RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (Full Version)

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tweakabelle -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 9:30:50 PM)

Please allow me as a foreigner to add my voice to those expressing their grief and horror at these events. I am sure that all Australians feel the same.

We share your outrage at the barbarous acts of this lunatic.

We share your pain and grief. Please accept our sympathy and compassion to all affected by these horrible events.

Hippiekinkster -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 9:34:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic


ORIGINAL: Hippiekinkster
I haven't heard it. Have any of y'all?

It seems like there is at least one, hate-filled, bitter, individual around here who likes to call people he disagrees with, "Refucklinazis," or something like that. Any idea who that might be, Hippie?
Have you ever heard me advocate murdering right-wingers? Huh? Oh, and BTW, I'm not a politician "on the other side," and thus cannot possibly be one of those to whom Beck is referring. Massive FAIL, Sparky. FO.

Aylee -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 9:37:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: housesub4you

Well at least no one in politics had something up with gun cross hairs on her district, and then took them down today

Last year, Sarah Palin's PAC posted a map with gun cross-hairs over the districts of several Democrats who voted for health care reform, including Giffords. Sarah PAC appears to have taken the page down today, but a screenshot is here:

I mean hey, it not like there is nothing else to use to mark a spot other then gun crosshairs

Hell no, there are BULLS-EYES!  (Not the only one that has ever "targeted" republicans.)

You are either using this tragedy to criticize Sarah Palin which is contemptible or you are saying that there is a connection between what is on a website and what has happened, and evidence to date proves that is a lie, which is contemptible.  So, which is it?

DarkSteven -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 9:42:12 PM)

This scares me.  It scares me a lot. 

I'm not so much afraid of Al Qaeda.  Those guys are looking for the big score, to make a grand statement.  They assemble plans and do all sorts of stuff that leaves trails all over that the FBI can find.

This guy didn't.  He's a loser, a lone wolf, someone that likes to read but can't write to save his life.  Someone who read books that were beautifully organized and presented, and didn't have the capability to be coherent.  He was rejected by the Army, and seems to have had no interests other than smoking weed and making incoherent anti-government rants.

And this insignificant nobody bought a legal gun and shot ten people.

There is no way in hell that someone like this could be tracked or anticipated.

Be afraid.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 9:51:45 PM)



This is obviously very tragic and yet not all that the America of today.

Believe it or not kinkroids, this is exactly how it started in the streets of Germany when the Nazis took over. Hitler's rhetorical speeches about the 'vermin' the 'rats' otherwise known to them as Jews. Here we get other speeches and by many.

Now we get secular, socialist, communist, African anti-colonialist. Inflame some passions in the many, inflame then more with such talk as '2nd amendment remedies' in a few, come 'pack'n to a few rallies and then...all it takes is one to go over the edge.

What got him to the edge ? The continuous demagoguery and lies from the right wing TV propaganda and their media sycophants. I personally have no choice but to lay my first suspicions about this right there.

I'm going to  go out on a bit of a limb here and predict that come Monday, Limbaugh, Beck, and their ilk will actually dial the rhetoric up a notch or two - my hunch is that instead of  hunkering down in a defensive posture and trying to maintain a low profile, they'll go on the offensive and insinuate that the root cause of this horror was "shrill, angry, liberal hate speech."

I'm not certain enough to bet money, but I've just got a hunch that's the way they'll try to play it. It would fit their past patterns.

Hippiekinkster -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 9:53:58 PM)




ORIGINAL: housesub4you

Well at least no one in politics had something up with gun cross hairs on her district, and then took them down today

Last year, Sarah Palin's PAC posted a map with gun cross-hairs over the districts of several Democrats who voted for health care reform, including Giffords. Sarah PAC appears to have taken the page down today, but a screenshot is here:

I mean hey, it not like there is nothing else to use to mark a spot other then gun crosshairs

Hell no, there are BULLS-EYES!  (Not the only one that has ever "targeted" republicans.)

