RE: Extreme captive play (Full Version)

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wytchywoman -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 12:44:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: ElectraGlide

Captive play was awesome it was a whole new dimension for me. It was only one nighters not several months like Loki suggest. It was a challenge instead of my sub lady just laying there and saying tie me up now. She was scrappy and feisty for a small lady. It was fast and spontaniuos with no script.

That is great and thanks for sharing, ElectraGlide! We're all just sharing here and I so much appreciate your'e sharing with us as well. -smiles-

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 12:47:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: ElectraGlide

Let me add another thing we knew each other enough by then , to where I did not have to ask about limits and her wants and desires anymore. We were on the same page.

I think it is so awesome that through Primal Play you found your Domliness. Cheers to you my friend.

mistoferin -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 2:08:11 AM)

Just a word of caution...
I am such an outdoors person, a love that both my ex and I shared immensely. Our idea of camping was to find land that no one else would ever think of using for a camping where you could run around naked for days and never see another human being. It is the perfect setting for this kind of play.

You do have to be careful though as I can recall one instance that is very comical looking back at it, but wasn't very funny at the moment.

His surprise element was a little TOO surprising....and my fight or flight element a little too strong....or at least the fight part anyway. My reaction was instantaneous and knee jerk and we had to postpone our "play" for a few hours until he stopped seeing stars and relieved his Not sure how much had to do with my right cross or the tree he tried to stop with his forehead..... my defense...who wouldn't react the same way if you just woke up and thought your partner was peacefully fishing on the bank when suddenly you get tackled right in the middle of peeing?
Yup...the fantasy is hot...the reality can be too...but you'd better take bandaids and aspirin........

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 2:11:39 AM)

OMG mist… that was awesome!!!! Thank you for sharing.

wytchywoman -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 2:17:02 AM)

Hey. We're talking captive play and slave rape. No one said the dom had to have FUN all the time did they? That was very cute, mistoferin :)

I still like the idea of the Master doing the kidnapping but whenever a Master tells me to get primal I can do that too, without missing a beat. I just don't sneak up on them if I can help myself.

Alas, sometimes I just can't help sneaking up but I always get the plus one to take me down. [:)]

mistoferin -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 2:26:42 AM)

It really ws pretty funny but just goes to show you that sometimes the best laid plans.......

I can tell you this....the combination of a right cross and a tree check leave some REALLY nasty marks. I had soooo much fun with it for the next few days after we got home explaining to people what had happened.

Well, you know...he just got a little too lippy and I just had to take him down a (Boy, did I end up paying for THAT!)

Vendaval -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 2:34:41 AM)

Thank you so much for sharing this story mistoferin!  ROFLMAO!
I know folks who do this kind of play.  Yes, the med kit is a must and cell phones
that will work in the area and/or radio communication is advised in case of
injuries, no matter HOW humiliating! The Med Kit should include treatment
for poison oak, ivy, and/or sumac depending on your environmental area.
Any of you A/all ever watched a group of Thunder folks go Bunny Hunting?
That is real entertainment!  [:D]

And playing capture the slave boy does not necessitate brute strength,
just cunning and some good traps.


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

His surprise element was a little TOO surprising....and my fight or flight element a little too strong....or at least the fight part anyway. My reaction was instantaneous and knee jerk and we had to postpone our "play" for a few hours until he stopped seeing stars and relieved his Not sure how much had to do with my right cross or the tree he tried to stop with his forehead..... my defense...who wouldn't react the same way if you just woke up and thought your partner was peacefully fishing on the bank when suddenly you get tackled right in the middle of peeing?
Yup...the fantasy is hot...the reality can be too...but you'd better take bandaids and aspirin........

Rumtiger -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 2:37:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: Vendaval

And playing capture the slave boy does not necessitate brute strength,
just cunning and some good traps.

Unless slave boy lays traps for you. lol

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 2:37:54 AM)

Hmmm… I would build a privacy fence but I am so far out I don’t need one.

twicehappy -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 4:17:10 AM)

Hmmmm, it is getting hot in here......

