RE: Mistress is worried (Full Version)

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urantiam -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 10:51:04 AM)


If you are going to reply to my thread, don't just post a little face, tell me what you really think.


Reflectivesoul -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 10:58:29 AM)

I thought I did that once? hmmmm lets see..... yes... yes I did..... have I changed my oppinion that I think you're insane? nope but I do know I want as far away from you when the disaster strikes as possible cause its going to be UGLY.
20 yrs no sex, whore for Domme..... gee I wonder what the motivations are here.
People that come into this lifestyle and pull the bullshit you and yours are doing make me sick. you run around making a joke out of a lifestyle that is meant to be safe. People wonder how "we" get a bad name, I dont, its idiots that come through here that brand the rest of us.
You are probably sitting there stroking off to every negative post on here mine included, but you should really take your cyber mistress and yourself off somewhere else because its pathetic at best.

urantiam -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 11:47:00 AM)


You must be a very unhappy person. You are judgemental and negative. All you are saying is pure speculation. If you are serious about your reply, saying that I give a bad name to this lifestyle because I love a woman, than you belong in a mental institution.

Good luck being alone for the rest of your life.


Proprietrix -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 11:54:53 AM)

First of all Urantiam, you are not a moderator, so you have no right to tell her what she can and cannot post on any thread on any forum, regardless of whether or not you were the OP.

Secondly, she hit the nail on the head when she said that she ALREADY DID tell you what she thought. We all told you what we thought, and you didn't give a rat's ass anyway, so why should anyone bother repeating themselves?

And Reflectivesoul brings up a valid point. (Although I wouldn't expect you to even come close to understanding since your value system is relatively opposite to most people here.) You fit ever so neatly into the portrait of what this lifestyle does NOT stand for, that your presence is merely tolerated, not enjoyed. A lot of people put a lot of hard work into trying to get BDSM at large to a point where safety is valued. A lot of people invest their time, energy, money, and skills into teaching safety techniques, setting up safety networks, being people's safe-calls, educating newcomers about safety, and holding seminars and workshops on safety. Then people like you and your lady come along and do things with total disregard to safety, and set everyone back 10 paces in trying to portray this as a lifestyle comprised of cognitive adults who adhere to principles of safety and emotional well-being.

Even those regarded at first glance as unsafe, such as no-limit slaves, can cognitively sit down as rational adults and explain how they look after their well-being by choosing Masters whose morals are in conjunction with their own. People who do edge-play are constantly looking for safer ways of doing it. People who weild whips often recall certain safety techniques their teachers instilled in them. Needle-players use sterilized needles. Masters who view their slaves as property still make sure those slaves are tended to, heathly, and happy in their stations. You and your lady defy one of the basic principles of this lifestyle, and furthermore, you're doing it in a way that screams that you want attention for doing so. What do you really expect to gain from us at this point?

If you don't give a shit about our advice here, why do you give a shit about someone posting a little face icon? Go about your merry way already. You've burnt most any bridge here that would be helpful to you in your journey. Go enjoy your life with your bedroom submissive, cyber-love-Domme, telephone sex operator, non-Dominant Mistress and the rest of us will be perfectly content to sit here and post little faces on any thread we wish.

With that being said ....[sm=boohoo.gif]

yourMissTress -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 12:30:00 PM)

And now from the woman that doesn't have a dominant bone in her body....

this thread will REALLY help business....

urantiam -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 12:31:25 PM)


You twist everything around to your advantage just to show how smart you are to other users. If you want to be a judge, go back to law school and stop wasting your time answering threads. This lifestyle existed before you were born and it is not you who invented it. Kinky people started this lifestyle a long time ago, because they enjoyed something different that they could not find in the vanilla world.

What the hell are you talking about anyway. Do you even know how this thread started ?

My Mistress said she will always be a whore in the bedroom. So she is no different from 99% of all women. Apart from that, where do you see a safety problem? Everybody having sex can get some kind of disease. The only way not to get anything is by practicing chasity. And I certainly don't think you practice it.


LadyHugs -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 12:52:47 PM)

Dear urantiam, Ladies and Gentlemen;
I wanted to mention that I am not part of the 99% of the women who are "whores" in the bedroom.
There is a difference between an easy lay and a whore, to which money is connected to the sex.
Perhaps if you would consider, that when you started the tread, that a whole bunch of kind hearted women, really worried about your welfare instead of the almighty dollar, spoke of concerns and perhaps experiences that just wanted you to make sure this is what you want to do.
As you know, we're all powerless to enforce our thoughts on you, thus the negative attitude manifested is not necessary.  Majority are just worried sick for you and just hope for exhausting all the avenues, should things turn bad for you.  The "What if" per se. 
If people did not care for you as a person, nobody would have responded with their posts.  It would be ignored.  Perhaps this should be considered.  Perhaps you will see how unkind you have been.
That said-- Do keep us informed of how happy you are, if you're safe.  We care--even if you don't.
Respectfully submitted,
Lady Hugs

urantiam -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 1:04:04 PM)

Lady Hugs.