You are either using this tragedy to criticize Sarah Palin which is contemptible or you are saying that there is a connection between what is on a website and what has happened, and evidence to date proves that is a lie, which is contemptible.  So, which is it?

You might have a valid point. OTOH, a bullseye is a target for all sorts of things... archery, for instance. Crosshairs, though, AFAIK, are seen only one way: through a scope mounted on a weapon.

BTW, I know any minute that there will be reports that the killer had ID'd Palin and the Tea party as Favorites in his Facebook page. (Possibly from ABC affiliate KGUN). I have read such, but cannot confirm.

TheHeretic -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 9:57:17 PM)

Like I have any interest in sorting through your barrages of bile and hate speech, Hippie... If you want to follow this path, then the blood you try to fling at others will be staining your own hands.

Charles6682 -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:00:22 PM)

Sarah Palin is a Bitch,plain and simple.Not in a good way either.I rarely use that term but thats exactly what she is.Her map of gun targets probaly didnt help out.No,she didnt pull the trigger.However,she probaly inspired the nutjob who did pull the trigger.

Charles6682 -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:06:39 PM)

Its the right wings hate filled speeches that encourage this kind of nonsense.The constant gay bashing,the constant bashing of those who disagree with them on anything.Hannity,Palin,Limbaugh supporters are all nutjobs.These people dont care about freedom.The biggest bunch of hogwash there is.They seem to be so popular in America.These morons wouldnt have such high ratings if Teabaggers werent raising the volume on their radio everytime these douch bags talk on the radio.Even the local Sheriff there knows its because of the intolerable nonsense.Theres no other way to explain this.Its the intolerable piece of trash Americans that are going to destroy this country once and for all.They are too stupid to realize it.

TheHeretic -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:07:35 PM)

And the beat goes on, to the next generation.

DarkSteven -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:21:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: Charles6682

Sarah Palin is a Bitch,plain and simple.Not in a good way either.I rarely use that term but thats exactly what she is.Her map of gun targets probaly didnt help out.No,she didnt pull the trigger.However,she probaly inspired the nutjob who did pull the trigger.

Absolutely no indications this is the case.  It would be interesting to see where this nut's inspiration came from.  So far all indications are that he is too far out of touch to identify as either liberal or conservative.


ORIGINAL: Charles6682

Its the right wings hate filled speeches that encourage this kind of nonsense.The constant gay bashing,the constant bashing of those who disagree with them on anything.Hannity,Palin,Limbaugh supporters are all nutjobs.These people dont care about freedom.The biggest bunch of hogwash there is.They seem to be so popular in America.These morons wouldnt have such high ratings if Teabaggers werent raising the volume on their radio everytime these douch bags talk on the radio.Even the local Sheriff there knows its because of the intolerable nonsense.Theres no other way to explain this.Its the intolerable piece of trash Americans that are going to destroy this country once and for all.They are too stupid to realize it.

Limbaugh did encourage Republicans to vote for Hillary in the Dem primaries to prolong the primary, and called it Operation Chaos.  As far as I know, that's the most any of the conservative radiomen have done to foment disobedience to the law.  None of them have advocated violence in any way.

I'm not saying I like any of them, but hey, facts are facts.

Kirata -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:27:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: Charles6682

Its the right wings hate filled speeches that encourage this kind of nonsense...

nutjobs... morons... douch bags... piece of trash Americans... too stupid to realize it.

Would you consider that projection, or a statement by a nutjob moron douche bag piece of trash American too stupid to realize it?


Zevar -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:33:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hippiekinkster




The tragedy today, which was perpetrated on those who have died and all of those wounded, indeed was a causality of murderess actions. No person deserves such callous actions, regardless of their personal beliefs and values. The individual who perpetrated this murderess act has place himself into the role of a contemptible person, by way of his chosen actions.

