate, and today the debate is over orgasms.

From where I sit Grey, you seem to be a very imminent scientist quite sure he knows EXACTLY how something "must" work...

Wake up!  Men in the East have been controlling their orgasm for generations, most men in the West can't control one long enough for this debate about women's orgasms to even matter.   Mainstream science has at one point denied almost everything we take as truth today.  Since there is still much we don't know about our bodies, how our brains interact with them, what chemicals are released into the bloodstream when they occur, and god knows what processes occur we haven't even discovered yet, you sure you want to stand with your distinguished colleagues who deny the next discovery?

mysecret40 -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 5:10:26 PM)

Men have problems with orgasms too. Recently while talking with a Dom, he told me he has a hard time cumming due to always masterbating. Seems he got use to his own palm and fingers,   he knows just how to be in charge of his "domain". So, when he gets the real deal, just may not happen. Then I've heard of men who can control their orgasms, in spurts, not just one big shabang.  So, men also orgasm differently too?

feastie -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 6:13:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: Wulfchyld



*rolls eyes.*

People say they want to know what something is, but are they happy when you tell them?


Grey, the problem is this; the next time you have a vaginal orgasm and or a clitoral orgasm you will be considered more of an authority. You are trying to present yourself as a Don Juan Casanova on the boards and you’re profile. You are presenting way too much technical information and really, TMI in general. Sadly, after reading many of your posts through sexual threads, you are appearing as a HNG trying to persuade the fine lasses of the board that you are The God of Sexuality. I would suggest you tone down the technical dribble, present life experience, and respect you’re elders/peers, and learn rather than preach.

I don’t care how she gets any orgasm; as long as I am giving many of them I am satisfied. If you want these ladies to be attracted to you, seduce their minds.


Well said, Loki!  'Specially that seducin the mind part [8D]

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 8:24:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: spankmepink11
did something in my post imply that i did not care what was going on?

Thanks Pink. I've got Crappy here swearing all things eastern are superior, but I'm avoiding the arguement because I think he's just being difficult for it's ownsake,

And Wulf on the other side who seems to see some moral superiority in being an not only ignorant, but an ignorant jerk who likes to insult anyone who actually tries to study the process.

The two of them can be discouraging. Espeically as they don't even counter my points before telling me I don't know what I'm talking about, but it's the oldest trick in the book to attack the person making the arugement if you don't know anything about countering the arugement itself.

Mysecret, I would certainly say yes.

CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 8:32:07 PM)


The oldest trick in the book is to claim something doesn't exist because you can't yet see it. 

GreySaber -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 8:41:06 PM)

Well, Crappy, I find that to me an interisting arguement from YOU, who has been constantly claiming that discoveries of science don't exist even though you can see them. Further, since you favor the Eastern Approach, which can easily be boiled down to the idea that NOTHING actually exists, but is only there as an expression of the univerisal conciousness.

But yes, I've avoided being drawn into an arguement with you, as I think it would rapidly move so very far off subject as to be hardly worth the start. But if you care to start a new thread and tell me where to find it, I consider hashing out the East/West debate with you.

CrappyDom -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 8:50:53 PM)


When you get a chance, get your English tutor to sit down with you and have them help you decipher my posts, failing that, almost any bimbo will do, even a cheerleader.  When the light bulb comes on, even if it is next week, be a man and apologize for being such a clueless moron.

Oh, I wanted to add this bit of advice, I really don't think writing is going to work out for you, don't make it your day job.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 8:51:17 PM)




ORIGINAL: spankmepink11
did something in my post imply that i did not care what was going on?

Thanks Pink. I've got Crappy here swearing all things eastern are superior, but I'm avoiding the arguement because I think he's just being difficult for it's ownsake,

And Wulf on the other side who seems to see some moral superiority in being an not only ignorant, but an ignorant jerk who likes to insult anyone who actually tries to study the process.

The two of them can be discouraging. Espeically as they don't even counter my points before telling me I don't know what I'm talking about, but it's the oldest trick in the book to attack the person making the arugement if you don't know anything about countering the arugement itself.

Mysecret, I would certainly say yes.

Uh oh… you just turned left.

BitaTruble -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/3/2006 9:24:01 PM)


Well Celeste, You might consider a biology text book to be the owners manual to the human body. Now, this information might not prove to have too much direct application in your life, as clearly seem to be an advanced user. ;)

You do realize you just dashed all my hopes, right? ;) I was truly hoping to learn something I didn't already know. So, you are speaking more for the novice. I won't have to much to add to this thread because I don't have the issues to which this relates.


