RE: Extreme captive play (Full Version)

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Rumtiger -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:19:35 PM)

By the way just to reiterate so noone gets me wrong, this I would enjoy as well, it would just take a small team of VERY commited dommes to kidnap me lol, I'll put up a fight.

BitaTruble -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:22:12 PM)


These are the parts that I feel sets this scenario apart, and where my sense of "play" goes, can the person in question really be expected to resist and fight back? Can they do thier part in playing the target? Fighting back in my opinion is what would make the game worth playing, making it so that there actually really is a chance of them making through and for lack of a better word "defeating" thier captors.

Oh, you can absolutely count on it! Have you ever seen a take down scene? More often than not, the Top is just as beat up, bruised and bloodied as the bottom. That's why it's so much fun!

Now, there is no way in hell that I could ever defeat himself. He's a lot bigger than me, but that lends me a certain comfort level in fighting back with 'everything' I have.. I can hurt him, but I'm really not going to be able to harm him. That said, it's no holds barred and every body part he possesses is fair game. If I can, I'm going to go for the groin, scratch his eyes out.. whatever it takes. It's HIS job to prevent that.. if he doesn't, I win. ;)

::sighs:: I've never won.



Rumtiger -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:23:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Wulfchyld
Excellent post. There is a thread on Primal play that wytchy posted earlier in this thread. If you have a look at that, I think you will find a lot more play you could sink your teeth into, so to speak.

Uhh, I must be blind lol. Little help in finding it anyone?

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:25:06 PM)

Hmmm… don’t think I am Bond enough to pull off an international abduction. However, a redheaded tourist would be fair game.

Rumtiger -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:30:44 PM)

Nevermind I found it....hmm, too bad it was so long back [oh yes a week so long] I'd like to comment but...maybe next time heh. Besides isent there something against bumping up threads?

ElectraGlide -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:30:48 PM)

Captive play was awesome it was a whole new dimension for me. It was only one nighters not several months like Loki suggest. It was a challenge instead of my sub lady just laying there and saying tie me up now. She was scrappy and feisty for a small lady. It was fast and spontaniuos with no script.

BitaTruble -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:31:20 PM)


Uhh, I must be blind lol. Little help in finding it anyone?

Post #19

edited to add: Opps.. was posting this as you were posting n/m. lol

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:32:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Rumtiger

Nevermind I found it....hmm, too bad it was so long back [oh yes a week so long] I'd like to comment but...maybe next time heh. Besides isent there something against bumping up threads?

I think the thread would enjoy your opinion. I know I am.

Sirandlittle1 -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:34:38 PM)

Id fight back. And hard. Id use my not to be sniffed at intellegence to get away. Sub or no. This is role play, and how the hell can you do consentual non consentual style of play, without fighting back. And as the negotiation is literally, as hard as you can. well, that's cart blanche to do just that.
Personally, ive enjoyed this form of play but only for much shorter periods. But the whole 'springing it on me' thing. Suddenly going from cuffing my arms behind my back, Tying my legs to gether so that i stumble as im dragged to the car, gagged so i cannot communicate, then to being roughly shoved head first into the back of the car, dragged blindfolded across some sort of meadow, not knowing where the hell i was. My face being brushed by cobwebs (not great idea in Australia, and not something he'd planned! Im screaming at this point coz im phobic, accidents happen) On arrival at the destination, again dragged out, shoved onto some form of rock surface, and raped, soddomised, bruised, well, Just D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S.
These forms of play are very primal, and we both love this head space. What we didnt take with us: mobile for emergency services, antivenom, first aid kit, shoes for me,  But fuck, it doesnt get much better in my mind.
So yeah, count us both down for this type of play.
We have bought a 'tent' for enabling us to play more like this, and of course, the great aussie bush lands provide you with that real sense of privacy, so you dont get 'rescued' by some bloody do gooder.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:35:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: ElectraGlide

Captive play was awesome it was a whole new dimension for me. It was only one nighters not several months like Loki suggest. It was a challenge instead of my sub lady just laying there and saying tie me up now. She was scrappy and feisty for a small lady. It was fast and spontaniuos with no script.