The trauma experienced as a result of this tragedy is unspoken in its fullness, due to the actions of a young lad who chose to do unto others what he surely would not have done unto himself. Nonetheless, the trauma occurred and has egregiously impacted many people. This sort of murderess pillaging does not come by way of a casual choice. Instead the act of murder planned with 30 rounds or so of ammunition speaks loudly of the sorrow and grief perpetrated on innocent victims.

Political affiliation has not much to do with hate and ignorance. No! These vicious and malicious attributes, hate and ignorance, have been among humanity since time began. At this point it is immature to point fingers and assign blame, aye! However, the murderess actions of this young lad has unnecessarily brought forth a dark night of the soul for many people.

I bid peace where there is turmoil. Strength where there is weakness. Calm where there is anxiety. Wisdom where hate tempts for revenge. Love where hate and anger is running amuck. And above all courage where there is a desire to relinquish toward anything less than the Healing power of all that is derived from the Light of that which does shine forth into this world, when we believe it so, even amidst the ashes of a tragedy such as this.

I bid all well!

Beautiful sentiments. I am in full agreement. But, at some point, the hand-wringing and the "Give Peace a Chance" sentiments need to include standing up and saying "enough is enough". Stand up and let the Palins and Becks and Angles of the nation know that their hatred is not acceptible.

"All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing."

It appears you may have misunderstood my sentiments offered in my prior entry, which you replied to. I offered them for those who are suffering from this tragedy. I was not saying to “ Give Peace a Chance” for anyone at all. I hope that clarifies any misunderstanding. On another note, I have no evidence that supports this young lad acted as a result from what anyone else espoused within a political framework.

Regardless why this young lad acted as he did, it is irrelevant to the issue of his sole responsibility. This young lad acted in a way that will remain in his soul for the remainder of his earthly life. He is totally responsible for his actions, as would anyone that may have assisted in this murderess pillaging which was perpetrated. If there were divisive ideologies which this young lad integrated into his mindset, he remains responsible regardless who authored any ideology which might have indirectly incited his actions.

Further I do not value anyone who is as misguided as this young lad has proven himself to be. Clearly he needs a great deal of psychological intervention behind the walls of a Federal Prison Facility, for a very long period of time, such as for the remainder of his life. He has assassinated a Federal Judge among a minor child and others. He has critically wounded many others as well. This young lad has some very hard time to serve in a Federal Prison Facility. Peace will eventually be something he pleads when he resides in a Federal Prison Facility for his remaining natural life, undoubtedly.

Take care of you!

Charles6682 -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:33:35 PM)

DarkSteven,I respect your judgement.Your usually polite and reframe from name calling.I just dont know.I'm not saying Sarah Palin herself support this.However,the nonsense that comes from her mouth and the map of gun targets is quite disturbing.It will be very interesting to see where this shooter got his inspiration comes from.Not everyone who listens to Limbaugh or Hannity are far right dangerous people.I have friends and family who watch Fox news and listens to Limbaugh just because.When they do listen to these guys,I hear more than enough of Limbaughs non sense.I can barely tolerate listening to the guy before I feel like jumping out of a window.I dont mind commonsense conservatives who have firm grip on reality.But the far right weirdos,no way.That being said,I cant tolerate the far left lunatic fringe either.Frankly,both sides have their weirdo nutjobs.

Charles6682 -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:37:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Charles6682

Its the right wings hate filled speeches that encourage this kind of nonsense...

nutjobs... morons... douch bags... piece of trash Americans... too stupid to realize it.

I didnt mean to offend you personally.I understand.Its okay.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:41:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Charles6682

Sarah Palin is a Bitch,plain and simple.Not in a good way either.I rarely use that term but thats exactly what she is.Her map of gun targets probaly didnt help out.No,she didnt pull the trigger.However,she probaly inspired the nutjob who did pull the trigger.

Much as I hate Palin, I can't go that far. Wish I could, but it's a pretty strong statement, and there doesn't seem to be any evidence to support it.