The real question is this, where do you want to go with your orgasm?

I'm not sure exactly what this question means. Orgasm is the end result of the path which I've taken to get there regardless of the circuit that path has taken.  Now, if it could lead to subspace for me, that would be something. I'm already multi-orgasmic and until I'm actually in pain I'm still good to go and, of course, the fact I'm in pain doesn't do a thing to stop Himself from continued torture. Sadists.. sheesh. To top it off, he laughs. Laughs I say! Insult to injury. I am fortunate to have everything from sweet, quickie orgasms to mind blowing orgasms that make my teeth go numb. I'm all set. ;)


Do you want to learn to ejaculate?

Um, no. My goal was to learn how to prevent it, not force the issue. I do more than enough laundry already.


Do you want to have a solid understanding of what is actually going on?

It's been working pretty well for me for about 35 years and doesn't show any sign of slowing down in the new future. I'm good thanks.


Would understanding the reason Kegals are good help you motivate yourself to do them?

I'll just say that such information is privileged and not something I'd share with the general public.


Now, I don't really know where you want to go, if anywhere. but let's imagine you are just starting out, and want to try everything. I expect many girls on here are either at that point, or at the very least remember being there.

Ok.. I'm going to stop you here because I'm too old to remember that far back. lol I've been teasing you a bit because I'm well aware of all the information you've set forth. Being married to a doctor hasn't hurt either.. well, not as far as information goes.

I agree that information is rarely harmful, but also acknowledge that no two women are alike and sometimes the exact same actions have very different results. A single tailing may lead to an orgasm or it may lead to subspace or it may just hurt like a bitch on any given day. The application of the knowledge of 'how' orgasms effect the body doesn't seem to be all that important in the grand scheme of things. If you are cumming and you don't know it, then the purpose of cumming hasn't, IMO, been served. Having a way to gauge whether or not you've had an orgasm seems the least important aspect because clearly it doesn't seem like you're enjoying yourself all that much if you can't even tell. I don't believe such knowledge has helped me have better or more orgasms. I do think exercising the PC is going to enhance pleasure for both parties and the information you gave on that was helpful to those who didn't already know it so for that alone, I believe your post was worth the read. I'm an old dog and I already know enough tricks to keep me barking for years to come, but I don't have an issue at all with your posts or position. If they can help someone, that's great.. if they don't, the information isn't going to hurt anyone for having it.. in fact, it might send some to a doc if they think there are issues going on with them that they wouldn't have known if they hadn't read it. Over all, worthwhile effort.


Vendaval -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/4/2006 1:20:10 AM)

Hello MissTy and welcome to the boards.  [:)]
I am answering this as a Femme Domme, not a submissive.

First all, get in touch with your body, long baths, soft music and lighting,
and touching yourself all over.  If you do not already have them, purchase
some various types of lube, dildoes and vibrators.  Make sure you have a nice,
comfortable bed with pillows to change the levels and positions of your pelvis.
Play with your body all over, your clit and your vagina, use your hands, the lube
and the toys.  Make note of what feels good and what feels even better!
If you get off on the visual stimulous watching yourself in the mirror or renting
some pornography can also stroke the fires.
When practicing safer sex with a male partner, change positions!  Go from him
on top to you on top to doggie style to reverse cowgirl, etc.  Purchase a recent
edition of "The Joy of Sex" or a similar book with photographs showing different
sexual positions, 'cause baby, you will get a kink in your neck trying to figure some
of them out by written description alone!
Have fun, go with the flow, and do not worry about the results.  Most females
need to feel relaxed in order to orgasm, whether by clitoral or vaginal stimulation
or G-spot stimulation.  And doggie style is great for having the tip of the male's
penis stimulating the G-spot!  [:D]
Love yourself and enjoy your body.



A little bit afraid of sounding like a ridiculous "Dear Dr. Ruth" here... but I give it a go anyway:

Dear fellow female subs... do you have any tips on how to get a vaginal orgasm (as opposed to a clitoral one)?

Marva -> RE: Vaginal orgasm? (5/8/2006 6:54:21 AM)

Thank You Domme...that was some of my suggestions too!...relax....get a pillow under your hips..... If with a Man, concetrate on how wonderful His movements feel...the rhythm..the deep and shallow and out..watching His eyes..feeling His hands on you...His voice caressing your the rhythm that works great for you...Just having Him do it....oh my!....what was i saying again?...

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