RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (Full Version)

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mnottertail -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 11:33:09 AM)

This is more like it 'Rap'.  Its like a rowdy soccer match piss up. Since you missed the cup, we 'aven't owt to blame but ahselfs.

RapierFugue -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 11:33:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy
I don't think you grasp the full meaning of this. 

I don't think you grasp anything remotely connected with reality.

Time to up the meds. Sooner or later, something has to work.

RapierFugue -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 11:35:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: cuckoldmepls
Well this is what happens when you subsidize anything for people, then you try to take it away.  We've seen this in Greece, France, and now England, and these are civilized countries. I will say this though. Tripling the tuition rates overnight was a little bit insane. At least over here, they do it gradually darn near every year.

The rates won't be tripled overnight. The 9,000 limit is for exceptional circumstances/courses, the average will be from 3,000 to 6,000, and they'll be introduced over the course of the next couple of years by most universities.

RapierFugue -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 11:42:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail
This is more like it 'Rap'.  Its like a rowdy soccer match piss up. Since you missed the cup, we 'aven't owt to blame but ahselfs.

That link's content is "banned in your country on copyright grounds" [;)]

Latest is that some of the thugs have attacked Prince Charles & Camilla's car, in which case someone is in for a very tricky time of things; the RPS don't fuck about; if something threatens their target, they shoot it [:D]

pahunkboy -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 11:46:55 AM)

Since you brought it up-

here we go-

mnottertail -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 11:49:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: RapierFugue


ORIGINAL: mnottertail
This is more like it 'Rap'.  Its like a rowdy soccer match piss up. Since you missed the cup, we 'aven't owt to blame but ahselfs.

That link's content is "banned in your country on copyright grounds" [;)]

Latest is that some of the thugs have attacked Prince Charles & Camilla's car, in which case someone is in for a very tricky time of things; the RPS don't fuck about; if something threatens their target, they shoot it [:D]

It was Tubthumping....

Yeah, it would be bad form in this country to even sneeze at our president,  I expect BPCharlie can throw tampons at the blokes should his crack troops be incapacitated.

RapierFugue -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 11:50:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

Since you brought it up-

here we go-

No idea what you're trying to say. All I can see in that thread is you acting like a paranoid idiot.

Yet again.

I can't be arsed to plough through reams of your drivel I'm afraid.

RapierFugue -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 11:52:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail
I expect BPCharlie can throw tampons at the blokes should his crack troops be incapacitated.

I reckon Camilla would be a proper bruiser if cornered.

On a serious note, just for a moment, as plod are having to deploy in huge numbers to deal with these arseholes, then that's leaving the rest of London very thinly covered. So thanks, thugs, way to go [8|]

pahunkboy -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 11:52:25 AM)

** IGNORED *** - 12/9/2010 7:50:04 AM    showPicture("12/9/2010 11:50:04 AM",0,0,0,3495202,63) RapierFugue
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RapierFugue -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 11:54:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

** IGNORED *** - 12/9/2010 7:50:04 AM    showPicture("12/9/2010 11:50:04 AM",0,0,0,3495202,63) RapierFugue
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Like I give a fuck what you do [:D]

allthatjaz -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 11:57:11 AM)

The guys are right when they say that horses don't trample people. They are animals of flight not fight and an injured leg could mean certain death. They are extremely self protective. I would watch my toes though if I were standing in the crowd because a shod food can break many toes!

I think its a great shame that the anarchists have once again spoilt what should of been a peaceful protest. Those guys came out carrying snooker balls in their pockets.
I also think that a lot of students don't understand what is actually on offer. Students who were being interviewed today were clearly showing their ignorance.

RapierFugue -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 12:01:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: allthatjaz
I think its a great shame that the anarchists have once again spoilt what should of been a peaceful protest. Those guys came out carrying snooker balls in their pockets.
I also think that a lot of students don't understand what is actually on offer. Students who were being interviewed today were clearly showing their ignorance.

Spot on, on both points. I do think the Tories, much as I dislike them, have grasped the nettle (which Labour failed to do), although I do think they've explained the proposals very poorly. I really had to dig to get the details and genuine effects.

The thugs are just smashing stuff up for the sake of it now, a few broken windows maybe, so no major hassles, but it all has to be paid for, by people who actually work for a living. I.e. the taxpayer. I.e. me.

Moonhead -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with polic (12/9/2010 12:19:33 PM)

Well, you always get Class War turning up at student protests looking for a ruck, don't you? They're like an undergraduate "naughty forty"...

hertz -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with polic (12/9/2010 1:48:36 PM)

The students get my vote.

I have always worked on the principle that the political parties tell you what they stand for, and you make your mark in a fair ballot. The Lib Dems engaged in a conversation with the student body where they said, unequivocally, that they would not support a rise in student tuition fees. So the students voted for them in their droves, and put them into a position of power. Now, the Lib Dems have reneged on the agreement they made with the students and seem to think that it is OK. Well, it isn't OK. And it isn't OK to use policemen on horses to try and force it to be OK.

This rotten government is based on lies and deception. If they had any honour, the Lib Dems would dump Clegg and dissolve the coalition.

RapierFugue -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with polic (12/9/2010 1:54:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Moonhead
Well, you always get Class War turning up at student protests looking for a ruck, don't you? They're like an undergraduate "naughty forty"...

Indeed so. I'm hoping plod are going to only release the mob in Parliament Square (currently contained on the bridge) one by one, so they can identify the thugs who have done damage and violence in the name of "peaceful protest". What that minority of the crowd did was nothing to do with protest, and everything to do with thuggery and criminal damage. Hopefully a number of the worst of them will be locked up for a long time.

They've also defaced the statue of Winston Churchill, and swung from and damaged the Union Flag on the war memorial at The Cenotaph. That's beyond the pale.

mnottertail -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with polic (12/9/2010 2:03:21 PM)

They've defaced Winnie?   Zounds!!!!  Slaughter the dogs!!!!!! 

RapierFugue -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with polic (12/9/2010 2:08:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail
They've defaced Winnie?   Zounds!!!!  Slaughter the dogs!!!!!! 

Exactly so [;)] If nothing else, it shows a staggering lack of intelligence.

One good thing is how much of today has been televised, so people will be able to see how tolerant in general the police were, and how violent many protestors were.

But tomorrow it'll be cleaned up and forgotten pretty quickly. Despite the news claiming it's "widespread", the actual area affected is relatively tiny.

What's really funny is how much time is being taken up by discussing the attack on Prince Charles and Camilla's car [;)]

DCWoody -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 2:57:36 PM)

There wasn't much violence today, a mostly peaceful protest. Nothing was 'under siege', nothing was 'surrounded', no havoc has been wrought.

AsianKing1 -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 3:13:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police ahead of the 12:30 PM ET vote. Protesters in London have Parliament surrounded as the vote nears to raise tuition fees for students. This is a continuation of the protests that have wreaked havoc on Central London for the last few weeks.

It saddens me that, students resort to tantrums in an attempt to get their way. I congratulate police patience in their efforts to contain such mindless beasts.

Nick Clegg is a snake that has deceived us. I support peaceful protests of mature and sensible students; they should not have to put up with him.

RapierFugue -> RE: London Protests Turn Violent With Parliament Under Siege Protesters are now fighting with police (12/9/2010 3:47:46 PM)


There wasn't much violence today, a mostly peaceful protest. Nothing was 'under siege', nothing was 'surrounded', no havoc has been wrought.

All true. PA won't believe you though, because commonsense and reason don't appeal to him ... he's your basic drama queen [;)]

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