Thank you for your reply. I can tell you are a wise woman. But I did thank the users for caring about my security. Calling my Mistress a whore is not going to help me in any way. She has a powerful sex drive and she does not do it for the money. A whore is just a term used to define how she likes to be used by a male dom. She has never asked money for sex and she is very picky on who she has sex with.

She will charge a fee for the phone sessions she plans to begin doing, but this is new to her also. She is a woman just like others. She does enjoy being a sub in the bedroom and I cannot satisfy her in that department since I am myself submissive also. She dreams of a bull, not a servant. But that is her decision.

Thank you!

BitaTruble -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 1:11:58 PM)


My Mistress said she will always be a whore in the bedroom. So she is no different from 99% of all women.

Um, excuse me, but just because your Mistress is a money grubbing whore, doesn't entitle you to put 99% of all women into that catagory.

I thought you were leaving this thread anyway. You lie a lot, or just a little?


Proprietrix -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 1:15:10 PM)

You know Urantium, I had many replies in mind, but as I see you dish out insults to those who disagree with you, and kiss ass of those who agree, it occurs to me that I really have zero inclination to defend my POV to the likes of you.
You're simply not worth any more of my time. My energy is better spent on people who want to grow and learn from one another, and enjoy discourse. I stand by my position that you are an idiot, and I'm more than done wasting any words on you.

urantiam -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 3:37:24 PM)


Have it your way. I am an idiot than. I know now that it is just no use to ask advice on the board. It does not mean that each member has the absolute truth. I ask for opinion, not judgement. Even the greatest scientist has been proven wrong.


thetammyjo -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 4:41:32 PM)

As I said in my original reply to your post, it really is a matter of the individuals involved and you need to discuss it with them -- each of them if there will be more than one dominant man in the picture.

The rest of my post was questions for you, for her since she asked us to address concerns to her.

My replies have been consistantly about my worries that both of you may be rushing into things. I asked questions hoping you'd consider them and then move on - together, separately, frankly I don't know you from Adam so I'm not emotionally involved more than how I generally want folks to do well and take time to get into things.

I've been consciously and purposely in the BDSM lifestyle and scene for over 16 years now. I've had my ups and downs, I've learned that slow can be good, I've learn how enticing speed can feel, I know which can result in longer term contentment for me.

As I've said, you and she might get lucky and this might work out great.

I don't want either of you to feel less than content now or in the future. I'm a worry wart this way.

In general the best advice will come when you know folks face-to-face and have built up a relationship. However that does not mean it will always be advice we wish to hear.

Don't sell yourself short, don't accept her selling herself short either. Be open to growing and changing over time. Based on my experience, this is a great approach to have to anything in life.

urantiam -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/17/2006 9:39:18 PM)


You are very kind. I am very happy to know that you are still following this thread and that you care about our happiness. Good luck to you as well and may all your wishes become reality.


urantiam -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/18/2006 12:28:42 PM)


Thank you for responding to my thread called;" Mistress is worried". I wish I could have thanked you before.


Sub03 -> RE: In Urantiams defense.......... (5/19/2006 12:18:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: collarworthy

When my sub Urantiam told me he was posting threads on this site for advice, I was glad to see he had an audience to help answer the questions that plague  him, even tho I knew he was opening himself up to potential ridicule. But Urantiam is a very "by the book" kind of sub; he  lives for the written word; whereas I'm more of a "fly by the seat of my pants" kinda gal. I learn something new about myself every day, such as the fact that my need to be dominated is purely sexual. In the bedroom, I cry like a kitten and beg to be used; in the business world, I go toe to toe with management and would rather die than be told what to do. let alone get on all fours and accept a whipping for someones personal gratification. . I'm grateful that I made this discovery before it was too late. Therefore, when Urantiam told me he wanted to ask you people online their advice on this subject, I saw no real harm.
But after reading the responses he's gotten, I'm a little disheartened at some of the feedback he's been receiving.  I dont think anyone is intending to hurt his feelings, but I fear they are nonetheless. Urantiam is a very emotional person. He feels things deeply. I dont see what can be gained by poking fun at his genuine quest for advice, and while I thank those who have answered him sincerely, I would suggest that those who have nothing nice to say should say nothing at all. In particular, the concern about us having spent any " real time " together, altho warranted, shouldn't be the main issue here. We have spent hours and hours on the phone, and webcams are a wonderful way to prove whether a person is "real" or not. While I can understand those who question the viability of "love" on his side in such a new relationship, I have to ask:  in a world where people use others as human toilets; where subs / slaves are beaten and tortured in their quest for " happiness";  where people are shoving ponies tails up their butts and allowing themsevles to be branded like cattle to prove their worthiness, how can anyone question whether its possible for a sub to love someone so quickly. I will plead guilty to the fact that this relationship is moving at a fast pace, but that certainly didnt seem to bother any of the potential Doms I spoke to before realizing I wasn't capable of lasting in that arrangement. They had me hogtied and collared after the first five minutes. Suggestions of piercings and whippings and torture...oh my! 
I dont have a Domme bone in my body, and Urantiam is aware of that fact.. I cant even punish my puppy when it pees on the floor. I would be just as happy for him to call me by my given name instead of Mistress, but it makes him happy to address me that way so I dont question it. Urantiams' feelings, altho intense, are stemmed merely from a desire to serve, and mine in return to his, are based on the need to be worshipped and cared for. He has no problem accepting the fact that I still seek dominants for sex, and I have no problem accepting the fact that he isnt capable of fulfilling me in that department.  His relocation here will either work or it wont. But as no children or family are involved in this decision,  neither of us can see where anyone can be hurt if it doesnt work out. And on a site where people hurt people every day, physically AND mentally, how can that be wrong? In closing, I ask that if you have to poke fun at someone, then please,  poke it at me. My skin is much thicker than his, and the only place I can ever be hurt is in the bedroom. Urantiam  is guilty of nothing more than being a complete submissive and seeking someone to serve.  I  only hope Im able to do him justice as his Mistress

