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Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/20/2010 2:21:16 PM   

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December so far isn't my month, so after a tumble down stairs (tripped over cat - I think cat tried to kill me as he was unhappy with his food) I managed to fracture and sprain my ankle, made all the more embarrassing because everybody else in ER slipped on the ice, I was the odd idiot out who can't navigate stairs...

ER offered my prescription pain killers but then it didn't hurt that bad and I declined (once the shock wore off it hurt, and did it effing hurt...), after 2 nights with precious little sleep I called up my GP and asked for the proper stuff, friend picked it up for me and I took some, works wonders (still hurts, but I don't care anymore, also highly amused by just staring at the screen or anything really and I feel a bit odd (but in quite a pleasant way), by rights it should make me sleepy, I am sort of drowsy but I can't sleep. Could it be that I react oddly to the codeine and that it doesn't make me sleepy? I tried to sleep but it doesn't seem to work.

Just wondering if it would be worth asking them to change the meds, there's not much else anybody can do apart from keeping the foot quiet and putting ice on, too much swelling for a cast, but the fact that I want to sleep and can't is annoying, before I took the pain killers I was tired but the pain kept me awake, now I'm tired but oddly wide awake while the pain isn't bothering me much.

I hardly ever take pain killers and the last prescription pain killer was years ago after major surgery, so not too familiar if the reaction is normal or not (mind you I took a lot less than the recommended dose but since it works for the pain I don't really want to take more)


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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/20/2010 4:10:34 PM   

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Do you use artificial sweeteners? If so, stop.

Have you looked at the list of side effects?

Perhaps you ought to just wait it out. Go read a book or do whatever. Tomorrow stop taking the codeine or take less. The pain ought to have diminished a little bit then and with less codeine you might get to sleep.

(in reply to LadyConstanze)
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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/20/2010 4:29:33 PM   

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Might check for other drug interactions, if you take anythine besides that.
I have discovered the pharmisist knows about drug interaction and even food interaction, then the Drs do.
You said you are taking less then the perscibed amount. Could be too little has this affect on you.
Your right this doesn't seem to be your month.
Hope you feel better soon, and the new year brings better luck.
Happy Holidays to you and yours.

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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/20/2010 4:38:49 PM   

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(tripped over cat - I think cat tried to kill me as he was unhappy with his food)

Oh noes, I am cat sitting and firmly told him, "You will eat what I serve you." Fortunately, we don't have stairs. Unfortunately, my housemate's cats' food must smell better because my foster cat wants theirs.

But back on topic, both drowsiness and trouble sleeping are possible side effects of codeine.

Since the pain makes it hard for you to sleep and you want to be taking something at night, then yes, do ask for something else. Or smoke something relaxing ;)

Best wishes for speedy healing!


(in reply to LadyConstanze)
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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/20/2010 7:26:15 PM   

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Some people metabolize drugs differently than others. When I had surgery a few years back, they were shooting me full of morphine and I couldn't sleep. I took double doses (since the single dose had no effect on me at all) of Oxycodone, which I believe is Percocet, and I got a little bit sleepy for a minute and then couldn't sleep. My doctor also prescribed Xanax temporarily "in case" I had trouble sleeping due to pain, and that one did help.

Much as I love to yammer on about myself, my point is, different drugs can affect different people differently. Also, it might be your body's temporary reaction to the injury, part of its healing process? Just a theory. Maybe your doctor can give you something else that will let you sleep?

Sorry to hear!
Ironically, I tripped over my cat going down carpeted stairs just this morning, though I caught myself before falling. They're all in cahoots, those damn cats, it's a big conspiracy!


You know it's going to be a GOOD blow job when she puts a Breathe Right strip on first.

Pick-up artists and garbage men should trade names.

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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/20/2010 8:00:53 PM   

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Hi LadyConstanze
My goodness you HAVE had a terrible December! Here's hoping 2011 is better to you.

In answer to your question: Yes.... if the pain meds are not working for you (i.e. you can't sleep because you still have pain) and the issue of insomnia, you should definitely give your physician a call and let her/him know of the issues/side effects you are having.  There are plenty of other scripts they can write you to work with any other medications you may be taking/conditions you may have, and let's face it: the end goal is to provide you relief. If the side effects are creating more problems AND you continue to have pain, it is perfectly reasonable for  to request a different medication. Patients do it all the time.  Hope you're feeling better soon!

edited to add:  my cat Louie got under my feet tonight and damn near send me headlong into his supper bowl! Must be a global conspiracy!

