RE: Extreme captive play (Full Version)

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wild1cfl -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 12:59:46 PM)

This is something that I have done several times with different people. We usually try adn do it as a historical roleplay, interrogation roleplay or just a kidnap.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 1:06:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: spankmepink11

In short....i'm not sure i could put up much of a fight knowing that the person i was with  was One i trusted implicitly.

That’s it in a nutshell. You fight as hard or as little as you feel natural to the situation. If surrendering to your captive is the fantasy, roll with it. You know if you want it more ruff all you have to do is struggle or defy. That is the beautiful part about the scene it is mutually parasitic. Your captive play is appealing to your partners captor play.
Thank you Pink

WeeIttyBitty -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 1:09:36 PM)

I do LOVE  the  idea of the Captor speaking another language.....very hot!!!!!!

Ive been thinking of going to OWK for a vacation... They have the jail cells - captivity sessions for a few hundred euros per night. (about what you would pay for a hotel in London, anyway)

It would be kinda embarrassing to come back from Europe and try to explain to people why I havent seen any of it... Foreign language interrogations (German or czech, wouldnt matter) would be part of it...

JohnWarren -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 1:19:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: spankmepink11

.  In short....i'm not sure i could put up much of a fight knowing that the person i was with  was One i trusted implicitly.

Sometimes it's not trust that's the problem.  About a year ago, Libby and I did a scene with a couple where the scenario was that she was kidnapped and was going to be trained as a sex slave.  She wanted the "real rape feel" so she'd warned us that she'd fight hard as long as possible.

Well, we got her into the special room we used for this, took off her hood and Libby held her head back while running a knife across her throat and I got close, looked her in the eyes, and said quietly, "We do two things here.  We train sex slaves and we provide stars for snuff films.  Your choice."

Contrary to her expressed plan, she gave in immediately and it was almost the usual vanilla foursome with a few kinky aspects.

Later, I asked her what happened to the fight.  I was looking forward to it.

Her response, "You goddammed scared the shit out of me.  I was so terrified I couldn't think straight.  A big part of me really believed that if I didn't do everything you told me I'd die."

Then she paused and added, "It was fucking HOT."

BitaTruble -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 1:29:55 PM)


"We do two things here.  We train sex slaves and we provide stars for snuff films.  Your choice."

::writes that one down in her book of ideas::

SpankMuhButt -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 2:01:50 PM)

I think it's a total hot fantasy BUT one i would only commit to for maybe a weekend or so, no way in hell id do it for a month..........I guess with me i need that feeling of being special/loved and i think in a months time I'd be completely broken and who knows what it would take to get that back. Not sure if that even makes sense but I guess part of me needs that reassurance

WeeIttyBitty -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 2:21:44 PM)

In real life a month is too much time. A week is pushing it, a long weekend is more reasonable... In the realm of fantasy it could be a life sentence...

sylphgossamer -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 2:43:50 PM)

a wonderful thread, Loki, and thank you for it. i've taken quite a few mental notes, and mentioned this thread to Master DM who already has some ideas cooking. yummm. wish the desert had more trees. i'm going to have to be quite fast on my feet, for a while anyway. don't think my feet will help me much after a short time.

wild1cfl -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 2:45:48 PM)

