RE: In Urantiams defense.......... (Full Version)

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UtopianRanger -> RE: In Urantiams defense.......... (5/8/2006 10:40:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: collarworthy

When my sub Urantiam told me he was posting threads on this site for advice, I was glad to see he had an audience to help answer the questions that plague  him, even tho I knew he was opening himself up to potential ridicule. But Urantiam is a very "by the book" kind of sub; he  lives for the written word; whereas I'm more of a "fly by the seat of my pants" kinda gal. I learn something new about myself every day, such as the fact that my need to be dominated is purely sexual. In the bedroom, I cry like a kitten and beg to be used; in the business world, I go toe to toe with management and would rather die than be told what to do. let alone get on all fours and accept a whipping for someones personal gratification. . I'm grateful that I made this discovery before it was too late. Therefore, when Urantiam told me he wanted to ask you people online their advice on this subject, I saw no real harm.
But after reading the responses he's gotten, I'm a little disheartened at some of the feedback he's been receiving.  I dont think anyone is intending to hurt his feelings, but I fear they are nonetheless. Urantiam is a very emotional person. He feels things deeply. I dont see what can be gained by poking fun at his genuine quest for advice, and while I thank those who have answered him sincerely, I would suggest that those who have nothing nice to say should say nothing at all. In particular, the concern about us having spent any " real time " together, altho warranted, shouldn't be the main issue here. We have spent hours and hours on the phone, and webcams are a wonderful way to prove whether a person is "real" or not. While I can understand those who question the viability of "love" on his side in such a new relationship, I have to ask:  in a world where people use others as human toilets; where subs / slaves are beaten and tortured in their quest for " happiness";  where people are shoving ponies tails up their butts and allowing themsevles to be branded like cattle to prove their worthiness, how can anyone question whether its possible for a sub to love someone so quickly. I will plead guilty to the fact that this relationship is moving at a fast pace, but that certainly didnt seem to bother any of the potential Doms I spoke to before realizing I wasn't capable of lasting in that arrangement. They had me hogtied and collared after the first five minutes. Suggestions of piercings and whippings and torture...oh my! 
I dont have a Domme bone in my body, and Urantiam is aware of that fact.. I cant even punish my puppy when it pees on the floor. I would be just as happy for him to call me by my given name instead of Mistress, but it makes him happy to address me that way so I dont question it. Urantiams' feelings, altho intense, are stemmed merely from a desire to serve, and mine in return to his, are based on the need to be worshipped and cared for. He has no problem accepting the fact that I still seek dominants for sex, and I have no problem accepting the fact that he isnt capable of fulfilling me in that department.  His relocation here will either work or it wont. But as no children or family are involved in this decision,  neither of us can see where anyone can be hurt if it doesnt work out. And on a site where people hurt people every day, physically AND mentally, how can that be wrong? In closing, I ask that if you have to poke fun at someone, then please,  poke it at me. My skin is much thicker than his, and the only place I can ever be hurt is in the bedroom. Urantiam  is guilty of nothing more than being a complete submissive and seeking someone to serve.  I  only hope Im able to do him justice as his Mistress

Well... I don't think anyone meant to poke fun or ridicule him. I think anytime you post on a message board, asking for this kind of advice, you're subject to receive many different types of responses, some of which you're surely not to like.

Personally.... I think most of the responses where very logical/real world and given by experienced folks.

 - R

collarworthy -> RE: In Urantiams defense.......... (5/8/2006 10:45:51 PM)

Im sure your right Utopian. I jus worry that Urantiam will take the negative remarks to heart. Hes much too kind a man to be able to deal with negative feedback. Butg thank you for putting it in perspective

HarryVanWinkle -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 11:05:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: urantiam

Lady Angel.

It says in my new profile that I have been in contact with other dommes. I also thank them for the time they have given me. But the decision of becoming Mistress Cynthia's property was not mine, but hers. I had to wait to know if she wanted slaves in her life. Last week her profile said she was a sub and she will always be one in the bedroom. So! When I offered to be her slave, she said she had to think about  the concept.

There is no dishonesty on my part.
I love this woman with all my heart.



While I wish you both good fortune and hope it works out for you and your new Mistress, I think the probability that it will is extremely small.  Not to say impossible, but very unlikely.  How can you love this woman with all your heart when you don't even know her?  You met her online less than a week ago and you know that she's the One for you?

I once spent six months talking with a Domina, online and by phone, for hours every day.  I was sure she was the one for me.  After six months of talking, I finally was able to travel 2200 miles to meet her.  The chemistry that seemed so strong for over six months wasn't there at all when we met face to face.  A trial visit that was scheduled for three weeks lasted less than twenty four hours.  And this was an experienced Domina who knew exactly what she wanted.

My advice would be to go meet her.  Spend several weks there at the very least.  Then go back to your life and think about it, long and hard.  Then, and only then, make the decision as to whether or not to uproot your entire life and move to her.

collarworthy -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 11:13:30 PM)

thank you for the advice. I would have no problem with that arrangement.