Lol, wish i could make a pertinent comment but i cannot even do this kind of role play for a scene, my brain goes out the window at first touch and i turn into a puddle. Hell i can't remember my own name, much less remember to fight. Poor Scooter and Jewel........

mayapple -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 4:39:03 AM)

What you describe sounds like what I've dreamed of all my life.
For me, even as extreme as it is, it is all play and pretending until it comes to this, the important part:


Sex is pure slave rape unless you have truly been broken and submit.

You've expressed being interested in the psychological aspects but most of the responses have dealt with pragmatics.  Everyone is talking as if they assume that when your victim is returned to her place of captivity at the agreed-on end of the lengthy play scene (or when she uses her safe word) that she will return to life as she once knew it.
But the part that interests me is:  What if she truly has been broken?  What if the captivity and the psychological bombardment do actually alter her, permanently?  Is she ready for that?  Are you?  Are you both saying, "Let's both play intensely for a few months but knowing all the while that it's just play?"  Or are either of you considering: "The real thrill in this is not the real-but-feigned struggles or the real-but-feigned captivity; the real thrill in this is the very real mind control that Loki will exert and that Loki's victim will attempt to resist, even as part of her deeply longs to submit to it and indeed might end up fully submitting to it."?
If you succeed, you may have some form of broken, brainwashed female on your hands, and she may never be the same.  She may want to be in your control forever.  It seems to me there is no point in beginning the extreme play at all unless this possibility is welcomed as a possible outcome.  The three months of bondage are just a setting for what you are going to try to do to her mind.  She knows she will be safe in physical captivity.  What she does not know is if her mind will be safe.  You are going to lock up her body and she is going to try to lock up her mind.  You are going to try to unlock and break her will, and that is where you'll both find the primal, the unknown, the thrill.

Ceyx -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 6:02:48 AM)

Well. My girl doesn't live anywhere near close enough for me to kidnap her off the street at an undisclosed time, and I've got work that would preclude me from monitoring a bound captive 24/7 for a month. So you may as well be asking me if I'd like to visit Mars. Hypothetically-- sure!

Still, it's a wonderful fantasy. For a more limited period, under carefully controlled circumstances, maybe a wonderful reality.

JohnWarren -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 7:11:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: Wulfchyld
Of course I was discussing this with a very extreme girl that lives for such a plight.

Thank you

A good question is how much of this has she done in the real world?  Fantasies have a way of biting back when one least expect it (check out my essay at and extreme ones can have very sharp teeth.

To quote a fellow academic "Wanting is not the same has having; it is not logical, but it is true."

Rumtiger -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 10:40:34 AM)

I'm still a little wary on it myself, after thinking about it, could I really do it for a month or two straight?

plantlady64 -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 11:20:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: KittenWithaTwist

It isn't about being primal. It's a fantasy, like rape is a fantasy for me. I have a lot of really out-there fantasies that I would never engage in. Why? Because they're totally whacked. They aren't safe.

I have a fantasy about being used as a sacrificial lamb for a satanic ritual. It's an extremely erotic, heated fantasy. It involves a lot of blood, a lot of sex, and some snuff too. But I would never do it, no matter how "primal" or "sweaty" or sexual it might make me feel. After all, what's one orgasm in comparison to living out the rest of my life?

At the very least, I'd suggest trying it out for a day or two before doing it for a month or two. See if it's really as fun as you think it is. See if you can handle it on a mental, emotional, and physical level. See if it's doable before you commit real time to it. Consider that it could really fuck with your head, and not in the erotic little mindfuck way.

I agree  with KittenWithaTwist. Since you have not done this before a period of a week commitment on both your parts for the first time would be more logical to me. This way you see how much responsibility goes into micromanagement required in this type of play & the sub gets to know you better and has a better idea of how she'll be treated on a longer situation..
If all goes well then set up the long term hostage scene from there.
This way if it's not what you, or the sub thought it would be you have the ability to not fail in your venture and the sub will know it's not going to last too long for her to keep her comittment to you..
I know I could handle it a week even if I hated you or the situation. I'm a woman of my word and would stay the length of the agreement. If it was for over a month I'd have to safe word out if I didn't like it as that's too long to be miserable.

plantlady64 -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 11:27:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: wytchywoman

I respect your feelings, kitten. I have no problem with that. What Loki and I are talking about are hot fantasies. We enjoy sharing them.