< Message edited by hausboy -- 12/20/2010 8:02:17 PM >

(in reply to LadyConstanze)
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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/20/2010 8:44:12 PM   

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I never get sleepy with codeine. That is one drug that wont make me sleepy. My pain goes away, but I dont sleep. And what is with these cats? Mine tripped me yesterday and I have to use a cane to walk with. She got her butt smacked for that. She never used to walk in front of me or rub around my legs when I am walking. Think it is the month of December that has all these cats going crazy.

(in reply to hausboy)
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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/20/2010 8:47:47 PM   

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Codeine knocks me out for hours! go figure. 

[I think the cats figure if they knock me on my ass and I bust a leg, they'll be able to spend more time in bed napping with me.  It really annoys them that I have to get up and go to work each day.]

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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/21/2010 2:06:43 AM   

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Do you use artificial sweeteners? If so, stop.

Have you looked at the list of side effects?

Perhaps you ought to just wait it out. Go read a book or do whatever. Tomorrow stop taking the codeine or take less. The pain ought to have diminished a little bit then and with less codeine you might get to sleep.

I don't use artificial sweeteners

Side effects only mention drowsiness, breathing problems, vertigo, cramps, the whole stuff that makes you go "Gahhhh"

I tried waiting it out but, again only a bit of sleep, tried to read, still doesn't make me sleepy and I doze lightly

No other meds apart from a thyroid supplement (I'm accident prone but disgustingly healthy)

I'm actually taking less than the recommended dose since I tend to react strongly, I tried Ibuprofen before but that still had me yelping.

The prescription meds take the edge off the pain but without sleep, I'm like a walking zombie


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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/21/2010 2:33:54 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MstrDennynSlave

I never get sleepy with codeine. That is one drug that wont make me sleepy. My pain goes away, but I dont sleep. And what is with these cats? Mine tripped me yesterday and I have to use a cane to walk with. She got her butt smacked for that. She never used to walk in front of me or rub around my legs when I am walking. Think it is the month of December that has all these cats going crazy.

World wide cat conspiracy...

But thanks to everybody, if it is metabolizing that could be the reason, I recall I do react differently to most of the stuff the dentists give, so might be that... Not to be mean, but I am glad others react a bit odd too, makes me feel a bit less freakish.


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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/21/2010 8:55:07 AM   

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My cat is sitting on the back of the couch reading over my shoulder and she has this strangely smug look on her face......hmmmmmmmmm.......


You know it's going to be a GOOD blow job when she puts a Breathe Right strip on first.

Pick-up artists and garbage men should trade names.

(in reply to LadyConstanze)
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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/21/2010 9:04:25 AM   

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We have cats also and they seem to be underfoot more this month.
Just went to feed them and about fell due to them trying to walk between my feet.
Maybe it has something to due with the upcomming eclipse tonight, lol.
Cat owners beware lol.
Happy Holidays to All

(in reply to windchymes)
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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/21/2010 4:20:11 PM   

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Hi LadyC.,

Any kind of opiate winds me up like an 8 day clock. Especially Vicodin. I had some cosmetic dental work done and had a prescription and I loved it because I had a ton of energy and felt fantastic, so yeah, for some people opiates definitely have that effect. Even Tylenol-3 which is Tylenol with codeine here will give me a buzz of energy. 


As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together.
—Isaac Bashevis Singer, writer and Nobel laureate (1902–1991)

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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/21/2010 6:26:04 PM   

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Ultram? If you all have it across the pond.

(in reply to Aynne88)
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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/22/2010 2:24:54 AM   

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The Cat's Diary

Day 983 of My Captivity

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.

The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards!

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released, and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird must be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now ...

(in reply to LadyConstanze)
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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/22/2010 2:58:58 AM   

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Any kind of opiate winds me up like an 8 day clock. Especially Vicodin. I had some cosmetic dental work done and had a prescription and I loved it because I had a ton of energy and felt fantastic, so yeah, for some people opiates definitely have that effect. Even Tylenol-3 which is Tylenol with codeine here will give me a buzz of energy. 

I recall having been given some morphine after an accident and surgery, I was OUT, I mean out cold, I thought codeine works on the same lines, or is more or less based on morphine, the energy boost would be great but I get quite random and the lack of sleep just really makes it worse, I had floaters in my vision.

I checked with the doctor and he said in case I can stand it, I should lay off but gave me a different prescription as keeping as still as possible is the key. I'm currently kissing my private health insurance, an orthopedist who specializes in sports injuries suggested prolotherapy for the damage on the tendons and ligaments, apparently the general idea to reduce the swelling ASAP is wrong because the tendons and ligaments have poor blood supply, the swelling helps them to heal better so they keep it swollen for a while. I guess that means no decent shoes for me for a while, but I guess I can life a few weeks without high heels.