HarryVanWinkle -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 11:14:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: urantiam


Thank you for your reply. All the advice is appreciated, but the original question was, will my presence in the life of my Mistress intefere with her sex life. My Mistress is new to this also and she will always love to be dominated in bed. I will be her slave, therefor, my purpose will be to serve as a domestic. She is attracted by strong alpha males and I am not of them. Yes! She is now considering owning many subs and she will need a master in the bedroom from time to time.. SO! Will a dominant male mind if her house as male servants present.


The answer to your question, straight up is, That depends entirely on the dominant male.  Some might, some might not.  My question, are YOU prepared to be kicked to the curb if she falls for a dominant male who does mind your presense?

ElectraGlide -> RE: In Urantiams defense.......... (5/8/2006 11:54:50 PM)

Collarworthy I wish you and Urantiams the best. Like you described you two have nothing to loose. Give it your best and see what happens.

agirl -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/9/2006 2:47:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: urantiam


Thank you for your reply. All the advice is appreciated, but the original question was, will my presence in the life of my Mistress intefere with her sex life. My Mistress is new to this also and she will always love to be dominated in bed. I will be her slave, therefor, my purpose will be to serve as a domestic. She is attracted by strong alpha males and I am not of them. Yes! She is now considering owning many subs and she will need a master in the bedroom from time to time.. SO! Will a dominant male mind if her house as male servants present.


 With respect urantiam, you are asking questions that no-one can possibly answer.

What you ARE receiving are people's considered opinions based on the fact that you are asking these questions.

BECAUSE your Mistress isn't experienced, BECAUSE neither of you know each other well and BECAUSE of the different dynamics that will be's not surprising that people are not wholly positive. It's called common sense and experience.

 You asked for advice and you have it. Common sense would suggest that you at least ask yourself WHY caution is hinted at.

Regards, agirl

collarworthy -> RE: In Urantiams defense.......... (5/9/2006 7:02:50 AM)

Thank you ElectraGlide. Your comment is appreciated. All the best to you as well

collarworthy -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/9/2006 7:06:16 AM)

Yes agirl, I understand and appreciate that. But surely theres a way to get your point across without using phrases like "train wreck waiting to happen" and "lets bring out the popcorn". Even  you must sense the ridicule in remarks like that. When a person asks for advice, theyre asking for just that...advice. Not judgement. I dont think anyone on this site has the right to judge anyone. Lets not forget where we are here. The Walton family we aint!

unquenchable -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/9/2006 7:26:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: urantiam

I will be serving Mistress Cinthia known as (collarworthy) on this site, starting in July. I really love this woman and I want to serve her for the rest of my life. We have agreed that even if she is a switch, I will always be her slave and I will never be permitted to dominate her. My Mistress is however very worried that my presence in her home might drive away dominant males from wanting to dominate her in bed. She really loves to be treated like a whore in the bedroom as states her profile and she does not want to lose this exciting real time bedroom action.

Will my presence interfere with her sex life?

Will alpha males still want to abuse my Mistress knowing she owns a slave?

We are both new to this, so all the advice can only help us.


There is no real way to answer this.  It depends on the Doms who may want to 'play' with her, no?

For advice..

Take your time, I fear both may learn a hard lesson here but wish you both the best.


SweetDommes -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/9/2006 9:07:42 AM)

I have been watching this thread quietly, up until now ... but I feel the need to point out a few things.

a - while "lets bring out the popcorn" isn't an appropriate reply to a request for advice, I thought it was stated because the OP was not likeing the advice he was getting and was getting defensive about it, not in reference to the actual request for advice.

b- I feel that the situation described in the OP is "a train wreck waiting to happen" - and I say that honestly with absolutely no ridicule intended.  The situation, as I understand it, is that a slave messaged a sub about serving her - a sub with no experience as a Top at all ... who now suddenly wants a stable of slaves.  The 180 in orientation just by suggestion bothers me on many levels, but mostly because it shows that the person in question doesn't really know what they want - and if you don't know what you want then it makes it much harder to find it (and keep it).  If I'm wrong about the situation, please correct me ... but that's what I have gotten from this thread.

c- Does anyone else find it suspicious that his submissive-turned-Domme suddenly appeared on this thread after he started getting responses that he didn't like?  I realize that her profile has been on CM since March, but ... it's still incredibly coincidental that she appears over here, only posts on his thread, and only after he is pissy because people gave him advice he didn't want to hear. 