Perfect post ElectraGlide, can we persuade you to elaborate the experience?

wytchywoman -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:36:06 PM)

-reminds myself to NOT try to take down Loki-

LadyHugs -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:39:27 PM)

Dear Wulfchyld, Ladies and Gentlemen;
I have read your post a few times, to which I have some comments for consideration on this “thread,” as I thought these message boards and posts were mostly for educational and shared ideas.
Unless an individual is retired or not employed, the cost of keeping one “in captivity is rather costly,” as it takes supplies as to maintain the captive.
Other considerations are health problems that already exist, such as the captive’s needed medication and access to it, without limits and medical care in emergency is prompt. Because the captive is helpless, it is so important to have shifts to monitor the captive, as to prevent serious injuries and or death.
Other considerations are the premise safety factors. Is there an escape key that can unlock the cage should a natural disaster, e.g. fire, flood, etc. occur and or should you suddenly fall into a medical dilemma. So many things can happen, even under the best of circumstances and best laid plans.
Would you train the slave/submissive for this scene, by teaching what is fatal and what is safe, such as natural nuts, berries, leaves, moss and such to enhance the survival outside and on the escape; having a areas as stations as to become “safe spots” equipped with food, water, medicines, first aid kit, cell phone, flashlight, radio (weather reports, etc), a means to keep warm.
Unfortunately for those in the scene, predators do use this same similar scenario as to entice their victims, thus safe calls were the only things that few victims of the murder under the screen name “Slave Master,” that kept them alive. The others disappeared until discovered years later very dead.
There is much to consider on such scenes.

Respectfully submitted,
Lady Hugs

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:40:10 PM)

Note to self… pack medical kit.

ElectraGlide -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:50:40 PM)

Loki I will try to explain lol. The first sub lady I dated was basically topping from the bottom because I knew nothing about BDSM. It was slow going at first with bondage almost too calculated. When she wanted the rape like fantasy there was no time to think my Dom side was wakened up. I was my own without time to think just time to do. She would not submit she struggled it was a true challenge and battle. I am 6 foot 2 grizzley bear and she was 5 foot but very strong and scrappy. We never had safe words she fully trusted me. That was when it started to come together even thgough it was great and exciting up until that turning point it was a all new even greater natural high.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:50:45 PM)

Good and informative post lady, as for me, I am far too meticulous to not consider every possibility to keep her safe. This is defiantly something the young or new people need to hear, but I would hope that others would only play with someone they new rather well with safety protocols set in place, i.e. scheduled contact, friends and family aware of the scene. This of course would have to be orchestrated to help carry the illusion of the captivity.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:54:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: ElectraGlide

That was when it started to come together even though it was great and exciting up until that turning point it was a all new even greater natural high.

That is awsome!!! Thank you so much for sharing.

wytchywoman -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:56:33 PM)



Dear Wulfchyld, Ladies and Gentlemen;
I have read your post a few times, to which I have some comments for consideration on this “thread,” as I thought these message boards and posts were mostly for educational and shared ideas.
Unless an individual is retired or not employed, the cost of keeping one “in captivity is rather costly,” as it takes supplies as to maintain the captive.
Other considerations are health problems that already exist, such as the captive’s needed medication and access to it, without limits and medical care in emergency is prompt. Because the captive is helpless, it is so important to have shifts to monitor the captive, as to prevent serious injuries and or death.
Other considerations are the premise safety factors. Is there an escape key that can unlock the cage should a natural disaster, e.g. fire, flood, etc. occur and or should you suddenly fall into a medical dilemma. So many things can happen, even under the best of circumstances and best laid plans.
Would you train the slave/submissive for this scene, by teaching what is fatal and what is safe, such as natural nuts, berries, leaves, moss and such to enhance the survival outside and on the escape; having a areas as stations as to become “safe spots” equipped with food, water, medicines, first aid kit, cell phone, flashlight, radio (weather reports, etc), a means to keep warm.
Unfortunately for those in the scene, predators do use this same similar scenario as to entice their victims, thus safe calls were the only things that few victims of the murder under the screen name “Slave Master,” that kept them alive. The others disappeared until discovered years later very dead.
There is much to consider on such scenes.

Respectfully submitted,
Lady Hugs

Hello Lady Hugs!

You ask some good questions. I think you missed a bit here though. Those of us on this thread aren't trying to educate anyone. We are playing with captive fantasies. We are kinda hot on this. It's fun. We know that no one on this thread is really going to kidnap anyone. We're exploring fantasies and nothing more.

I am sorry if you think that being playful exceeds the limit of this forum. No one intendended to offend you.

LadyHugs -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 12:03:19 AM)

Dear witchywoman;

No offense taken but, others may have thought from the original thread being posted as a unlabeled fantasy would have read it the same way as I did.

Might be helpful to those who want to do such scenes, to think of all the work that goes into it.

Respectfully submitted,
Lady Hugs

ElectraGlide -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 12:07:49 AM)

Your welcome Loki. That was also when she quit topping from the bottom I had the cofidence and her trust and respect to do the topping from then on.

ElectraGlide -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 12:10:30 AM)

Let me add another thing we knew each other enough by then , to where I did not have to ask about limits and her wants and desires anymore. We were on the same page.

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