*just shakes head* i dont even know what to say about that....that has laft me totally speechless.

Sub03 -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/19/2006 12:32:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Proprietrix

First of all Urantiam, you are not a moderator, so you have no right to tell her what she can and cannot post on any thread on any forum, regardless of whether or not you were the OP.

Secondly, she hit the nail on the head when she said that she ALREADY DID tell you what she thought. We all told you what we thought, and you didn't give a rat's ass anyway, so why should anyone bother repeating themselves?

And Reflectivesoul brings up a valid point. (Although I wouldn't expect you to even come close to understanding since your value system is relatively opposite to most people here.) You fit ever so neatly into the portrait of what this lifestyle does NOT stand for, that your presence is merely tolerated, not enjoyed. A lot of people put a lot of hard work into trying to get BDSM at large to a point where safety is valued. A lot of people invest their time, energy, money, and skills into teaching safety techniques, setting up safety networks, being people's safe-calls, educating newcomers about safety, and holding seminars and workshops on safety. Then people like you and your lady come along and do things with total disregard to safety, and set everyone back 10 paces in trying to portray this as a lifestyle comprised of cognitive adults who adhere to principles of safety and emotional well-being.

Even those regarded at first glance as unsafe, such as no-limit slaves, can cognitively sit down as rational adults and explain how they look after their well-being by choosing Masters whose morals are in conjunction with their own. People who do edge-play are constantly looking for safer ways of doing it. People who weild whips often recall certain safety techniques their teachers instilled in them. Needle-players use sterilized needles. Masters who view their slaves as property still make sure those slaves are tended to, heathly, and happy in their stations. You and your lady defy one of the basic principles of this lifestyle, and furthermore, you're doing it in a way that screams that you want attention for doing so. What do you really expect to gain from us at this point?

If you don't give a shit about our advice here, why do you give a shit about someone posting a little face icon? Go about your merry way already. You've burnt most any bridge here that would be helpful to you in your journey. Go enjoy your life with your bedroom submissive, cyber-love-Domme, telephone sex operator, non-Dominant Mistress and the rest of us will be perfectly content to sit here and post little faces on any thread we wish.

With that being said ....[sm=boohoo.gif]

All I can say is amen.....that says everything right there.

Sorry for the double post.....but just so i dont do another post i will tack this one on to this.

My Mistress said she will always be a whore in the bedroom. So she is no different from 99% of all women.
Speaking for myself and if i may bo so bold to speak for the 99% percent of women that you are calling I am no whore, I am my Master's whore, slut, bitch and any other name you can think of but that dosent make me a whore that will sleep with just anyone.

caitlyn -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/19/2006 12:52:25 PM)

I really don't have any relationship advice to offer ... I have enough relationship issues of my own. [;)]
I just hope things work out for you ... and even if they don't, perhaps you will just have a learning experience to fall back on.
I would make a casual observation though, if you don't mind.
If you post on a message board asking for advice, the best response you can make to people, is no response at all. If the topic is difficult, as this one is, then you will get all the variety of responses you could ever want. Even if you don't agree with someone's opinion, you don't really need to respond and make it look like you have your heals dug in ... someone else will gladly take that gauntlet up for you.
Again, good luck to you. [:D]

Sab -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/19/2006 1:14:26 PM)


cheekysmile -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/19/2006 3:31:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: Proprietrix

First of all Urantiam, you are not a moderator, so you have no right to tell her what she can and cannot post on any thread on any forum, regardless of whether or not you were the OP.


ohhh..... my thanks Proprietrix Ma'am, that has saved me a hell of alot of writing.
i just want to pick up on a point here if i thing i have noticed is the lack of respect this boy has to the Dominants on this thread, may cheeky please apologise for and on behalf of him for this, i sure hope the first lesson he learns is respect of his Dominant. and other Dominants he shall meet on his daily life walk.
all W/we can do is sit back and be ready to pick up the pieces when you will ultimately fall and put you back on your feet....i must say only you will be the one to deside if you seriously want to take the sound advise given here on this thread....or make the mistake and reap the consiquences. just know W/we will be here to help you either way im sure.
posted respectfully

Reflectivesoul -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/19/2006 7:50:26 PM)

Thank you for a great post. Honestly though I feel it will fall to deaf ears on the OP's part.

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