I finally got a chance to get back to this thread and take the time to let you know how we have done it before. I am going to tell you how we did our first captive scene.
We had a fenale friend who was a submissive who desired to be captured. She was born in France and her parents were in the french resistance movement during World War  II. She knew that I collected uniforms from this period and had other freinds who were also in the D/s, BDSM lifestyle who also collected uniforms. What she told me was that she wanted to roleplay being a member of the french resistance and getting arrested by the Gestapo and interrogated until she either gave up some type of information or we had past the time limit set for the scene. Our job was to try as hard as we could to coerce the information out of her and her job was to resist as long as she could.
We spent about 2 months preparing for this scene. We found someone with a nice basement that we could convert into an office and holding cell for our victim. We found furniture that fit the era. We built a metal barred jail cell as well as a rack on the wall and other torture devices. We decided on a date and time as well as what everyone would be responsible for in this scene, finally the day arrived adn we were ready.
We started our scenario on a Friday evening about 6:00 p.m.  The female was wearing clothing that fit the period very well, a long woolen skirt, and a french style blouse that was semi sheer. She had even purchased lingerie that fit the period. we started out taking her to a desolate area with a dirt road that ran thru a forested area. We explained the final details to her. Her information was that she knew the landing site for the D-day invasion and she was supposed to pass it along to her fellow resistance members. So we knew that when she said the word "Normandy" she had given up on resisting any more. We also established that if she did not give up this information by Noon on Sunday we would end th interrogation as she had completed her objective. WE then had her ride a period bicycle down the road until she came to a German roadblock which was set up by us. The 2 men playing the german soldiers spoke to her in German and french only and basically asked her for her papers and ID book. She responded only in french and basically tried ot get out of givinghtem her paperwork. One of the guards called on a period field telephone for the "Gestapo" to come adn take her away. We arrived in a 1937 Mercedes that a freind owned and we took hadcuffed her and blindfolded her and took her away. We started to question her in the car, only speaking to her in french, and we also started to pull her skirt up to look at her garter belt and hose as well as opening her blouse to look at her breasts. She knew what we were doing and when she complained we told her that she where she was going and that she was going to be interrogated completely.
WE spent the weekend "interrogating her. A total of 6 men and 4 women were involved in the interrogation. We tortured her with everything from electrical devices  to water torture. She was forced to have sex with all of the men over the weekend as well sa the women who were interested. We all were dressed in period clothing and spoke only in german and french. She ended up resisting the whole time adn finally at Noon on Sunday we "let her go". My wife and I took her home wiht us and bathed her and put her to bed as she had absolutely no energy left to do it herself. She slept until Monday morning wiht the biggest smile on her face that I have ever seen on her. She told us later that day that this was the most intense scene that she had ever been involved in. We agreed that it was. We realized that even though it was a lot of hard work to prepare for and that it was a very intense 3 days, it was well worth it and that we would do it again in a heartbeat.  We have since done dozens of kidnap, interrogation and torture scenes with many willing victims.

BitaTruble -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 2:58:13 PM)

Awesome scene, Wild! Thanks for sharing it.

tade -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 3:08:50 PM)

DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!
One more thing to have to plan.....

Vendaval -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 5:09:33 PM)

Amazing!  You have quite a group of kinksters there.

Rumtiger -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 5:20:53 PM)

Eh, the roleplay aspect isent something i'd think of doing, I mean thats getting a little out there for me, I always imagined the concept not really needing it, though in the WW2 case thats pretty damn detailed lol.

The way I see it, all it needs is a committed mind on both parts, I dunno how fun it would be when one is expected to use every survival instict and then they just...give in. Zzzzzz. And by giving in, I mean willingly still being in captivity on some part...if the captor is getting what they want, then your losing.

Course this is me talking......Hm, just thought of something.

So far we've been talking about  a single sub being captured, kidnapped, hunted down ect in most cases. Has anyone done something where theres multiple subs that are the targets and must be rounded up? That sounds like a little more fun.

"Oh I dont have to run faster than mistress, I just have to run faster than you" 

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 5:34:47 PM)

Very awesome post! You have made a few key points that really needed to be addressed here and I neglected to do so.


ORIGINAL: wild1cfl

We spent about 2 months preparing for this scene.

The preparation for such an event took you 2 months. Obviously you looked at all the dynamics. Aside from the character, scene, and costuming I assume that each player analyzed the psychological ramifications of the event and were all prepared to watch, analyze, and end scene if necessary. You preparation time edifies the topic quite well.


My wife and I took her home wiht us and bathed her and put her to bed as she had absolutely no energy left to do it herself. She slept until Monday morning wiht the biggest smile on her face that I have ever seen on her. She told us later that day that this was the most intense scene that she had ever been involved in. We agreed that it was. We realized that even though it was a lot of hard work to prepare for and that it was a very intense 3 days, it was well worth it and that we would do it again in a heartbeat.  We have since done dozens of kidnap, interrogation and torture scenes with many willing victims.