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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/22/2010 3:02:33 AM   

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ORIGINAL: areallivehuman

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs.

I remember having read the cat diary and I now worry if my cats can read or if one of them is simply a devious bastard...

The other one (the one who didn't try to kill me) always tries to sit on the injured ankle, I think they are trying to tell me something...


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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/22/2010 3:08:12 AM   

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From: London, England
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ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze
I thought codeine works on the same lines, or is more or less based on morphine

Sort of, but not quite.

Codeine is metabolised within your body (via the cytochrome P450 enzyme pathway, if memory serves) into a form of morphine, but at a lower rate than a similar dose of morphine would be, as the cytochrome conversion is not a 100% efficient one - similar does are approximately 300 times lower in results for codeine than morphine, again if my memory serves.

There's also research surrounding the way in which codeine uptake is affected by the 2D6 cytochrome pathway efficiency (which varies from person to person), which means that different people uptake codeine at different efficiency rates; what will have one person stoned off their gourd on the stuff won't even register with the next person. IIRC there's a genetic component to this process too, but I'm not an expert, and I've only had one cup of coffee so far this morning, so my memory's not all that ATM.

(in reply to LadyConstanze)
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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/22/2010 3:40:41 AM   

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ORIGINAL: RapierFugue


ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze
I thought codeine works on the same lines, or is more or less based on morphine

Sort of, but not quite.

Codeine is metabolised within your body (via the cytochrome P450 enzyme pathway, if memory serves) into a form of morphine, but at a lower rate than a similar dose of morphine would be, as the cytochrome conversion is not a 100% efficient one - similar does are approximately 300 times lower in results for codeine than morphine, again if my memory serves.

There's also research surrounding the way in which codeine uptake is affected by the 2D6 cytochrome pathway efficiency (which varies from person to person), which means that different people uptake codeine at different efficiency rates; what will have one person stoned off their gourd on the stuff won't even register with the next person. IIRC there's a genetic component to this process too, but I'm not an expert, and I've only had one cup of coffee so far this morning, so my memory's not all that ATM.

A dentist explained my odd reaction to codeine due to past thyroid surgery I had, he said he noticed it with a few people, all of them had thyroid surgery, codeine based drugs work differently on them but said it's only based on his patients so nothing more than a guess but it made sense. I used to show up an hour before, as I always had a delayed reaction to the injections and while I was literally buzzing away, my jaw stubbornly refused to get numb, when it got numb it got numb in a different place and not where he actually injected. So he basically ended up injecting various places of my jaw and sometimes it worked, but wore off like nothing (great if you're in the middle of something painful and you can't just give more because it will take an hour again to work). It made visits to the dentist kinda interesting, he was not too pleased about me being super hyper and then BP dropping to nothing and fainting in his chair. In the end he switched the local anesthetic to some cocaine derivative, which worked a treat.

In case it's enzyme based it makes even more sense, I have a couple of odd allergies, my body tends to have severe problems with digesting certain food combinations or red meat, apparently it's due to an enzyme I don't have but oddly enough lacking that enzyme is the cause that I can eat asparagus without the unpleasant smell that occurs when asparagus is digested.

I guess I put "new body without any odd quirks" on the Xmas list and live in hope...


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RE: Meds and sleep deprivation... - 12/22/2010 3:55:31 AM   

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From: London, England
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ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze
In case it's enzyme based it makes even more sense, I have a couple of odd allergies, my body tends to have severe problems with digesting certain food combinations or red meat, apparently it's due to an enzyme I don't have but oddly enough lacking that enzyme is the cause that I can eat asparagus without the unpleasant smell that occurs when asparagus is digested.

It's more likely to be the enzyme differences, yes. The thyroid interaction could be a factor, but I’d suggest the cytochrome pathway differences would be the most likely culprit. Although I'm not an expert by any means, and wouldn’t claim to be.

On the asparagus smell front, and I realise this is a weird question, is it that you don't produce the smell or is it that you can’t smell the smell yourself? (and yes I realise this could lead to some odd conversations between you and a loved one the next time you have asparagus). Most people wrongly think they don’t produce the smell, when in the majority of cases they lack the marker to register the smell, i.e. they produce said smell, but can’t smell it on themselves. Weirdly, they may be able to smell it in others, as the other’s body may be processing the marker required. So to know for sure you’d have to have a pee and have someone else (who normally can smell it) to have a whiff – if they can’t smell it then you’re not processing the marker (for whatever reason) but if they can then you're not smelling it in yourself, but may be able to in others.

Hours of fun for all the family.

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