Just my opinion on this thread ... take it or leave it.


collarworthy -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/9/2006 10:24:07 AM)

SweetDommes, I appreciate your snippets of wisdom, but I honestly dont know which one to touch on first. The fact that I came to the realization that I want to be dommed in the bedroom but not in my every day life seems to be difficult for you to wrap your mind around. But I dont see why. This whole lifestyle we've chosen to partake in is anything but ordinary by anyones standards. I take a quote from your profile as an example: "We just discovered that the boy I was to marry was cheating on us with an minor (who, unfortunately, is still legal due to the age of consent laws in Indiana).  After this experience, I just don't have the heart to deal with a new search, or pretty much with anyone but rob and Holly
When I read this, I found it very confusing. No doubt anyone from the vanilla world would find it even more confusing. But Im certain it makes sense to you, and rob, and Holly. And really, what else matters?  This lifestyle doesnt come with many rules. I highly doubt that the subs and doms who troll this sites started out that way as children. I cant imagine a 7 year telling his friends in the playground, " when i grow up, I want to find a slave that I can piss on and torture and lock in a cage"  No, I doubt that happens. So the fact that I have discovered a new side to myself, late in life, and acted on it, shouldnt be so mystical to you.
As for you finding it coincidental,not to mention suspicious that ive only added to Urantiams thread, that one stumps me completely! Im not a believer in asking peoples advice. Urantiam is. And the only reason I joined in on his  conversation is becuz I feel Urantiam is taking unwarranted  and unjustified ridicule. As a person who cares for him, I simply wanted to try and explain his logic for coming on this site, and to ask those who respond to it to treat him kindly, as hes a very sensitive man. But suspicious? Why? Becuz I"ve never posted a thread on a message board before? lol  I guess in my defence, Ive never felt the need to and I generally have better things to do in my life then read a message board. I hope that takes away any suspicion you may have about me SweetDommes, becuz trust me, its completely unwarranted.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/9/2006 11:30:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: collarworthy
I hope that takes away any suspicion you may have about me SweetDommes, becuz trust me, its completely unwarranted.

Yeah, my concerns are more based on the fact that, two days before this thread started I received an email from him wanting to talk to me as he was looking for a woman to own him.

Two days later...there's this.

MistressWolfen -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/9/2006 11:41:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross


ORIGINAL: collarworthy
I hope that takes away any suspicion you may have about me SweetDommes, becuz trust me, its completely unwarranted.

Yeah, my concerns are more based on the fact that, two days before this thread started I received an email from him wanting to talk to me as he was looking for a woman to own him.

Two days later...there's this.

*goes and checks my mail log* hmmmmmmm looks and LA and says yup 3 days at this end. But bless and I wish them all that they deserve.

collarworthy -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/9/2006 12:08:04 PM)

That would only concern me if his emails to you, or anyone else, were AFTER he had posted that thread lol. But thank you for your input

MistressWolfen -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/9/2006 12:24:29 PM)

no need for concern at all collarworthy, it was a courteous hello and statement of availabilty

collarworthy -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/9/2006 1:34:22 PM)

Therein lies the problem little girl. Why should you have any concern either way? What Uraniam did , or who he contacted, prior to us making our decision, is of no importance to me whatsoever. So why should it be of any concern to you? lol.  Im certain you have your hands full as it is, what with your busy lifestyle. Why take the time to respond to a thread where advice was asked, and you have none to give? Your only goal was to perhaps cause trouble, and I would have expected more from someone so well educated.. Don't you think he and I have enough obstacles to overcome without your help?  Your a lovely young  woman, and im certain any sub would be honoured to serve you. I pale to you in both age and beauty. But if you were hoping I'd feel threatened that Urantiam contacted you while I was still in the decision making process, then Im sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not. I wish you all the best is your life.  cynthia 

theRose4U -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/9/2006 7:26:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: kneltandtied

Takes a deep breath..looks you in the eyes...WAKE UP..ok? i suggest you read this article about submissive frenzy ..because i have to say you are showing all the symptoms. -
keep safe

Scariest he's not gotten close enough to her to have frenzy.

agirl -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/10/2006 1:14:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: collarworthy

Yes agirl, I understand and appreciate that. But surely theres a way to get your point across without using phrases like "train wreck waiting to happen" and "lets bring out the popcorn". Even  you must sense the ridicule in remarks like that. When a person asks for advice, theyre asking for just that...advice. Not judgement. I dont think anyone on this site has the right to judge anyone. Lets not forget where we are here. The Walton family we aint!

I agree that some remarks were a little lighthearted.....but many aren't.
Even so....underlying it all is the word *caution*.......

I have no feelings either way...your life and his are just that.

 I can't offer worthwhile  advice as I don't know either of you...but I suppose I would ask, why be in so much of a hurry?

Why not give things a little more time and give a difficult and complicated scenario a better chance of working out, avoiding any pitfalls that may arise from not knowing each other?

Wanting to be owned and wishing to own are understandable in many cases....but if urantium has these worries, maybe more time would clarify things in a way that no advice in the world could.

Regards, agirl

Valkyrieschains -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/10/2006 2:30:17 AM)

I've been reading quietly too, because the submissive in question appears to have another profile that he is contacting others with, or someone has lifted the picture; I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt there, people have done stranger things...but collarworthy's profile seems to have vanished, so I'm wondering if we weren't just taken on a little ride.


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