Now... Sharon Angle's remarks about people taking up arms against the government if Democrats aren't voted out of office.... that may be a different matter. Again, there's no proof of a connection between her statement and today's massacre, but that's an incredibly irresponsible and incendiary thing for a politician to say, and is a good example of the kind of looney and un-American rhetoric that has become acceptable from  the Republican Party leaders these days.

Kirata -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:43:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Charles6682

I didnt mean to offend you personally.I understand.Its okay.


tazzygirl -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:49:32 PM)


First, lets catch all the bastards.

Second, I hope this case is treated respectfully, competently and quickly. The only thing I can see that would make this event any worse would be a mishandling of the evidence.

Third.... does the following remind you of anyone?


A comment from Laughner attached to a now-removed video (look at the scrolling box on the right) has a seemingly schizophrenic or manic quality that suggests Jared Laughner may have been suffering from a psychotic break of some kind:

Classitup10 writes –> Hello, and welcome my classified leak of information that’s of the United States Military to the student body and you. Firstly, I want you to understand this from the start. Did you know grammar is double blind, listener? Secondly, if you want to understand the start of revelatory thoughts then listen to this video. I’ll look at you mother fuckin Anarchists who have a problem with them illegal illiterate pigs. If you’re a citizen in the United States as of now, then your constitution is the United States. You’re a citizen in the United States as of now. Thus, your constitution is the United States. Laugh. I’ll let you in on their little cruel joke that’s genocidal. They’re argument is appeal to force on their jurisdiction with lack of proof of evidence. Each subject is in question for the location! The police don’t quite get paid correctly with them dirty front runners under section 10? Their country’s alliances are able to make illegal trades under section 10. Eh! I’m a Nihilist, not someone who put who put trust in god! What is section 10 you ask? If you make a purchase then it’s illegal under section 10 and amendment 1 of the United States constitution. You make a purchase. Therefore, it’s illegal under section 10 and amendment 1 of the United States constitution. We need a drum roll for those front runners in the election; those illegal teachers, pigs, and politicians of yours are under illegal authority of their constitution. Those dirty pigs think they know the damn year. Thirdly, tell them mother fuckers to count from 0 to whenever they feel a threat to stop their count. We can all hope they add new numbers and letters to their count down. Did you run out of breath around the trillions, listener? Well, B.C.E is yet to start for Ad to begin! What does this mean for a citizen in any country? Those illegal military personal are able to sign into a country that they can’t find with an impossible date! How did you trust your child with them fraud teachers and front runners, listener? Did you now know that the teachers, pigs, and front runners are treasonous! You shouldn’t jump to conclusion with your education plan. The constitution as of now, which is in use by the current power pigs, aren’t able to protect the bill of rights! Do you now have enough information to know the two wars are illegal! What is your date of time, listener? Fourthly, those applications that are with background checks break the United States constitution! What’s your riot name? I’ll catch you! Top secret: Why don’t people control the money system? Their Current Currency(1/1) / Your new infinite currency (1/~infinte) This is a selcte information of revoluntary thoughts! Section 10 – Powers prohibited of States No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it’s inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress. No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay. Each subject is unlocatible!

As for the rest, i have no desire to pull this into a political debate. Read more than just what i posted, if you wish, but dont bring it here. Make a new thread, if you must.

Hippiekinkster -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:51:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Like I have any interest in sorting through your barrages of bile and hate speech, Hippie... If you want to follow this path, then the blood you try to fling at others will be staining your own hands.

In other words, yet even more insubstantiated horseshit from you.

C'mon, big boy, you made the allegation that I advocate violence. Back it up.

Charles6682 -> RE: Arizona Democrat Congresswoman and 11 others shot (1/8/2011 10:54:48 PM)

I really wasnt talking about you,relax.I see you live on the Gulf Coast,so do I.St.Pete.I dont see any point in arguing with someone who lives near my neck of the woods.

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