The after care hasn’t been touched on, which you had done very well. In my scenario the captive is returned to the point of abduction and I left it at that. I did not delve into the aftercare, as I probably should have. I think, as wild posted, that the aftercare to bring the captive back to a stable and healthy place would require a great deal of time. Perhaps not a parallel to the captivity but I would say each day of captivity would need at least a few hours of aftercare. To complete the experience we need to make sure that the captive is brought slowly back and the scene is a warm fuzzy loving memory.
Thank you so very much for you contribution.

sylphgossamer -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 5:36:17 PM)

nobody said the giving in is going to be easy for the captor, with no fight being left within. i'll let you know how easy it goes the next time i'm with MasterDR. i'm certainly not planning on making it easy at any time, even though he is stronger and probably faster. i do have my wits about me to help. some. he knows he'll have to keep his about him to keep me once caught. should be delicious fun.

i must say your suggestion does add another level to things. : )

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 5:43:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: JohnWarren

Her response, "You goddammed scared the shit out of me.  I was so terrified I couldn't think straight.  A big part of me really believed that if I didn't do everything you told me I'd die."

Then she paused and added, "It was fucking HOT."

John you mad e a very wicked point here. All though the sub/slave trusted you implicitly the atmosphere and tone of the session made it very surreal. It juxtaposed her reality and gave her the mind game she needed. That point, especially from a very experienced member of the lifestyle, made I again stress the need for observation of the psychological impact of the captive. Make sure you are Master/Mistress enough to use the “end word” yourself.

wild1cfl -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 7:14:29 PM)

The preparation for such an event took you 2 months. Obviously you looked at all the dynamics. Aside from the character, scene, and costuming I assume that each player analyzed the psychological ramifications of the event and were all prepared to watch, analyze, and end scene if necessary. You preparation time edifies the topic quite well.

We all met at least once a week for the 2 month period to work on physical details as well as making sure everyone involved was on board with everything that we wanted to happen. While this was an awesome expereince adn quite detailed, I only offer it as an example of what can happen with LOTS of planning and preparation
The after care hasn’t been touched on, which you had done very well. In my scenario the captive is returned to the point of abduction and I left it at that. I did not delve into the aftercare, as I probably should have. I think, as wild posted, that the aftercare to bring the captive back to a stable and healthy place would require a great deal of time. Perhaps not a parallel to the captivity but I would say each day of captivity would need at least a few hours of aftercare. To complete the experience we need to make sure that the captive is brought slowly back and the scene is a warm fuzzy loving memory.

Yes to us the aftercare is as much a part of it as the scening itself. We do not want to harm anyone physically or mentally. While their body adn mind may be on overload from all the different sensations and emotions that have happened, it is very important to allow for the aftercare. We usually like to allow at least 3 hours for every day of captivity.  This aftercare includes making sure they are completely bathed and clothed and then allowed to sleep as long as they need. We also will offer massage for sore muscles. We also prefer to talk things over after they have had a chance to rest and come down from the high that they have been on for whatever period of time.  What is important to realize is what is fantasy and what is reality. We can make the fantasy into reality ofr a short period of time, but we cannot make the reality into a fantasy.  

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 7:44:43 PM)

Wow wild, you are a virtual cornucopia of knowledge on the subject. I am honored you have contributed to the thread.
Thank you very much

Kidless -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 7:50:07 PM)

Sounds all kinds of fun, how do you keep from getting in trouble?

wild1cfl -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 7:53:53 PM)

Thank you for the kind words. My wife and I have been involved for over 25 years, we have been married for 20 years. This is one of the things that we have found to fulfill our needs as Dominants.  Now that I am older I am slowing down and  having to find younger people to do some of the work involved, but we are still very active in arranging and fulfilling scenes like this with willing people.

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