I'm not a kid. I know where danger is. It's not with Loki. I guess what Loki really wanted to hear is how many other women might get off on this fantasy?

Ohh OK I see. This is some cyber fantasy you don't intend on doing in real life. Well if the play fantasy is all this is then why not make it a longer period.
I personally don't thing a cyber Dom has any appeal to me. I take my BDSM life in the real world. I want to really do things, not just preten I did in my mind.

Proprietrix -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 11:29:14 AM)

It's always interesting for me to read others' fantasies, experiences, desires, etc... for role-play. I personally have a difficult time with role-play. It makes me feel like I'm acting. And although I love the theater, it just isn't "hot" for me. I remember as a kid playing pretend was kind of fun, but there were other types of play I enjoyed much more.

I have difficulty with even simple things that are out of character for me. As the Dominant in a captivity scene, I could probably do ok, because I would be going after that which I desire, but knowing the submissive really liked it and was faking about wanting to be set free would ruin it for me. I definitely couldn't relate on any level whatsoever as the one being kidnapped. To be enjoying the whole scenario, but having to pretend I wasn't enjoying it... I don't think I could pull it off.

Role playing just makes me feel fake or something. Not real sure I can put my finger on it. I even felt kinda like a dweeb when I played D&D. Sitting at a kitchen table, with a Mountain Dew in a glass beside me, made it difficult to get myself in a headspace of being a wizard in a cavern. To actually stand up and start acting it out, lol, I think I'd come off more like a kid with ADHD.

Like I said though, it's always interesting to read others' perspective on role playing and the enjoyment they get out of it.
It's always a good thing to see people having fun.

Aileen68 -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 12:28:52 PM)

This is my absolutely number one, ultimate, never to be topped, favorite, longest running fantasy!!!!!
Delicious.  On every level imagined.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 12:45:06 PM)

Stockholm syndrome and capture bondage are a very real possibility, and to some extent I am sure it would develop. However this being an agreed upon and discussed scene I think the depth that Stockholm or capture bondage syndrome would affect the psyche would be negligible. The priority of an extensive scene would be understanding the psychological fortitude of both parties, more importantly the slave. By implementation of the escape word there exists a basis of juxtaposed reality. In true cases of Stockholm or capture bonding there is no juxtaposed reality the situation is very real. While observing this thread the <sig> of LA keeps echoing at me “Find stable partners…” That would have to be the priority of such an endeavor. A partner that you trust, has your interest in mind, and can read you. As for micro-management, do set your scene where micro-management is not necessary. Provide the necessities, and keep a key within accessibility. Just as the escape word is present, so to is the key. Neither may not be used, but are there just the same. As for the time frame, work with what works good for you. I was discussing a hypothetical capture that would or could last months. With the first month building the anticipation of the capture. The element of not knowing when it would come, but knowing within 30 days it would, in fact, come.  I thank each and every one of you for replying, and hope that your views will help anyone considering this think it out carefully. I would still be interested in hearing more scenario’s and experiences.
 P.S. Where the heck are the Goreans?

spankmepink11 -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/4/2006 12:56:56 PM)

 As Aileen said...this has been one of my all time hottest favorite fantasies as well.
Of reality prohibits me from acting it out  for a longer period than a long possibly a week.
It has been such a  strong desire that i actually had a Dom friend of mine whoose hobby is photography take a series of "captured wench" photos in an old underground civil war fort.  Even though  he was more into the photo shoot...than having a captured wench to use at his whim....the effect on me was breathtaking.  My only problem was....trying to look like i was anything less than exquisitely  aroused and excited by being in that  position.
I worry that if i were lucky enough to find myself in such a situation....could i immerse myself completely enough to make it credible...for myself...and my Partner.  In short....i'm not sure i could put up much of a fight knowing that the person i was with  was One i trusted implicitly.

I do LOVE  the  idea of the Captor speaking another language.....very hot!!!!!!

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